The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2488 Will the black hole be a positive dark node?

( ) Li Yun nodded and asked, "What if they escape?"

"They will certainly not be able to escape our grasp if they escape in the positive universe, but if they escape into the dark universe, they will be in trouble!" Xiaoxing said.

"Dark Universe? Do you think the Stone Spirit Space might be something from the Dark Universe?" Li Yun was slightly startled.

"There is a possibility! In the universe, a star like Tiangang Baoxing is indeed extremely powerful, and it is extremely difficult to control or capture it! The civilization and star life above are not fools. Of course they know that their star is The big baby is too dazzling, and sooner or later it will attract the covetousness of people of the same level or higher civilization, so it must be guarded against. In this vast universe, it should be said that people of the same level or higher civilization are not too big. There are many, but if you include the forces of the dark universe, the number will increase dramatically!" Xiaoxing said.

"Yes, gem stars like Tiangang Baoxing will certainly make the dark universe forces salivate! Moreover, with the powerful particles and energy of the dark universe, they still have this strength, but after they come to the normal universe , his ability in the dark universe may be affected and reduced, so he has to act according to the rules of the positive universe..." Li Yun thought.

"That's right! For people in the dark universe, they can adapt to the complex and changeable energy environment of the dark universe. But when they come to the positive universe, they will be just like us who are not adaptable to the dark universe. They will not adapt to the environment of the positive universe. , so they also need to use the power of the positive universe to snatch the treasure star or other treasures..."

Xiaoxing's words made Li Yun alert, and he was shocked: "Could it be that people from the dark universe also want to come to the positive universe to plunder?!"

"Hey, just like we also want to go to the dark universe, as long as the powerful people in the dark universe have the ability to come to the normal universe, who wouldn't want to take advantage of them when they go back and bring some treasures to show off? Because of the dark universe's The particles are more energetic and the dark energy is more abundant. It is conceivable that the amount of cosmic energy there will be more than that of the positive universe, and the level is probably higher. However, because their abilities have declined due to the influence of the environment after coming to the positive universe, they can There has not been a large number of people from the dark universe coming to plunder, but as they develop, this situation will happen sooner or later. By then, maybe the positive universe will become a colony of the people from the dark universe!" Xiao Xiao Xing analyzed.

"This... is indeed possible, but after so many years of development of the universe, this situation has not yet occurred, which shows that whether people from the positive universe or the dark universe will be greatly affected when they go to another universe, they will basically not be affected. They may cause chaos again, otherwise, the universe may have changed drastically!" Li Yun thought.

"Sir, there will be a critical point in the development of anything. This critical point is both the limit of development below and the starting point of development above. When someone can cross that critical point, the development of things will have a period of rapid progress. Dark Universe In that kind of energy environment, people will go farther and higher than people in the universe. There is no doubt about this.

Maybe they are stepping up their efforts to decipher the secrets of the positive universe. When they can break through that limit, they may make great progress. By then, the positive universe will be in danger! "Xiao Xing said.

"It seems that we cannot ignore this possibility! However, in this way, do forces like black holes belong to the positive universe or the dark universe?" Li Yun asked.

"A behemoth like a black hole should be a limit thing other than the universe itself. Whether it is in the positive universe or the dark universe, it is undoubtedly a powerful existence. Therefore, it is difficult to classify it into the positive universe or the dark universe. There is no difference in the universe, but Xiaonu still tends to classify it into the dark universe, because people in the positive universe cannot directly observe it, and their existence must be judged through some special star movements." Xiaonu. Star said.

"It makes sense! It can be said that the black hole eats both the positive universe and the dark universe. Both positive and dark particles will be captured and swallowed by it. From this point of view...could the black hole be a channel connecting the positive universe and the dark universe? What?" Li Yun suddenly thought of this!

Once this idea burst out, he seemed to have figured out a lot of problems instantly and became more interested in black holes!

Xiaoxing was extremely excited when he heard this, and said excitedly: "Sir, this idea is really genius! Black holes may be an important node on the passage connecting the positive universe and the dark universe! There are countless black holes in the positive universe, and these black holes are as big as Some are small, some can form huge galaxies, some can form even larger quasars, some are quite small and can only catch some stray stars and strange rocks, and some are even tinier and are miniature black holes. , and their existence time is extremely short, even fleeting... These black holes, large and small, constitute many nodes between the two universes of good and dark, which is what we can take advantage of!"

"Despite this, entering a black hole is no joke. A bad one may be torn into pieces by its strong gravity. It is precisely this that will prevent people from the two universes from coming and going, and the positive universe We have been able to maintain a normal state until now," Li Yun said.

"If the treasure map comes from people from the dark universe, it means that people from the dark universe have already come to the positive universe. Then they are most likely to use such a passage to come here. Therefore, maybe passing through a black hole is not such a big deal. There must be a reason for these horrific’s just that we haven’t figured it out yet,” Xiaoxing said.

"Well, we are still unable to conclude whether this matter is related to the dark universe, but through such brainstorming and logical speculation, we have more expectations for the dark universe, dark matter particles and dark energy! If the people of the dark universe If we can really go to the positive universe, then we can definitely go to the dark universe. After all, we have now captured dark matter particles and dark energy. This shows that the two universes are not completely separated, but interpenetrate each other. , Whoever can better grasp the other party's material particles and energy will be able to enter the other party's territory earlier and faster!" Li Yun said, with the light of wisdom shining in his eyes...

Yes, if you want to enter the dark universe on the other side, you will definitely not be able to rely on brute force alone. You must have wisdom to protect you in order to cope with dangers that may arise at any time and achieve the purpose of traveling safely...

"Don't worry, sir. The think tank has now constructed an overall model of this universe. Whether it is the positive universe or the dark universe, they are constantly evolving. As our research continues to deepen and the information we obtain continues to increase, this model will also get better and better." It will become more and more perfect, and by then, I believe we will be able to safely enter the dark universe and have a good swim there!" Xiaoxing said with confidence.

"This plan is really good! But before entering the dark universe, we must be able to freely deploy and utilize dark matter particles and dark energy. Otherwise, once the power of the positive universe cannot be used in the dark universe, we will die in despair. Qu..." Li Yun smiled.

"Hehe, that's what the adults said! Then wouldn't we become the ones delivering food?" Xiao Xing said happily.

"Speaking of which, our current star spirit roots all have the foundation of dark spirit roots, as well as the tempering of demonic energy, dark matter particles and dark energy. This foundation should be good. If we go to the dark universe, in such an environment , maybe it can significantly improve our star spirit roots..." Li Yun thought.

"We should indeed go to the dark universe to practice. This should be of great benefit to improving our cosmic level!" Xiaoxing agreed.

"It's just that if we have to pass the black hole to go to the dark universe, then we must first practice to the extreme level in the positive universe. On the other hand, those in the dark universe who reach the positive universe must also practice to the extreme. Yes, are they all extremely powerful powers of the universe?" Li Yun asked suspiciously.

"This possibility is small! It takes an unknown amount of cosmic resources to develop a cosmic power. Even in an energy-rich environment like the dark universe, it is impossible to support too many people to become cosmic powers, let alone That kind of super cosmic power that has been cultivated to the extreme." Xiaoxing said.

"Yes, this is indeed unlikely. So, in my opinion, the passage between the universes on both sides of the dark side does not necessarily have to pass through the ultimate behemoth like a black hole. There may be other ways that people can pass through more easily. It's just that we haven't noticed it yet..." Li Yun thought.

"What you say makes sense! There may be many passages between the two universes. The black hole is just a direct passage at the highest end, which should be said to be the most efficient. In addition, there may be other lower-level passages that can travel between the two universes, but The efficiency will be much lower, but the advantage is that it is safer and there is no need to take such big risks..." Xiaoxing agreed.

"Well, these channels of different levels seem to correspond to black holes of different levels. Each black hole may be the highest node of its own channel network. Under this highest node, there are also criss-crossing pipe networks and lower-level ones. Nodes, if someone can crack these secrets, it will be possible to freely travel between the two universes, and our research must first make breakthroughs from these pipe networks and low-level nodes, and finally black holes!" Li Yun said loudly.

"No problem! This idea is indeed safer and more feasible. If you start from the black hole and try to pass through it from the beginning, one mistake may lead to terrible consequences. But if you start with the pipe network and small nodes first, , it doesn’t matter even if we fail, we can completely try again, as long as we try enough times, we will always succeed..."

The exchange of ideas between the two gradually declined, and they began to practice and research with all their strength...

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