The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2668 Lord Nanyuan

He Minte, Pai Lan and Ying Si all had a look of disbelief on their faces when they heard this!

"What a villain..." He Minte couldn't help but cursed.

Pai Lan snorted: "Actually, it's quite normal. Now all the people in Yimi are troubled and persecuted by Death God Sixteen. Suddenly a person who can deal with Death God Sixteen appears, why don't you praise him to the sky?"

"That makes sense! I'm afraid that President Nan Yuan will give up the position of president to him next time!" Ince said with a smile.

"The higher you climb, the more painful the fall will be. He will know it when he falls..." He Minte teased.

"This won't take too long, I guess we'll see it soon..." Ling Daozi smiled.


"Well, don't underestimate that hodgepodge of pills. Ordinary people will die if they take one pill. People who are hit by the Death God Sixteen can survive for a longer time, but after taking it, the poison will become more severe. Once it breaks out, it will soon be over. He will die, but even I can't save him, so...if he wants to die like this, God can't help it..."

The three of them were dumbfounded. If even Ling Daozi said that there was no way to save him, then maybe there really was no way to save him...

"Hey, let's not talk about him anymore. One of you can take a starship and pick him up quickly!" Ling Daozi said.

"Starship?" The three of them were startled.

"Of course! I have my own things to do, so I can't take you with me. However, our star ship has brought a fleet, so you can pick up people by yourself..." Ling Daozi said proudly.

"Wow!!! That's great!!!" the three people exclaimed in surprise.

Anyone would feel honored to have such a cool battleship for their own exclusive use!

Soon, the three of them took a small starship and headed towards their own sphere of influence...

Ling Daozi let go of his hands and collected information about Yimi civilization. He was so happy to see all kinds of information rolling in...

The core area of ​​the land plate in the middle of the Yimi star is the center of gravity of the Yimi civilization. Countless forces are distributed here. Cities are built based on the terrain, one after another. Large buildings are continuous. Spaceships shuttle in the air, and all-terrain vehicles also Traveling on their own tracks, there are also personal aircraft flying around, making it extremely busy...

This area is like a large three-dimensional world.

In addition to the ground, there are countless things hidden underground, which are also full of people, traffic, and bustle...

However, busyness and excitement are just an appearance. There is always a faint layer of black air on the faces of people coming and going. Ling Daozi can see that the dark air molecules of the Sixteenth God of Death linger in the breaths of these people. , lingering, lingering, and becoming ill. Someone will always feel uncomfortable and collapse, causing countless people around to panic and rush...

The God of Death, Sixteen, is like a real God of Death, wandering over the Yimi civilization, suffocating all the people of Yimi. Everyone feels so weak and powerless in front of the God of Death. This kind of inability to control their own destiny The feeling will make people feel particularly broken!

It is precisely because of this that such a strange thing happened, such as Yushan being promoted as the vice president of the Medical Association. Everyone is extremely eager to find an antidote to save this crumbling civilization...

During this period, due to the outbreak of war, this center of gravity area became even busier. Countless instructions were issued from here and spread to surrounding areas and satellite planets further away. The entire civilization was in motion!

Countless tanks and spaceships are gathering, a large amount of materials are constantly being transported from all over the world, and many soldiers are stepping up training...

In fact, the situation of internal and external troubles has also aroused the pride and survival desire in the hearts of the people of Yimi. Everyone is working hard, trying to contribute through their own efforts to seize the ethereal feeling in the dark. The turn of events…

In this busy scene, there is one place that looks a little different. This is the Yimi Medical Doctors Association located in the central area. The building here is unique in shape, tall and majestic, and gorgeously decorated. It is almost a landmark of Yimi civilization, highlighting the Its lofty status in Yimi civilization!

You must know that the current Yimi civilization is a superpower civilization based on medicine. All superpowers require medicine to support and develop. Therefore, everyone cannot do without medicine, and they cannot do without the help of doctors. and support. As a result, the power of the Doctors Federation has become more and more powerful. Until now, it has become a giant in civilization. Even the Great Lord and the Supreme Council of Elders dare not offend it easily, let alone Talk about other people.

However, the Doctors' Federation has been under great pressure recently, for no other reason than that it created a big trap of its own and developed the deadly weapon of Death Sixteen. As a result, even itself could not control it, and instead caused the entire world to suffer. Civilization is affected, everyone is infected with this terrible poison, and is in danger!

There are already many people who have fallen. These people are being sent here in a steady stream, and even resettlement is a problem.

Therefore, the scene here is different from other places in civilization. It seems a bit gloomy and quiet, but there is a breath of death constantly brewing...

On the other side, there was a completely opposite fanatical scene. Many people gathered under a high platform, screaming, jumping, and holding items with Yushan's face on them... The scene was extremely lively!

"Ushan Yushan! Yushan Yushan!! Yushan Yushan!!!"

The screams can almost reach the sky, creating a jaw-dropping atmosphere. As long as you are in it, you may be assimilated by the emotions of the people around you. In the eyes of these people, Yu Shan is their savior, specially sent by the universe. Save them!

Within the Medical Doctors Federation, many people have gathered at this time. The purpose of their gathering is to support Yu Shan to become the president of the Medical Doctors Federation and replace the original president, Lord Nan Yuan!

Many of these people were prominent and powerful figures in the Yimi civilization. They felt greatly improved after taking Yushan's elixir, and they were of course very grateful to Yushan.

This time, after being instigated by Yushan's supporters, these powerful figures also joined the ranks of supporting Yushan, making the call for Yushan to be elected president getting louder and louder...

In fact, any huge civilization or power cannot always be monolithic. After the Doctors Federation becomes a dominant entity, its internal divisions will inevitably begin to divide due to certain interests. Some people support Nan Yuan. Lord, some people are opposed to it, and some people will be neutral. In this crisis, Lord Nanyuan can be said to be the first to bear the brunt, and has been questioned and opposed by many people!

In their view, the project to study Death God Sixteen was carried out under the leadership of Lord Nanyuan himself. After the previous successful development, they also received great glory and benefits. However, now Death God Sixteen has brought disaster to the entire civilization. As a result, everyone is facing the terrible ending of being harvested by it. From this perspective, Lord Nanyuan is the biggest sinner of Yimi civilization. How can such a person have the nerve to sit on the throne of the president of the Medical Association?

He should have been ousted long ago!

But after all, Lord Nanyuan has been in office for many years and has the support of countless people, including the Great Lord and several great elders of the Supreme Elders Council. Therefore, it is not easy to overthrow his throne. After all, in Yi Mi Civilization Congzhi In the process of transforming from the magic stage to the supernatural stage, Lord Nanyuan has made great achievements, and many people have received his help and favor...

However, those who oppose him will not give up. Due to conflicts of interest and some personal grievances, the opposition has deliberately added fuel to the flames during this period, causing many people in the meeting to turn against Lord Nanyuan, and After Yu Shan appeared, this opposition reached its peak!

The opposition pushed Yu Shan to the forefront and became the protagonist against Lord Nan Yuan. It can be said that Yu Shan himself was somewhat unprepared for this rapid change in role, so that when he was elected as the vice president by the opposition, he was completely They are all confused.

But what happened next made him even more incredible, because the opposition actually wanted to elect him as the president. You know, he had received a lot of help from Lord Nanyuan before the introduction of his detoxifying pill, but now he actually wanted to Use this elixir to replace Lord Nan Yuan's position.

This change made it difficult for Yu Shan, who had not even been selected for the federation before, to accept it. He felt that he was far from being prepared both medically and psychologically.

He knew very well that the "Antitoxic Pill" he developed before was purely for fun. He just had an idea at a certain moment and then put it into practice. Unexpectedly, it was quite effective after he tried it. Only then did I give it to other people to try it, and the results generally felt that the toxicity of Death Sixteen had indeed slowed down a lot, which was quite effective. But if he was asked to explain the medical theory and action process of the "Detox Pill", he would not be able to do it at all. It cannot be explained thoroughly.

Therefore, Yushan has no confidence at all and lacks self-confidence. Recently, he has not dared to contact the opposition and other people. Instead, he has locked himself in a small space and reflected on everything that has happened recently...

In a certain space within the Federation, Lord Nan Yuan was wearing the robe of a senior physician, a crown representing the authority of the president, and a shining golden scepter in his hand, with his eyes slightly closed. He seemed to be thinking about something...

A man who looked like a doctor hurriedly walked in, holding some letters in his hand. He came to stand next to Lord Nan Yuan and hesitated to speak.

This person is a close confidant of Nan Yuan named An Jing. He is also a senior doctor and ranks eighth in the Yimi Federation.

"Say..." Nan Yuan said with his eyes closed.

"President...the people outside are causing a lot of trouble, and it's all the fault of this woman Mengsha!" An Jing said harshly.

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