The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2662 Stone Spirit and Weapon Spirit

( ) In fact, this sentence also applies to the relationship between Xingyun Castle and the dark universe force behind the Faith Travertine. That dark universe force carefully crafted the overall situation of Faith Travertine in order to make huge profits from the positive universe. , in their view, in the future, their belief in the Cave World will be able to control everything in the universe, including the Tiangang Treasure Star.

However, what they did not expect was that a small civilization called Xingyun Castle was developing rapidly. One day, its development could completely cause the overall situation they had arranged to quietly collapse... because the world of faith they spawned was constantly The ground became food for Star Fortune Castle, and their dream of a world united in the cave world was ultimately a fruitless endeavor...

Li Yun stared closely at Shi Ling's operations and said: "Then let's see if Shi Ling can decipher the contents of the Chaos Formation and the Neutrino Formation, and from this we can also deduce his true level..."

"So far, he has made some progress in deciphering the chaos formation, but the speed is a little slow..." Xiaoxing said.

"Despite this, it also shows that he is indeed quite capable!" Li Yun praised.

"Yes! This guy's wisdom in the positive universe is at least at the level of a fourth-level civilization. If he can unlock the neutrino formation, he can reach the level of a fifth-level civilization..."

"It feels like he has encountered a difficulty!" Li Yun's eyes suddenly lit up and he said.

"Hey, that Chaos Formation was improved by Xiao Nu, and it's not that easy to crack!" Xiao Xing said proudly.

"Look again..."

The two of them observed and discussed, and their mood gradually became more relaxed...

Because they can basically judge from the performance of Shi Ling, this Shi Ling's level of positive cosmic wisdom cannot be too high. Even if he can really unlock the content of the neutrino formation, it is far inferior to the star. Yun Bao, and his ability in the dark universe is difficult to fully display in the normal universe, so this stone spirit is basically here to deliver food!

Shi Ling encountered difficulties in the process of studying chaos formations, and these formations were just some of the formations on the outside of these bases. He knew in his heart that as he went inside, the level of the formations would only get higher. High, of course it will be more difficult to crack. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but become a little restless...

This is because, if these formations are so advanced, it means that the level of experts here is higher than his own, so what is this person doing now?

Could he have discovered himself? Are you already on guard against yourself? Are you already laying a trap, waiting for you to fall into it?


There is no one at the core of the surveillance network where I am now. This is quite abnormal. Since this civilization can create such a surveillance network all over the world, why is there no one to watch and use it? In an abandoned state?

The more Shi Ling thought about it, the more something was wrong. He felt as if he had fallen into a trap. Maybe someone was monitoring his every move at this time...

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but secretly break into a cold sweat, and quickly used the invisibility technique to the extreme. Of course he knew that it would be best to use the invisibility technique of the dark universe in the positive universe. Not many people in the positive universe could detect it. Come out, so even if this person is really powerful, it is unlikely that he will be discovered.

In addition, he also discovered that the surveillance network only collected information about the positive universe, but could not collect information about dark matter and dark energy, so he gradually calmed down...

However, his cracking process encountered difficulties and became slower and slower, and even began to stagnate, which caused his confidence to be eroded bit by bit...

"Eh?! There's a spaceship?!" Shi Ling was suddenly startled!

After arriving here, he discovered the spaceship for the first time, and the spaceship was heading directly towards the Hongshan Star. Could it be that it was coming specifically for him? !

Looks like the guy finally took action...

In Shi Ling's opinion, someone must have discovered his infiltration into the surveillance network, but the other party might not be able to discover his invisibility, so he sent a spaceship to check...

He immediately mobilized the surveillance network and locked the spaceship tightly. While observing, he began to control...

During this time, he has become basically familiar with this surveillance network, so he can use it to observe, study, and even mobilize some of the offensive and defensive weapons on the Red Mountain Star...

But he seemed to have overlooked one thing, because the surveillance network also had a weapon spirit. At this time, the weapon spirit felt that it was under unknown control, and finally launched a counterattack, and a relatively chaotic scene appeared in the control room!

"Ohh Ohh ohh!!!"

"Who are you?! What are you doing?! Where are you?!!!" Qi Ling roared loudly.

Many hidden weapons were pointed at the control console, and thick smoke billowed, quickly turning the entire control space into a world filled with mist...

"Whoosh - whoosh - whoosh whoosh - boom - boom boom - bang! bang bang!! bang bang bang!!!" The sound of weapon attacks continued to sound, making people can't help but imagine the control space at this time. How terrifying...

Shi Ling was caught off guard by the sudden attack by the Surveillance Network Artifact Spirit and looked quite embarrassed. Since the power of weapons from these Yi Mi civilizations had posed a certain threat to him, he had to quickly hide in the cave world, and Manipulating the Faith Travertine to dodge...

However, the surveillance space is relatively tight, and the weapon attacks are extremely dense. Although Dongtian World has become invisible, it is still inevitable to be hit by some of these attacks. A huge roar suddenly erupts, and at the same time, the weapon spirit locks the position of Dongtian World, and the attack becomes More concentrated and dense!

For the surveillance network tool spirit, being invaded and illegally controlled by a foreign enemy was a fatal mistake. Therefore, he became extremely angry at this time, acted mercilessly, and did not care about the consequences, even if it turned the entire surveillance network into a Even though he was paralyzed, he still wanted to keep this person, so under his intensive control, he used various means, defensive and offensive, so that Shi Ling could not find a way to escape for a while, so he had to bite the bullet Hard...

Fortunately, its shell was strong enough and remained intact under the crazy attacks of the weapon spirit. However, the energy of the outer protective shield was rapidly declining, and soon fell below the safety line. The stone spirit quickly mobilized the forces in the cave world. The power of life and faith was quickly replenished, and I saw a layer of light and shadow covering the outside of the faith travertine. In the light and shadow, I could vaguely see a vast world. In that world, there were life activities everywhere, including those who farmed and those who put in the fields. Those who work with cattle, those who draw water, those who hunt, those who do business, those who practice, those who name it, and in this corner of the world, a large number of beings are stopping what they are busy doing, sitting cross-legged, clasping their hands, and mumbling something. , dedicate the power of your faith to the world of Dongtian...

Under the mobilization of Shi Ling, after this group of people contributed their power of faith, another group of people quickly picked up. This cycle continues, and each group of people can rest after almost using it once. It can be seen that this The world has accumulated an astonishing amount of life, reaching a staggering scale!

"Eh?! Not good!!!" Ship Spirit No. 9 suddenly shouted.

"What's the matter?!" Rommel asked urgently.

"There is a battle in the space controlled by the surveillance network. I'm afraid there is an invasion from a foreign enemy!"

"Foreign enemy invasion?!" Rommel, Jueba, Fensen and others all shouted in shock.

"It can't be that person, right?" Rommel quickly thought of this.

"Hard to say…"

While he was talking, Ship Spirit No. 9 had already controlled Yimi No. 9 to accelerate towards the control space. Moreover, he quickly received confirmation from Ship Spirit No. 4, and then he realized that an unknown foreign enemy had invaded the surveillance network. At this moment, the Ship Spirit was attacking with all its strength. This enemy!

"What's going on with the weapon spirit?! It can easily destroy the entire control space by doing this!" Ship Spirit No. 9 exclaimed.

"It's almost destroyed now! But the foreign enemy is still resisting. We must encircle it to prevent it from escaping!" Ship Spirit No. 4 said loudly.

"This... is good!!!"

Not long after, two high-level Yimi spaceships arrived at the core base of the surveillance network. Countless small battleships flew out from the mothership, blocking a large area of ​​space around them, waiting to intercept foreign enemies...

No. 9 and No. 4 had already mobilized their weapons to closely lock on the traces of foreign enemies, waiting for the opportunity to strike the fatal blow...

Shi Ling started to feel bad!

At such a close distance, he had long noticed the large number of warships blocking the outside, especially the two mothership-class spaceships. The weapons on them were obviously very powerful. Being locked by them, he felt that he was almost out of breath. …

"If you don't leave now, when will you stay?!"

Shi Ling took the risk of being intensively attacked by the surveillance network weapon spirit, transformed into a sharp sword, and came out through the wall!

The surveillance network has been heavily protected by weapon spirits. Shi Ling has tried many times before without success. However, this time Shi Ling made a desperate move and not only gathered the power of faith of a large number of believers, but also used dark energy. The power level of dark energy is originally higher than that of positive energy, but Shi Ling does not use it, because this dark energy is extremely precious. Once it is used, it is used, and it is difficult to get effective replenishment. However, when used at this time, it has excellent benefits. As expected, it quickly broke through the defense of the weapon spirit and escaped into the starry sky!

As soon as the stone spirit arrived in the starry sky, it immediately turned into a shadow and fled the area frantically. However, the warships that had been locking it suddenly lost their target!

The reason is naturally that they cannot lock on the stone spirit that is protected by the dark universe invisibility method. The previous weapon spirit was able to lock it on the basis of confined space and intensive attacks. Now in the starry sky, the stone spirit is like a drop of water melting into it. The sea disappeared in the blink of an eye, leaving them helpless...

"Eh?! Dark energy?!!!" Shi Ling suddenly screamed.

When he activated the dark energy that had not been used for a long time, he finally sensed the dark energy nebula in the central high-energy area...

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