The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2505 Finally saw it!

( ) Gu Cheng took it and after a brief inspection, he found that the portals mentioned by Ling Daozi were very different from those made by the powerful masters of his clan. Whether it was the materials, styles, feel, or the energy contained in them, they were extremely different. It's not the same, but with my rather keen sense, I can find that the energy in these portals is extremely huge. If I compare it based on the energy size alone, then the level of these portals is probably much higher than that of the Evian clan. !

"Brother Ling, I wonder what the energy factor contained in this treasure is called?" Gu Cheng asked shamelessly.

"These are for personal use, so the energy factors in them are neutrinos."

"Neutrino? I seem to have never heard of such an energy factor..."

"Just because you haven't heard of it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. The energy level of neutrinos is above the dielectric factor, so I believe the levels of these portals will be higher than your dielectric portals." Ling Daozi said.

Gu Cheng's face was slightly red, but he had been with Ling Daozi for a long time, and his face had become very thick. Anyway, he couldn't beat Ling Daozi in a fight, and he couldn't beat him in a chess game. He was far behind in terms of combat power and wisdom. If not, then it wouldn't matter if he said a few words, so he said: "I see, it's a pity that the portal is too precious, otherwise I would still like to try its power..."

"Is the portal precious?" Ling Daozi was slightly stunned.

"Of course! A treasure like the portal is an extremely important talisman in interstellar navigation. Having it is equivalent to one more life, and having it in a fleet means that the lives of countless people have been greatly improved. Good guarantee. But the portal is not easy to refine. The portal of our Evian tribe requires all the elders of the clan to gather together for refining. Even a portal for personal use will take a long time to refine. , the manpower, material and financial resources consumed during this period are simply immeasurable!" Gu Cheng sighed.

"A long time? How long?" Ling Daozi asked with his eyes widened.

"This...if everything goes well, it will take a year to refine a portal for personal use, but it will take at least ten years for a fleet to use it!"

"One year? Ten years? Is it the year of Yikaxing or the year here?" Ling Daozi was a little uneasy.

"Of course it's the year of Yikaxing!" Gu Cheng said fiercely.

"What?! Wouldn't it take a thousand years to put it here?!" Ling Daozi screamed.

"Of course! Otherwise, why do you think the portal is not for sale? No matter which race will sell this product, even for fear of being imitated by others, they must develop and refine it themselves behind closed doors!" Gu Cheng said loudly.

"If you have to buy or sell,

How much could a portal like this be sold for? "Ling Daozi asked.

"This... in terms of cost alone, refining a portal for personal use requires two high-grade pulses, as well as hundreds of elders in the clan for a year. This calculation is worth at least five high-grade pulses. If it is sold, it can be sold at least twice as much, so it will be the price of ten high-grade pulses, or a treasure of comparable value!" Gu Cheng analyzed.

"Ten high-grade pulses..." Ling Daozi felt like crying at this moment. He really suffered a huge loss this time!

In order to allow the one hundred Xuanling fleets to escape safely, he was extremely generous and gave away special portals. Each fleet was given three portals for the fleet, and ten portals for individuals, and later even more I sold countless portals at low prices. I thought I had gained a lot at the time, but I didn’t expect that the value of portals in the universe was so high. The money I received was barely even a scratch...

Moreover, after he heard Gu Cheng's analysis, he knew very well that his portal was much higher level than the Evian clan!

Because these portals of mine contain at least neutrino energy factors, which are much higher in energy level than the top-grade Diqi energy. Coupled with their exquisite design, their value is definitely not that of those Niqi portals. Can be compared.

Therefore, the portal he sent out was definitely an astronomical sum that could not be higher!

"Brother Ling, what are you thinking about?" Gu Cheng stared at Ling Daozi and asked suspiciously.

"No... nothing! It turns out that the value of the portal is really not low! However, I really feel strange, why do you have to spend a year to refine a portal for personal use?" Ling Daozi came back to his senses. Come on, change the subject.

"One year is normal! If everything goes well, if it doesn't go well, then you have to start over. In short, it often takes several years to refine it! I don't know how Brother Ling refined this portal How long will it take?" Gu Cheng asked.

" won't take more than half a day!"

"Half a day?! Half a day here?!" Gu Cheng was shocked!

"Hey, there's no need to actually do it. The refining speed is getting faster and faster now. You can refine several in a long time!" Ling Daozi said proudly.

Gu Cheng felt that his thoughts seemed to be completely frozen and he could no longer think...

Ling Daozi smiled and said: "These portals will be given to Brother Gu. If you want to try them now, you can try them. If there are not enough, I will give them to you again!"

"Try it... Okay! I'll try it now!!!" Gu Cheng gritted his teeth and said loudly.

Ling Daozi gave Gu Cheng a brief demonstration of how to operate it. Gu Cheng understood it at a glance. He found that Ling Daozi's portal was much simpler and more convenient to use than the ones he had originally owned. The startup time was greatly shortened, and As long as the coordinates are set, the forward light path and direction can be clearly sensed, so that the user will not be confused...

"It can be used in this ship! Set the coordinates here when you come back and you can come back!" Ling Daozi reminded.

When Gu Cheng heard this, he was filled with admiration. Such a portal was unheard of. If it could really achieve teleportation as Ling Daozi said, then its value would be at least ten times that of his original Qi portals!

He immediately calmed down and activated a portal. It soon bloomed with a ball of spiritual light, wrapped himself up, and disappeared from the place with a "swipe"!

The next moment, Gu Cheng found himself escorted by a huge energy group and appeared in a star field with a "swipe" sound. He looked around, which was quite unfamiliar, but he saw an extremely huge planet at a glance!

Ling Daozi's voice suddenly came to his ears: "Brother Gu, your coordinates are set in the world of souls. Now they may sense your bloodline aura, and you can also look for them. Their location is on the planet... Above the central sea!”

"Wow!!!" Gu Cheng exclaimed!

I didn't expect that my teleportation would lead me directly to the Great World of Souls. The distance in between was simply insurmountable for ordinary people. Even if the bronze fleet flew at full speed, it would take more than ten days to reach it!

Moreover, he felt that the energy of the portal was not consumed at all. It was still full and could be used for countless such personal flights!

That’s awesome!

While Gu Cheng was amazed, he quickly thought of another question and asked in surprise: "Brother Ling, why can you talk to me from so far away?"

"Hehe, the star fields around here have all been under my surveillance for a long time. Otherwise, how could you see what is happening in the world of souls?" Ling Daozi said with a smile.

"Yes..." Gu Cheng suddenly realized.

"go quickly!"

"Okay! Thank you Brother Ling!"

Gu Cheng stopped talking nonsense, stretched out his figure, and swept towards the direction of the Soul World...

"Captain, there's a situation!!!"

In the central waters of the Soul World, at the bridge of the bronze fleet's leading spacecraft, the beautiful operator Mona suddenly screamed!

Her beautiful eyes were fixed on the information on the screen, and her delicate body was trembling slightly...

I saw a figure that looked like a ball of blood moving violently on it, as if being burned by fire, making the entire screen look a bit coquettish! ! !

"Oh my God!!!" Gerilie also screamed when he saw it, and in a flash, he came to the front of the screen.

Others gathered around after hearing the news, with extremely excited expressions on their faces!

That's right, blood induction has finally appeared!

The main purpose of this trip to this wild star field after going through all kinds of hardships was to find the ancient elder. Originally, I had given up hope in this world of souls, but I didn't expect that I would feel something at this time.

Moreover, judging from such a strong bloodline induction, it was not difficult for everyone to judge that the ancient elder should be nearby, and maybe he was looking for him!

"Captain, Elder Gu is approaching us!" Mona said in surprise.

"It seems that he finally discovered us!" Geriel said excitedly.

"It's really a worthwhile trip..."

"Looking at the collision between the ancient elder and this blood-sensing baby, it seems that his recovery should be good!"

"That's right..."

Sure enough, not long after, a figure appeared outside the porthole, and a voice came: "Xiao Ge!"

Gerielie saw it and said excitedly: "Elder Gu?!"

"Of course it's me! Open the door quickly!" Gu Cheng shouted.

"Elder, please wait a moment!"

Although Gerilie was very excited, he did not forget the discipline of fleet control. He quickly ordered the identification process to be started, scanned Gu Cheng, and finally confirmed that the person coming was Gu Cheng, although it was just his soul body. But it was indeed him, so he was taken into the spacecraft!

"Greetings to the ancient elder!" Everyone saluted in unison.

"No gifts, no gifts! Haha, after all these years, you finally found me!" Gu Cheng said with a smile, stroking his beard.

"I heard that the elder was injured and left, but I didn't expect that he was hiding in this world of spirits. What a coincidence. We just found this place when we arrived in this wild star field!" Gerilie said.

"I'm not here, but in another planet. I came directly from there using the portal just now!" Gu Cheng said proudly.

"Wo..." Everyone couldn't help but exclaimed when they heard this. It seems that the elder is an elder, and he has many treasures.

The portal is extremely precious in the eyes of everyone. Every time you use it, you have to weigh it carefully and think about it before making a final decision. However, the elder uses it whenever he wants, and it is extremely satisfying...

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