The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2735 Liquid Metal Plan

Latest website: In fact, during the research process of Li Yun and Xiaoxing, they have already dabbled in liquid metals, and have even achieved the development of gaseous metals...

The earliest time can be traced back to the time when Xuanling Qi State One was studied.

Xuanling Gaseous One is the largest gaseous planet in the Xuanling solar system. It is also a protector of the habitable zone. It attracts many interstellar wandering materials. Under its thick atmosphere, due to the huge atmospheric pressure, the underlying materials The molecules are already in a free state. This layer can be called the ionized layer, and this layer of ionized layer is actually a gaseous metal!

In other words, under the atmosphere of the gaseous planet, there is actually a layer of gaseous metal. This is a huge and vast ocean of metal. If not a powerful person, I am afraid no one would dare to swim there...

Because under such pressure, many material molecules can no longer maintain their normal material structure. The atoms, molecular electrons and other particles in them will be torn apart and are in an ionized state. Wherever ordinary people go, I am afraid that the materials that make up the body will The molecules will also be torn apart, and will soon be shattered into pieces!

This gaseous metal layer on the star plays a major role in the formation of the star's magnetic field, and the magnetic field can play a very good protective role in the entire star.

During the research at that time, the two people associated the gaseous metal layer with the liquid metal!

Because at the time, gaseous metal was too scary, and the pressure required for its formation was too great and difficult to achieve. If it were liquid metal, the situation would be much better. Therefore, Xiaoxing has been developing it since then. Liquid metal, with great results.

The formation of this metal is closely related to the properties of the substance itself. Some metals themselves have liquid properties, but it is basically difficult for those metals to produce the kind of liquid metal that Li Yun and Xiaoxing want. The ideal Liquid metal should be an alloy of certain metals and other substances. This is of course related to powerful refining methods. Good liquid metal has excellent properties, high strength and hardness, scratch resistance, corrosion resistance, corrosion of others, etc. Especially in terms of morphological changes, it has great advantages!

Liquid metal has many applications, such as weapons, armor, utensils, buildings, formations, bases, fuel, artillery shells, daily necessities, decorative items, etc. Among them, in liquid weapons, armor, fuel The application effects of these aspects with artillery shells are very strange, and there are many unexpected aspects.

For example, liquid metal fuel can protect the core reaction very well during nuclear fusion, and liquid metal shells are not only extremely powerful in explosions, but can also have a strong corrosive effect, making the opponent's metal shell extremely fragile. …

And the ultimate use of liquid metal,

It is applied to the outer shell of the spacecraft!

That's right! Now there is a layer of liquid metal in the outer shell of Star Luck Castle. With this layer of liquid metal, Star Luck Castle can be deformed more freely, and it can be transformed into any shape it wants...

The advanced liquid metal layer is like a liquid ocean, with extremely strong ductility and impact resistance. It can disperse the impact force well and play a strong protective role.

Of course, it is not easy to keep the metal layer in a liquid state, and there are many difficulties. However, with the efforts of think tanks, these difficulties have been overcome one by one.

Developing liquid metal is troublesome enough. If you want to develop gaseous metal, it will be truly difficult. Once successful, it will be a breakthrough and can lead to the improvement of the entire civilization. There is no doubt about this.

But now, Xingyun Castle has actually been upgraded again, that is, it has a gaseous metal layer!

Didn't Star Fortune Castle appear like a nebula to the outside before? In fact, deep in the nebula, there is a layer of gaseous metal. This gaseous metal ocean gives Xingyun Castle enough protection. This is one of the reasons why Li Yun and Xiaoxing have strong confidence to visit the dark universe. one.

Xingyun Castle's civilization has reached level seven or above, and many of its achievements have far exceeded people's imagination. Therefore, in the eyes of Li Yun and Xiaoxing, there is no need to brag more, they can just know...

Whether it is liquid metal or gaseous metal, it is often formed under the action of the natural forces of the universe. If it is developed by a living race, you can imagine how difficult it is.

Just how to create such huge pressure is difficult. Even if there is a way, can you control the pressure well after creating it?

If something goes wrong out of control, you will be the first to suffer!

This is actually a very realistic issue. The higher a civilization develops, the energy level it relies on will inevitably become more and more powerful. And the greater the energy, the higher the corresponding control requirements will be, because once there is a problem in control, problem, then the damage caused will be much greater than at a low civilization level!

This is the two-sided nature of things. If there is a good side, there will also be a bad side. The greater the energy, the better the effect will naturally be, but at the same time it will also be more destructive. If you ignore this, it is very likely that in the end On the contrary, there are many such cases in history. Many civilizations were destroyed by the powerful weapons they invented and created. There were various reasons for the destruction, or the technology could not keep up. Either there is internal strife, and ruthless people within the civilization use these weapons to bombard each other, or it is just bad luck and is caused by external factors...

Therefore, the development of liquid metal and gaseous metal is definitely the result of the overall development of a civilization, rather than relying on breakthrough development in one or two aspects to solve the problem.

If the Yeshi tribe can really solve this problem, then their overall level of civilization will surpass that of the Mojie tribe. There is no doubt about this!

"Sir, developing liquid metal is just a top-secret plan of theirs, and it was proposed by a genius recently. In fact, it's just a piece of cake..." Xiaoxing said.

"That's it! Who is this genius?"

"This man is called Ruzhi, and he is a high-level metalsmith. However, his most important achievement is the comprehensive study of metals. In the Stone Metallurgical Tribe, he is praised as one of the mentor-level figures by the tribe, and he has many disciples. He has countless talented disciples and disciples, and the reason why he proposed this plan was to have a debate contest with another mentor-level figure, Obo. As a result, after the debate contest between the two, the plan was rejected by the top of the Yeshi Clan. It was accepted and included in the top secret plan for research..."

"Ru Zhi... Ao Bo... It seems that the Yeshi Clan has accumulated a lot of talents. To be able to become mentors, these two people must have extremely advanced research and understanding in the art. We really need to get to know them..." Li Yun praised.

"It's easy. Now these two people have been invited to the core area by the Yeshi Clan's senior officials, and they are studying how to deal with our strong wind ball!"

Little …

Sitting at the top was Lun Beier, the current leader of the Yeshi Clan. He looked tall and powerful with thick eyebrows, big eyes, and a beard.

On the left is Ru Zhi, who proposed the liquid metal plan. As his name suggests, he appears elegant and wise, with an air of knowing everything he knows.

On his right is Ao Bo, who is having a debate competition with Ru Zhi. This person's face is a little rough, but there is an air of shrewdness in his rough face. Especially his eyes are quite sharp, and he seems to be able to see through the secrets in other people's hearts at a glance...

Rumbel looked at the big colorful ball on the screen, and his expression was obviously not much better. He picked up a message in his hand and said: "Just now Master Xuanji Damo sent another reminder, mentioning the terrifying nature of this storm, let us be sure to We need to pay more attention to it and do our best to prevent it, but..."

"But what?" Obo asked.

"He reminded us not to interfere or influence its direction. It is best to wait passively without even making a sound..." Rumberg said.

"This..." Ao Bo was startled and looked at Ru Zhi.

The two are not only opponents in debates, but also very good friends in private. This is something that many people did not expect.

"Why did the great master say this? Can we just wait passively?" asked Rumbel.

Ao Bo pondered: "Master Damo's words are not finished, which makes us a little confused! He must have his reasons for saying this, but for us, we have encountered many powerful storms in the past. In terms of dealing with storms, We actually already have a lot of experience..."

Rumbel's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he said, "If you have any suggestions from Waveguide, just say so!"

"My suggestion... just wait and shrink, not even daring to make a sound, in order not to attract any attention from the storm. This is really too passive! Even if we can't subdue this storm, if we can control the storm Wouldn’t it be nice to lead it somewhere else?”

"Bogui is right!"

"Is it the style of our Yeshi clan to be so afraid of a storm?"

"In my opinion, the Great Mojie tribe underestimates us! Does he think that only the Mojie tribe can deal with this storm?!"

"Of course we can do it too! In terms of civilization level, we are not much worse than them..."

"Yes, it's just that the territory and population are smaller than them..."

"That's right!"

Upon hearing Ao Bo's suggestion, the elites in the field agreed one after another, revealing their deep dissatisfaction with the Mojie clan in their words...

Listening to this, there was a hint of arrogance and contentment on Lembel's face, and he asked: "Waveguide, with the energy level of this big wind ball, it is really difficult to subdue it. It is best to lead it to other places." Go, I wonder if you have any good ideas?"

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