The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2788 2 pieces of liquid metal

"Giggle, Sister Wuyan is right! How about we go ask Liufeng now?" Fairy Xiangsui said with a sweet smile.

"Wait a minute!" Fairy Yunzhi said.

The girls were startled and looked at her...

Fairy Yunzhi smiled, clasped her hair on her temples with her slender fingers, and said with a smile: "Everyone wants to see Mr. Liufeng. There is no need to deny this, right? But..."

"But what?"

"Even if you are all so anxious to see him, you can't just come to him like this, right? You know, you are all descendants of the royal family, and you are the descendants of nobles, nobles, and wealthy businessmen who don't want to meet you. For those of you who can see us, it's good now. You don't care about your identity and status at all. You are rushing to come to our door to flatter and invite favors. Liufeng's performance in teaching Gui Dagen in the core area shows that he is highly intelligent and capable. He can also Can't you see your little thoughts? How will this make him view us royal women?" Fairy Yunzhi said.

"This..." These fairies all had their faces flushed and lowered their heads...

"Sister Zhi, don't you like Liufeng? Don't you want to see him?" Fairy Wuyan teased.

"I... what I like are just his works, like the song "Spring River Flowers and Moonlight Night", one person, one music world, starry wine..." Fairy Yunzhi said.

"You haven't drunk Xing Lun Wine yet! Let me tell you, I heard from Grandpa Liu that Liufeng's tea ceremony is more powerful than Xing Lun Wine, so I just want to have a drink of tea..." Xiang Sui Fairy interjected.

"What?!" All the girls were shocked and looked at each other.

I didn’t expect this amazing news!

If the tea ceremony of Rukeng is better than the wine ceremony, how much better would it be? Thinking about this makes people feel incredible...

"Are you telling the truth?!" Fairy Yunzhi asked through gritted teeth.

"Of course! I'm not making this up. Grandpa Six, Lord Ye Xing, and Master Xuan all said so. They are so impressed by Liu Feng now..." Fairy Xiangsui said.

"Oh my god!!!" The girls were in an uproar.

Where do they have the energy to investigate any case? Everyone looked at Yunzhi, hoping that she would speak up quickly...

Fairy Yunzhi's heart was in turmoil,

To be honest, she wanted to go find Liu Feng and talk to him about poetry, music, tea, wine, or anything else...

However, her modesty as a direct descendant of the royal family made her reluctant to take this step. However, if she did not agree to the requests of these sisters, I am afraid that she would have an inhumane image in their minds in the future. The only way for them to obey is the majesty of the royal family, but that is definitely not what she wants now...

Just when she was in a dilemma, the savior suddenly came. It was Ruifeng and Li Ting who had gone out to investigate the Yeshi clan.

"Sister Zhi! Sister Zhi! Sister Zhi!!!" Li Ting shouted and rushed in.

Fairy Yunzhi's eyes lit up and she quickly asked: "How is it?!"

"Found it! Found it!!"

"What did you find?!"

"Liquid... liquid metal!!!" Li Ting said excitedly.

"Liquid metal?! Oh my god!!!" Everyone screamed when they heard this. They had already forgotten what happened before and gathered around...

But they saw Ruifeng and Li Ting each taking out a small box. They didn't know what kind of material it was, and then they carefully turned it open. Two rays of metallic luster reflected instantly, illuminating the faces of these people. Golden light shines…

"Wow!!!" Everyone was in an uproar.

Xiangsui Fairy stretched out her slender fingers and wanted to touch it, but she heard Ruifeng shout: "Be careful!"

She was startled, quickly retracted her fingers, and looked at Ruifeng in surprise...

"This liquid metal is highly corrosive and toxic. It is dangerous to even approach it, let alone touch it!" Ruifeng explained.

"Is that so?!"

Fairy Yunzhi nodded. With a sweep of her consciousness, she realized that the two pieces of metal inside were indeed corrosive and toxic. She couldn't help but said: "Xiao Feng is right, they are indeed dangerous! Where did you get them? "

"Aren't we going to check out the Yeshi Clan's spaceship? Their spaceship is docked at the space port, and their people are guarding it to prevent anyone from getting close..." Ruifeng said.

"Oh?!" The girls were startled and looked at each other.

"But wasn't there a strange spaceship robbery earlier? We took some soldiers from the space port and looked everywhere on the pretext of inspection. Of course, we focused on the Yeshi Clan's spacecraft!" Ruifeng said proudly.

"Not bad!!!" Everyone praised.

"What's the result? Is it a liquid metal spaceship?" Yun Zhi asked urgently.

"Probably not! It looks like an ordinary spaceship..."

"Then what's going on with these two pieces of liquid metal?" Yun Zhiqi asked.

"When we went on inspection, one of the Yeshi tribe secretly gave it to me..."

"What?!" Everyone was stunned.

Yun Zhi was also slightly startled, but she quickly reacted and said, "Could it be our spy?!"

"It's very possible! But this person didn't identify himself or show his face. He only told me after stuffing that he knew that the two boxes had arrived on me..." Ruifeng sighed.

"Yes! Of course he won't expose himself! We have to put a chess piece into the opponent's camp. We don't know how much it will cost. He can't expose himself just for these two pieces of metal... Now it seems that he should be smelted The Stone Tribe people arranged to guard the spaceship at the space port and cannot leave at will, so they cannot give this thing to the commander, but he must know you and know that you are doing things safely, so he simply put it on you and informed you to take it away..." Yun Fairy Zhi analyzed.

"That makes sense..." Everyone nodded in agreement...

Ruifeng said: "This should be the case! This person took great risks to steal these two treasures. It can be said that he has made a great contribution!"

"Yes! We have to give them to the commander, but just give him a piece, and we will study the rest ourselves..." Yun Zhi said thoughtfully.

"Yes, it's hard to get such a treasure, how can you hand it all over? At least keep one piece..." Fairy Wuyan snorted.

"That's right..." Everyone agreed.

So Yun Zhi asked Ruifeng and Li Ting to send one piece to Jin Feng, while she kept one piece. Following the prompts, she put on a pair of special gloves and picked up the piece of metal, and found that it was not like an ordinary liquid. Instead of fluid, it is relatively solid and feels relatively soft. It will deform slightly when rubbed with a little force and heated up...

She fiddled with it for a while and discovered many properties of liquid metal. She couldn't help but praise: "It's really amazing! The Stone Clan can actually refine such a treasure. Now it's a bit troublesome..."

"Sister Zhi, what's the trouble?" Fairy Xiangsu asked.

"Such precious materials cannot be refined by relying on breakthroughs in one or two aspects. Instead, they require breakthroughs in many fields. Many talents must work together to study and understand the principles, and there must be superb experts. Refining skills are inseparable from the improvement of venues, tools, energy, etc. In short, the appearance of this piece of liquid metal marks that the overall level of the Smelting Stone Clan has risen to another level, and their strength must have been greatly enhanced. The threat to us Mojie tribe is certainly greater! In short, they have been secretly competing with us Mojie tribe in recent years, and they are also tougher in handling some relationships..." Fairy Yunzhi analyzed.

"So, does the Yeshi Clan want to become independent?"

"Then let them go independently and see what they can do without our Mojie tribe..."

"Yes, since they are so powerful, why do we care about it? It's best not to let them use that passage!"

"That's right..."

"Hmph, if they really dare to be independent, the commander must deal with them well, right?"

"That's for sure!"

"Although they have liquid metal and pose a certain threat to us, with our strength, it is more than enough to defeat them..."

"Exactly, just call them now and hand over all their secrets about liquid metal!"

"That makes sense..."

The fairies all echoed...

When Fairy Yunzhi heard what they said, she couldn't help but sigh in her heart, why are these sisters so unimproved? Do you really think that the Mojie tribe has the final say in this starry sky? Are all other races just papery?

Although each major starry sky is called by the name of a race, it only shows that that race is indeed a powerful race and can be used as a representative of that starry sky, and their more precise identity is actually that starry sky. An alliance leader of all the major races. This alliance is an extremely loose alliance. It is basically formed based on the relatively close relationship in the star field. However, it is only the more powerful dozens of major races that have signed the agreement and formed the real alliance. Most of the others are scattered everywhere, and some can't even be found.

Even the races that signed the contract do not value this alliance very much, because the agreement is very minimally binding. It is basically a verbal agreement with no rights and obligations. Therefore, the most important thing for each race is to take care of themselves. , when you are blessed, you will not share it with others. When you are in trouble, it is a favor for others to save you, but it is a reason not to save you...

If the strength of the Yeshi Tribe exceeds that of the Mojie Tribe in the future, then people may call this starry sky the Yeshi Starry Sky, but that’s it…

Fairy Yunzhi sighed: "Sisters, please don't get excited... things are not what you think. The Yeshi Clan is a big clan. Although it is not as big as our Mojie Clan, their strength should not be underestimated. We are not talking about fighting. Just fight, the kind of opponent that you will definitely win if you fight. Not only have their civilization improved rapidly in recent years, but they have also accumulated a large number of talents. Now they have developed liquid metal and their strength has been further improved. If a war really breaks out between the two sides, I'm afraid The fight will be extremely fierce, and even if our Mojie tribe wins in the end, we may kill a thousand enemies and suffer eight hundred losses, which will definitely be a tragic victory!"

"Oh my god..."

"This is how to do?"

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