The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2710 Xuanling, Yika and Aitan

( ) Since the racial genes and cultivation genes of each race have been preserved, there will be a certain degree of competition between each race. Even if everyone belongs to the big civilization of Xingyun Castle, each race will secretly compete with others. , No one wants to fall behind others, and everyone wants to surpass others as soon as possible!

When there is competition, there will be excitement, and there will be no laziness or hedonism. Especially here in Xingyun Castle, there are too many capable people and strange people. Many people are full of confidence at the beginning, but soon they will see that they are better than themselves. There are a lot of people, how dare they not work hard?

Recently, Xiaoxing has vigorously promoted the method of cultivating talents in adversity. Countless people have gone to those adversity planets to hone their skills, and the effect seems to be good...

As Xiaoxing predicted earlier, by vigorously creating various talent growth models in good times and bad times, the talents in Xingyun Castle are now in a state of explosion, with powerful people emerging in an endless stream, and leaders gradually appearing in various fields. Talent!

Of course, compared to the two established civilizations, Yimi and Qiming, the talents in these fields that appear in Xingyun Castle are still significantly lower than their talents. After all, people like Yingsi, Nanyuan, Libushan, and Wood Characters like Wu Xu emerged after a long period of accumulation and development of these two old civilizations. The development time of Xingyun Castle is still very short. It is really commendable to reach the current level.

However, after seeing the fierce competition in Yimi Starry Sky, Xiaoxing finally couldn't help it anymore!

"Sir, our Xingyun Castle must also compete with them!"

"Oh? What do you mean?"

"Don't they take the light-speed spacecraft as their ultimate goal? Then we should also take this goal as the criterion and see who can build the light-speed spacecraft first!" Xiaoxing said loudly.

"Don't we already have a starship and a starship fort?" Li Yun was slightly startled.

"Oh, the Starship and Starship Castle were built by the two of us, and have nothing to do with the other people in the castle! But now, the people in the castle have gradually begun to transform into the Zhou Clan. As a cosmic race, how can we not A spaceship designed and built by yourself?" Xiaoxing said.

"That's true..."

"Currently, the development of various racial civilizations in our Xingyun Castle is extremely uneven. Some do not yet have spaceships, while others already have them! For example, there are several races on Yika planet that already have half-finished light speed machines. Spaceship! But in general, if they want to have a real light-speed spacecraft, they still need great development, and it will take an extremely long time to be possible..."

"That's right...even if it's a powerful race like the Eyun, Donggui, Tata, Bada, Guyol, etc.

I don’t know how long it will take them to build a light-speed spacecraft like our ordinary starships..." Li Yun agreed.

"So, in the face of the ultimate goal of reaching the speed of light, all races are basically on the same starting line. Even the race that is temporarily leading may not be able to build a light-speed spacecraft before others..." Xiaoxing analyzed.

"Oh? Are you so sure? At least the Xiangdonggui and Bada people will build it faster than our human race, right?" Li Yun said with a smile.

"That's not necessarily the case!" Xiaoxing snorted.

"What's the point?"

"Although the human race is now far behind the Donggui and Bada tribes, there are limits to everything. You must know that achieving light speed flight does not necessarily rely on hard power. Sometimes it relies more on soft power! "Xiao Xing said.

"Soft power? You mean...wisdom?" Li Yun suddenly realized.

"Exactly! To achieve light speed flight, you must first understand the rules and principles of this universe. Only by mastering its laws can it be achieved! Although powerful races such as the Donggui tribe and the Bada tribe have been in the Zhou tribe for a long time, There are no geniuses among them who can understand such high-level laws. In other words, their wisdom is still far from enough. Maybe they will be stuck on a certain problem and be delayed forever, and then they will retreat. Therefore, although they are ahead in terms of hard power, they are not necessarily ahead in terms of soft power! Wisdom is in the minds of talents. For the human race, this is precisely their advantage. In fact, during this period of time, the human race has The Star Fortune Castle has begun to rise. It is no longer the weak race it once was. The knowledge and skills possessed by the human race are greatly expanded and improved. They have extremely cutting-edge talents in various fields. However, these talents are all It's not obvious, but among the previous group of people from Xuanling Continent, they have indeed taken the lead in becoming the Zhou Clan and have taken a short step forward..."

"This...makes sense!" Li Yun praised.

Of course, Li Yun himself has personal experience with the human race. Due to their low bloodline level and weak body, the human race has been in a difficult situation to survive and develop since their birth. Under the laws of nature, they often play the role of prey and are hunted. Hunted by many other powerful races and become their food...

Fortunately, the human race is naturally higher in intelligence. They slowly learned, accumulated experience and lessons, overcame their individual weaknesses, learned to form formations, and used group operations to deal with those powerful races, and finally gradually gained a firm foothold. , gained territory, achieved development...

As they continued to grow, their cultivation realm and bloodline level gradually improved, so they made up for their own shortcomings and began to move towards higher levels...

After entering the Starship and Starship Castle, the human race has made great progress!

Due to their high level of intelligence, the human race is ahead of other races in the study of Taoism, which makes their Tao power become stronger and stronger, and the improvement in strength is extremely obvious.

In particular, the soul army established after the transformation highlighted the amazing potential of the human race in team combat and became the most powerful team in Xingyun Castle!

Even now that there are so many more people, the strength of the Soul Army is still the powerful force that Li Yun and Xiaoxing trust and rely on the most!

Li Yun knew that the human race had not only the largest number of Taoist intentions, but also diversified characteristics. Many people had special Taoist intentions and strong Taoist powers, which meant that the wisdom of the human race was greatly expanded and improved, and their potential could be used Infinite to describe!

Many of them have dark spirit root factors, and the Taoism they possess is from the dark system. This is very helpful for Xingyun Castle to form a dark system team. If such a team enters the dark universe, it will become Your most powerful helper!

At present, Xingyun Castle has begun attempts in this area, and Xiaoxing is still studying the Jushen Mountain and Juzhen Cloud of the dark system. Once the formation is completed, it will be countless times easier to deal with the powerful forces coming from the dark universe!

Going back to the plan proposed by Xiaoxing, Li Yun believes that if any race can finally realize the dream of flying at the speed of light, then the human race must be one of them. There is no doubt about this...

"Hey, the human race has accumulated a lot of talents now, and a group of people join the Tao almost every day. Their potential is so great that even the slaves are amazed by them! Therefore, the human race has very good soft power. As long as they If there are some super geniuses who can understand those high-level laws of the universe, then it is possible to lead this race to achieve light speed flight ahead of schedule!" Xiaoxing laughed.

"Okay, then how are you going to implement this competition plan?" Li Yun asked.

"Well, along the way, we have experienced the three major star skies of the Xuanling Solar System, the Yika Solar System, and the Yimi Solar System. Based on this, we can establish three major civilizations, namely Xuanling, Yika and Yimi. In order to distinguish it from the Yimi civilization over there, the name Aitan was used. The Xuanling civilization centered on the human race and led various races in the starry sky to carry out research projects, while the Yika centered on the Donggui, Tata, and The Yika tribe is the center to carry out research, while Aitan is to carry out research with the puppet races represented by the Yimi people, the Bada tribe and the Guyol tribe... The three major civilizations compete with each other to see who can create the speed of light in advance. Spaceship!" Xiaoxing said ambitiously.

"Wo..." Li Yun's eyes lit up and he shouted softly!

Xiaoxing’s plan is so exciting!

If these three major civilizations can really develop light-speed spacecraft, it means that they can all jump into the ranks of fifth-level civilizations, and the strength of the entire Star Fortune Castle will skyrocket!

Yes, the light speed spaceship should be one of the symbols of level five civilization. If it can be built, it at least means that they are very close to level five civilization.

According to Xiaoxing's calculations, Xingyun Castle is now at the peak of the sixth-level civilization. As long as there are some breakthroughs in dark energy, dark matter and dark universe, it can easily enter the seventh-level civilization. However, all races in the castle have basically stayed. Among level three to level four civilizations, it can be said that they have greatly hindered Xing Lun Castle.

This unbalanced state is nothing to Li Yun and Xiaoxing, but it has a potential psychological impact on the various tribes in the fort, because many people can't even understand the excitement, especially since they have been watching recently. Many people saw the video footage from the Yimi Starry Sky as if they were in a cloud, wondering where the key link was...

Therefore, each race in the fort really needs to significantly improve their level in order to better support the continued development of Star Fortune Castle. Otherwise, a too big gap is not a good thing, because the people in the fort will feel that the gap is too big, and it will be detrimental to Li Yun and Xiaoxing are too dependent on each other, and this is certainly not what Li Yun and Xiaoxing want to see.

"Okay! However, the development of civilization is best endogenous. They need to develop on their own. You and I can't interfere at will!" Li Yun said with a smile.

"Don't worry, sir! The little slave will naturally ensure that the competition between them is conducted in a fair state..."

"Then start as soon as possible! I can't wait to see if they can achieve light speed faster than Yimi and Qiming over there..."

"no problem!"

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