The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2707 Maintaining bilateral stability

( ) The Great Lord and the Great Elder were monitoring the situation of the two federations while discussing it. They seemed to be enjoying themselves and were in a good mood...

"Report!!!" The palace spirit shouted, startling them slightly.


"The commander-in-chief is here!" the palace spirit said loudly.

"Strengthen the mountain?!" The Great Lord was startled.


"Let him in quickly!"

"The commander-in-chief would like to invite the great lord and the five elders to go to the apse to see a small battleship."

"Small battleship?" Several people were startled again and looked at each other.

"It is said to be a small battleship obtained from the Qiming people."

"Qiming Man? Who is he?!" the Great Lord asked curiously.

"This... the commander didn't explain it, but the great lord will naturally know it in the past."

"All right…"

Libashan came back at such a time and brought a small battleship of unknown origin. This incident strongly attracted the Great Lord and the others, so they quickly came to the apse...

The Great Lord saw that Libashan had become darker and thinner than before, and he quickly said: "Xiao Li, thank you for your hard work!"

"Everything is for Yimi!" Li Bashan saluted.

"On behalf of the people of Yimi, I would like to thank you! And all the fleet officers! I wonder what the results of the search for our missing officers are?" the great lord asked.

"This... is still missing! The main reason I came back this time is because of this small battleship!"

"Oh? A small battleship is actually worthy of your coming here in person. I'm afraid it's not simple, right?"

"The Great Lord and a few elders can take a look first, and I'll talk about it later..." Libushan gave up.


The Great Lord and the five Supreme Elders boarded the battleship to visit. Sure enough, after a while, they were shocked by the novel designs, new materials, powerful control systems and energy systems that appeared in the ship!

"Huh? How did you get this battleship? It's very well built.

Have you ever tested its performance? "The Great Lord asked urgently.

"It's a strange thing to say. This battleship seemed to have encountered a space storm while flying. As a result, it was blown into our Yimi starry sky. The people inside were also unconscious... Therefore, we can easily gain control of it and the information inside. All the information, as for its performance, why don’t I take you to fly around to find out..." Libushan said.

"That's it!" Everyone was stunned.

After a while, Libushan took them back for a test flight...

"Qiming...Qiming..." the Great Lord murmured, his fat face as gloomy as water...

He did not expect that this small battleship was actually built collectively by the surrounding small and medium-sized civilizations, and its level was almost higher than that of battleships of the same level as Yimi!

Now that these surrounding forces have gathered together to form a base called Qiming, they are engaged in research and development, and they are actually allowed to build a warship of this level. It seems that their abilities can no longer be underestimated...

"These guys actually want to counterattack our Yimi, we must not let their plot succeed!" the second elder shouted fiercely.

"Second brother, if you want to prevent them from succeeding, you have to find a way. Just shouting here is useless! Judging from this small battleship, Qiming's current development level is not low..." the elder snorted.

"This..." The second elder was startled and was immediately speechless.

When others looked at this small battleship, they felt as if a big mountain was weighing on their hearts, and it was extremely dull and uncomfortable...

Thinking about the infinite scenery of Yimi civilization before, and then thinking about the decline of Yimi civilization now, the huge gap between before and after makes them feel like they have had a nightmare...

"Great Lord, fortunately, the corrosive cannonballs we developed before were very powerful. They scared the Qiming people half to death and fled in panic. It is estimated that they will not dare to attack in the near future, but..." Li Bashan said.

"But what?"

"It was precisely because the corrosive shells were so powerful that the Qiming people felt tremendous pressure, forcing them to build the Qiming Research Base and make rapid progress! Now, this pressure has actually been transferred to us. We must immediately start a new development plan and use all our strength to surpass the Qiming Base as quickly as possible in order to avoid being defeated by them..." Li Bashan said loudly.

"Well said!!!" The Great Lord praised!

The great elder said from the side: "Their research base is called Qiming. We will not let them see any light. We must suppress them at the civilization level! If they dare to attack next time, we must let them come and go. No, fall into darkness!!!"

"That's right..." Everyone agreed.

Under the strong promotion of Yimi's senior management, it didn't take long for the entire core area of ​​Yimi to move and become busier than before...

The main star of Yimi has always been a concentration of talents, and now there are talents who have come from the seven satellites and even further affiliated planets. As long as they can pass the assessment of various federations, they are eligible to enter the newly established research base and participate in In this huge action plan!

Various resources are continuously transported from all over the country, fully ensuring the smooth progress of the research plan from a logistical point of view...

Countless research projects have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain, making it dazzling to see...

Most of these projects are related to space battleships, and some may seem unrelated, but since they are all leading projects of Yimi and have corresponding talent reserves, this time they will be gathered together to work on them...

Yimi's senior management basically copied the development model of Qiming Base, and based on this, they improved some details and put forward higher requirements. For them, if they want to develop, they must go further than Qiming people. , otherwise how can we create our own advantages?

It has to be said that the arrogance of the people of Yimi is not unreasonable. Over the years, they have cultivated and accumulated a lot of talents in various fields. Where there are talents, there are projects, and when there are projects, the growth of talents is promoted. Therefore, Yimi He is at the forefront of this starry sky in research on many projects.

In the past, the surrounding small and medium-sized civilizations often sent people to visit Yimi, ask for advice from the Yimi people, and were willing to pay a huge price to buy even a small amount of achievements. If the Yimi people agreed to sell, they would Already grateful and overjoyed...

However, all this has gone by like a passing cloud. After Qiming caught up, some of these projects and fields have been overtaken and surpassed by them!

Now, after seeing the research results of Qiming people with their own eyes, everyone in Yimi feels a heavy pressure on their heads. The original arrogance has quietly been put away, but it has been transformed into the motivation to struggle and devote themselves to Among the new research...

When Ling Daozi saw the formation of this situation, his heart was as sweet as honey, because the competition between Qiming and Yimi suddenly stimulated their potential, and those research results were as good as growing vegetables. Mass production is getting more and more, more and more advanced, more and more comprehensive, and all of this is under his supervision, and he can share all the results with Xingyun Castle...

"Hey, Yi Mi has learned his lesson now and blocks information very strictly. Qiming has not received relevant information yet. We must remind them..." Ling Daozi teased.

"What? How can we remind them?" He Minte asked anxiously.

"If we don't remind them, the gap in strength between the two sides will probably widen again, and the scene won't be so exciting!" Ling Daozi said.

"This..." He Minte and others were startled and looked at each other.

"Hey, don't forget, once Yi Mi's strength exceeds that of Qiming, then Yi Mi will re-enter the colonial action plan of Qiming. Only when the strength of both sides is similar, they will not dare to use force easily. In this way Only then can we ensure the peaceful state of this starry sky! Therefore, what we do is not provoking trouble, but maintaining bilateral stability..." Ling Daozi explained.

"It makes sense!" The three of them suddenly realized.

Ince thought: "Of course it is a good thing for us to do this, but..."

"But what?"

"Now both sides are doing their best to carry out research and armament, which consumes a lot of resources. Many people from small and medium-sized civilizations are tightening their belts to support the Qiming Project. The same is true for the Yimi people. All good resources are going to the base. As a result, their own living standards continue to decline...If this continues, I'm afraid one of them will collapse sooner or later..." Ince analyzed.

"Well said! Which side do you think is likely to collapse first?" Ling Daozi said with a smile.

"I'm afraid it will be Yimi..."

"But why?" He Minte asked urgently.

"After all, Qiming's side has a vast territory, rich resources, and a large population. However, the Yimi side suffered heavy losses when they faced the Devouring Monster last time. A group of battleships and elite warriors came to our Xingyun Fort, plus the Yimi people We also have to face the torment of the poisonous shadow of Death Sixteen, everyone is under great pressure..." Ince said.

"That's true..." He Minte sighed.

"Actually, it's not necessarily..." Ling Daozi said.

"Oh?!" Ince and He Minte were startled.

"If the pressure is handled well, it will make the power greater. Now the people of Yimi know that time is very tight, because Yimi has fallen behind and their new artillery shells are gone. If the Qiming people know this information, they may A call will come soon, so the people of Yimi seem to be more determined now, and as you know, the two most important teams in the Yimi research base are the Doctors Federation and the Wisdom Federation, and their people are now all stars. The people who transport the fortress can devote themselves wholeheartedly to research without the threat of Death Sixteen poison. In addition, the foundation of Yimi civilization is much stronger than that of Qiming. If they really take action, their explosive power will be huge. It will only be more powerful than Qiming..." Ling Daozi analyzed.

"This...despite this, there are still quite a few people who are still under the dual pressure of the crisis of war and the poison of Death Sixteen..."

"Well, in order to see the results of the competition between the two sides, I can guarantee that they will not be in danger of a poisonous outbreak during this period of time..."

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