The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2633 Yimi No. 9

( ) Li Yun finally recovered from the scene just now. He knew that he must be able to accept this scene, because this should be the daily life of Chixia space pirates and the daily life of countless space pirates. Under this starry sky It may happen somewhere from time to time...

The emergence of space pirates is both accidental and inevitable. In fact, many bandits will appear in relatively low-level cultivation civilizations. Robbery, killing and stealing are commonplace, but in higher-level cultivation civilizations, they have developed into space pirates...

It can be said that even if you can destroy them temporarily, you cannot destroy them forever. Space pirates will always exist, so you must accept this fact.

However, now that the Chixia space pirate has been discovered by him, he naturally cannot let him go easily...

"What's going on with their old lair?" Li Yun asked.

"It has been emptied by our starship! And the blame was also put on the alien race..." Xiaoxing said proudly.

"Very good. I believe that some of the surviving people on Shangtang Planet will always recognize the Chixia Space Pirates. Therefore, let the Yimi and Doga clan teams deal with them... However, our Starship Ship will also have to go all the way. Follow..." Li Yun said.

"no problem!"

This time, the Starship Fleet was not near Shangtang Star, so there was no attempt to block it. However, even if the Starship Fleet was nearby at that time, it might not have been in time, because the Chixia Space Pirates moved very fast, and it only took just 10 seconds from start to finish. In a short period of time, it can be said to be lightning fast, making people dazzled and overwhelmed...

Rommel led his men and the Doga clan team on the way back. It was precisely because of his usual arrogance and his disdain for low-level civilizations that he lost the best opportunity to defend and counterattack. .

After the troops split into two groups halfway, he led a team of troops to the Red Mountain planet, while his deputy Cruz led another team to the Shangtang planet. As a result, when Cruz arrived at the Shangtang planet, he found that something was wrong. The entire main planet It was all messy and full of fireworks. After closer inspection, I found out that space pirates had come. All the bases were destroyed, and all resources were either blown up or snatched away by space pirates. The losses were extremely heavy!

Moreover, only dozens of Yimi people stationed at various bases survived, and all the others were killed in this disaster!

This is what Cruz cannot accept the most, because in his opinion, even if all the aliens and indigenous people on Shangtang Planet die, it is not as serious as the loss of a few people from the Yimi Civilization!

In addition, the loss of resources also made him feel extremely sad, because most of these resources were transported secretly from Yi and were used to build a base.

Now that all resources have been destroyed, the base construction project is far away, and the authorities are pressing hard recently. If the task cannot be completed, everyone will suffer!

He immediately sent a message to Rommel, and he led people to provide disaster relief and clean up the scene. At the same time, he collected information about the whereabouts of the Chixia space pirate. To him, this space pirate was already nailed to the wall and could not be destroyed unless it was destroyed. No…

Rommel received the message and his whole body was in bad shape!

Unexpectedly, he, a high-level civilized master, would be beaten by a group of petty thieves and lose his own manpower and resources. If such a thing were to spread back to the world of Yimi, he would not be able to secure his position as commander. Being ridiculed by others, I can no longer hold my head up...

"Chixia Space Pirate...Chixia Space Pirate!!! Damn it!!!" Rommel roared fiercely, feeling extremely regretful in his heart.

Originally, Minte and Pai Lan had warned him early in the morning, but he didn't pay much attention to it and wandered leisurely along the way, which allowed the Chixia space pirates to successfully rob and evacuate in time!

If this matter is investigated, the responsibility lies entirely on himself, so Rommel is now deeply in self-blame...

It can be said that this incident has become a stain on his life, and he has been nailed to the pillar of shame in history, and he can never get rid of it!

For Rommel, this time it was a complete capsize in the gutter. His reputation was ruined by a group of space pirates. How could he not be extremely upset? !

He felt so sorry for himself that he almost forgot about his mission. Fortunately, he suddenly realized that the last message he sent to Minte and Pai Lan seemed not to mention the Chixia Space Pirate, but the Hongtong Space Pirate!

"Hongtong Space Pirates? Are they going to attack Hongshan Planet?!" Rommel was startled and woke up completely.

He also didn't know why He Minte knew the whereabouts of these space pirates so well, because as far as he knew, He Minte and Pai Lan were not on the Red Mountain Planet now. Maybe they happened to be near the space pirates...

Now that Chixia space pirates have attacked Shangtang planet, it is estimated that they are unlikely to attack Hongshan planet in the short term. If so, they must be Hongtong space pirates!

He didn't dare to neglect. If the Hongtong space pirate succeeded again this time, then he might as well commit suicide!

Soon, the entire Hongshan planet was in motion. Under the leadership of the Yimi people, everyone launched a vigorous self-defense counterattack...

At the same time, the entire planet is closely monitored by a surveillance network, restricting the access of all information. The purpose is of course to prevent members of the Hongtong space pirates from hiding here. If they send information and inform them, then the space pirates will definitely not come. .

The surveillance network built by the Yimi people finally came into play, and most of the surveillance network was aimed at outer space to prevent the raids of Hongtong space pirates...

In fact, the bases being built are not waste. With the building capabilities of the Yimi people, these bases do not need to wait until they are completed before they can be used. Instead, they can be used relatively independently. Therefore, the existing formations in each base have begun to be activated, and together The muzzle of the cannon is pointed at the sky, ready for action at any time...

While preparing to deal with the Hongtong space pirates, Rommel also stepped up military training for the Doga tribe, and also handed over the serial cannons to them!

This made Hassan and Bengden overjoyed. They did not expect to obtain such a treasure so easily. It seems that the strength of the Doga tribe is greater than that of the Bada and Guyol tribes...

Under the training and arming of the Yimi people, the combat power of the Doga clan team has increased rapidly. Whether it is individual combat power, or chariots, warships, and teamwork, it has been greatly enhanced. It can be seen that the original strength of other alien races and the Hongshan Star The residents are extremely jealous...

In the headquarters of the Yimi people, which is the huge ship-shaped building on the Hongshan planet, Rommel is sitting on the bridge. From here, he can control the information coming from everywhere, and he can also see The starry sky outside, and surprisingly, this building looks like a battleship, but it is actually a battleship!

This is a high-end battleship of the Yimi people. Even in their world, it is absolutely high-end. With such a high-end battleship, no civilization under the starry sky can be the opponent of the Yimi people. Of course, the stars Except for Yunbao.

Now, Rommel has decided to activate it, which shows how angry he is. It seems that in his heart, whether it is the Hongtong space pirate, the Chixia space pirate, or any other space pirate... they all deserve to die! ! !

"General, have you really decided to use it to fight those space pirates?" confidant Fensen said in shock.

"That's right! They forced me to do this!!!" Rommel said harshly.

"They forced it?!" Fensen was stunned. He thought to himself, it was just a group of space pirates attacking Shangtang Planet. There was no need for such chaos, right?

You know, this battleship is a high-end battleship at the main ship level. Fighting space pirates is really a fuss and a waste...

Rommel looked at Finsen's expression and naturally knew what he was thinking, and hummed: "We are very passive in guarding like this. Although those space pirates are small players, if they come to raid from time to time, once they are successfully raided, Our losses are huge! For example, this is the case for Shangtang Star this time. This loss not only resulted in the loss or destruction of a large number of resources, but also the loss of precious Yimi warriors... We can no longer underestimate them, otherwise we can only Instead of being passively beaten, we must take the initiative to eliminate all the space pirate gangs around us and scare them all away. Only then can our base be safe forever!"

Fensen suddenly understood and said: "The general's instructions are absolutely true! I wonder when we will go to fight the space pirates?"

"Don't worry, this time we will wait for Hongtong Space Pirates to come over first. From the information, it can be seen that this space pirate is a veteran bandit in this area. If we can catch them all, we will definitely give a severe blow to the space pirates. Arrogance, laying the foundation for our next action plan..."

"The general is wise!" Fensen said sincerely.

"Now, we have to give this ace battleship a try first, Yimi No. 9. I can already feel its excitement..." Rommel said slowly.

"Yes! General!"

Fensen quickly passed the order, and everyone in the whole building started to move...

After a while, I saw a ball of spiritual light enveloping the entire building. The matter in the spiritual light was quietly changing, and soon it rose into the sky. It was really a space battleship!

This ship is extremely large, and its appearance is quite fierce. It looks like some kind of prehistoric creature. It is covered in hard armor and has sharp thorn-like protrusions everywhere, especially on the head and tail. Several outstretched flying wings are also covered with sharp thorns, shining with a dazzling metallic luster, making people gasp at the sight!

This kind of appearance is so good that Gu Cheng, Sheyang, Wan Zhu and others who were watching this scene from the control space of Xingyun Castle were all stunned, with their mouths opened wide and unable to close at all...

However, the information about the Yimi No. 9 had long been collected by Xiaoxing's monitoring network, and it had been restored in the think tank. Therefore, Li Yun and Xiaoxing were quite aware of the scene and were not worried about it at all. Moved.

This ship is one of the ace warships of the Yimi civilization. According to its ranking number, it is No. 9. It can completely represent the highest achievement of the Yimi civilization. Therefore, Li Yun and Xiaoxing have made a lot of money from it...

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