The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2540 Huang Qi was arrested

( ) “Brother Ling, what are you going to do?” Gu Cheng asked quickly.

"In the current situation, because the satellite system of Xuanling Gas One is relatively complex and affects the whole body, it stands to reason that this planet cannot be captured directly, but Huang Qi has already taken this planet as his own. , he may control it to leave this orbit at any time, thereby affecting the operation of other satellites..." Xiaoxing analyzed.

"That's right! Even if we don't catch him, he will still harm this satellite system in the future!" Gu Cheng agreed.

"Besides, if he is still retained, wouldn't it still cause hidden dangers in this star field? So, Huang Qi still wants to arrest him!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

Gu Cheng perked up after hearing this, and quickly echoed: "Brother Ling is right! But what about the impact later? If the satellite system is disrupted, it will also affect the security of this star field."

"Brother Gu, don't worry. In fact, the subsequent impact is not too difficult to eliminate..."

"Oh? What are you going to do?"

"Huang Qi is a planet in the middle and rear of the satellite system, and its main impact is on the two small satellites nearby. If it is taken away, problems will first occur in those two small satellites, which will then affect other orbits. satellites, if those two small satellites are also taken away, the degree of impact on the system will be greatly reduced, so that it will not affect the continued operation of the system!" Xiaoxing analyzed.

Upon hearing this, Gu Cheng quickly observed the satellite system map carefully and found that, as Ling Daozi said, this large earth planet is located slightly far away from the center, and is in a relatively independent orbital space. In this orbital space, the main There are three planets, and Huang Qi is in the middle. If all three planets are taken away according to Ling Daozi's plan, then this orbital space will become an open space. The two stars in front and behind are far apart, and the traction force will be great. The mutual influence is extremely small, mainly due to the influence of Xuanling Qi State One...

"Great!" Gu Cheng said happily.

Li Yun nodded and said: "This move can be said to nip the danger in the cradle, but you still have to pay attention to the order of actions..."

"My lord is saying..."

"The two small satellites are operating a bit far away from this star. If we attack this star first and then move the other two stars, it will be a bit hasty. In case they are greatly affected, we can directly drop them first. It will be a lot of trouble to get out, so it is best to take away those two stars first, and then go back and deal with Huang Qi!" Li Yun analyzed.

"That makes sense! Just do it!" Xiaoxing agreed.

Xingyun Castle quietly changed its direction,

Heading towards a small satellite in the inner circle...

"Eh?! Why did you leave?!"

"That's Huang Qi!"

"Li Yun! Ling Daozi! Didn't you hear what we said?"

"Catch Huang Qi quickly!"

"Don't go!"

When the five planets in the castle saw that Xingyun Castle had left without doing anything, they couldn't help but become anxious and shouted loudly.

Ling Daozi's voice came: "What are your names? Just watch carefully..."

"But that's Huang Qi's planet! We can't let him go!" Leng Shuang shouted.

"I didn't say let him go! But taking him now will affect the satellite system. We must be prepared before we catch him!"

"That's it..." Leng Shuang suddenly realized.

People on other planets finally understood that it seemed that Li Yun and Ling Daozi had their own way of doing things, and they didn't need to worry about it at all.

Soon, they saw the spectacular scene of Xingyun Castle sucking in two satellites one by one!

This scene was just like the one when they came in, but they were all confused at that time, so how could they know what was going on?

Now seeing with their own eyes how Xingyun Castle "devours" the planet, this shocked them so much that they admired it to the core of "Ball"!

For themselves, if a planet collides directly with it like this, it will not be swallowed, but will collide!

Such consequences are unbearable for them. In the end, it is very likely that the two planets will be destroyed together!

Therefore, even if they want to devour the other party, they must find a way to crush the opponent's body and then devour it. Moreover, they must also be on guard against the opponent's defeat and use such a devastating move to prevent themselves from becoming the same as the other party if they do not do well. fragments…

The last time they besieged Huang Qi, they used a surprise attack to make Huang Qi's ball body fall apart in a short period of time, and they succeeded in one fell swoop.

Although their devouring power is strong, it is nothing compared to Star Luck Castle. No wonder when they saw a whole satellite rushing towards Star Luck Castle just now, they were all scared to death and extremely worried about Star Luck Castle. It would be damaged by it. If that happened, the entire starry sky in the castle would probably fall apart, and even they themselves would undoubtedly suffer disaster.

After Xingyun Castle swallowed the two small satellites, it finally turned around and returned to the sky above Huang Qi's planet.

"Eh?!" Li Yunqi shouted.

"Sir, he should have noticed a change in the aura around him, so he activated his stealth mode..." Xiaoxing analyzed.

It turned out that when Xingyun Castle came over, they found that this earth planet had become completely different from before. It hung alone in the starry sky and was almost exactly the same as the background color of the surrounding starry sky. If you didn't pay attention, it would completely disappear. It ignores the past!

As Xiaoxing analyzed, after Xingyun Castle took away the two nearby satellites, the aura of the starry sky immediately changed. Huang Qi could naturally sense it with his ability, and such a huge change also caused Huang Qi to alert, so he immediately adopted the invisibility method and blended himself into the surrounding starry sky...

It's a pity that what he didn't know was that he had been exposed a long time ago, otherwise with his vigilant nature, he might have been able to escape.

Just when Huang Qi was feeling a little uneasy, thinking about whether to go outside to check the cause of the change in his aura, he suddenly felt a huge aura instantly enveloped his body on the planet, and he immediately knew something was wrong!

It seems that the previous change in the aura is really a crisis. Maybe someone is going to deal with me!

He immediately used all his strength to fight against this aura. Unexpectedly, he was horrified to find that no matter how hard he struggled, he could not break through the force that enveloped him. Moreover, his ball body was moving uncontrollably. Fly all the way in a certain direction!

"What's going on?! How could this happen?!" Huang Qi yelled.

He controlled the body of the planet with all his strength, and tried to eject material flow to slow down the flight speed like Ku Rong and the others before, but he found that all this was completely in vain, because the force was too powerful for him to compete with it, so His planet body flew faster and faster, streaking across the starry sky like lightning, rushing forward!

All this happened in a very short period of time, making it difficult for Huang Qi to make a decision quickly.

In the past, if he was completely controlled by his opponent, given his character, he might as well have self-destructed. But now, even if he wants to self-destruct, on the one hand, there is no time to activate the self-destruct mode, and on the other hand, it takes determination to do so. It was only possible when he fell into extreme despair. Now he didn't even have the idea of ​​self-destruction. He found that he had passed some pass with a "whoosh", and then came to a starry sky that felt a little strange to him...

"Wo..." There was a cheer in Xingyun Castle!

Even Ku Rong, Leng Shuang and other five planet people cheered, and they cheered the loudest, which indeed surprised the people of Xingyun Castle.

But of course Li Yun, Xiao Xing and Gu Cheng knew what was going on. Huang Qi and those five people were sworn enemies. Those five people were arrested. Of course, they hoped that Huang Qi could not live happily outside.

After Huang Qi came in, like Kurong and others, he quickly discovered the strangeness of this space and the reality that he could not move at all.

What made him even more unexpected was that here he actually saw the five former rivals, which made him both angry and frightened, because with his current strength, I am afraid he is not a match for these five people. What should he do? ?

Huang Qi fell into an inexplicable and irritable state, struggling desperately, but to no avail. In the end, Xiaoxing was also incorporated into the formation of Ku Rong's five people, making this five-element constellation upgraded to a six-element constellation!


"Six Elements Constellation! Now it's Six Elements Constellation!!!"

"Yes, it's really beautiful!"

"The universe is so amazing, there are so many planets!"

"That's right, maybe in the future, as adults catch more and more, this constellation will become more and more beautiful..."

"That's right..."

The people in Xingyun Castle were talking about it, which made Huang Qi dumbfounded, and a feeling of sadness surged in his heart!

Who would have thought that after so many years of wandering around, he would eventually become a landscape for people to appreciate? !

"Giggle, Huang Qi, I'm afraid you haven't thought of it, have you? Now you are in jail like us, and you have become a sight in the eyes of others. Where has the pride of Big Mac gone?!" Leng Shuang smiled sweetly. road.

"Humph, this is only temporary. When my injury recovers, how can I be trapped here?!" Huang Qi said in a deep voice.

"Then you should recover quickly. Let me tell you, even just breathing the air here can increase your skill." Leng Shuang sarcastically said.

"Oh?!" Huang Qi was startled.

He quickly tried it and found that it was indeed the case, and he couldn't help but feel happy!

"Haha, what on earth is this place? I was just looking for a place like this to recover, but I didn't expect it to come to my door!" Huang Qi laughed.

"You were the one who was sent to the door..." Ruoshan teased.

"This..." Huang Qi was startled, and finally realized his current situation, and his mood couldn't help but fall from high to low!

"Huang Qi, if you have the ability, challenge Li Yun and Ling Daozi. If you can defeat them, you can get out of here and regain your freedom!" Kurong provoked.

"Li Yun and Ling Daozi? Are they the owners here?!" Huang Qi asked urgently.

"That's right! They were the ones who arrested you just now!"


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