The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2682 This is a big gamble!

( ) Wu Xu’s order shocked everyone in the tenth to fifteenth teams!

The situation on the battlefield has just stabilized, which is a good thing for Wan and Xu who just want to entangle and delay time, but these people did not expect that Wu Xu would make such an incredible decision!

Is it okay to not even save one of my own people?

If this decision does not play a major role, Wu Xu will bear great responsibility for it. There is no doubt about this.

Military orders were overwhelming, especially in the Star Wars, where the situation was changing rapidly and the commander's command power was maximized. Therefore, after Wu Xu's order was issued, the three fleets, Team 10, Team 11 and Team 12, took the lead. , immediately changed direction, firing the last round of supporting artillery shells for the three lagging fleets to cover their retreat, while flying in the direction of the opponent's handsome ships and frigates...

After losing support, the three lagging fleets had no choice but to evacuate hastily. During the escape process, more than ten ships were sunk by the Yimi fleet, resulting in heavy losses!

This unusual movement immediately attracted Li Bashan's attention. After discovering Wu Xu's attempt, he couldn't help but feel a little bad!

But I have to sincerely admire Wu Xu's bold move to give up and change the direction of attack...

A duel between masters, fighting for only a glimmer of opportunity!

But opportunities cannot come for no reason, but require people to discover or work hard to create!

More importantly, when the opportunity comes, do you have the ability to seize it?

If you don’t have this ability, then you should just calm down and train yourself. Don’t imagine that the pie in the sky will fall on your head, because opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared. Even if there are opportunities, they will fall on those who are not prepared. It will only kill you instead of benefiting you. Only by improving your own level and reaching a higher level in some fields can you seize the fleeting opportunity. Break through yourself in one fell swoop...

Libushan understands this, and Wu Xu also understands this. Now Wu Xu has paid the price of more than ten low-level spaceships in order to put the final pressure on the Yimi fleet and create opportunities for himself to take the initiative in the entire battle!

If the Yimi Commander's ship collapses, the result is self-evident. Even if it does not collapse, it is impossible for the force to cope with the pressure exerted by so many battlefields at the same time. Then Wood's side may turn around quickly. This It will also drastically change the entire battlefield situation!

But if Wu Xu lets these three fleets go directly to help Wood's battlefield, it is likely to make the situation on that battlefield more complicated.

Not only is it possible to get trapped, but it will also cause greater chaos and losses, and the efficiency will be greatly reduced. This is definitely not what a master tactician like Wu Xu would do.

Therefore, Wu Xu's move seems to be attacking the opponent's handsome ship, but in fact it is aimed at the battlefield on Wood's side. As long as Wood can get rid of the entanglement of the guard side, the firepower of Wanyu Rouxu Shield will be greatly increased, completely Turn the entire battle around!

Libushan quickly understood Wu Xu's true intention, but the only fleet he could mobilize now was the escort fleet around him. This fleet had a small number of warships and could not block the attack of the three opponent fleets. Therefore, his own commander ship must also be dispatched, and the movement of commander ships is quite taboo in Star Wars, because it will affect his control and command of the entire battle situation, especially since it is difficult for a lot of information to be conveyed to him smoothly. Because the location of his handsome ship was determined early in the morning. In addition to the protective fleet and protective formations, the entire information system was also arranged around this. If it moved, not only the protective formations would lose their effect, but also the information system. The system must also have the ability to continue to operate smoothly, otherwise it will be greatly affected...

"It seems that we can only rely on protective formations and escort fleets to fight them!!!" Li Bashan's mind was spinning.

He still has some confidence in this. After all, the battleships of the Yimi Civilization are of a higher level. Although his escort fleet is smaller in number, they are all of a higher level. Coupled with the protective formations deployed early in the morning, they can at least withstand it. The opponent's attack for a period of time...

"Swish swish - swish swish - swish swish -"

"Boom, boom, boom... boom, boom, boom..."

Not long after, the offensive and defensive battle that decided the battle started. Suddenly, artillery fire was flying, energy waves rolled out like no money, and the entire starry sky seemed to be turbulent...

Libushan's expression was slightly stern, with a strange crimson color. He calmly gave orders and directed the actions of the fleet on various battlefields. He was in an extremely peak state!

When he is in this state, his instructions are concise, clear and powerful, his thinking is extremely clear, and his reactions are extremely sharp. Many things that may not be figured out after careful consideration can now be seen almost at a glance. Therefore, the Yimi fleet is under his control. Under his command, he became more and more courageous as he fought. Not only did he successfully withstand the three fleets that attacked the handsome ship, but he also performed exceptionally well on all battlefields. Even the confrontation between the sanitary workers and Wood did not fall behind at all. Gradually gaining the upper hand, but Wood has not been able to get rid of their entanglement yet. He was seriously damaged in the fight and fell deeper and deeper...

Seeing this situation, Wu Xu secretly regretted it, because he knew that putting pressure on the Yimi fleet might have two results. One is to completely crush them, and the other is to force out their potential. Now, here comes It turns out that it is the latter. After he paid the price of losing more than ten spaceships, he actually forced out his overwhelming potential. Under his command, the Yimi fleet's combat power was completely released. If this continues, he will This side will be passive!

Moreover, he had taken the initiative to withdraw three fleets before, causing them to suffer heavy losses. If this tactic failed to work, he would have to bear huge responsibilities in the future...

However, as a commander, Wu Xu has long had strong beliefs and the determination to shoulder responsibilities and pressure. Without it, it would be impossible to become a qualified commander. I believe many people can understand this.

"Now... there is only one way, and that is to continue to put pressure on Libushan until the moment he collapses..." Wu Xu's mind turned and he thought of this!

He is worthy of being a top military genius. Setbacks will only make him more tenacious. Moreover, for a person like him, once he is determined about something, it is difficult to change it midway. Now, Wan Rou and Xu Dun are This party has already paid a considerable price. If no results are achieved, it means that all previous efforts have been a net loss, which is difficult for Wu Xu to accept.

When people look at something, if they are not involved, they tend to appear more rational, analyze it logically, and see the pros and cons more clearly. However, once they are involved, even if they only invest a little bit Property, then he will consciously or unconsciously count his own investment when looking at that matter. At this time, his analysis will be biased...

This deviation will become larger and larger as the investment continues to increase, so in the end, his analysis and judgment will be completely different from the original!

This kind of psychology is often exploited by some scammers. When scammers lure others to participate in gambling or a certain "pig-killing game", they will often lure others to invest a little money first, and then give them a higher rebate, and then They also lured him to invest more money and get higher rebates, and in this way, he gradually led others to fall into the scam, getting deeper and deeper, until in the end he was bankrupt and in debt!

The victim often does not realize that he is trapped in a scam at this time, because when he looks at the problem at this time, he will think of the cost he has invested. The greater the cost, the more he will believe that this situation is a good one. It's a trap, not a scam... Perhaps only when he finally becomes bankrupt and in debt will he be able to wake up, but it will be too late...

Returning to this battle situation, Wu Xu has already invested the cost of more than a dozen spaceships. If coupled with the losses on Wood's battlefield, his costs are rising sharply. At this time, he would rather believe in his own judgment. Yes, what he did was right. The only question was whether he could put enough pressure on Libushan so that he finally collapsed because he couldn't bear the pressure!

At this time, Wu Xu was like a person who was deeply involved in a scam, full of blood, whether it was money saved by himself, money borrowed from others, or even loans from various lending institutions. No matter how much money you have, use it crazily and destroy it all until the last shell!

"Frigate, target, the opponent's handsome ship!!!" Wu Xu ordered.

The escort fleet was startled. They didn't expect that the commander would send out even his own warships. What on earth was he going to do? !

You know, Wanrou's party has just arrived at this battlefield not long ago, and the protective formations on the handsome ship have not been properly arranged. They rely entirely on these frigates for protection. If they are all sent out, then this handsome ship will be protected. The ship must face the opponent's shells directly!

This is an extremely dangerous thing. If something unexpected happens, it will be all over...

"Marshal, please confirm again!" The captains on each frigate replied in unison.

"Confirm! Frigate, target, the opponent's handsome ship!!!" Wu Xu's mentality did not fluctuate at all, and he ordered calmly again.

"Yes! Marshal!" The captains had to respond after confirming that it was correct.

Soon, these frigates also left the commander's ship and took the direction of the opponent's commander's ship...

While Wu Xu was commanding, he also moved his handsome ship, pushing its position forward greatly, in order to exert maximum pressure on the opponent!

This is a big gamble!

Sure enough, when the warships on Wanrou's side of the battlefield saw this scene, they all knew that the moment of decisive battle was coming so suddenly, so they launched the most violent attacks one after another...

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