The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2572 The small boat becomes a big ship

( ) The chiefs of the five major tribes including Shexian gathered at the Dazu Temple. In addition to solving the problem of finding Chaos Earth for Sheyang, they also had to solve the incoming challenges.

This time, the sudden arrival of Xin Yang and others helped them solve a big problem, which made them overjoyed. They couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief, but they quickly picked up their mood and began to face the changes in the outside world and the problems of these challenge letters. .

After some discussion, they decided to send ten more teams to the outside world to investigate the reasons for the disappearance of the planet and to find those tribesmen who had not returned.

The personnel of these teams are mainly composed of middle and low-level tribesmen. After all, the tribal alliance is now facing great pressure, and the masters must stay in the tribe.

And Shexian and others have great confidence in these middle and low-level tribesmen, thinking that although they are juniors in the tribe, they will definitely be superior masters to the outside world, and they may even get any adventures like Xinyang and others. must…

The instructions were quickly conveyed, and after ten teams were formed, they set off immediately...

Shexian and the other five people received a reply soon. Knowing that the team had set off, Shexian said: "Okay, now the teams to investigate the causes of changes in the outside world have been sent out. Speaking of which, this matter is not limited to our Phoenix Tribe Alliance. It should be a matter for all races in the entire solar space! However, there is no need for us to tell this news everywhere. Who knows what opportunities there are? If there is a chance, it will be a good thing for our tribal alliance. Got it!"

Zhang Yuan nodded and said: "Brother She is right! With the strength of our alliance, it is more than enough to deal with the life worlds on the low-level planets outside. There is no need to shout for everyone to know!"

"Giggle, if it weren't for these annoying challenge letters, I would have wanted to go outside for a walk by myself!" Fairy Changman said with a sweet smile.

"Exactly! It seems that they really made an appointment to challenge us together!" Sun Xiong said fiercely.

"I don't want to think too much lately, so I can at most take on a challenge!" Baiban stretched his waist and said lazily.

Fairy Changman glared at him and said angrily: "How can that be done?! There are five of us. There are ten challenges here. At least everyone must accept two challenges. People with strong abilities, such as Brother She, Brother Zhang and Brother Sun, one person must accept more than three challenges!"

"More than three copies?!" Bai Ban was stunned.

"Not bad! Do you think there are only these ten challenges? Maybe a new tribe will come to issue a challenge soon! In short, this kind of harassment will be endless in the future..." Fairy Changman sighed.

Baiban looked confused when he heard this.

Feeling bad!

It's winter recently, and it's hard to get the best hunting season to keep fit. If you take on these challenges, your health plan for this season will be ruined...

Shexian nodded and said: "Sister Changman is right. Their purpose is to make us tired of dealing with it, and even have to ask Brother Chu Yang to help solve the problem. In this way, their purpose will succeed! Of course we can't let If this happens, otherwise how would Brother Yang have the time to delve into his topic?"

"Then what should we do? The five of us alone can't handle so many challenges, right?!" Baiban said excitedly.

To be honest, if it weren't for the purpose of tightening Sheyang's thigh and finding a backer for the future development of his tribe, talents like Baibo would be too lazy to help Shexian share his worries. You must know that if Sheyang is promoted to prophet, the greatest benefit will of course be to the Phoenix tribe. , what they can get is quite limited, but now there are so many challenge letters, which has greatly exceeded their expectations and capabilities, making their mood extremely bad...

However, now that the five tribes have been tied together by the alliance, they are all on a small boat of friendship. They are all prosperous and all suffer losses. Zhang Yuan and others have to face these challenges with all their strength...

This incident has indeed put a lot of pressure on the Phoenix Tribe Alliance, but it has to face it, because now that the alliance has been formed, we can only advance and retreat together. Otherwise, this small boat of friendship may capsize at any time, and in the end it will be damaged. It must be everyone…

"Eh?!" Fairy Changman suddenly exclaimed softly.

"What did you think of?" Shexian asked curiously.

"Gee, I did think of a way..."

"What solution?!" Everyone asked urgently.

"Why did you forget that the Phoenix Tribe now has four more super geniuses?!" Fairy Changman asked.

"Wo?!!!" everyone suddenly shouted.

They had just discovered that the cultivation levels of Xinyang, Wanzhu, Guo Huan and Zhaojing had soared. However, they were thinking about how to dig out the secrets from them. They also sent their spiritual senses to follow them, but they forgot. Now that they have the ability to help Dazu Temple solve some problems, this is simply darkness under the lamp!

Sun Xiong praised: "My sister is right! These four super geniuses cannot go to waste. They must be summoned here quickly to participate in the question-answering task!"

"It makes sense! This way we can also examine the quality of their genius!" Zhang Yuan agreed.

"Haha, it seems I can be lazy!" Baiban said with squinted eyes.

Shexian's face changed after hearing this. The lively words of these people sounded high-sounding and plausible on the surface, but in fact, what they were thinking in their hearts was very clear.

They just want to recruit the four Xinyang people to their side, so that they can naturally discover more secrets of the four people through close observation, and through daily contact, they will also have more opportunities to understand these four people.

Shexian felt a little reluctant, but then he thought about it. There really weren't many people in the alliance who could help. If he didn't call them, as more and more challenge letters came in the future, the five of him would be too busy. You may not even care about other things!

Therefore, it is imperative to call the four people from Xinyang over. On the one hand, it can set an example for the other four tribes, so that they can contribute more manpower to answer questions if possible. On the other hand, the four people from Xinyang can contact them in advance. Important events in the clan are actually a good opportunity to train them. It is difficult for them to grow into real talents without training...

Having made up his mind, Shexian nodded and said: "No problem! I will immediately summon the four of them to the clan temple to participate in answering questions, but..."

"But what?!" Fairy Changman was overjoyed and asked quickly.

"You tribes also have geniuses, and many of them are close to the 500-year competition. Rather than letting them stay in the tribe, we might as well call them all here to participate in answering questions. This can not only reduce our own burden, but also You can train them, why not?" Shexian said.

"This...Brother She means to let more people participate in answering questions..." Fairy Changman thought.

"Exactly! Each tribe has a lot of affairs. As tribe leaders, we are very busy. It is really impossible to devote all our energy to dealing with challenges. The challenge is for our five tribes. Each tribe will prosper and suffer. , at this critical moment, I think the tribes can no longer hide behind their backs and bring out talents to train. This will be of great benefit to the entire tribal alliance and to them personally!" The more Shexian said, the more excited he became. The more organized it is, it's obvious that he has just figured this out.

After hearing this, Fairy Changman and others looked at each other and couldn't help but nodded slightly. They all felt that Shexian's proposal was very reasonable!

Because this approach is tantamount to dedicating the alliance's efforts to help train and train the talents of its own tribe. On weekdays, you can't even ask for it. Besides, with so many people gathering together, there is naturally a competitive mentality in it. These People will devote themselves more fully, and the effect of training will definitely be better!

"Okay! As the alliance leader said, how about each tribe sending out 500 people?" Zhang Yuan said loudly.

"Five hundred people?!" Shexian was startled.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Yuan would either be reluctant to part with any of them, or he would send out 500 people at once!

"That's right! In fact, many people have similar intelligence, they just have their own strengths. To answer a question, people with a higher level may not necessarily answer better or faster than people with a lower level. Sometimes people with a lower level just happen to be able to answer a question. He has expertise in a certain field and other people can’t answer it, but he can answer it! Therefore, we don’t rely on others, but when there are others, we will use more people to pool the wisdom of everyone to deal with these challenges!" Zhang Yuan explained .

Shexian and others nodded their heads in agreement.

"Okay! Then send out five hundred people from each tribe and try to solve the problem in the shortest time!" Shexian said proudly.

Soon, after receiving the order, talents from various tribes gathered in the direction of the Dazu Temple...

For these people, it is a supreme honor to be selected to participate in answering questions at the Dazu Temple, because it means that they are at least among the top five hundred in the clan!

Of course there is some moisture in this, because it is impossible for each clan leader to know everyone in the clan, and they can only select people based on their impressions. Some people are also recommended through recommendations, but there must be some omissions, but most of them The wisdom of some people should be guaranteed.

Xinyang, Wanzhu, Guo Huan and Zhaojing received the notice and of course rushed to the Dazu Temple. They found that the place was completely different from the last time they came here. It had become crowded and crowded...

As all 2,500 people arrived, the atmosphere here reached its peak!

The entire Dazu Temple exuded an astonishing aura, attracting people from the five tribes to look here, stop to pray, and mutter...

Everyone knows about this, and they all know that the Phoenix Tribe Alliance is facing countless challenges from outside alliances. This is the critical moment for the survival of the Tribe Alliance. Therefore, everyone dedicates themselves to the people in the Dazu Temple. With the power of faith, I hope they can help the alliance tide over the difficulties and achieve great achievements!

Seeing this scene, Shexian and others suddenly felt that their decision was extremely correct, because only by concentrating the power of the entire alliance can we jointly face the harassment and challenges from the outside world. Only then can this small boat of friendship gradually turn into a big ship and cut through the waves. Keep going!

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