The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2498 Alliance Voting

( ) "Can't be caught?!" Wentian was stunned, thinking about lightning.

"I will discuss this matter in detail with you, leader, later. Now just listen to me and appease the people!" Chu Cheng said anxiously.

He knew that Wentian was extremely angry, and now that he heard himself saying that he would definitely not be able to catch Kun Ying and Ji Yaohua, he might get angry and try, which would be troublesome.

Wentian's face was a little uncertain, but in the end he still forced himself to endure it and said: "Don't worry, after this alliance leader investigates, I will definitely give you an explanation! As for the prize money for this competition, it will be withheld for now. Fa, if it turns out that someone plotted against your Pegasus, then how about the bonus be divided equally between the two of you?"

"Thank you, Alliance Leader!" Kunying and Ji Yaohua responded quickly.

They didn't expect Wentian to be so easy to talk to. It seems that today's level has been passed. Next, they can think of other tricks to clean up the black market and the alliance...

However, when Wentian hesitated just now, he had already revealed a terrifying murderous intent, and this murderous intent was directed at the two of them. With the cultivation levels of Kunying and Ji Yaohua, how could they not sense it?

The two of them were a little confused about Wentian's murderous intent. The problem should be the message Chu Cheng handed him just now. I wonder what the message said?

In fact, you can guess without thinking that what the message said is definitely not good for you, so why doesn't Wentian take action?

Since Wentian didn't fight with them, the two didn't want to cause trouble now, so they left the arena with their group...

Watching their departing figures, Wentian's thoughts were racing, and he felt that some things were out of his control. People around him had become a little mysterious, and even Chu Chengdu, his most trusted military advisor, had become a little untrustworthy. …

"Leader, we have thoroughly checked all the participating Pegasus, and we have not found that they have eaten anything unclean!" The venue manager came over to report.

"Where are the King of Thieves and Eagle Strikes the Sky?"

"Nothing unusual was found!"

"Where are they now?"

"They have left on their own, presumably to their owners!"

"Are...are there signs of fighting on their bodies?" Wentian asked urgently.

"Signs of a fight? No! Not at all!"


Wentian finally understood completely in his heart,

These two Pegasus horses must have been instructed by their masters to put on a show and help their masters make a lot of money!

It seems that the contents of that information are true and credible. Could it be that Chu Cheng investigated it?

However, not long after this incident happened, Chu Cheng obtained such detailed information. This was surprisingly efficient. Wentian did not believe that Chu Cheng could do this.

He thought for a while and said to Chu Cheng: "Military advisor, how do you think this matter should be handled?"

"Is the leader talking about this final?" Chu Cheng asked.


"According to the long-standing rules of our league, no matter what happens in the game, the result will be whatever it is! Therefore, whether these two Pegasus fell into someone else's trick, or they did their own tricks, it cannot be changed. It’s the result!” Chu Cheng said.

"However, with so many gambling dens in the alliance and many people involved, including the black market, wouldn't they have to give a large sum of money to those who bought the opposite gambling game? Many people will go bankrupt because of this!" Wentian was excited said.

"That's right!"

People around who heard it quickly echoed...

"This...if the alliance leader wants to change the result, he can also hold an alliance meeting to vote. If more than 90% of the people agree to change the result, or declare the result invalid, that is also possible..." Chu Cheng pondered.

Wentian's eyes lit up and he said loudly: "Okay! The alliance meeting will be held immediately for a vote!"

Soon, the Soul World Alliance Conference was held. All the elders from high, middle and lower levels gathered in the main hall to vote on what happened at the racetrack today...

This unprecedented voting action attracted countless people to watch, and naturally Kun Ying, Ji Yaohua and others also came.

They didn't expect that the World of Souls actually had such rules. If more than 90% of the people agreed that the result of the game was invalid, wouldn't their previous planning be in vain?

Even the many soul stone mountains that are about to be obtained will be lost again!

How can they endure this?

"Brother Kun, we must not let them deny the result of the game!" Ji Yaohua said.

"Of course! We can finally make a big fortune. As long as we get these soul stones, we can play with them as we like. Even if we go back, it's no problem. If they want it now, that's impossible!" Kunying said fiercely.

"Giggle, little sister has an idea!" Ji Yaohua suddenly laughed.

"Oh? Come on, tell me!" Kunying said anxiously.

"You see, their votes are all secret ballots. No one else knows who voted for what. Moreover, after the vote is cast, it is automatically displayed on the light screen, and no one checks the vote! As long as we invade their system, we can change the vote at will. The result..." Ji Yaohua said.

"This... okay, let me try it!" Kun Ying said happily.

He quickly used his spiritual sense and secretly invaded the voting system, and found that just as Ji Yaohua said, it was an automatic counting system that even eliminated the need for people to check votes.

With his ability, he can naturally make the system unable to detect the intrusion of his consciousness, but it is a bit difficult to control the life of the system without being discovered.

Because if the weapon spirit is controlled, all relevant memories of the weapon spirit must be erased after the change. As long as there is a trace left that has not been erased, there is a possibility of being discovered.

And Kunying is not arrogant enough to do this perfectly.

"Brother Kun, how are you?! They are about to start!" Ji Yaohua asked.

"I can't control the spirit..." Kunying sighed.

"Item Spirit? Why control it? All you need to do is change the voting information!" Ji Yaohua reminded.

"Yes..." Kunying suddenly realized.

In fact, you only need to change the information about the elders' voting. After this information reaches the weapon spirit, the weapon spirit will automatically count and display it. Naturally, it is impossible for the weapon spirit to find out that it has changed the information. For this, Kunying still has some ideas. Confidence.

In addition, the task of changing information is actually not heavy, because for an issue, more than 90% of the people must agree to it, so Kunying only needs to change a smaller part.

He immediately concentrated on waiting quietly in the system...

However, after listening to everyone's reports, Lord Wentian concluded: "This accident was caused by the alliance, and there were also some circumstances that we were unable to identify. We must avoid this situation from happening again in the future. At the very least, we must The track will be widened to accommodate higher-level Pegasus competitions!”

"Yes! Leader!" The arena managers responded in unison.

"In view of the possible serious consequences of this accident, I propose to invalidate the results of this competition. Everyone can vote on this. According to the league rules, if there is more than 90% support, then the matter will be handled according to my proposal. Thing! Next, the voting begins!" Wentian waved his hand and shouted loudly.

The elders in the palace had already made a decision in their minds. Of course, they supported the invalidation of the results of this competition, because the alliance had suffered too much loss, and everyone who participated in the bet suffered heavy losses, and only a handful of people were the beneficiaries. But these people are not in the palace. It can be said that they cannot even voice their opposition.

Even Kun Ying and Ji Yaohua cannot show up to oppose, because if they show up, they will immediately become the object of suspicion. Everyone knows that only those with vested interests will oppose this issue, and the two of them will People were victims before, but now they have become vested interests. This contradictory situation is strange if it does not arouse doubts!

If this is the case, Na Wentian can also take the opportunity to make the contents of the message public, thereby exposing both of them. In this case, it will be impossible for them to rely on the Tianma competition to obtain the soul stone.

The elders each pondered, and someone had already begun to operate the controller in front of them...

Kunying closely monitored the information flow in the system and found that there was already a lot of information flowing at the source of each terminal. After a closer look, he found that they were all yes votes. He quickly controlled it with his spiritual consciousness and changed it into a negative vote. With the information There were more and more votes, so he slowly slowed down the pace of modifications and stabilized the approval rate at about 80% to avoid others seeing the flaws again. When everyone voted, he smiled secretly in his heart and finally withdrew his consciousness from the system. come out…

"Done!" Kunying proudly said to Ji Yaohua.

"Not bad! This operation counts as a great achievement for you!" Ji Yao said with a charming smile.

"Haha, it's a piece of cake. Let's compete with Pegasus again with real swords and guns to see who is more powerful, your King of Thieves, or my Eagle Strikes the Sky..." Kunying laughed.

"Gee, of course it's my King of Thieves. If it weren't for cooperating with the action this time, my King of Thieves would have been running ahead..."

"My Eagle Strike into the Sky has not been activated at all. Don't think that your King of Thieves is really powerful..."

"Huh?!" The two were laughing and talking when Ji Yaohua suddenly screamed!

"What's wrong?" Kunying was startled.

"Did you really change your voting information?" Ji Yaohua asked.

"Modified! What's wrong?" Kunying was also a little confused.

"Look at that light curtain. The voting results displayed on it are 100% passed!" Ji Yaohua hummed.

"What?! This is impossible!" Kunying shouted, causing everyone around him to look at him.

Fortunately, the two of them are not standing together, otherwise if so many people pay attention, they will find that the relationship between the two is actually good...

Kunying's eyes were fixed on the light screen, and he found that it really showed that it was 100% passed. Wentian was also announcing the result, which meant that his previous plan had failed completely, and the money he won from the gambling was gone!

However, at this time, there was already a scene of joy outside the palace, and everyone's faces burst into surprise smiles...


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