The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2537 Frightened out of fear

( ) It’s normal for this idea to pop up in the minds of these five people, because on the surface they formed a team to search for Huang Qi, but secretly they had hidden murderous intentions and were scheming among themselves. They wanted to devour the other four in one bite!

However, when they thought about the possibility that if the star body shrank and its strength declined, it might be divided up by the other four people, these people suddenly became uneasy and consciously moved further away from the others. Gradually, these five people originally The formed formation has dispersed, and everyone is flying in the same direction!

When Li Yun, Xiaoxing and Gu Cheng saw this scene, they quickly guessed what the people on the five planets were thinking. If they were allowed to disperse and escape like this, it would be troublesome to arrest them. Therefore, Li Yun made a prompt decision and began to arrest them. arresting action.

Ku Rong was spewing out a powerful flow of material, pushing himself out crazily. Suddenly, he felt a huge suction force coming from above. This suction force was many times greater than the pulling force of the Xuanling gaseous form below, causing it to He didn't even have time to make adjustments, and was sucked in with a huge force with a "swish" sound!


The people watching the battle in Xingyun Castle exclaimed! I didn't expect that it would be so easy to capture the people from the planet, even the light network and the light sea were omitted.

In fact, Xingyun Castle just flew above Ku Rong, opened its mouth and pointed it at him, and then released a small part of its aura to lock it...

Ku Rong was caught off guard. After rushing into Xingyun Castle, he suddenly found himself in a new starry sky. The force that had been pulling him had disappeared, and the suction force no longer existed. He became extremely relaxed here, and there were still many people around him. Interstellar matter and stars are definitely a good hunting ground!

He felt a little puzzled. Could it be that the suction force that sucked him here was just to provide him with a hunting ground?

However, he soon discovered that he seemed unable to move at all. He watched the prey pass by him but was unable to swallow them in. Moreover, the prey seemed not to be affected by the gravity of his star body at all and would not automatically move towards him. Falling in the direction...

"What's going on? Why are things here so strange?" Ku Rong felt a little confused.

What made him most irritable was the fact that he couldn't move. After struggling for a while, he finally realized that he might have been sealed by someone!

"Impossible! How is this possible?! No one can seal me! Never!!!" Kurong roared loudly.

He was desperately mobilizing his strength, trying to break through the blockade, killing and devouring... However, when he discovered another thing, he suddenly felt a little desperate...

"Oh my god! Why are Sheng Yan, Ter Rui, Leng Shuang and Ruoshan here too?!!!" Ku Rong exclaimed.

The four people obviously discovered this and started talking quickly. After a while, the five people finally confirmed that they had been arrested and sealed!

This seal does not make you completely comatose. On the contrary, you can see, hear, and feel the activities of everything around you, but you just can't move!

Moreover, the body of the planet has no effect on the pull of the outside world. Everyone can pass by you, but it is completely unaffected by gravity. In addition, it is impossible for you to swallow things from the outside world!

"How could this happen? Who did it?!" Sheng Yan roared, and the thunder and lightning on the planet burst out in waves, looking very powerful. It was a pity that these thunder and lightning activities on his planet were restricted to a limited space. , so it has no impact on the outside world, but becomes a beautiful scenery for others to appreciate...

"Hmph, even if you know, can you go to him to settle the score?" Leng Shuang said coldly.

"This..." Sheng Yan was stunned for a moment and couldn't yell anymore.

That's right, he is now behind bars. Let alone settling accounts, he doesn't even know if he can save his life.

But he has never been a person who gives in easily. He argued forcefully: "I can't be a fool, right? Even if I'm really going to die, I still have to know who killed me! If I die and become a ghost in the future, I will have to settle the account with him." !”

"Giggles, why are you talking more and more like a child?" Ruoshan laughed sweetly.

"You?! You actually said I look like a child?! You can still laugh?!" Sheng Yan said in shock.

"I can laugh whenever I want, but no one will stop me from laughing? I'm a dying person anyway. If I don't take this opportunity to laugh a few more times, do I really have to wait until I'm a ghost before I laugh again? Isn't that too scary? Ruoshan said with a smile.

"You... stop talking! I won't die!" When Sheng Yan thought of those ghosts laughing, she felt a chill in her heart and quickly stopped her.

"So, I'm saying you're too childish! Now that you've been caught, you have to give in and give in. You're screaming like you're going to die, and you're also talking about revenge and settling scores, which makes it sound too much. Aren't you happy? Then, just to clean up one's ears, people will just stab you with a knife. Won't you really be finished?" Ruoshan said coldly.

"This..." Sheng Yan was dumbfounded and stopped yelling.

Even Ku Rong and Ter Rui beside them didn't dare to scream any more.

Leng Shuang sneered and said: "Didn't he restrict our hearing and vision? You will know if you look more and listen more... I find this world quite interesting..."

"Sister is right, I've discovered it too! This is simply a foreign civilized world, everything is so novel, it's an eye-opener for me!" Ruoshan agreed.

"Giggle, not bad! Look at the mountains on the planet over there, they are so high into the sky, and those clouds...gosh, they are so beautiful! I don't know much about praise, but it is so beautiful anyway!" Leng Shuang became more and more enthusiastic as she spoke, It seemed like I was really fascinated by those mountains and clouds.

"That's it! Sister, look over there, there are three moons orbiting a big planet!" Ruoshan screamed again.

"'s true! It's so dreamy! I really want to go to that planet to see it, it must be so beautiful!"

"That's right..."

The two female aliens chatted non-stop, and soon started talking about the charming buildings on the big planet, the gorgeous clouds, the extremely eye-catching spaceships, and the absolutely beautiful scenery...

Seeing the reaction of the five planet people after being captured, everyone was slightly stunned. They thought they would fight to the death, go crazy, or at least lose their temper for a long time before they could calm down. Unexpectedly, they were just very irritable at first, but soon accepted their fate and even enjoyed the surrounding scenery with relish...

"Aren't these people too spineless?"

"I guess I was scared out of my wits!"

"That's right! Even though they are huge, they are actually very timid..."

"You can't say that. After all, anyone who encountered the kind of crisis would be frightened..."

"Yes, if it were me, if I was going to be dragged into hell alive, I might as well die first..."

"Now that they are here, at least they don't have to worry about crashing into the gaseous planet. It's a blessing in disguise for them!"

"That's right..."

Everyone's words to each other thoroughly analyzed the psychological changes of the people on the five planets.

Hearing everyone's discussion, Li Yun, Xiaoxing and Gu Cheng all laughed from ear to ear. The happiest person was Gu Cheng, because he knew that the existence of these planet people was the reason why this star field became a forbidden area in the universe. The reason is that now they have become prisoners and can no longer devour fleets and individuals coming and going. Therefore, the security of this star field has been greatly increased, and it has become the best escape route for the Evian tribe!

In the eyes of outsiders, this star field is still a forbidden area full of mist and danger, and no one dares to step into it easily. However, the Evian people can sneak in with confidence and boldness. Such an escape route is really perfect...

And all this is thanks to Li Yun and Ling Daozi. Without them, nothing would be possible!

However, Gu Cheng quickly thought of another question and asked quickly: "Brother Li, the Xuanling Star Territory is safe enough and has become the best choice for retreat! But..."

"but what?"

"Only we know this news, but we Evian people don't know it. Someone must bring this news to the clan as soon as possible. Therefore, I want Pingliang and Gerilie to go back as soon as possible!" Gu Cheng thought.

"No problem! After all, we still have three years here. These three years are enough for them to bring the news back, right?" Li Yun said.

"This place is far away from the Yika planet. At their speed, it will definitely not work for three Xuanling years! Moreover, they have to worry about encountering space pirates on the way, so..."

"So what?"

"Well... I want to shamelessly borrow a starship from Brother Ling. With its ability to speed up light, I can definitely reach Yika Star in a shorter time and bring this good news to my clan!" Gu Cheng said shamelessly .

Li Yun had actually guessed Gu Cheng's intention, but it was nothing to him. It was just a starship. It was better to explore the way first, so he nodded and said: "Brother Gu, you're welcome! This idea Very good, I will ask Xiaoling to send a clone over, but..."

"But what?!" Gu Cheng asked urgently.

"If Gerilie and others go there, they are not familiar with the situation here, and more importantly, people are too talkative. They are likely to leak the secrets of our Xingyun Castle, and I don't want too many people to know our true situation. , so, it’s best if you also send a soul body to follow Xiao Ling’s clone, well, just add Ping Liang!” Li Yun said.

"Brother Li's words make sense! Then it's decided! Anyway, Gerilie and the others still need to repair the spacecraft..." Gu Cheng said quickly.

For him, it was a great favor that Li Yun could send a light-speed spaceship to report to the clan. No matter what conditions and requests Li Yun made, he should immediately agree to it, not to mention what Li Yun said was very reasonable.

Soon, a Starship Ship carrying Ling Daozi, Gu Cheng's clone and Heping Liang left the Starship Castle and sped towards the Yika Star, quickly entering a state of light speed flight...

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