The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2641 Man-made disasters are worse than natural disasters

The escaping spaceships panicked and fled in all directions, but they basically flew in the direction of the periphery. In this way, some spacecrafts even encountered space pirates and tribal fleets that were returning one after another!

The fleets that came back later were also stronger. After hearing about this, these fleets began to gather and discuss whether to fight to the death with the other party.

However, after they checked the injuries of the fleet ships in front, none of them were calm. They felt that the opponent's weapons were extremely powerful!

Because after the spacecraft in front was hit by enemy fire bombs and ice bombs, the damage to the outer shell was extremely serious. Although some were only hit by one bullet, more than half of the energy shield protecting the outer shell had been damaged!

In a situation like this, if two more bombs are hit in a row, the spacecraft may be exploded. This kind of firepower is too fierce...

For space pirates, of course they know the importance of the spacecraft, because they spend more time on the spacecraft than on the base. The better the performance of the spacecraft and the stronger its combat power, the higher the success rate of their robbery. It is higher and safer, so generally more than half of the wealth they robbed will be spent on repairing and improving the spacecraft. As long as there is any treasure that can improve the performance of the spacecraft, they will find a way to exchange it or Buy it back and use it on the spaceship. After a long time, the performance of the space pirate's spaceship will be much better than that of the ordinary spacecraft of the tribe.

Just like the spaceship of the Langpu fleet last time, although it was just an ordinary fleet of the Hongtong space pirates, it was much more powerful than the Evian clan's bronze fleet.

However, now these space pirate spacecraft are so fragile under enemy fire, which scares all the space pirates!

"It's terrible! What kind of shell is this?"

"I've never seen it before! This one shot has damaged the outer shell like this, so wouldn't it be over with one more shot?!"

"That's right, the shield of this spaceship is much better than mine. If it is like this, then my ship may not be able to withstand a single shot!"

"That's it! Look at that ship again. It was completely frozen by the ice blocks hit by the opponent. The shield only has one-third of its energy left. One more shot will definitely destroy it!"

"Oh my god! Who is the other person?!"

"It can't be a foreign race, right?!"

"Alien?!" All the space pirates screamed.

They quickly remembered that Chixia space pirates had robbed Shangtang Star before.

And this time the Hongtong Space Pirates "robbed" the Hongshan Star, I couldn't help but suddenly realized it!

It seems that the actions of these two space pirates have angered the alien race. No wonder they will set traps to attack people like myself!

"It makes sense! It must be them!"

"No! If the aliens target us as space pirates, we will be in trouble in the future!"

"That's right, now that they are blocking you there and you can't even go back to your old nest, what should you do?!"

"If we leave this starry sky, can we still have food to eat?"

"This..." All the space pirates were stunned for a moment!

Yes, they relied on the civilization of this starry sky to make a living. With this territory, they could survive and develop among various tribes, and even lived a more prosperous life than those tribes.

However, without this starry sky civilization, who else can they rob? Maybe it won't even be able to replenish the energy to ensure the flight of the spacecraft, and it will be a tragedy if it breaks down halfway...

Suddenly someone said loudly: "Hey, are you thinking too much? The aliens are blocking us there now, but the starry sky here is so vast. They can block one place, but can they block everywhere? We space pirates are originally We are playing a hide-and-seek game with various tribes and forces. They are blocking this direction, so we go back from another direction. Why are we afraid of what they will do?!"

"Yes..." Everyone suddenly understood.

The advantage of space pirates is that they are flexible and have no fixed location. They are indeed playing hide and seek with various forces. Now they are just playing this game again with aliens...

After everyone figured this out, they suddenly felt a lot more at ease. For them, no matter what, they couldn't leave here as easily as Hongtong's space pirate. They had to find a way to stay, otherwise their life would be impossible to live on. So, let’s play with the aliens for now.

Each fleet quickly dispersed, and some deliberately made a huge circle to see if there was no danger before getting in and quietly returning to their nests...

The Yimi-9 hid in the trap for a long time, and the intercepted fleets became less and less. In the end, they almost completely disappeared. It can be seen that there should be no more space pirate fleets coming back later, but the number of spacecraft shot down this time was less than expected. There were a lot of them, which made Rommel feel a little strange. Where did the other spaceships go?

"General, did they get the news and didn't dare to come in, but stopped on the outside?" Finsen thought.

"Well, let's go outside and take a look! By the way, send a fleet to salvage those downed spaceships. There should be a lot of materials and resources from our base on them!" Rommel said.

"Yes! General!" Fensen responded quickly.

Soon, many Yimi small fleets were sent to salvage the sunken ship, and Yimi No. 9 headed to the outside, but they were busy for a long time, but they all found nothing!

Yimi 9 patrolled the periphery for a long time, and finally confirmed that there was no more space pirate spacecraft, so it returned. Then each small fleet came back, and the information reported surprised Rommel, who said in amazement: "Not a single sunken ship has been salvaged? !”

"General, it's true! They have tried their best to search, but those spacecrafts don't even have any information, including the life heat energy on them, which cannot be detected!" Finson explained.

"What about the messages left by our shells?" Rommel snorted.

"It's also undetectable! If there is, our Yimi No. 9 weapon spirit can also detect it!" Fensen said.

"This..." Rommel was stunned.

Fensen was right. If those spaceships were nearby, the weapon spirits of Yimi No. 9 would definitely be able to find their traces, but now...

But I heard the weapon spirit say: "General, those spaceships suddenly disappeared out of thin air after falling out of a certain range!"

"Disappear into thin air?!"

"Yes! Judging from the information, this is indeed the case. According to my judgment, they were most likely taken away by someone. Moreover, the protection of the person who took them away was very good. I didn't detect any information at all..." Qi Ling said.

"What?!" Rommel and Finsen screamed!

Unexpectedly, there is someone lurking nearby here, and they also took action to salvage the sunken ship. Doesn't that mean that he shot down the spacecraft for them, and all the benefits were taken away by them?

"How unreasonable?! Who is he? He is so capable?!" Rommel asked loudly.

"This...can't be detected yet, but the possibility of potential enemies is extremely high!" Qi Ling said.

"How high is it? Could it be for other reasons?"

"It is almost impossible to have other reasons, so the probability of potential enemies existing is over 90%!" The weapon spirit said with certainty.

"Oh my God... this enemy can avoid your detection, doesn't that mean that if he sneaks up next to us, we won't be able to detect him?!" Rommel said in shock.

"This possibility cannot be ruled out. However, the other party only starts salvaging the spacecraft after it falls out of a certain range. I guess the other party is also worried about being discovered by me. Therefore, general, don't be too nervous. If the other party approaches us to a certain range, I should have discovered it!" Qi Ling analyzed.

"How big is the certain range you mentioned?"

"A radius of ten thousand miles!"

"In other words, if the other party is within ten thousand miles, you may find him?"

"Yes! Of course, from now on, I will continue to adjust the surveillance system and strive to expand the scope and discover them faster so as to take the initiative!" Qi Ling said confidently.

"Okay! We must find them! Now it seems that this starry sky is not peaceful. We have suffered a lot and cannot be careless anymore!" Rommel said.

"Why did the general become so timid all of a sudden? This starry sky civilization is below our Yimi civilization. It is impossible for anyone to defeat us. Even if they can hide, they are just hiding, just like life in the dark night. , I can’t get on the bright stage!" Qi Ling said proudly.

Rommel was scolded by Qi Ling, and his face turned extremely red. But after thinking about it carefully, he felt that Qi Ling was right. Was he too sensitive?

Although they have suffered a lot of losses recently, the Chixia space pirates who attacked Shangtang planet have been destroyed by internal strife among the space pirates. The Hongtong space pirates have also been expelled from the starry sky by other space pirates. Just now, I also attacked other space pirates. Retaliation was carried out, and the loss of Hongshan Star was purely a natural disaster and had nothing to do with him at all. As for the loss of those sunken ships, it was also because the other party was hiding in the dark and acting secretly, and he was just unaware of it for a moment...

After thinking about this, he finally gradually relaxed and felt that the situation was not out of control yet. The most important thing at the moment was to continue to fight against other space pirates and find the person who took away the sunken ship.

"Okay, then our operations against space pirates will continue. It's up to you whether we can find them or not!" Rommel snorted.

"No problem!" Qi Ling responded.

Yimi No. 9 recalled all the small fleets, gathered all the breath, and disappeared into the vast space with a "whoosh"...

"This weapon spirit's tone is quite impressive..." Li Yun said with a smile.

"It seems that the lesson I gave it last time was not enough. It thinks that I am still the one in control here!" Xiaoxing teased.

"This only shows that it was completely unaware that the last time was not a natural disaster, but a man-made disaster!" Li Yun said.

"Hey, natural disasters are not terrible, man-made disasters are the most terrible thing! I believe it will understand this soon..." Xiaoxing said happily.

"Oh? What do you want to do?"

"Now the newly arrived Yimi people are contacting it, Minte, Pai Lan, Rommel and others, but those messages have been intercepted by us, so let them lose contact first..."

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