The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2527 narrowly escaped having a head shave

( ) Xiaoxing said: "The heat sources of these satellites should be diversified!"


"That's right! First of all, if you are in the solar system, you can get more or less sunlight, which is part of the source of heat; secondly, these satellites orbit around the Xuanling gaseous state and can get its thermal radiation energy. This is another part; but these two parts of heat are not the most important..." Xiaoxing analyzed.

"Oh? What is the main source of heat?" Li Yun asked.

"It comes from the heat generated by the friction of the internal veins pulling back and forth!"

"The earth's veins are pulling back and forth and rubbing? Are you saying that they are affected by the gravitational pull of the surrounding stars?" Li Yun said suddenly.

"Hey, that's right! These satellites not only revolve around the Xuanling gas state in the center, but also are in its satellite system. This system has more than a hundred satellite stars of different sizes, and at the same time they are in the solar system. In this way , a satellite will be affected by the gravitational pull of the sun, Xuanling gaseous state and nearby stars at the same time. These gravitational pulls may be large or small, and as it moves in different positions, it will also be affected by the gravitational pull of other stars in different directions. Changes, resulting in the phenomenon of pulling and friction. In this way, even small satellites with no core movement can produce considerable geothermal heat, thereby ensuring the heat required for the birth and development of life. Very crucial!" Xiaoxing analyzed.

"It makes sense! However, if these satellites are heated by this kind of gravitational friction for a long time, their ground veins will be greatly affected, which will pose a great threat to the creatures living on the ground..." Li Yun thought.

"Yes! This is also the main reason why it is difficult for small satellites to produce advanced civilizations. Earth veins are the foundation of a civilization. An unstable foundation is like building a sandcastle on the beach at the seaside, as dangerous as eggs..."

"However, on the Xuanling gas state, it is all atmospheric environment and does not have a good foundation, but it can produce higher-level life forms. This is related to its abundant energy!" Li Yun said.

"Abundant energy is indeed the main reason. In addition, there is actually a foundation on the gaseous planet. However, its foundation is different from the usual solid planet. Under the huge air pressure, some sediments, water, Substances such as ice undergo strange changes and solidify or become metallized, thereby producing a solid foundation. However, this layer of foundation is under the extremely deep atmosphere. It is difficult for ordinary life to reach that depth, because every time it dives a certain distance, life will The atmospheric pressure they have to withstand is increasing dramatically. Only the truly powerful and star spirits can reach that depth, so it is impossible for anyone to live in such a deep place for a long time. Of course, there are exceptions to everything, maybe there are There are some special objects, such as the world tree in the lower realm, which forms a strange underground space through the roots of the tree, thus creating a race like the Hades..." Xiaoxing said.

"All right,

It seems that there are still too many things that we need to know, but this is good, it will make our journey more vivid, interesting and attractive..." Li Yun said with enthusiasm.

"The adults are right! The rules of this universe are indeed very different from those of the previous universe. Even some seemingly ordinary things will always be unexpected. This is why Xiaonu is excited about it! Just like now …”

"What's wrong now?"

"The Huangmao planet was originally going to find the water-attributed planet, but it ended up encountering an ice-attributed planet!" Xiaoxing said excitedly.

"Oh?!" Li Yun perked up and stared closely.

There must be a specific reason why these weird planets are concentrated in this wild star field. Xiaoxing has already found a clue from a lot of information collected before and analyzed their basic causes. However, this is just A simple situation that needs to be further confirmed. In addition, the grievances and resentments between these strange planets also interest Li Yun and Xiaoxing.

The Huangmao planet was flying all the way from the starry sky of Xuanling World, and suddenly sensed the breath of the ice planet, and couldn't help but be slightly startled!

Of course, the ice planet also sensed its aura, and was also shocked. The two planets soon faced each other far away in the starry sky, maintaining a certain safe distance from each other...

"Lengshuang, why are you here?!" Huangmao Planet asked curiously.

"Geez, Kurong, I want to ask you another question! You stayed there well, why did you come here?" Leng Shuang said with a sweet smile.

Laughter continues to echo in the atmosphere on the surface of the planet. Since the atmospheres of the two planets are extremely high and intersect with each other, of course the sound can also spread through the stars and can be heard by both sides.

In addition, even if there is no atmosphere, there is no doubt that with the power of the two of them, their voices can be transmitted to the other party's planet.

Huangmao Planet Ku Rong was silent for a moment and said, "Huang Qi is back!"

"What?! Huang Qi?! How is that possible?!" Leng Shuang screamed.

"I have checked carefully. It turns out that all the remaining earth materials there have disappeared, and there is still an aura of earth power. There will be no one else there except him! And..."

"And what?!" Leng Shuang asked urgently.

"This time he also brought a space fleet!" Kurong said in surprise.

"Space Fleet?!" Leng Shuang was startled.

This was something she didn't expect at all. When did Huang Qi have a space fleet?

However, for her, it was not like she had never seen a space fleet before, and she had even swallowed one, so she was not very afraid, and hummed: "So what? Since he dares to come again, let him never come back!" Where is that fleet? Where is it? I am very hungry!"

"That fleet... After I discovered it, he didn't know what to do. The entire fleet was suddenly wrapped in a ball of spiritual light, and then all disappeared!" Ku Rong said in a deep voice.

"Oh?! What's going on?!" Leng Shuang was stunned.

"What's going on? If I knew, would I still come to you? Now that Huang Qi is hiding in the dark, he is a potential threat to each of us. Only when everyone unites to deal with him like before can he be completely controlled. !" Ku Rong teased.

"This..." Leng Shuang was speechless for a moment. He must have been thinking a lot...

This can be seen from the flying ice flowers on her planet. As expected by Xiaoxing, these weird planets have really teamed up to deal with the earth planet before, causing him to be seriously injured and escape. It is for this reason. Only then did Gu Cheng get the opportunity to transform into the mysterious world to heal his wounds.

Since there was a large amount of earth material left by Huang Qi in that starry sky, there was always a potential energy, so when Gu Cheng transformed into the Xuanling World, these weird planets did not notice anything unusual, so they never came to check, but This time, the Xuanling World suddenly disappeared completely, and coupled with the abnormality in the entire habitable zone, they finally couldn't stay any longer. Ku Rong discovered that there was an abnormality in this area of ​​the Xuanling World for the first time, so he came to check, and found a big problem. !

It can be said that this time difference is too precious for the lives in the Xuanling world!

If this were not the case, it would be impossible for them to survive and develop in this world and have the opportunity to control the Xuanling spacecraft to leave here. Maybe they would have been discovered by these weird planets and swallowed up...

If Gu Cheng knew this, he would definitely be terrified, because not only those creatures, but also himself, might have been turned into ashes in the belly of some weird planet!

This wild star field is indeed the most dangerous forbidden land in this corner of the universe. If you make a slight mistake, you may face the collective encirclement and suppression of these weird planets...

Seeing this scene, Li Yun and Xiao With the time difference, rapid progress, rapid promotion, reached an extremely high level in a short period of time, and continued to jump to a higher level of civilization, thus gaining the power to control one's own destiny!

It can be said that these sixty or seventy years are crucial and precious not only to Li Yun and Xiaoxing, but also to everyone in Xuanling World and Gu Cheng. Without Li Yun's time travel, without him and Gu Cheng The little starland continues to grow and expand. I am afraid that this world can only become a short-lived flower of civilization in the universe. Before it blooms, it may fall into the abyss of darkness...

In fact, there are too many such situations in the universe!

Every civilized world that is born has the potential to grow to a very high level, but very few succeed in the end. The vast majority of civilized worlds disappear after rising for a period of time, cease to exist, or become something else. Some vassals of advanced civilizations, that is, colonies...

Therefore, if every civilized world wants to reach a higher level, it not only needs its own efforts, but also some luck. In some cases, luck is more important than hard work!

This is because, despite the vastness of the universe, it is actually full of dangers and complex food chains. It is like a hunting stage. Hunters and prey are always playing a cat-and-mouse game. For the prey, learning how to hide may be more important than learning how to hide. How to hunt and protect yourself more effectively, and when a crisis comes unexpectedly, the prey cannot resist it and can only hope for good luck to escape...

Judging from the stories that happened in this wild star field, it is difficult to explain this problem. Luck is an important reason why Gu Cheng and the people of the Xuanling World can avoid the prey of these weird planets!

After Li Yun and Xiao Xing understood the whole story, they realized how important their roles were in the story of this wild star field!

It can be said that every step in his growth process is extremely important. As long as there are twists and turns in one of the steps, it may lead to the annihilation of the entire Xuanling World...

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