The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2522 The result of the way of swallowing

( ) At this time, this Huangmao planet seems to have noticed something abnormal around it. It can no longer stay on its original orbit. It wants to go out to see what is the reason, so its orbit has deviated a little...

"Not good!" Xiaoxing said suddenly.

"What's abnormal?" Li Yun was startled.

"I don't know why that Huangmao planet got so crazy that it actually came out to join in the fun!" Xiaoxing said.

"Planet Huangmao? Is it the one with a desolate side and a straw hat on the other?" Li Yun asked. Obviously, he was also deeply impressed by the Huangmao planet.

"That's it! Looking at its trajectory, it is very likely that it passed through the area of ​​the original Xuanling World. It should have gone there because it noticed something abnormal in the starry sky!" Xiaoxing analyzed.

"Hurry up and make the bronze fleet invisible or leave!" Li Yun said.

"They are still undergoing repairs. I don't know if they can activate the formation or fly long distances..."

As Xiaoxing spoke, he quickly informed Gu Cheng of this information and established an information connection between him and his soul body...

The Bronze Fleet is busy. Since the energy is almost exhausted, the energy to repair the spacecraft is now drawn by Gu Cheng from the surrounding stars. With his current state of the soul, this amount of energy is not enough to repair a spaceship. It's just a drop in the bucket, and the progress is of course extremely slow...

Ge Rilie was directing the maintenance tasks of the entire fleet. Gu Cheng was sitting cross-legged on the leading spacecraft, with his palms together, one palm pointing to the sky and the other pointing to the ground. His posture was quite strange. He seemed to be bathing In a faint halo, these halos contain star power, which was guided by him, and then slowly injected into the fleet's energy pool...

But after he has worked hard for so long, the fleet's energy pool is still shallow, because as soon as the energy enters the energy pool, it will be robbed by the huge demand, which makes Gu Cheng feel helpless in his heart!

Suddenly, he was slightly startled, because a light group suddenly popped up in front of his right side. After a while, the light group grew into a body of light and shadow, which was his own body!

"There is a monster planet coming towards your starry sky. Get out of there quickly!" the main body said.

"Monster planet? It can't be the planet with human faces, right?!" Gu Cheng was surprised and asked quickly.

"No! One side of this monster planet is desolate, and the other side is covered with strange plants, hundreds of miles high. There must be extremely terrifying life forms inside.

So Ling Daozi tells you to avoid it! "The ontology explained.

"Oh my God!!!" Gu Cheng was a little uneasy.

"What's wrong?" The main body was startled.

"Where can the fleet still have the energy to fly now? The energy pool has already bottomed out. All the energy attracted is used to repair the outer shell, and other damaged areas cannot be repaired!"

"Is that so?!"

"Of course! You'll know how powerful that guy's Yun Mist Qi Cord is when you try it!" Gu Cheng snorted.

"Where's the invisible formation?" the main body asked.

"Without energy, the effect will be equally bad!"

"By the way, portal?!"

"There is this!" Gu Cheng was refreshed!

Fortunately, there is still this escape weapon, which makes both the main body and Gu Cheng let out a long sigh of relief!

"Let's become invisible first. If that doesn't work, let's use the portal to escape!" Gu Cheng said.

"That's fine! Don't go after it, be careful not to eat it and walk around!" the main body warned.

"Of course! Do you think I'm crazy? This wild star field is full of weird beings, even Li Yun and Ling Daozi are two of them!" Gu Cheng said fiercely.

"As long as you know!"

The main body of light and shadow said, and finally slowly disappeared...

Li Yun and Xiao Xing were secretly happy when they heard the conversation between Gu Cheng and the Soul Body. It seemed that they had been classified as monsters by him...

In fact, as the monitoring network deployed by Xiaoxing expanded, they did discover a lot of weird stars. The Huangmao planet and the human-faced planet that appeared earlier were two of them, and there were several others. The stars left a deep impression on them. Although they still don't understand what kind of life is in them, they can judge that these stars are almost all unique!

The occurrence of such a situation can only show that this universe is really amazing. In this small and wild star field, there are so many unexpected life planets. If the scope is expanded to the entire universe, then there will be How many eye-opening stars are there?

Thinking of this, Li Yun and Xiaoxing couldn't help but feel fascinated...

"Sir, perhaps it is these extremely weird planets that make this star field a forbidden place that everyone is afraid of. You know, we have detected hundreds of light-years of the surrounding universe and have not found a few weird stars. All discoveries Everything is concentrated here!" Xiaoxing said.

"It makes sense! Facing these weird stars, the fleets of those cosmic races will almost always become their meal, meat on the chopping block, no return. These news spread, and over time, this place became a forbidden place in the universe. However, Why are there so many weird stars concentrated here?" Li Yun asked suspiciously.

"Xiao Nu found some clues from the collected information and data!" Xiao Xing said proudly.

"Oh? Tell me quickly!" Li Yun's eyes lit up and he asked quickly.

"These weird stars basically have one life per planet. In other words, the entire planet has evolved into a single life form. No matter what they looked like before or how many ordinary lives there were, in the end there will only be one life left. He should also be the strongest one!" Xiaoxing said.

"This...makes sense!" Li Yun muttered.

"In addition, these planets have their own specific attributes. For example, the Huangmao planet should be of wood attribute, the human face planet should be of thunder cloud attribute, and the water, metal, ice, and wind attribute planets we discovered, and of course There are two fire-attribute planets, Yinghuo and Shouxin, but these two planets have not evolved to the extreme and become a separate life form..." Xiaoxing analyzed.

"Oh? There seems to be a missing earth planet here?" Li Yun thought.

"There must have been a problem with the earth planet early in the morning!" Xiaoxing said.

"Something went wrong?!" Li Yun was startled.

"The earth-attributed planet should be the predecessor of the Xuanling World. We have long discovered that the Xuanling World is a vast earth-attributed world, which is particularly vast. However, before Gu Cheng arrived, it was a scene of falling apart. It was the ancient After Cheng used the Gigantization Technique, he regrouped the earth-attributed materials and reached the previously astonishing scale! Therefore, something must have gone wrong with the original earth-attributed planet to collapse..." Xiaoxing analyzed.

"Well said!" Li Yun suddenly realized and praised.

"Xiao Nu guessed that this wild star field is not simple. It should have been rich in elemental factors of various attributes, thus forming planets with various characteristics and giving birth to countless lives. But later, as these lives Continuously evolving, they finally embarked on another path of extreme evolution, which is the way of devouring!”

"The way of swallowing..." Li Yun took a breath...

The life forms that mainly focus on devouring constantly flashed in my mind, including the golden-spotted toad, the giant whale clan, the flying shark clan, the nine-infant clan, the Suanyi clan, the Taotie clan, the soul worm, the sky-swallowing pocket...

This can be said to be the ultimate evolutionary path of cultivation civilization!

The so-called respect for the strong means that these strong ones continue to evolve, and the weak become their stepping stones. In the end, the strong will not even let go of the weak, but simply devour them all and turn them into part of their own strength!

Whether it's body, bones, soul, cultivation, experience, etc., they are all transformed into the body of the strong. They become stronger and stronger, reaching a level beyond the reach of the weak!

"That's right! Using the method of devouring, super strong people appeared on these planets. If the strong ones fight each other, the loser will be devoured by the other party. In the end, only the strongest one will be left!" Xingyu said in shock.

"This is so tragic..." Li Yun exclaimed.

"There is no way. In order to survive, they have to do this. It is said that one mountain cannot tolerate two tigers. If they cannot devour each other, they will definitely be swallowed by each other. Just like the emperor is alone in the end, he can only devour all those who threaten him. Only then can they cultivate and develop with peace of mind..."

"Where are the star spirits?"

"The star spirits should have been devoured by this strongest man a long time ago! In other words, the life forms of these planets have now taken over the responsibilities of the original star spirits and become the true masters of the planet, so they can concentrate the resources of the entire planet , exerting such a powerful force!" Xiaoxing analyzed.

"But he's the only one left. Wouldn't it be lonely and boring?" Li Yun sighed.

"No! For them, this is just the first step in a long journey across the universe. Next, they will begin to fight external battles to annex life on other planets. For example, the reason why the earthy planet fell apart is most likely because of these. The result of the fierce battle between planets..." Xiaoxing analyzed.

"Yes..." Li Yun's eyes lit up!

He thought: "If the earth attribute planet loses in the battle between them and falls apart, what about his soul? Where is his power?"

"The soul may escape, and the essence of power will definitely fall into the belly of the winner. Therefore, as long as we find any weird planet with strong earth attribute power, we can basically conclude that it may be the winner back then!" Xiaoxing analyzed road.

"This... In this way, I am optimistic about the Huangmao planet, because one side of it is wood attribute, and the other side is earth attribute. The combination of earth and wood..." Li Yun guessed.

"Hehe, Xiaonu thinks so too! This Huangmao planet may seem a little funny, but its strength cannot be underestimated. Now that it has gone to the Xuanling World to inspect, it may be related to what happened back then..."

"Does it think that the soul that escaped back then is back?!" Li Yun suddenly realized.

"It's very possible! After all, the other party is also a strong person. If it doesn't figure it out, it won't be particularly relieved..."

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