The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2597 Counterattack

( ) However, medicinal materials are related to the lives of hundreds of millions of people in the clan, so of course it is difficult to give them up. What should we do? !

Just when he felt hard to make a choice, a voice suddenly came from his ears: "Don't rush forward any more. Hurry and withdraw towards the black market. Let the two black market forces block the pursuers for you. You can take the opportunity to withdraw to Songzi City! Hurry up and order the fleet to withdraw to the city for defense. If you continue like this, your fleet will be completely annihilated!"

"Yes!!!" When Shakui heard this, he suddenly realized!

This man's plan is really brilliant!

It can be said that this is the best strategy in the current battlefield situation. Although the two black market forces seem to have nothing to do with the war between the two sides, they are the special forces in this area. It just depends on whether you can take advantage of them.

Once he can make use of it and return to the city, the entire situation will be completely changed. Not only will the medicinal materials be saved, but Songzi City will also be saved without a doubt...

Shakui no longer hesitated, immediately implemented this person's strategy, and immediately ordered to change the direction of the charge!

Since the heavy troops of the Doga tribe were deployed between the Shakui team and Songzi City, and were extremely weak in other directions, the Shakui team turned and charged, immediately breaking out a gap in the Doga encirclement, and all team members Act in unison, form a charging group and fly towards the black market!

The Doga tribesmen were stunned by the sudden action of the Shakui team. They were stunned for a while before they realized what was happening. They quickly shouted, reorganized their formation, and followed closely behind...

Zudi's Black Pine Mountain bandit team was surrounding Baiping's black market. The two sides faced off here for a while. However, the sudden war between the Eyun tribe and the Doga tribe allowed them to temporarily suppress the anger in their hearts and plan to Wait until the two tribes finish fighting before starting a war here. For them, although their forces on both sides have developed well in recent years, they are still far inferior to the armies of those two tribes. Therefore, both sides are actually relying on To survive and develop in the cracks between the Yun, Chaqier and Duoga tribes, of course one must be careful...

However, they soon tasted the cruelty of surviving in the war between the three races, because a team that seemed to have fought bloody battles suddenly rushed in from a distance silently. When they appeared, the two black market The forces were still yelling at each other from afar, unaware that the danger was coming!

During the escape, the Shakui team had covered up their faces, changed their clothes, and completely restrained their appearance and sounds. Obviously, all of this was strictly trained, so that when they were about to rush to the Baiping black market, Baiping and Zudi I just discovered them, and I didn’t even recognize that they were from Songzi City!

What surprised Baiping and Zudi even more was that when the team rushed here,

He didn't actually attack either party, but passed directly by them, and soon disappeared...


"Who are they?!"

"What are they going to do?!"

"Are they from the Chaqier tribe?!"

"It doesn't look like it. In short, you can't tell it at all!"

"This force is too powerful. If they come for us, the consequences will be disastrous!"

"Eh?! Why are there still shouts of killing?!"

Both Bai Ping and Zudi noticed the strange screams coming from far away, but they had been in this area for a long time, and they both knew that it was the Doga clan's killing cry, but how could it be so close to here? ? !

The black market area is hidden at the junction of the war between the three clans, and it is quite secretive. It is surrounded by either rolling mountains or stretches of swamp desert. Since the war between the three clans, their troops have never set foot here, but now they suddenly heard Even Bai Ping and Zudi were extremely surprised by the Doga tribe's shouts of killing!

Just when the two of them were confused, the Doga army had appeared in their consciousness, which made them nervous all of a sudden, especially Bai Ping. This was his territory and he had invested a lot of money. It was not about running away. He could run away, but the Zudi Black Pine Mountain bandit on the other side finally reacted and immediately shouted and ran away...

However, the Duoga tribe came over very quickly, and soon they came over, intercepted the Black Pine Mountain bandits, and then began to attack the black market in Baiping. In their opinion, the Shakui team was most likely hiding in this place. In the black market, I didn't expect that this black market would dare to protect Sha Kui and others. I simply don't know how to write the word "death", so I must crack down hard!

Bai Ping and Zudi couldn't tell how miserable they were. In fact, they had been able to stay in this area for so long and lived a very comfortable life. Of course, they had close contacts with some powerful people from various tribes, and they even gave them gifts. Only with a large amount of financial gifts can we get their tacit approval to develop here. In normal times, everything can be settled with money, but now the Doga army came directly to kill them, and they didn't even have time to explain the matter clearly, let alone Maybe I have to go to the relevant powerful people to intercede, so I can only stand up and resist...

At this time, the two of them discovered that although their power had developed for a long time and they felt extremely powerful, it was simply impossible to compete with the armies of various races. As soon as the two sides engaged in battle, Zudi's Black Pine Mountain bandits declared It collapsed and was quickly rushed to pieces by the Duoga clan. Many bandits fell into the Duoga clan and declared their demise after a while. Only a few powerful people escaped quickly. After paying extremely hard work, After paying a heavy price, he finally escaped from this terrible battle of annihilation and fled madly towards Black Pine Mountain...

As Baiping's black market had already set up a battle array before, and Baiping invested heavily in building a very advanced formation, the Doga clan team could not conquer it for a while, but the fate of the Black Pine Mountain bandits made people in the black market tremble with fear. , had long been frightened out of his wits. Seeing this, Bai Ping knew that he must not be reluctant to fight, and immediately ordered everyone to abandon the city and escape. In short, if the green hills were left, how could he be afraid of having no firewood?

Everyone immediately hid in the black market tunnel and fled quickly from the tunnel...

For Baiping, although he suffered heavy losses this time, the Doga tribe also helped him eliminate Zudi's forces, and the black market will be his own in the future...

Not long after, Baiping's black market was like paper. It was broken through by the Doga clan's team, and everything in the black market was wiped out...

The Doga clan found no trace or aura of the Shakui team in it. Knowing that they might have made a mistake, they couldn't help but got angry and smashed the black market tunnel. They were about to catch Bai Ping and others along the way, but the powerful people in the clan had already discovered it. The aura left behind by the Shakui team, so he quickly chased after him...

The short stay in the black market caused the Doga tribe to lose the perfect opportunity to catch the Shakui team. When they caught up, they found that they were already at the foot of the south city of Songzi City, and Shakui was standing on the top of the city, cold. Looking at them coldly...

In the west city, another city defense battle was breaking out between Songzi City and the Duoga tribe. Several spaceships were lost before, and the Evian tribe could be said to have suffered a lot of losses. Fortunately, the fleet later got the information and evacuated the battlefield in time. Most of the spaceships were saved, and the fleet and chariots of the Doga clan arrived later, and the two sides naturally fell into a war again. However, the Songzi City side had received the news, and the coach escaped smoothly, and the medicinal materials were also saved. They couldn't help but feel refreshed. , everyone fought bravely and firmly defended the city...

At this moment, the golden fleet led by Baocan, Shouqiu and Pingliang finally arrived!

He immediately entered the battlefield and severely attacked the Doga clan's fleet. It didn't take long to shoot down many of the opponent's spaceships and tanks, causing the Doga clan to suffer heavy losses!

Seeing this, the commander of the Doga tribe knew that this operation could no longer achieve anything, so he quickly announced his withdrawal and returned to the previous retreat state...

Everyone in Songzi City burst into cheers, excited for the victory of this battle!

No one thought that under such difficult circumstances before, Songzi City could achieve such a miraculous reversal, which was beyond everyone's expectations.

You know, after so many years of confrontation between the Evian tribe and foreign tribes, there have been very few victories like this. In most cases, they were suppressed by the opponent. It is extremely rare to be able to hold the position, but this time it was under extremely unfavorable circumstances. The successful counterattack greatly boosted everyone's morale!

After treating the wounded, Shakui, Baocan, Shouqiu and Pingliang finally held a feast at the Marshal's Mansion in Songzi City to celebrate this hard-won victory...

After Bao Can and others understood what happened, they also felt that the situation was extremely dangerous. The most critical point was that Shakui suddenly received advice from an expert during the battle, so he changed the direction of the charge and used two black market forces. As a surprise soldier, they successfully blocked the alien army, and they took the opportunity to return to the southern city of Songzi City!

Without this guidance, I am afraid that what Bao Can and others would see now would be the ruins of Songzi City, let alone the current situation where the whole city is celebrating...

"Who is this person who is guiding you? That's really amazing!" Baocan asked quickly.

Shou Que also said: "That's right! In such a chaotic and urgent situation, it is not easy to see this person with the only chance at a glance, and his wisdom is simply unimaginable!"

Pingliang listened, his thoughts secretly...

Shakui sighed: "I have thought about it countless times, but I just can't figure out who this person is! Under the circumstances at that time, it was impossible to have other people around. There were people of foreign races everywhere, and all our soldiers were During the bloody battle, those people are all my cronies. I knew who told them as soon as I heard it. It was definitely not them..."

"In that case, who could it be? This person is telling you the words of our Evian tribe, so it should be our Evian tribe's people..." Bao Can said suspiciously.

"That's right! This person can be said to be the most critical factor in this war. Without his guidance, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to see you at this moment..." Sha Kui sighed.

"Fortunately, such a person is from the Evian tribe! We must find him and thank him properly..."


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