The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2615 Hepai enters the mountain

( ) "Now go to Songzi City to capture Mu Lei!" Ling Daozi said.


The starship changed direction and headed towards Songzi City...

When Bai Ping woke up, he found that he was in a very strange place. He seemed to be in a spaceship, and there was a person sitting next to him, it was Gu Cheng!

"Elder Gu?! Where are we?!" Bai Ping was shocked and turned over to sit up.

"In my spaceship." Gu Cheng said.


Baiping exclaimed and stared blankly at the surroundings and the magnificent scenery outside the porthole. He was stunned for a moment!

With his level, he can certainly feel that the value of such a spaceship is immeasurable, and it actually belongs to Gu Cheng!

Gu Cheng said proudly: "How is it?"

"It's incredible! I have never seen such a spaceship!"

"Of course! Hahaha..."

Bai Ping was in a daze for a while, then suddenly thought of Zion and others, and asked quickly.

"They were all captured by me, in the spaceship..." Gu Cheng said leisurely.

The light screen flickered, and the scene played on it was exactly the scene of Zion, Xiao Lei and others being imprisoned in a small space. Although these people are very conscious now, it is estimated that they would rather pass out because of this Being behind bars really doesn't feel good...


Bai Ping exclaimed again, his eyes were full of little stars, and the way he looked at Gu Cheng completely changed!

I didn’t expect that Gu Cheng, who had not been seen for many years, would capture Zion, the fighting elder of the Duoga tribe, and a whole team as soon as he appeared. If he hadn’t seen and heard such a fierce performance with his own eyes, he would have never dared to do so. believe.

"There is still a group of people sneaking into Songzi City. We will catch them all later!" Gu Cheng continued.

"Oh? Who is he?!" Bai Ping asked urgently.

"The Doga tribe besieged Songzi City's coach Mu Lei and his men."

"What? This is a bit strange!" Bai Ping said in surprise.

"What's weird?"

"Mu Lei is not in charge of the army, so why go to Songzi City? Isn't this very dangerous?" Bai Ping asked suspiciously.

"Well said! Of course he has more important things to do when he comes to Songzi City, but this is no longer important, because he will soon fall into my hands..." Gu Cheng said proudly.

When Bai Ping heard this, he couldn't help but be shocked and said: "Elder Gu is so sure, has he discovered and surrounded them?"

"No, just watch..."

As he spoke, the star transport ship had already arrived above Songzi City. The anti-aircraft formation here was useless to the star transport ship. The star transport ship was seen passing through layers of formation barriers and quickly arrived above an ordinary building. Here It looks like a hotel, but it has a "fully booked" sign, so it's obviously full...

"Mu Lei?!!!" Bai Ping exclaimed.

I didn’t expect to actually see Mu Lei!

Although he looked like an ordinary jock now, Bai Ping was quite familiar with him and recognized him at a glance.

"Haha, it seems you still know him?" Gu Cheng asked.

"Of course, when doing black market business, you need to open up all the connections. However, I know Xiao Lei, but of course I also know his boss Mu Lei..." Bai Ping explained.

"It turns out that they have a superior-subordinate relationship, so let these two Lei stay together again..." Gu Cheng teased.

"Oh? Is Elder Gu going to take action now?"


"How long will it take?"

"They still have quite a few people going out to inquire for information. When they come back, they will almost catch them all!" Gu Cheng said.

Bai Ping was stunned. He didn't know how Gu Cheng got this information. Moreover, the spaceship was parked above Mu Lei and others. They didn't even react at all until now. It can be seen that the stealth effect of this spaceship is excellent. Lian Mu Lei Masters like Lei didn't even notice...

However, thinking that even the war elders like Zion could not find the spaceship, Bai Ping felt relieved. He couldn't help but become more envious of the spaceship and quickly asked Gu Cheng.

"Haha, I will tell you these things later, but you have to be mentally prepared now..."

"What preparation?"

"You may never be able to leave this spaceship again! In other words, from now on, you have completely separated from the black market and the Chaqier clan, and you can only follow me..."

"What?!" Bai Ping was startled and screamed.

"What? You don't want to?" Gu Cheng teased.

"This... is not unwilling, but my subordinates and so many friends in the clan..." Bai Ping muttered.

"What subordinates? What friends? What's the use of those people?! When you are in trouble, who is by your side?" Gu Cheng snorted.

"This..." Bai Ping was startled again and couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

Thinking about it carefully, he was betrayed by his trusted subordinate Hou Jiqi before, causing the medicinal materials to be stolen by Zudi's forces. Then when he confronted Zudi, his good friend "Xiao Lei" who had opened the joints and The others came fiercely with the Doga clan team, completely destroying their black market, and then encountered the explosion on Heisong Mountain. None of their subordinates could help them block the power of the explosion at that time, so they saved themselves. Those of them who survived…

Until Gu Cheng showed up to confront Zion, he was able to get out of danger first. Of course, he got the light of knowing Gu Cheng. Thinking about these things, I felt that I would not be so tired and miserable if I was next to a strong man. Forced, otherwise even if he is considered a powerful person, in the current situation of war and war, he will be in danger and trouble every minute...

At this time, Sheyang and others also woke up, and the bridge suddenly became lively. Everyone was talking and flattering Gu Cheng's power. Gu Cheng heard this and stroked his beard, his eyes narrowed, and his expression Extremely proud…

Seeing this scene, Li Yun and Xiao Their admiration is no different from that of people of other races.

"Sir, the spaceship with Minte and Pai Lan is approaching!" Xiaoxing said.

"How far is it?"

"It has begun orbiting the outer space of Yika. It is estimated that it will not come in again!"

"Yes, they want to avoid Yimi's surveillance network..." Li Yun nodded.

"Hehe, only Min Te and Pai Lan came out, the others stayed on the spaceship to guard..."

"Very good, exactly as expected..."

While the two were talking, they stared at the screen closely. They saw Min Te and Pai Lan getting out of the spaceship. Without taking any tools, they directly activated a certain function of their advanced battle suits and headed towards the Yika planet. Fly away quickly!

Moreover, Pai Lan apparently activated his dark power during the flight and covered He and Minte. Their figures became increasingly blurred until they finally disappeared from the screen completely! ! !

However, Xiaoxing immediately launched another set of monitoring networks. This was a dark network that was re-arranged after Xingyun Castle arrived here. It can detect dark matter and dark energy. This network cannot be said to be powerful in the current normal universe. One of a kind, but definitely extremely rare!

Its value is simply immeasurable! !

The two of them didn't know how effective the Yimi people would be after building those bases. Their purpose should also be to observe the dark energy nebula, but they didn't need to build a base at all. They could do many things with this dark network alone, including Now, detecting the whereabouts of Pai Lan and He Minte is just a trivial matter.

The two figures reappeared on the screen, flying in the direction of the Evian tribe...

The expressions of the two of them were quite leisurely and slightly proud. They were obviously very satisfied with their actions this time. They were talking about the surrounding scenery while flying...

The spacecraft parked in outer space was slowly orbiting, waiting to pick up Minte and Pai Lan. Since they knew it would take a while, the people inside were extremely relaxed at this time, and they were doing their own things. Some are sleeping soundly, some are watching various video messages, some are discussing a certain medical topic, and some are simply having fun. Indeed, it is a rare trip out and the boss is not around, how happy it is. , it would be a waste not to play...

At a certain moment when they were completely relaxed, the spacecraft was suddenly pulled by a strong suction force and passed through a certain force field gate with a "swish". By the time they reacted, the starry sky outside had completely changed...

Of course, He Minte and Pai Lan didn't know that their spaceship had fallen, and they were still flying forward. Not long after, they arrived at the area where the Eyun tribe was. After locking the direction again, they started flying towards the temple of their tribe. …

Their battle uniforms are all-purpose battle suits, and they are of extremely high level and can function as personal aircraft. This is very obvious. They can fly faster than the Evian Golden Fleet at full speed!

When they were about to approach the clan temple, the two stopped flying and walked slowly to avoid the air disturbance caused by flying from disturbing the Evian clan.

Soon they arrived at the edge of Gongka Bayan Mountain. There was a large formation to protect the mountain, but it stumped the two of them!

If they were to attack, the two of them could break through the formation in one go. However, since the two of them did not want to attract the attention of the Evian people, they had to unlock the formation to enter the formation, but unlocking the formation would also attract attention. Note that this loses the original intention.

The two of them patrolled outside the formation for a while, and then they finally thought of a way, which was to go in with the Evian people's spaceship!

Since the two of them were invisible and their dark abilities would not be detected by the formation, it was easy to sneak in!

"Haha! Brother He, how are you?" Pai Lan laughed.

"Brother Pai is really smart! Working with a master like you, I can really make money!" He Minte complimented.

"Hey, Brother He has a higher cultivation level than me, a higher official position than me, and a higher combat power than me. I am so lucky to be working with a person like you!" Pai Lan said with narrowed eyes. .

"Haha, each other..."

The two complimented and flattered each other all the way to the clan temple...

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