The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2567 The battle of wisdom

( ) Gu Cheng was also very nervous after hearing this, and he strongly agreed with what Ling Daozi said. When a sun god can completely control the resources of the entire sun, he will sooner or later develop into a monster like a planet man, because It was really easy for him.

Unless he is extremely partial to the True Yang clan and keeps them in his belly like pets, otherwise he will just swallow them like snacks without even belching...

It seems that it is too dangerous to deal with a huge energy body like the sun. This is a bit like what the mortal world says "accompanying the king is like accompanying a tiger". By being with the king, it is easy to get promotion opportunities, wealth, status and reputation. , However, once you accidentally offend the king, or the king develops a feeling of disgust for no reason, you may become a victim of power in the blink of an eye, have nine tribes wiped out, property confiscated, and be stripped like a spider's silk. People are gently erased from this world...

In the mortal world, there are too many such cases happening every day. This is a warning to people that they must be in awe of power, almighty, powerful things, heaven and earth, and the universe... and be careful when dealing with them. If you try to control these people or things and do whatever you want, you will most likely be counterattacked by them. In the end, if you make a mistake, you will be regretted forever, and you will never be able to stand up again, and you will fall into hell forever, without even the medicine to regret...

Sheyang was a little dazed, and his mind was spinning. He wondered whether he should pass on this information to the people in the clan so that they could prepare in advance...

Gu Cheng remembered what Ling Daozi had said before about the development results of the massive sun, and asked again: "Xiao Ling, you just said that the massive sun will be very troublesome. First, it will explode as a supernova, and second, it will turn into small particles. The star is called a neutron star, right?"

"Yes! However, the formation of neutron stars or Tiangang Bao stars is only one result of the supernova explosion. There is another result that is even more terrifying..."

"More terrifying? What is that?!" Gu Cheng asked urgently.

"The formation of a neutron star is because the force of the particle aggregates reaches a balance with the gravity of the star itself, so that the star will no longer collapse inward and becomes stable. However, if it is a more massive sun, such as what we just said In the super-large sun, the material energy formed after the supernova explosion is still unable to resist the gravity inside the star, so these materials can only continue to collapse inward until they completely disappear!"

"Disappear completely?! Is it impossible?! Where have they gone?!" Gu Cheng said in surprise.

"Good question! Of course they cannot really disappear, but may be torn into pieces by that powerful force and turned into pure energy. Of course, what will happen in that violent energy environment? So far, There is no conclusion yet, maybe one day we will see that state with our own eyes..." Xiaoxing said in surprise.

"What?! See it with your own eyes? Let's forget it..." Gu Cheng said in shock.

"Hey, there is nothing to be afraid of. In that state, the sun has collapsed into a black hole, and the black hole is most likely a channel that connects the positive universe and the dark universe. Maybe at that time, phenomena will also appear in front of us. Such a stable energy channel allows us to control the spacecraft to pass smoothly..." Xiaoxing smiled.

"This..." Gu Cheng was shocked when he heard this, and was amazed by Ling Daozi's wonderful imagination...

"However, all this must also be based on the absence of a black hole god. If a black hole god appears like the sun, then we'd better stay away from it, because black holes, even extremely small black holes, involve The force is also extremely huge and cannot be resisted by ordinary things! And if it is a super black hole, that is, a super large black hole composed of multiple black holes, it has the energy to destroy the world and can pull countless things to its side and surround it. This situation usually happens to quasars. Judging from current observations, the largest community of stars in the universe is quasars, and in the centers of quasars, there are often super black holes, whose power is incomparable. It's so huge that it can completely control that part of the universe and starry sky!" Xiaoxing said loudly.

"Wow..." Gu Cheng and Sheyang exclaimed. In addition to shock, they were also shocked. They were instantly filled with infinite awe for the quasar mentioned by Ling Daozi!

Li Yun secretly smiled in his heart. The information Xiaoxing mentioned was indeed very shocking to cosmic novices like Gu Cheng and Sheyang. If he were allowed to continue talking like this, they would both fall into a wisdom trap. Among them, they were about to enter a state of confusion. It was obvious that the energy in their bodies was quite sluggish, so they said: "Uncle Sheyang, I wonder how long this passage is? How long do we need to fly?"

Sheyang came to his senses and responded: "The passage is about 100,000 miles away. Due to the changeable weather, our Phoenix spaceship does not dare to fly at full speed in it. Generally speaking, it takes about a day to arrive!"

"One day? That seems about right!" Li Yun said with a smile.

"What? Didn't we just fly for a while?" She Yang was startled.

"Where? You were chatting with Xiao Ling just now. This chat has been endless, and the day has passed quickly..."

"This..." The two of them were stunned and couldn't help but blush slightly. Unexpectedly, they just listened to Ling Daozi's words and didn't even notice the time.

Sure enough, looking outside, I found that the passage space seemed to be getting bigger and bigger. When I got here, it was already an extremely vast and vast space. It was not comparable to the long and narrow passage at the beginning!

Sheyang said excitedly: "We have indeed arrived! From here to the boundary of our Phoenix Tribe, it's just a stone's throw away!"

Xiaoxing waved his hand to create multiple light curtains, and said with a smile: "Is it this land?"

Sheyang took a closer look and said in surprise: "Not bad! How come you can see it now?"

"Xingyun Castle has a strong detection capability, so it's not surprising that we can see it now." Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"It's amazing! The land boundary shown here is exactly at the center point. As the center, there are five tribes around it, including our Phoenix tribe, the Night Owl tribe, the Mountain Ape tribe, the Color-tailed Fox tribe and the Ice Bear tribe. , in terms of strength, our Phoenix tribe is the strongest and has the largest territory!" Sheyang introduced.

"Listening to the name of your tribe, it seems that your bloodline level is much higher than theirs, so your strength is naturally extraordinary!" Xiaoxing said.

"I wonder what the relationship between the various tribes is?" Li Yun asked.

"We, the Phoenix Tribe, are the main ones in this area. The other tribes basically act based on our expressions. Since the solar space is extremely vast, almost no one can walk all the way. Therefore, further out, there are tribes of other races. To rule as a group, although everyone is in the sun space, sometimes they don’t know each other!" Sheyang said.

"So, not every Sun race is called the True Sun race?" Li Yun asked.

"Yes! The True Yang tribe is just one race in the solar space. There are many other ethnic groups, such as the True Yin tribe, the Tianfeng tribe, the Tianhuo tribe, etc. In fact, there are also struggles between the various races, but the situation is different. It will be just as chaotic as other living planets..."

"Oh? Since it's a fight, why isn't there chaos?" Li Yunqi said.

"This is because everyone knows that all races are within the sun. If they really fight, it may arouse the wrath of the sun. When the punishment is imposed, no one can escape!" Sheyang said.

"It makes sense!" Li Yun praised.

Being inside a behemoth like the sun, this pressure is extremely terrifying. In fact, everyone has to face it every day, and their awe of it is growing day by day. Therefore, people of these races dare not make too much noise.

"Then how did you fight?" Xiaoxing asked.

"Haha, didn't Wan Zhu and Xin Yang tell you last time? The battle between the sun races is mainly a battle of wisdom!" Sheyang laughed.

"Yes!" Xiaoxing suddenly realized.

Last time Wanzhu and the others were in Xingyun No. 1, they showed great interest in difficult problems. For them, getting some difficult questions is much more enjoyable than giving them chaotic soil!

Therefore, it makes more sense to discuss some intellectual issues with them.

At that time, Xinyang and Wanzhu once mentioned that there is an intelligence competition among the Zhenyang tribe every year. The time intervals are different, and the level of the competition is also different. The longer the time, the higher the level. The annual competition is attended by the juniors. In addition, There are also once every five years, once in ten years, once in fifty years, once in one hundred years, once in five hundred years, and once in a thousand years. Each time, people with different levels of cultivation will participate!

The winners in low-level competitions are generally the top five in high-level competitions, while the bottom five in high-level competitions will fall into the low-level competition circle.

It is difficult to stand out from the low-level competition, but if you fall in the high-level competition, you will face the challenge of a larger number of people, and it is not easy to break out of the encirclement again, so, Every Zhenyang clan member works hard every day to research and think...

Of course, it is possible to avoid falling down, but you must rush to the once-in-a-hundred-year level competition, because at this level, you are basically recognized as a wise person, and you will not fall down again!

Xinyang and Wanzhu have just reached the level of the once-in-ten-year competition. If they want to move up again, they have to wait for another thirty years to participate in the once-in-50-year competition. However, they can only achieve the top level in such a competition. Only five people can successfully win.

Sheyang is at the level of a competition held once every five hundred years. He is already a wise man in the Phoenix Tribe of the True Yang Tribe. However, he is not yet at the top because there are currently ten prophets in the True Yang Tribe. They are all at the level of a competition that takes place once a thousand years, and they are the smartest people in the Zhenyang tribe, but they are all in other tribes...

And Sheyang is recognized as the next Zhenyang tribesman who is most likely to attack the prophet. No one dares to underestimate him...


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