The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2511 The balance is broken

( ) "The second Mantis spacecraft...the third ship...the fourth ship...the fifth ship!"

Xingyun Castle was extremely fast, and it didn't take long for it to pass through the vast starry sky and take in all the impurities, including the red space pirate spacecraft!

As these spaceships were fished in one after another, the atmosphere in the core cabin gradually reached a climax. People kept shouting, dancing and having more fun...

Although Li Yun and Xiao Xing did not have fun with them, they were still in a very exciting mood. After all, they had gained a fleet of space pirates just after they started on the Universe Avenue. Such a huge fortune was simply a rare meeting gift. !

Looking at the starry sky now, it is completely empty. The huge gravitational field has disappeared, as if nothing has ever existed here...

"The Xuanling World has finally disappeared..." Li Yun said with some emotion.

"Actually, it did not disappear, but came to our Xingyun Castle and Tianyun World." Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"Indeed, but now its own gravitational field has been divided by us into Xingyun Castle and Tianyun World. To the outside world, it suddenly disappeared. This should have an impact on the surrounding stars..." Li Yun thought road.

"Yes! The Xuanling world is located in the habitable zone of this solar system, and it is a relatively large star. In its long-term operation, it has formed a more delicate balance with those planets and stars that rotate around the sun in other orbits. , this balancing force allows these stars to remain peaceful, but it’s different now!" Xiaoxing said.

"Oh? What will happen?"

"This balancing force is linked one by one. First of all, other planets that are closer to each other will have abnormal movements. Especially the planets close to the inner orbit of the sun may fall into the sun if they are not good, and those in the outer orbit may fall into the sun. The planets need to go through a long-term adjustment process before they can form a new balanced relationship. If a bigger accident occurs to one of the planets and it runs rampant in the solar system or is even ejected, the solar system will fall into complete chaos. It's possible!" Xiaoxing analyzed.

Li Yun was stunned when he heard this. He didn't expect that it would be so difficult for a planetary system in the solar system to maintain balance and peace, but it would be extremely easy to destroy it!

Just like this emergency, it is very likely that the planetary system of this solar system will be messed up...

"If a star is really ejected by the gravitational field of other large stars, what will be the outcome of this star?" Li Yun asked.

"This star will become a wandering star,

Wandering in the vast interstellar space, if it is lucky enough not to collide with other stars, then its most likely outcome is to be captured by other suns and join its planetary system..."

"There seem to be many cases of wandering stars. We can often find them during interstellar navigation..." Li Yun thought.

"Yes, the balance of every solar system is very fragile, and stray stars will appear if there is any accident or carelessness. That is why interstellar navigation is so dangerous."

"Let's see how our solar system will change in the future? We haven't gone to the Zhenyang Clan yet!" Li Yun said quickly.

"no problem!"

Xiaoxing quickly created a starry sky map, which showed the current situation of the solar system. From this dynamic map, it can be seen that the original location of the Xuanling World is in the habitable zone of the solar system, and the Divine Soul World It is also in the habitable zone. There are also three to five small stars in this area. However, due to their small size, these small stars have not been able to form higher life forms. They are all relatively low-end life forms.

In the inner circle of the habitable zone, that is, in the orbit close to the sun, there are two larger stars. These two stars are relatively large. Because they are too close to the sun and the temperature is extremely high, the environment above them is extremely harsh. , the most obvious thing is that there are too many volcanoes, which are like huge chimneys, constantly emitting hot gases and materials around them, causing serious damage to the ecological environment in most areas. However, in this universe, The rules are different from other universes. The development of life forms is colorful. Just like the Fire Lin tribe is extremely adaptable to the volcanic environment. On these two stars, Xiaoxing has long discovered that there are also advanced life forms on them. , they live within the volcanic circle just like the Fire Lin tribe, and there are also large areas of higher plants distributed around the crater, absorbing the essence of volcanic materials...

"Sir, the most dangerous thing in the planetary system of this solar system is the two inner stars. Without the huge gravitational pull of the Xuanling World, their operations will undergo great changes, even if they are attracted by the sun's gravity. It's possible!" Xiaoxing analyzed.

"The impact just now, and the sudden disappearance of the gravity of the Xuanling world, they should have mutated now..." Li Yun agreed.

"There have been small changes! They are greatly affected by the sun's gravity. In order to avoid being captured by the sun's gravity, these two stars are struggling desperately..." Xiaoxing said.

"Struggle? Their rotation axes seem to be more inclined to the side of the sun, the inclination angle of the stars has become larger, and the rotation speed has accelerated. As a result, the climate on these two stars will undergo drastic changes in a short period of time. !" Li Yun observed and analyzed.

"What you say makes sense! It's not easy to escape the gravity of the sun. Now the two stars have accelerated their rotation speed. They want to use centrifugal force to resist gravity. This will be effective in the short term, but it also has great hidden dangers in the long term. !" Xiaoxing laughed.

"What's the hidden danger?"

"As the rotation of the star accelerates, the centrifugal force will inevitably increase, so that some of the lighter matter on the star will be thrown out first. As more and more matter is thrown out, the mass of the two stars will also become greater and greater. The lighter they are, the smaller their own gravitational field will be, and the force against the sun will be correspondingly smaller. This is a vicious cycle. In the end, their mass will drop below the boundary, and the centrifugal force will no longer be enough to resist the sun's gravity. They will inevitably fall into the sun... Therefore, Xiaonu just said that they are just struggling desperately..."

"Oh my god...instead of letting them fall into the sun, why not let us swallow them!" Li Yun laughed.

"My Lord is right! These two planets are just snacks to the sun, but they are still a big meal to us, not to mention the life forms on them..." Xiaoxing agreed.

"That's right! It's just that it's still a bit difficult to swallow the planet in one go. If the star spirit of the planet is not very cooperative, it will further increase the difficulty of our control, so we must communicate with its star spirit..." Li Yun thought.

"Don't worry, sir! The star spirits of these two planets must have realized that their situation is not good, otherwise they would not take such extreme measures to fight against the gravity of the sun. As long as we communicate with them properly, they will definitely agree to move in with us. In the Star Fortune Castle…”

"Then as soon as possible..."

"no problem!"

Xingyun Castle turned around and quickly flew towards one of the planets...

Li Yun carefully looked at the dynamic planet map of the small star and found that except for the two fire planets, all the stars in this solar system seemed to be more or less affected by the sudden disappearance of the Xuanling world. Their rotation and revolution were all affected. There have been some subtle changes.

Among them, the Great World of Divine Soul, which is also in the habitable zone, has also been greatly affected. Originally, due to the existence of the Xuanling World, everything in the Great World of Divine Soul was normal, but after the mutation, the tilt angle of the Great World of Divine Soul's rotation axis also increased. Quite a few!

The so-called rotation axis refers to the central axis around which a planet rotates. Generally speaking, this central axis is affected by the central sun and will point more or less towards the sun. There will always be an inclination angle. If the angle is small, the star will be more upright. The larger the angle, the more oblique the star will be. In extreme cases, the star will even be completely flat and rotate. Then there will be no seasonal changes on the star because there is no back and forth movement at all. room…

Right now, as the inclination of the planet Divine Soul World increases, its four-season changes will become more drastic, and the heat will get hotter and the cold will get colder. This drastic change in a short period of time means a huge change for many life forms. A huge disaster, because their adaptation speed will be much slower than the changes in the external environment. Due to their inability to adapt, many life forms will gradually disappear in this great change. There is no doubt about this!


"Let Gu Cheng talk to Ping Liang about the situation and let him subdue Kun Ying and Ji Yaohua and control the alliance. Otherwise, this chaos will cause heavy losses to the entire Soul World..." Li Yun thought.

"Yes! Sir!" Xiaoxing responded.

Soon, Gu Cheng knew the news, and Xiaoxing had already locked Pingliang and the others' location through the monitoring network. It was on the top floor of the big restaurant in the core area where the black market was...

Pingliang has been feeling a little uneasy recently because he can't sense the bronze fleet!

This made him feel bad, because when he came out of there, there was only one golden warrior, Gerilie, in the fleet, while the space pirate fleet above only sent out two middle-level elites, Kun Ying and Ji Yaohua, and the other fleets The top management stayed in the fleet to monitor the Bronze Fleet. If the fleet was attacked and Gerilie couldn't withstand it, everything would be over!

Pingliang felt very strange, because if the fleet was attacked or had other actions, Geriel should have sent him a message, but now there was no news at all, and he could not sense it...

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