The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2525 Xuanling gas state 1

( ) Pingliang finally couldn’t resist the force of this turbulence and completely fainted...


The people watching in Xingyun Castle burst into a burst of shocking cheers!

The world of souls has been completely moved into the castle without exception, so that now another huge star can be added to the Star Fortune Castle!

The size of this star is almost equivalent to two-thirds of the original Xuanling World Fairyland. It can be said to be extremely huge, but when it comes to Xingyun Castle, it is not the largest one, because the largest one was previously created by Xuanling The new mysterious world was reassembled from the fragments of the world in the castle.

This new Xuanling world is not in its original shape, but in a spherical shape. Currently, the ecological environment above is gradually taking shape. It is estimated that living creatures will be able to live on it in the near future...

This planet will become the new base in Xingyun Castle, which can accommodate countless soul power armies and monk armies, thereby enhancing the overall strength of Xingyun Castle.

This time, the world of souls was saved. Although the previous disaster caused the loss of many people from the soul clan, most of them were still perfectly preserved. These people are all ready-made members of the soul army, and they can fight as soon as they come, just like monks. Same.

Therefore, Xingyun Castle has gained nearly 500 billion new soul warriors at once. Under Xiaoxing's adjustments and arrangements, these people will exert combat power far beyond their original strength, and can suddenly enter the world. Among the ranks of the cosmic army...

"Finally done!" Li Yun sighed.

The rescue operation along the way was extremely thrilling, and it can be said that it has come to an end at this point. All the living planets in the habitable zone of the solar system have been moved into the fort. On the one hand, countless living beings have been saved, and on the other hand, the Star Fortune Fortress has also been destroyed. Greatly increased strength!

This process is a bit like the evolution process of those weird planets. They are gradually improved in the process of being constantly devoured by the strong. In the end, only the lonely ones are left. They can mobilize the resources and power of the entire planet to exert their best. Strong combat power.

However, Xingyun Castle follows a different kind of "devouring" process. It does not swallow other people or things in and take their essence to supplement itself, but saves living beings, maintains their independence, and recruits them to join. His own organization formed two extremely powerful armies, which exerted more and more power under Xiaoxing's effective dispatch!

This kind of "swallowing" process is much gentler, more humane, and much more effective than those of those weird planets!

Facts have proved that the same devouring can also create completely different results. These are the different fruits produced by different civilizations...

"It's really exciting! Xiaonu feels very accomplished all the way!" Xiaoxing said happily.

"Of course! Those strong people in the world of cultivation can never understand that saving people is actually more fulfilling than killing people, is more in line with the way of heaven, and makes people enjoy it more..." Li Yun said with a smile.

"Yes, every life is unique. Even if they are both soul soldiers or monks, they are different from each other. Everyone has his own path, his own development direction, and his own creativity. So many people Only when they are combined together and learn from each other's strengths can such an army have enough flexibility and development prospects! But the strong men of Weird Planet have gone too far. They devour all their opponents, which is equivalent to depriving them of their development potential and only achieving It's a one-time benefit, and this benefit is greatly reduced by the opponent's resistance and self-destruction, so they only really get a very small part of the benefit..." Xiaoxing analyzed.

"It makes sense! Disposable things also mean that they are cheap and even poisonous. After being swallowed, they will be harmful. It takes a lot of energy and resources to detoxify. However, our army can continue to grow and gain benefits and profits. Continuously adding up will not only benefit themselves, but also make us more and more relaxed, why not?" Li Yun agreed.

"Hehe, what you said makes sense! Now our two armies have grown into cosmic-level teams! We can face some cosmic-level opponents without fear. Even those weird planets will not be their opponents!" Xiaoxing He said with confidence.

"You still have to be a little more careful when fighting them. After all, they have reached a certain level of the universe, so you still need to pay attention to your strategy." Li Yun reminded.

"Yes! But, do we have to deal with them now?" Xiaoxing asked suspiciously.

"Now? Of course not!" Li Yun was startled and said quickly.

"But now all the living stars in the habitable zone of this star field have arrived in our Xingyun Castle, and the rest are their weird planets..." Xiaoxing said.

"Don't worry! So many living stars have come to our Xingyun Castle in a short period of time. We need to spend some time and energy to rectify it. By the way, where is the bronze fleet?" Li Yun remembered and asked.

"They... ran to a gas planet in the outer periphery... not good!" Xiaoxing suddenly shouted.

"What?!" Li Yun was startled.

"They were caught by the traction of the gaseous planet, and are now running rapidly in orbit to offset the traction of gravity!" Xiaoxing said.

"Can this...can be offset?" Li Yun asked urgently.

Xiaoxing observed it carefully, and then through the calculations of the think tank, he breathed a sigh of relief and said: "It's okay! At present, it is only caught by gravity, but by orbiting, it can be completely offset. After all, it is far away from the gaseous planet. The planet is quite far away..."

When Li Yun heard this, he finally felt relieved and couldn't help but wonder: "How did they get there after this teleportation?"

"The situation was critical at that time. Gu Cheng had no time to set the exact coordinates. He could only set them randomly and then teleport out. Unexpectedly, the direction was towards the periphery! It was impossible to teleport to such a place with the energy of the teleportation gate. Far away, but the closest orbital height of the gaseous planet is also closer to the sun. It is probably due to the impact of the disappearance of all stars in the habitable zone. As a result, the Bronze Fleet happened to be captured!" Xiaoxing analyzed.

"Do they still have a portal?" Li Yun asked.

"There is also an advanced portal! But I guess Gu Cheng doesn't dare to use it casually anymore, so let's just let them wander there first..." Xiaoxing said.

"Can I contact them?"

"Yes, the monitoring network has reached the outer reaches of the planetary system. However, due to the distance, it will take some time to contact them!"

"Okay! There won't be anything dangerous on that gaseous planet, right?" Li Yun asked suspiciously.

Xiaoxing smiled and said: "My lord, you are all a little confused now! Of course, there may be life on gaseous planets, but no matter how dangerous it is, it is unlikely to threaten the Bronze Fleet operating in such a far orbit. On the contrary, the Bronze Fleet is in that position All movements on the gaseous planets can be well observed. They are now like a reconnaissance satellite we have deployed there, which can help us harvest a lot of detailed information..."

Li Yun was stunned when he heard this, and said with shame: "The so-called care leads to chaos! Indeed, as you said, I have been a little overwhelmed by those weird planets. Now it seems that the Bronze Fleet is on the right track. Help us understand those gaseous planets first. …Perhaps we will see many gaseous planets as we go outwards!”

"Yes! From the current detection results of the observation array, there are ten larger gaseous planets in the outer reaches of this solar system, and the one the Bronze Fleet went to is the largest one among them! It has been named Xuanling Gaseous One! Xiaoxing smiled.

"Xuanling Qi State One? Although it's not a very creative name, it's easy to remember." Li Yun teased.

"Exactly! There will be countless planets we will see in the future. If each planet is given a creative name, it will not be conducive to system preservation and analysis. Moreover, if there are too many creative names, it will become It’s not that creative! It’s better to number them properly, so that it will be much more convenient and faster to retrieve the data! A planet like the Xuanling gaseous state here shows that it belongs to this Xuanling solar system , and it’s the first gaseous planet from the inside out, it’s very easy to remember!” Xiaoxing said proudly.

"Okay..." Li Yun was speechless and sighed in his heart.

After the think tank becomes larger and larger, the status of these planets in the think tank is getting lower and lower. Although they are so large and powerful in this mysterious solar system, they are simply of great importance, but if they are If placed in a small universe, or even in a large universe in the future, they will become as light as a feather, like a small grain of sand in the vast galaxy, inconspicuous...

Just like the largest gaseous planet in the Xuanling solar system, it actually plays a very important role here. It is precisely because of its existence that many living planets in the habitable zone are protected!

This is because, at the outermost edge of the Xuanling Solar System, there is a large, extremely cold area. The size of this area is almost larger than the inner planetary area!

This shows how powerful the gravitational pull of the Xuanling Sun is, and its power has extended to extremely far distances. However, a force like the Xuanling Sun is not that powerful in the universe. On the contrary, it is not yet To the extent that the sun god was born, this little star is basically certain.

In that icy area, there are countless ice cubes, icebergs, and ice balls. These materials have their own orbits. However, with so many ice-based materials, there will always be accidents, and they will collide with each other. Attracting each other, melting and then freezing... In short, one or two ice-based materials will have accidents in their orbits every moment. Some will hit other materials and be shattered to pieces, and some lucky ones will fly towards the inner circle!

In fact, saying they are lucky is only temporary, because these ice-based materials flying into the inner circle are simply seeking death. The closer they are to the sun, the faster they will dissolve. If they circle back and forth a few more times, they may completely collapse. At the same time, if they approach the inner planets, they may be captured by their gravity...

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