The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2685 The Great Lord’s Worries

( ) The rulers or captains of the surrounding civilizations all spoke out, and almost all of them expressed their support for Wu Xu. Even the three fleets that Wu Xu gave up on his own initiative had no objections, because judging from the situation at the time, Wu Xu Xu’s conductor is really outstanding!

When everyone thought about the scene of those five frigates beating the other side's handsome ship, shaking it, and almost exploding, their blood boiled, and they could not control themselves...

Yes, if that handsome ship explodes, everything will be different, and all the results will be rewritten!

It's a pity that maybe our own firepower was not strong enough, or maybe God wanted to save Yimi, but he actually escaped the disaster, and miraculously resurrected, and in turn sunk the five frigates, and the battle situation This is the reversal...

"No! I must have been fooled!! Fooled by Libashan!!! Everything before was deliberately manipulated by him. He deliberately showed weakness and tempted me to attack desperately and put pressure on him, even at the expense of The cost of giving up more than 30 warships... Compared to his cunning and cunning, I am too young! I am not suitable to be this commander anymore!" Wu Xu cried out in pain, and he knelt down with a "plop" Earth, kowtow to the soldiers on the sunk battleships...

When everyone saw this, they knelt down one after another, but everyone was comforting Wu Xu. In their opinion, if even Wu Xu was not suitable to be the commander-in-chief, then no one would be able to be the commander-in-chief. The prospects for these small and medium-sized civilizations were It will be even darker...

"Report to the commander..." the voice of the handsome ship spirit suddenly came.


"The spirits of those missing battleships cannot be contacted, and each one of them seems to have disappeared into the sea without a sound!"

"How could this happen?!" Wu Xu was stunned and raised his head.

"Not only us, but according to the information sent by the information ship, the same is true for the sunk warships in Yimi. They are now searching everywhere for those missing warships..." Ship Spirit said.

"This..." Everyone was startled and looked at each other.

Wu Xu thought in his mind and said: "This matter is very fishy. We must find them as soon as possible to avoid being discovered by the Yimi people in advance. At the same time, we must be careful to avoid encountering them during the search. After all, our single combat power is not as good as theirs." There’s still a certain distance!”

"Yes! Commander!"

The Wanrou Xudun fleet also quickly took action and launched a large-scale search. However, since they had just suffered a defeat, they only dared to search in the periphery, while constantly inquiring about the situation in Yimi...

This is a huge event,

Although the starry sky war with strange changes and fierce fighting has come to an end, the conflict between the various civilizations in this starry sky has actually just begun. Everyone knows that the Yimi people are now eager to plunder medicines and will definitely carry out attacks on the surrounding small and medium-sized civilizations. Combating plunder and how to curb their aggressive actions have become the most practical issues facing various small and medium-sized civilizations.

Now, they have suffered another major defeat, and it seems that they have no capital to fight another star war of this scale with the Yimi people...

Wu Xu, Wood and the rulers of various small and medium-sized civilizations were discussing urgently. They urgently needed better ways to deal with the Yimi civilization...

On the contrary, the news of the great victory on the front line quickly spread to the main star of Yimi and the seven satellites, and the entire Yimi civilization was filled with joy!

Although the shadow of the Death Sixteen Virus still hangs over everyone's heads, the news of this great victory seems to have broken through this shadow. Everyone's face is filled with joy that they have not seen for a long time. People spread stories about the heroic battles of the frontline fleet everywhere, as if they saw it on the spot, and they were so miraculous that they were frothing at the mouth...

More people flocked to the Ichilihui, asking to join the fleet and go to the front line to kill the enemy...

The magical command of Libashan and the Great Lord has been widely spread, and there are many versions, but each version will deliberately highlight the key roles of the two of them, and establish them as gods of war, becoming idols that people praise and worship. …

At this time, in the meeting hall, all the sages had arrived, singing and dancing. The Great Lord and the five Supreme Elders were sitting on the upper table. Others were sitting below. They were all drinking and drinking, laughing and flattering. The host and others were all smiling and grinning from ear to ear...

Although Libashan did not come back from the front line, he also connected to the live video and gave full blessings to the feast, which heightened the entire atmosphere to the extreme...

Indeed, the people of Yimi need such a big victory so much!

If they fail, they are now very likely to fall into boundless terror. So many warships from surrounding civilizations will harvest the heads of the Yimi people like the God of Death, Sixteen. Moreover, for them, this is a just war. There is nothing to worry about, the more you kill, the better...

Yi Mi had nothing to say. Who infected himself with the death poison and started the war in the first place?

Due to a strange combination of circumstances, the people of Yimi have already stood on the other side of morality. If they fail, they will have to bear moral condemnation and punishment!

Fortunately, there was a big victory in the end, and the Yimi civilization escaped. The Yimi people still had time to deal with the poison of death, which boosted the confidence of all the Yimi people...

However, under the eyes of the great lord who was smiling so hard, there was an imperceptible light flashing. No one knew that the question he was thinking about now was his shock at the battle report!

After reading the battle report sent by Libushan, the Great Lord was completely confused, because he knew that the matter mentioned in the battle report that he replaced Libushan and controlled the entire battlefield did not exist. At that time, he was at the Doctors' Union If you know how to do physical examination and treatment, how can you lead a star battle?

Besides, even if he was watching the battle from the rear, he would not have been able to command the fleet in that way. So, who did this? !

It is a miracle that this person can pass the series of tests and verifications of Shuai Shipling. What is even more amazing is that his command ability is many times more powerful than Li Bashan!

During his command, his side did not lose a single battleship, but shot down fifty-six of the other side's battleships, forcing Wu Xu and Wood to evacuate the battlefield in a hurry. Such an impressive record can be said to be unique since ancient times! ! !

How come a military genius of this level doesn’t know anything about it?

How did he learn all kinds of information about himself and successfully pass the ship spirit verification?

Why did he stop advancing instead of pursuing the victory and beating up the drowned dog after defeating Wan Rou Xu Dun's side? Didn't this give Wan Rou Xu Dun's side a way out?

What's the purpose of this? !

These questions popped up one after another, leaving the Great Lord puzzled, but he knew that at this moment, of course he could not reveal this information, otherwise he would be asking for trouble!

In doing so, this person not only protected the Yimi civilization from the poison of surrounding civilization forces, but also helped himself to achieve great military exploits and consolidate his status as a ruler. For such a great contribution, I should be deeply grateful to him. That's right, and we can't investigate why he was able to learn all kinds of data about himself.

Of course, for the Great Lord, all the data and information about his body are in the hands of others. If that person really wants to replace him one day, wouldn't it be the end?

This is a big worry. As a civilized ruler, what he cares about is not how the civilization develops or how happy the people live. Although these are also important, how can he care about so much?

Of course, what he cares more about is his own status, his own power, his own safety. Only if he can secure this position, everything else is meaningful to him, otherwise it will be empty...

Therefore, the Great Lord is now mainly worried about one more thing. In addition to the Death God Sixteen Virus and the toxin of Yushan's Big Poison Pill, there is also the huge threat posed to him by this mysterious figure...

"Who is this person? How can we dig him out when he is hidden so deeply?" The Great Lord's thoughts were spinning in his mind, as if he was sitting on pins and needles...

"Huh? By the way..."

The Great Lord's eyes suddenly lit up and he thought of something!

If anyone can get all your physical data and information, then it is the Doctors Association!

You must know that my improvement in abilities has been inseparable from the help of the Doctors Association. Every time I improve, Nan Yuan comes to check my body to provide the most suitable medicine and dosage. However, because I have always been very I attach great importance to this issue, so I have asked Nan Yuan to come to me for every inspection in the past, because I have an extremely complete set of testing instruments. In fact, even without Nan Yuan, I can measure very accurately. , but of course it would be better if Nan Yuan was here, so he was invited to perform this detection task every time.

Therefore, if there is anyone who knows his body data best, there can be no one else but Nan Yuan!

"Nan Yuan? Impossible, he can't be that person!" After the image of Nan Yuan popped into the mind of the Great Lord, he immediately overturned it.

Because he is very familiar with Nan Yuan. Nan Yuan's talents are all in medicine. He cannot be well versed in military affairs. Moreover, even if he does have military genius, he will lose his promotion because he has not been discovered and tempered. Opportunities, a genius like a military commander must be gradually improved through countless experiences. It is impossible to say that he has not been tempered at all in peacetime, but can perform miraculously in wartime. This is too unreasonable! It doesn’t conform to normal rules either!

In addition, Nan Yuan, as the president of the Medical Doctors Federation, is extremely loyal to Yimi civilization. How could he leak his personal information?

The Great Lord can also be sure of this.

However, he quickly thought of another possibility, that is, Nan Yuan might have accidentally leaked his own information, and that person might also take advantage of some opportunities to steal the information Nan Yuan got...

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