The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 263 Mysterious Magical Weapon (3)

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"Plop" "Plop" "Plop"

Suddenly, three people fell to the ground, and one of them cried loudly: "City Lord, I was the one who made a mistake while drunk, and was tricked by others, and harmed Chigu City..."

"City Lord, kill us!"

"We... are ashamed of our clansmen!"

The three of them almost simultaneously pulled out the demon swords in their hands and were about to kill themselves!

"Dang" "Dang" "Dang"

A flash of red light flashed, and the three demon knives were shot down by Chi Yan at the same time. He sighed: "If I didn't know that you made an unintentional mistake, your heads would have fallen to the ground by now! When the formation is broken, you must fight to the death with me!"


The three people immediately stood up and roared in unison, secretly making a blood oath in their hearts.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred.



Rumble, rumble, rumble!

Several thunderous sounds suddenly exploded in the deep sea. Chi Yan's face showed a look of shock, and he was shocked to find that there was an extremely chaotic situation outside the formation.

Countless elephant-nosed fish tribe seemed to be lifted up by a huge force, exploded into pieces, and flew rapidly to the outside!

The peak-protecting formation finally gave out under this huge force. There was a loud "pop" and "pop" and collapsed.

The Chiqu clan finally saw the situation in front of them clearly, and saw that there was a huge black carpet above them. In the black carpet, light and electricity flashed sharply, and several powerful thunder lights were brewing.

Lan Yu was stunned by the lightning strikes just now. He didn't know what happened. Even he himself was burned black by the blast, and his blue hair turned into black hair. Looking around, he found that almost half of his clan members were missing. , looked at the sky again, and was suddenly frightened out of his wits, shouting at the top of his lungs: "Let's go!"

He ducked out of the way and disappeared immediately. Others were running around, wishing they could put another layer of oil on their bodies so they could swim faster.



Rumble, rumble, rumble!

Several more thick beams of lightning struck down instantly, stirring up thunder and dust all over the sky.

Almost all the Elephant Trunk Fish clan who had no time to escape were buried under these terrifying thunders. Their limbs and broken noses were scattered everywhere, and the scene was extremely bloody.


"Uh uh..."

"Uh uh uh…"

Many people in the Chiqu tribe began to vomit wildly, especially the female tribe members. Everyone felt their stomachs tightening and uncomfortable, and almost even vomited out bile.

Chu Chu screamed, hugged Chi Yan tightly and closed her eyes tightly.

"Don't be afraid...don't be afraid! It seems that even God has come to save us..."

Chi Yan murmured, and a divine light shone in his eyes, getting brighter and brighter!

Suddenly, he let out a light sigh, his eyes narrowed, and he exclaimed: "Sword?! Why is there a sword?!"

I saw the sky thundering wildly, and a sword suddenly flew high into the sky, bathed in thunder light, like a vigorous flying dragon, shining coldly on people, dancing wildly in the air...

After a while, the thunder suddenly stopped, and the thunder light in the air gradually faded away. The flying sword made a brush sound and was fixed in the air. The tip of the sword pointed far up in the sky, majestic and majestic!

"Oh my god!!! What kind of sword is this?! It can actually attract thunder?!" Chi Yan couldn't suppress the excitement in his heart and screamed wildly.

Just as he was about to go over to check, he suddenly saw a flash of a figure, and a figure appeared in the sky. He stretched out his hand and grabbed the flying sword in his hand. He turned around and smiled and nodded at Chi Yan.

"Li Yun?!" Chi Yan said in shock.

"Senior Chi, I haven't seen him for many days, and he seems to have been seriously injured?" Li Yun said.

"How...why are you here?!"

"I was hunting animals in Qinghui Forest and found an underground passage. I was curious and came down..."

"This...does anyone know about this place?"

"Senior, don't worry! I won't reveal the secret here.


"This yours?!"

"Yes. This sword is somewhat special. It needs to overcome tribulations and can trigger thunder. I just saw that the situation here was quite tense, so I threw it out..."

"What?! Did you us?!"

"It can't be said whether it can be saved or not. Anyway, it will be the same wherever it goes through the tribulation. I just used it here..."

" was you who saved our Chiqu clan! I...can't thank you enough!" Chi Yan shouted loudly, about to salute.

Li Yun quickly moved away and said with a smile: "Senior is giving such a great gift, how can I, the junior, bear it? Why not repair the peak protection formation as soon as possible to avoid another attack!"

When Chi Yan heard this, he suddenly realized that he quickly led his tribe to rebuild the formation.

However, when he finished building the formation and came to his senses, he found that Li Yun had already disappeared.

I couldn't help but feel a little emotional... This disaster started from Li Yun and ended with Li Yun. It seemed that there was a perfect cycle of cause and effect. Fortunately, I and the Chiqu tribe were not annihilated.

"But... did Li Yun really arrive by chance?" Chi Yan couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

"Master, it was really easy and beautiful to help the Red Rooster tribe to rescue this time..." Xuandong Mu praised sincerely.

He didn't expect that in such a situation, Li Yun didn't have to let him take action. He just threw a magic sword and solved the problem. I'm afraid no one would believe it, but it happened in front of him.

"Of course I won't take action if I can. The level of fighting and killing is too low!" Li Yun laughed.

"Haha, there are benefits to fighting and killing. You can improve in battle..."

"Having said that, in the situation just now, using this move to wipe out the whole group is the best choice..."

"My master is right!"

The success of the Mysterious Magic Sword in overcoming the tribulation means that it can then enter the stage of batch refining.

In response to the situation of the Immortal Attendant Army, the first batch of mysterious magic weapons developed by Li Yun and Xiaoxing were magic swords, magic swords and shields.

This is the most commonly used type of magic weapon. Basically everyone can use it for both offense and defense. It is the most suitable weapon to equip an army.

In addition to the mysterious patterns and the immortal patterns of the Spirit Gathering Formation, the shield depicts a protective formation, using the "Seven Stars Beidou Formation", while the magic sword and magic sword depict an offensive formation, using the "Five Elements Killing Formation".

On the black earth platform, countless weapon refining furnaces rose out of thin air. In each of the weapon refining furnaces, there was a first-grade high-grade strange fire, shining with fiery red light.

With the talisman brush in his hand, Li Yun's pen flew out one by one, and merged into the magic weapon like a hundred birds returning to their nests. After the magic weapon carried the light patterns, it was sent to the refining furnace for smelting. If the refining was successful, it would fly out automatically. , put away by Xuan Dongmu, the whole process was like a flawless program, even the time was accurate.

This state seems to contain a certain rhythm. Li Yun has entered a magical realm. With him as the center, the spirit and demon energy in Tianyun space is activated. The air flow flows in... runs... and outputs from outside his body, forming a In the spiritual power cycle, everything is so natural and harmonious.

You must know that Tianyun Space is like a small world. Li Yun is the master of this world, and his will is the will of this small world. It can be said that when he is in this state, he can use the power of this small world. , to accomplish everything you want to do.

In this way, his ability will naturally greatly increase, and his efficiency in doing things will also be greatly improved. Even during this process, his body was washed away by the power of the spirits and demons in the Tianyun space, which was also a good practice method.

This kind of cultivation method is not only helpful for improving cultivation, but also has a great effect on physical training. If you persist for a long time, it will naturally have the effect of cutting away the hair and cleansing the marrow.

As time went on, mysterious magic weapons began to be refined in batches.

In the Qingyuan Hall, Tuzhenzi had a gloomy face and sensed a letter talisman in his hand.

"Senior Brother, is there some bad news?" Bizhenzi asked cautiously.

"Junior sister, the Kongkong Pirates appeared in Tiandu Mountain and the Divine Artifact Pavilion a few days ago. They plundered these two sects and left in a hurry!"

"What?!" Bizhenzi was so surprised that her mouth opened slightly.

Muzhenzi's expression also changed when he heard this. Unexpectedly, Kong Kong Pirates appeared again. Last time they robbed Tianjie Fang City, and this time they robbed two second-rate large sects in Daxia in one fell swoop!

"The Kong Kong pirates are so rampant, senior brother, we must be careful!" Bizhenzi said in shock.

"That's right! Junior brother, immediately send an order to the entire sect to be on guard against Kong Kong Pirates! Especially in Fangshi, we must be heavily guarded!" Tuzhenzi said loudly.

"Yes!" Muzhenzi responded and disappeared.

"Junior sister, in addition to Fangshi, we must strictly guard against Kongkong Pirates from plundering Wuyou Peak. Why don't you go and give Yun'er and Mingzu Zong a warning now."

"Senior brother, don't worry! If the Kong Kong Pirates dare to go to Wuyou Peak, they will definitely not be able to escape the consciousness of Ming Ancestor!"

"That must be the case! However, we must be prepared!"

"Yes!" Bizhenzi responded and walked away.

"Kongkong Pirates...who are you..."

Tuzhenzi pondered and carefully studied the content written on the letter. Suddenly, he was slightly startled, and a strange look appeared on his face.

"Why are the Sky Pirates' behavior so weird?"

He murmured in his mouth, his eyes fixed on the content of the letter, because it read: "The Kongkong Pirates not only robbed everything in Fang City, but also didn't let go of the mountains of waste from these two sects. Sweeping away! Finally, a firework was released in the sky, saying that the air pirates were here..."

It would be understandable if the air thief robbed the market, but why would he even want scraps? Isn't he a garbage collector?

Moreover, at the end, he set off fireworks to tell others that he had been here, as if he was afraid that the world would not know.

This kind of approach is either an arrogance of this person, or he is as stupid as a pig. Of course, if there is a third way, maybe he is deliberately confusing the audience and diverting other people's attention.

Tu Zhenzi immediately recalled what Mu Zhenzi said when he came back from the western investigation last time. At that time, Kong Kong Pirates also collected the scraps after robbing Tianjie Fang City.

"Why is this person... collecting scraps?!"

Tuzhenzi's heart suddenly started to beat wildly, because he found that he had found the biggest suspicion in these robberies!

"Scrap... Scrap... If the Kong Kong Pirate really comes to Qingyuan Sect, then the only thing he can't succeed is the scrap! Because the Qingyuan Sect's scrap has been cleared away by... Li Yun...!"

"Li Yun?!"

Tuzhenzi blurted out, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and a figure appeared in his mind, looking like he was smiling.

"Could it be...him?! Impossible! Absolutely impossible!" Tuzhenzi yelled.

...To be continued.

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