The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2520 Regret turns green in the intestines

( ) I saw that the planet Shouxin was now devastated. All water sources were gone and evaporated. There were scenes of volcanic eruptions everywhere. Thick smoke was billowing, and the entire planet had been wrapped into a fiery red atmosphere!

Countless lives were already dying in such a cruel environment, and screams continued. From time to time, someone was swallowed by the cracks in the ground or the hot magma...

The power of the sun is undoubtedly demonstrated at this time. Although these beings are basically fire-based beings, in such a blazing environment, they can no longer bear it and feel that they are about to be roasted...

"Li Yun, help me knock the center of the earth, and I'll go down again!" Yinghuo said loudly.

"no problem!"

Li Yun raised his hand and saw a string of sound waves. These sound waves carried the powerful energy of neutrinos, and soon the center of the earth was shaking...

Yinghuo was moved out by Xiaoxing, and soon disappeared under the strong flame cloud of the guardian heart, and no one was seen!

"Sir, should we stop guarding our hearts first?" Xiaoxing asked.

"Has the current speed reached the critical value?" Li Yun asked.

"Not yet! According to the current trend, it should be about three days later. By then, her speed will increase significantly and she will be thrown towards the sun like a big fireball!" Xiaoxing said.

"Here...wait a minute, remind Yinghuo what's important, don't let that nagging Shouxin delay the time!" Li Yun thought.


Xiaoxing quickly opened a light curtain, and what was playing on it was exactly what was happening around Yinghuo. This was because Xiaoxing had installed many micro-monitors on Yinghuo's body, allowing the situation in the center of the earth to be seen one by one!

I saw Yinghuo heading all the way to the center of the earth. With his ability, he can easily find the shortest way to the center of the earth, and the obstacles underground have no effect on him. This is of course a special ability of the star spirit...

"Yinghuo, is that you?!" a voice came.

"Shou Xin, come out quickly!" Ying Huo shouted.

"What are you doing out here? Come and help me stabilize this damn planet!" Shouxin screamed.

"It's not stable! Your planet can't withstand the traction of the sun now, and it will eventually be pulled in by it!" Yinghuo said loudly.

"Impossible! With the combined strength of you and me,

I don’t believe that damn solar energy ate me! "Shou Xin said harshly.

Yinghuo had already been reminded by Xiaoxing and shouted: "Don't worry about it! My planet was also pulled by the sun like yours and almost fell in, but it is saved now! Just come out and sign an agreement with Li Yun. saved!"

"What?! Yours is like this too?! He was saved?! Who is Li Yun?! Why did he save us?!" Shouxin is worthy of being an "aunt". When he heard Yinghuo's words, he immediately became energetic and asked a question Then throw them out one by one.

"Stop! Brother, I won't harm you. Come out now and come up with me!" Yinghuo said decisively.

"No! My planet is falling rapidly towards the sun. It will definitely fall faster once I leave!" Shouxin screamed.

"What?! Don't be afraid, Ling Daozi said that as long as you go out, he will help you stabilize!"

"Ling Daozi? Who is Ling Daozi?! Why do you speak so carelessly? Now Li Yun, now Ling Daozi, how can I trust you? If the planet cannot be stable after going out, it will fall towards the sun faster. , you should also know that the closer the planet is to the sun, the greater the pull of the sun will be on it, and then it will be powerless!" Shou Xin spoke like a barrage of cannons, saying it in one breath, making everyone Yinghuo was stunned for a moment.

He shook his head and finally reacted, saying: "Hey, it was Li Yun and Ling Daozi who rescued my planet! Now my planet is safe and sound in their Xingyun Castle, how wonderful!"

"What? Star Fortune Castle? Where is Star Fortune Castle? How could your planet be in there? Can you come out in the future? Could it be that you were deceived by the two of them?"

"Shou Xin, I said I won't harm you! I signed an agreement with Li Yun to ensure my independence! Let me tell you, Li Yun and Ling Daozi will not fall into this trap if they like you. On the planet of the sun, they are trying to save countless innocent creatures on it. If you don't act quickly and miss the time and opportunity to save it, it will be too late to regret it!" Yinghuo said harshly.

"This...can't do it. The speed of the planet's fall is increasing. How can I dare to leave here?" Shouxin insisted.

Yinghuo was stunned. He didn't expect Shouxin to be so stubborn. He wouldn't even listen to his own words. All the boasts he had made in front of Li Yun and Ling Daozi were ruined. His face was shattered...

Suddenly I heard Li Yun's voice saying: "Fairy Shouxin, if we let your planet stop falling first, you should be able to come up and sign the agreement, right?"

"Who are you…"

"Li Yun."

"Can you really stop it from falling?! You won't be fooling me, right?" Shouxin asked in disbelief.

"What are you doing? If we hadn't appeared, could you have saved the fate of this planet by yourself?" Li Yun teased.

"This...I don't know what's going on. The sun has gone crazy during this period, so it has such a strong pulling power. Maybe it won't happen after a while? I will persist..." Shouxin complained.

"Okay! If you insist, we'll leave! Senior Yinghuo will come back soon, there are other planets waiting for us to rescue!" Li Yun said.

Yinghuo was startled, speechless, and somewhat in a dilemma...

"Senior, it's too late if you don't leave! There is a planet nearby that is about to fall, and there are billions of lives on it!" Li Yun urged.

"That's...good!" Yinghuo had no choice but to respond and duck back.

Xingyun Castle "hooted" and quickly disappeared into the vast starry sky...

Li Yun was not lying just now. The planet Shouxin still has three days left, but the nearby planet cannot survive even one day, so we must rush to save that planet first.

After arriving, it was discovered that the size of this planet was half that of Yinghuo and Shouxin. Such a size was even more unable to resist the pull of the sun. After the Xuanling World and Yinghuo disappeared one after another, its fate seemed to be doomed. .

The star spirit was tortured to the point of dizziness in the process of fighting against the gravity of the sun. It is still in the center of the earth and has not escaped in time!

In fact, the stars orbiting this distance around the sun are basically controlled by the sun's gravity and cannot escape. If the planetary system is turbulent, their situation will be worrying. Except for some outer stars, they can barely support it. Stars in outer and inner orbits are falling toward the sun...

Including life and star spirits, they cannot escape the huge gravitational pull of the sun in this starry sky. If they do not control it well, they may be captured by the sun. Therefore, the star spirits of this small star have actually lost their ability to escape. The opportunity will fall into the sun together with your own planet!

Not to mention the hundreds of millions of lives on it, they can only become the burial objects of this planet and add some fuel to the sun...

Fortunately, Star Luck Castle arrived in time. With the powerful ability of Star Luck Castle, it could easily resist the huge pulling power of the sun. Therefore, Star Luck Castle "swiped" and stopped behind the planet, controlled by the formation. Some of the powerful potential energy was released, and it soon offset the gravitational pull of the sun, causing the planet's forward speed to slow down!

At this time, the star spirits were already in a daze and had no idea what was going on outside. After Li Yun and Xiaoxing discovered this, they simply took action and completely controlled the planet. After a lot of efforts, they successfully moved it in. Inside the battle fort!


Everyone in Xingyun Castle immediately cheered and admired Li Yun and Ling Daozi to the utmost extent!

In a short period of time, Xingyun Castle successfully moved two living planets. Such a feat was far beyond everyone's imagination. Even cosmic powers like Gu Cheng and Ying Huo were dumbfounded and excited. , so impressed...

"Sir, if we go to Shouxin's side now, I guess that Fairy Shouxin has the same head as this star spirit. We don't have to talk to her anymore, it would be better to just do it!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"That's right! It's a pity that after these two days, the creatures on Shouxin will lose a lot!" Li Yun sighed.

"There is nothing we can do about it. We need to save both sides, of course the most urgent one first!" Xiaoxing said.


Xingyun Castle changed its direction with a "whoosh" and headed towards Shouxin...

It can be seen from the dynamic diagram that Shouxin is closer to the sun at this time, and the speed of advancement is accelerating. Its accumulated potential energy is extremely huge. Fairy Shouxin at the center of the earth cannot resist this force even with all her strength. Such a terrifying force, she had already regretted it!

If I had chosen to believe in Yinghuo, Li Yun and that Ling Daozi before, I am afraid that I would have been rescued long ago. But now I am in such a desperate situation, it is entirely caused by my suspicious heart!

Now think about it, people knew that you were in such great difficulty and came all the way to help, but you refused again and again. You didn't even believe what Yinghuo, who you have known for many years, said. Why did this happen?

When Shou Xin thought of this, her heart was about to break with regret. If things could happen over again, she would definitely agree immediately, and even let Li Yun move the planet into Star Fortune Castle without even signing any agreement!

It's a pity that now...

Shou's heart was so anxious that he completely lost all strength. He became confused and didn't know how to struggle anymore...

The earth veins of the entire planet have long been torn apart by the powerful pulling force. Fiery fireworks poured into the center of the earth like the Yangtze River, melting everything that could be melted...

When Shouxin saw this scene, his whole body went limp and he was completely lost in the flames...

She seemed to see herself turning into a flamingo, flapping its beautiful wings and dancing in the sky above the sun. Countless flames jumped with her dance, like elves of fire, exuding infinite energy. vitality…

"Cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck..."

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