The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2673 Finally got it right

"Then how do you deal with these increasingly powerful viruses?" Wu Dao asked.

"My method is very simple. I wonder how you know the universe? What do you think the universe is made of?" Ling Daozi asked.

"The universe... is composed of countless substances and lives... Of course, these substances and lives all operate under certain rules of the universe..." Wu Dao said thoughtfully.

"Well said! So, what are these substances and life composed of?" Ling Daozi continued to ask.

"Matter and life? They already exist in this universe. It can't be said what they are made of, right? If you have to answer, then you can say that big matter is made up of small matter, and life is made up of scattered and small things. They are composed of organs. Of course, they are also composed and operate under certain rules..." Wu Dao replied.

"Well said! Then I can summarize your views. In your opinion, although this universe is very grand, it has certain rules. All matter and life exist and operate under these rules, and these matter And life is also composed and operated by smaller matter and life parts under certain rules, right?"

"Yes! You summed it up very well! Although the universe in front of you is vast and boundless, it must be maintained by rules. Only when everything operates under those rules can such an orderly situation appear, otherwise it will definitely appear chaotic. Unbearable! Of course, all kinds of substances and lives must act according to certain rules to form their own characteristics. Specifically speaking to us doctors, we need to study these rules of life, which is medical theory, and then treat according to medical principles. Only then can we truly solve patients' problems and save lives..." Wu Dao said.

"Okay, there are no rules, no rules, then I will follow your point of view. From your understanding, the current series of death poisons have evolved to the molecular level. This is a depth that your abilities cannot reach, so you healers There is nothing you can do in front of it! However, what you think of as a molecular level is actually just a basic unit in the composition of matter and life in the universe. Molecules can also be divided into macromolecules, medium molecules and small molecules. Below the molecules there are Large particles, neutrinos and small particles. Under the particles there are large poles, neutrinos and small poles. Under the poles there are nanopoles..."

"What?!" Nan Yuan screamed.

"Oh my god..." Wu Dao's eyes widened, showing an incredible look.

"The road from molecules to nanopoles is much longer than the road you took from studying the surface of life to molecules. The current toxicity of Death Sixteen has only developed to macromolecules, which has left you helpless and can only Just wait for death, if you go to the next level, you won't have to live anymore!" Ling Daozi teased.

"It's over, it's over..." Wu Dao murmured,

I simply can’t imagine the scenario of Death Sixteen developing further.

"What's over? This only shows that the poison of the Sixteenth Death God is too easy to solve. Because my medicinal power can reach the micron level, I can completely strengthen the counterattack from the micron level, and soon all the poison will be counterattacked. It The stronger the better, because they are all the nutrients for my medicine. After taking my detoxification pill, I am afraid that the poison is not enough to feed my medicine particles. As soon as the poison enters the body, they will swallow it up. !" Ling Daozi said proudly.

"Wo..." The two of them were stunned and exclaimed.

After listening to what this person said, the two of them were extremely shocked, but they heard it very clearly. Indeed, the method to treat Death Sixteen is quite simple. This may also be the treatment method they used to deal with some poisons in the past. Medically speaking, there is no problem at all, which shows that this person is not bragging casually.

As for the drug power problem he mentioned, it is what worries him the most now, because the drugs he uses have never been able to effectively attack the toxicity of Death Sixteen. This proves that the penetrating power of his drugs is not strong enough and the recognition is not enough. It is difficult to accurately kill poison molecules. It can be said that this is also the crux of the stagnation of research!

It can be said that the relationship between drugs and viruses is like a pair of hunters and prey. Whoever is more powerful and has better tactics is likely to win. The roles may be reversed at any time. For doctors, their roles are It lies in how to adjust the drugs in your hands so that they can exert their strongest potency, and use the most sophisticated tactics to deal with the virus...

Now, this person has mastered the medicine in his hands so well that he can penetrate directly into the micron. Although the two of them can't imagine what this micron is about, but according to what he just said, the micron is under the molecule. , are obviously particles that are deeper than molecules, and this kind of particles cannot be penetrated even by the toxicity of Death Sixteen. Therefore, when the potency of its medicine reaches the micron level, it can strengthen the abilities of these microns, allowing They became very powerful and launched a counterattack from there, directly devouring the Death Sixteen virus molecules that were still at the molecular level...

"Can your medicine really do this?!" Wu Dao asked in shock.

"Of course! But believe it or not, if you don't make a decision, I will leave soon. The battle outside is going on quite exciting, and I don't want to miss it..." Ling Daozi snorted.

"The battle outside?! What's the result?!" Nan Yuan asked urgently.

"Hey, I said you are almost dead, so why do you care about the war? Why are you so stubborn? So what if the Yimi fleet wins? Without my antidote, your lives are all at risk... Sigh, sad..." Ling Daozi imitated Wu Dao and sighed...

"This..." The two of them were startled, looking at each other, and couldn't help but feel sad...

Indeed, as people say, if we lose this battle, Yimi will be doomed, but if we win, we will also be doomed. It’s just a matter of time. Such an ending is really a tragedy for the Yimi civilization!

Wu Dao sighed: "So what if you save the two of us? The entire Yimi civilization is about to disappear, and there is no point in our lives, so..."

Ling Daozi hummed: "A civilization is like a person, born, growing, young, prime, old, sooner or later it will end one day, just sooner or later, just like people in the mortal world. It is said that a flower will not bloom for a hundred days and a person will not be good for a thousand days. This is also a rule of the universe. If you cannot even see through this point and still want to sink with a declining civilization, then it only proves that your mind is still open. Not open enough! If Yimi takes the wrong path, he will have to bear the corresponding consequences. Whether it is a civilization or a person, if he is not willing to sink, he must rise up to resist, seize every possible opportunity, and maybe still struggle to survive. The possibility, if even the heart is dead, then let’s stop talking!”

"That's... well said!!!" Wu Dao suddenly became energetic and shouted loudly.

"Then do you still want to survive?"

"Think! Why don't you want to?! Every life has the instinct to survive. I still have many things to do and many ideas to realize. Why should I die so easily? If I can survive, I believe I will If I can cherish time more, cherish this hard-won opportunity, do things that I like, and do things that I think are meaningful, I believe that I will be able to create a medical path of my own..." Wu Dao said, his face There was a strange blush on his face, and he was obviously very excited...

"Then join our Xingyun Castle. The owner of Xingyun Castle is Li Yun, and I am Ling Daozi..."

"No problem!!!" Wu Dao shouted loudly.

With a "swipe", a pill appeared on Wu Dao's head, white and moist, with sparkling spiritual light, overflowing with fragrance, and exuding a powerful temptation...

Wu Dao looked at the elixir, sniffed, and suddenly felt a sense of intoxication passing through his mind. He swallowed the elixir almost uncontrollably!

"Oh my God!!!" Nan Yuan screamed from the side!

This process happened so fast that he couldn't react for a moment, but by this time he could no longer stop it, because Wu Dao had already swallowed the elixir of unknown origin, and he was afraid that once the elixir was in his mouth, he would never be able to stop it again. Taken back!

He suddenly realized that Wu Dao must have been influenced by this person just now, and so was he. During this person's conversation, their minds had been completely controlled by him, and they could not help but be influenced by him. As a result, , Wu Dao first fell into this person’s Taoist magic, and was deceived into some Star Fortune Castle civilization...

This should be related to the fact that Wu Dao is almost exhausted, and his concentration is still not as good as his own, so it became this person's breakthrough in the first place. Unexpectedly, he actually succeeded!

"You?! What pill did you take for your mentor?!" Nan Yuan asked loudly.

"Hehe, you can ask him this question himself and see how he feels now..." Ling Daozi smiled.

"This... mentor, how do you feel?!"

Nan Yuan asked while using his spiritual sense to observe...

"I...I...even if this is a real elixir, it can't be effective all at once, right? Anyway, I'm not dead yet?" Wu Dao sighed.

He seemed to have reacted. Unexpectedly, despite all the precautions, he finally succeeded. He was unable to block this person's all-pervasive attack. His willpower had really weakened...

In fact, Wu Dao and Nan Yuan have been on guard since this person appeared. Of course they knew that this person was a powerful enemy, because he was able to invade the secret vault and remove the information, and even the room spirit could not Block, so be sure to prevent him from making further moves.

However, as the conversation with this person deepened, their hearts began to be attracted to him, they couldn't help but fall in, and were led by him, so that in the end Wu Dao's psychological defense line collapsed first, and not only were they He got involved in Xingyun Castle, and even took the pill he provided. Who knows what kind of pill it was, and who knows what the consequences will be if he takes it...

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