The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2687 The mysterious power of the universe?

( ) With all my strength, my mind raced, and I quickly thought of this question!

"Commander, although your idea is quite possible, if you analyze it carefully, there are still many loopholes..." Ship Spirit said.

"Tell me…"

"First, it is not easy to take away our warships. Although they are all sunk warships, they actually still maintain considerable combat power. The ship spirits on them can control the weapons on the ship. Once If someone is found trying to devour a battleship, they will definitely fight back, but our monitor did not receive any information about this. In other words, almost all the battleships disappeared without a counterattack. This situation proves They didn't find anything wrong before they disappeared, and they disappeared instantly...With this starry sky, what power can do this? Even our Yimi civilization would never be able to do it!"

"What about the second one?" Li Bashan pondered.

"Second, we lost thirty-six warships, and Wanrou lost ninety-one warships. The total number of both sides is one hundred and twenty-seven. Each one is the crystallization of countless civilized things in this starry sky. They all have quite powerful combat capabilities. If they go to some backward civilization, they can be easily wiped out by just one battleship! But they disappeared without a sound, not even a fragment, and there was no trace of struggle and resistance. No, where will they go? Is there any space to place them all? Or should I say swallow them all? Even if it can be done, I'm afraid there won't be enough space, right?"

"This...even our most powerful Zhoubao doesn't have such a big space!" Libushan agreed.

"Yes! So although the third party's conjecture is reasonable, it is not realistic. Therefore, we can first assume that there is some kind of cosmic force surrounding us, and those sunken battleships continue to lose control due to The earth fell into the depths of the universe, and as a result, when they fell to a certain depth, they were captured by that force and disappeared silently..." Ship Spirit analyzed.

"Wo..." Liba Shan was extremely shocked and shouted softly!

Ship Ling's analysis is quite rational and seems very reasonable. If the facts are as he said, then there may be a huge risk in this starry sky...

"No! If there is such a terrifying force around us, it will sooner or later pose a threat to our fleet and even the core area of ​​Yimi!" Li Bashan said.

"Yes! No one can confirm whether this force will shrink inward. If it keeps shrinking inward, it will swallow up other things encountered along the way, including our fleet and Wanrou's fleet, and of course us The core area of ​​Yimi..." Ship Spirit agreed.

"Explore the surrounding area immediately to see where the boundary of that force is? How far away is it from us?" Libushan ordered.

"Yes! Commander!" the ship spirit responded.

Investigation begins soon...

On Wanrou's side, Wu Xu and Wood seemed to have come to the same conclusion. No one thought that there would be a third party specifically looking at the sunken battleship, but that there was some kind of mysterious cosmic force. A force may not be far away from itself, and it swallowed up all those out-of-control battleships!

Now both sides feel a little panic, because no matter which civilization they are, they all have an incomparable awe of this boundless universe. The universe is so vast that no one can exhaust its mysteries. Sometimes, the universe only needs to show a small and ferocious face. , can make a civilization disappear on the road of evolution...

There is no doubt that such cosmic power is irresistible to human beings!

Now, what kind of cosmic power exists around this starry sky? Is it a long-term presence, or is it just passing by in the short term?

How huge is this power? Will it sweep across the starry sky?

People don’t know anything about it…

However, it is conceivable that this force may have surrounded the starry sky!

Because the sunk battleships fell in any direction, they could fall from any angle, but the result was the same. All the battleships mysteriously disappeared, which meant that around this starry sky They are all controlled by this cosmic force...

Libashan quickly reported this information to the Supreme Council of Elders and the Great Lord. They were shocked after receiving the report, but they could not interrupt the celebration meeting, so they quietly left the hall and hid in another secret room. Discuss everywhere...

The Great Lord read the report carefully, and suddenly thought of that person!

He quickly felt confident!

Due to the asymmetry of information, Libashan's report and the Great Lord's thoughts produced completely different results.

If the Great Lord had told Li Bashan what had happened before, then Li Bashan and Shipling would not have guessed that there was some mysterious cosmic force, but would have directly targeted the person who replaced the Great Lord with suspicion. The one who directs the battle.

But only the Great Lord himself knows about this matter now, and he will definitely not tell anyone else, because this matter is his personal top secret, and he will definitely not expose it until that person takes the initiative to find him. out.

Therefore, even if he understood that the disappearance of the battleship must have been caused by that person, he would not point it out, but chose to follow the idea of ​​​​lifting the mountain...

"Great Elder, what do you think?" the Great Lord asked.

The Great Elder was a representative figure in the previous era of intellectual civilization, and his qualifications were much older than Ince, so it was most correct to ask him about this mysterious power of the universe.

"This matter is no small matter! The mysterious power of the universe appears from time to time, but it is difficult for us to understand its causes and consequences. Therefore, we must find out as soon as possible in order to prepare for the task!" the great elder thought deeply.

"Then how about I leave this matter to you? If you need anything, just ask, we will fully support you!" said the Great Lord.

"Well... now that Ince and Rosen are both gone, I will take action personally! I need the assistance of the entire Wisdom Federation, and of course the support of the entire surveillance network!" said the great elder.

"No problem! If you need anything, just ask Libashan for help!" the Great Lord said.

"Thank you, Great Lord!"

"Elders, the celebration is still going on. I have to go to the town. I can't leave for too long. I'll bother you with this matter. I must find out the truth!"

"Yes! Great Lord!"

The great elder and the other four elders quickly left here and took action...

The Great Lord looked at their leaving figures and smiled inwardly. They were destined to be unable to find out anything. Let this so-called mysterious power of the universe remain mysterious...

In his opinion, this is fine. With this mysterious force pressing on both sides, the two sides will not dare to easily provoke war again, because once a war starts, some battleships will be sunk again, and once the battleships If it is sunk, it may be taken away by mysterious forces. No one can afford such a price!

Without the existence of this mysterious force, those sunk warships could still be repaired and fought again. The weapons and equipment and a large number of personnel on them could be reused. But now they have all disappeared, not even the scum. Don’t say anything yet. Loss, just hearing such strange things will have a great impact on the psychology of the soldiers on both sides!

Thinking of this, the Great Lord simply put away this battle report and stopped letting others know about it. Then he returned to the main hall and had fun with the people...

In the starry sky of Yika Solar System, Xingyun Castle has been staying here for some time, and everything here is gradually changing...

First of all, including the people of the original Yimi puppet race, all lives have become members of Xingyun Castle, and the poison of the Death God Sixteen has been eliminated in everyone. Therefore, this place seems to be full of vitality, sweeping away the previous A murderous and lifeless atmosphere.

Secondly, the planets after land demolition began to show different appearances, with new surface images appearing. New plants have slowly covered the ground, and some places have become new lakes. The most prominent ones are the towering The upright plateau pillars, these pillars were originally occupied by the puppet race, but now they play a new role, because they are almost natural star observation towers!

After arrangement and planning of small stars, many observation arrays were built above the pillars, and some large pillars were even built as bases, creating favorable conditions for observing dark energy nebulae and black holes.

Because there are too many pillars, Xiaoxing cannot build them all. Instead, he selects those pillars with the best geographical location to build. Even so, the project is still huge. Fortunately, there is sufficient manpower now, and people of all races are actively participating in the task. Under Xiaoxing's command, the project progressed rapidly.

The main task of Li Yun and Xiaoxing is to study the Faith Travertine and the nebula. At the same time, they use their monitoring capabilities to find that the edge of the nebula can be cut and swallowed!

This has been very rewarding. Currently, Xingyun Castle and Tianyun World have swallowed up a large amount of dark energy and dark matter. Some unknown changes are quietly taking place in both spaces. This change can only be seen by those who have dark spirits. It is possible for people with root factors to notice, such as Li Yun, Xiao Xing, Sui Huan of Xia Yangmen who was in the lower realm, and some special talents who were later absorbed. The number is quite large. After all, the current population of Xingyun Castle has already Breaking through 100 billion, it has expanded more than a hundred times compared to when it first arrived!

With the addition of all the major planetary races and all the puppet races in this starry sky, the total life of Star Fortune Castle has reached an unprecedented height, and its strength is also doubling up!

You must know that whether they are the major planetary races or the puppet races, their level of civilization is higher than that of the original Xuanling World, Divine Soul World, Yinghuo, Shouxin, and the True Yang Race in the Sun Space. Their individual strength is naturally It is also much higher. Under the effective organization and control of Xingyun Castle, the overall strength they can exert has reached an incredible level...

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