The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2561 Xuanling Moon

( ) "Thank you for your praise, sister! In fact, I have long thought that you and sister Ruoshan have a much better mentality than me! The reason why I have such thoughts is also the result of your influence..." Ter Rui said.

Ruoshan said with a smile: "Brother Ter finally woke up! Congratulations!"

"Joy and rejoice together!"

Sheng Yan saw the three people laughing so shamelessly from the side and said coldly: "Are you planning to publicly break away from the planet race and join Li Yun?"

"What we want to do is our business, you have no control over it!" Ruoshan shot back.

"Hmph, you lick Li Yun's butt with such a charming face, you don't know whether his butt is hot or cold!" Sheng Yan said sarcastically.

Huang Qi agreed upon hearing this: "It makes sense! From what I see, Li Yun might have been thinking about it for a long time. He wants to tear you apart and then devour them all! He can be so big at such a young age. No, he must be extremely powerful in the way of devouring, and he must be able to reach his current level by devouring non-stop!"

Leng Shuang, Ruoshan and Ter Rui were speechless when they heard what these two people said, because Huang Qi's words seemed to make sense. The way of devouring can be said to be the fastest way to progress. This is why these planets People themselves have personal experience. All other paths are much longer than it. Only the path of devouring can make people achieve ultra-rapid growth in a short period of time!

And Li Yun was only in his seventies, and he didn't even have enough milk during this period. How could he reach such a terrifying state of cultivation?

Unless, as Huang Qi said, Li Yun has been devouring it since he was born, and the materials he devoured must be of excellent quality, it is possible for him to become such a powerful person in just seventy years!

But I heard Kurong say in a deep voice: "You are wrong! Big mistake!"

"Oh? What's your opinion?!" Huang Qi teased.

"I can't talk about Gao Jian, but your vision is too short-sighted! You only think about yourself, but forget that during the previous interstellar journey in Xingyun Castle, we have seen people from other planets, and the number is by no means a small number. If Li Yun really If he wants to rely on the method of devouring to improve his own skills, then he has many opportunities. As long as he captures all the people on the planet, he can even implement devouring without even having to capture them! But have we seen it?! No! !! Along the way, we only saw him saving those planets, saving countless lives, and monitoring this planetary system to keep it operating safely! Therefore, Li Yun and we are not the same people at all, please Stop using the heart of a villain to judge the heart of a gentleman!" said Kurong Kankan.

After listening to this, Leng Shuang suddenly realized: "Brother Ku is right! I was almost brainwashed by Huang Qi, a traitor! There is no need to doubt Li Yun's character.

What he did is the best proof! "

"Exactly! People's thoughts can be hidden, but what they do is obvious. Huang Qi can stand and talk without pain, but he will never save the people on the planet, but will only think about devouring them!" If you are good at echoing the Tao.

"Swallow, swallow, stop talking! I'm tired of this Tao now! If I had known that the Devouring Tao would become a loner in the end, why bother in the first place?" Ter Rui yelled.


When all the planets heard his roar, they were all shocked and fell into silence...

Hearing their discussion, Li Yun was extremely emotional. The formation of the Planet People race was indeed unexpected, but if considered carefully, it seems to be an inevitable development!

Under the rules of this universe, many life planets may develop into planetary beings.

Even the sun god that I and Xiaoxing had guessed before might be a kind of planet person!

Because where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and the races in the sun space cannot be monolithic. In the end, they will definitely be stronger than their own strength. Once a strong man who is proficient in the way of devouring appears, it is possible that other people will be destroyed. Devour them all, and then use the endless energy of the sun to evolve into a sun god!

Thinking of this, Li Yun was also shocked. It seems that this solar space is really not something you can go sightseeing casually. If you might not happen to get into the belly of a planet person, it is easy to get in, but difficult to get out!

With the power of the sun, trying to get out would probably be a huge test for Xingyun Castle!

"Xiaoxing, if we really enter the belly of a sun god, will there be any problem in coming out?" Li Yun asked.

"It depends on what level of Sun God it is. A Sun God like the Xuanling Sun will have no problem at all! Because the energy reserve of our Xingyun Castle is now thirteen times that of it! So, if it wants to use endless If it uses its energy to refine us, we can completely absorb its energy and turn it into our own!" Xiaoxing analyzed.

"What a great idea!!!" Li Yun's eyes lit up and he praised.

"However, if it is the sun we observed that is one million times as big as the Xuanling Sun, the situation is different. The power comparison between the two sides is too great. We have no chance of winning and we must not go in!" Xiaoxing said .

"It makes sense! We still have to be in awe of the Sun Clan and never take risks easily!" Li Yun said.

"Yes! But the Xuanling Sun is not a threat to us at all, because we already know that it has not formed a sun god or a planet person. So many people in it are still alive and well. It can be said that it is in a state of crisis. The transition period from the primary stage to the prime stage is still far from forming planetary beings..."

"Indeed! However, in this starry sky, in addition to the Xuanling Sun, there is also the Xuanling Moon. We already know the existence of the True Yang Clan, but what about the moon?" Li Yun thought of this question again.

In fact, it is natural to raise this question, because Xingyun Castle has now returned to the starry sky close to the original Xuanling World. You can spot the sun and the moon at a glance, but the difference in size between them is too big. If you pay attention, you will ignore the moon.

Speaking of the Xuanling Moon, in terms of size, it is actually much smaller than the Xuanling Gas State One, and is about the same size as the Xuanling World.

This moon can be said to form a twin star with the Xuanling World. It has been rotating around the Xuanling World and revolving around the sun at the same time. This situation is common to many moons, because in the final analysis, it is just a star of the Xuanling World. Just a satellite.

"Sir, when it comes to the Xuanling Moon, I really think it's a bit magical..."

"What's so magical about it?"

"Logically, it is the moon of the Xuanling world, but the Xuanling world is only more than 200,000 years old, so what about before that? Could it be that it was rotating around Huang Qi's big Saturn?" Xiaoxing analyzed road.

" a bit unreasonable!" Li Yun thought.

"But why?"

"Assuming that it was orbiting Huang Qi's big Saturn before, then when Huang Qi was besieged and destroyed by the other five planets, it would definitely suffer the disaster of Chiyu, either being destroyed or affected by the war. And if you leave this star field, it is impossible to stay in this place..." Li Yun analyzed.

Xiaoxing nodded and said, "So why do you think it exists?"

"This...I really have a bold idea now..."

"What idea?" Xiaoxing asked urgently.

"This Xuanling Moon was most likely formed at the same time as the Xuanling World!" Li Yun said.


"We now know that Huang Qi's big Saturn is huge, much larger than the body of his current planet! So after his defeat, the big Saturn fell apart, and part of it was swallowed up by Ku Rong and other planets. Another part formed the Xuanling World from Gu Cheng, and there may be a third part that formed the satellite Xuanling Moon at the same time!" Li Yun analyzed.

"Sir, this point of view is basically valid! Because only in this way can the existence of the Xuanling Moon be explained! Such a moon did not exist when Huang Qi was here. It appeared after it was divided into three after its destruction. And now , the Xuanling World disappeared, and its fate also changed. Fortunately, its location is far away from the sun, so it was not directly captured by the sun's powerful gravitational field, but could slowly rotate around the sun in the starry sky..." Xiaoxing said.

"If this is the case, I'm afraid there will be no star spirits on this planet because the time is too short, but there may be some original life, that is, people who used to live in this star field..." Li Yun thought road.

"We'll find out if we stop by and take a look!"

Xiaoxing immediately controlled Xingyun Castle towards the Xuanling Moon...


Huang Qi in Xingyun Castle suddenly let out a strange cry and stared fixedly at the outside of the castle, where a planet was slowly rotating...

It was understandable that others didn't know, but Huang Qi definitely had a strong sense of this planet. He quickly recognized that the material on this planet was exactly what he had on his previous star body. In other words, it was Part of his body!

"Li Yun! Li Yun!! Li Yun!!!" Huang Qi shouted.

"What?" Li Yun's voice came.

"Quick! That planet is part of my body, help me pull it in!" Huang Qi said urgently.

"Oh? Are you sure?!"

"Sure! Extremely sure!" Huang Qi shouted.

When Li Yun and Xiaoxing heard this, they couldn't help but look at each other with smiles on their faces. It seemed that their guess just now was completely correct. The Xuanling Moon was formed at the same time as the Xuanling World, and they were both part of the original Huang Qi star body. !

"Li Yun, ignore him! This kid has bad intentions. If he gets that planet, his strength will greatly increase, and he will be a great threat to you!" Kurong said loudly.

"Exactly!" Ter Rui quickly agreed.

"Don't be fooled by him!" Sheng Yan shouted.

"Huang Qi wanted to devour all five of us, so the five of us united to besiege him. It would be better for such a person to kill him now!" Leng Shuang screamed.

"That's right..."

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