The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2468 Zheng Ping

Everyone exclaimed!

Yuan Yi stood up in shock and couldn't believe his eyes!

Nian's father stroked his beard and laughed and said: "Brother Yuan is really rare and strange! This little copper-horned old devil is so weak. What kind of effort does Xiao Ling need to do?"

"This..." Yuan Yi was stunned, his whole body still trembling involuntarily.

It's no wonder he was so excited. Although he had seen many scenes of starships grabbing materials in the light screen, the signal from the Immortal Machinery Department was extremely blurry and there was almost no sense of reality, so Yuan Yi could not experience it well. to this amazing scene.

But now he has witnessed the power of the starship at such a close distance. The impact is extremely huge. Even if he is now a member of the Great Immortal, he cannot withstand such a powerful impact. He is shocked and confused. Measures!

With the ability of the old demon with copper horns, Yuan Yi could barely resist it, and he would probably be defeated in the end. However, in front of the starship, the old demon with copper horns was as weak as a little lamb, and he was caught by it. He stood up and couldn't even struggle. Yuan Yi put himself in his shoes and imagined that if it were him, the result would definitely be the same.

Now, he finally understood why Mr. Nian and Hua Yu Xiansheng were so determined to follow Li Yun and Ling Daozi. They had been completely impressed as they watched Li Yun and Ling Daozi display their power.

If Yuan Yi is like this, the other people who have just arrived are even worse. They are all in a state of confusion and cannot wake up...

The starship did not stop for a moment and continued to search for people at low altitudes. It gained a lot along the way...

There are many starships like this that are responsible for picking up people in the sky above the fairy world. They are distributed in all levels of the fairy world. In addition to picking up people, they also pick up other things, including various species found, various resources, various waste materials, etc. The purpose is It is to preserve all materials in the Xuanling world to the greatest extent, especially all life forms. These are what Li Yun and Xiaoxing really value...

In the realm between the Sixth Immortal Realm and the Seventh Immortal Realm, the second chess game between Ling Daozi and Gu Cheng is coming to an end. The situation between the two sides remains quite close. The number of countries occupied is also the same, and the remaining areas are up for grabs. There are still five countries, and this situation actually makes Gu Cheng quite satisfied.

Thinking of the disastrous defeat in the first game, it was not easy to play to such an extent in the second game. This made Gu Cheng concentrate even more, go all out, devote himself to the chess game, mobilize all the power of chess, and strive to defeat Ling Daozi and pull back the victory. Back to the game!

If he wants to occupy at least three of the remaining five countries, Gu Cheng feels that it is still very possible, because these five countries are distributed between the main camps of both sides, forming a semicircle, and four of them are closer. On his side, only one is on the side of Ling Daozi's camp, and this situation has greatly benefited him.

The army under his control now has reached a considerable size, with strong soldiers and horses, sufficient supplies of food and grass, and extremely strong combat power. So, Gu Cheng waved his battle flag and divided his troops into four groups to attack the four countries, preparing to conquer the four countries in one fell swoop. Take the Four Kingdoms and end this game of chess!

For a moment, the chessboard was filled with smoke, steel guns and iron hooves, swords and swords, and the sound of killing resounded throughout the world...

These four countries are Zheng, Wei, Zhongshan and Chen. Their national power is limited. How can they resist Gu Cheng's army? Therefore, as soon as they saw the army coming, they immediately came to Ling Daozi's rescue, which of course required making some promises, such as ceding land and paying compensation.

Countries like these are basically outsiders, and usually rely on whichever is stronger. But when others really attack their doorstep, in order to protect their homeland and maintain their independence, they will quickly seek help from other countries, no matter what the conditions. They are all willing to agree, but in the end they usually end up being gradually cannibalized.

What they were worried about was whether Ling Daozi's army would arrive too slowly. Even if it arrived by then, the city might have been captured by Gu Cheng.

But what they didn't expect was that Ling Daozi's army came very quickly, appeared out of nowhere, and began to take full control of the situation.

These four countries were overjoyed and expressed their loyalty to Ling Daozi one after another.

However, Ling Daozi's army did not engage in a field battle with Gu Cheng's army. Instead, they held on and slowly eroded the opponent's combat power...

Time gradually passed, and the general offensive launched by Gu Cheng was gradually turning into a long war of attrition. A large amount of combat power was consumed outside the city wall. It has turned into an extremely terrifying meat grinding area, making the sergeants of both sides talk about it. Perverted!

As the host countries, those four countries cannot completely rest their armies. On the contrary, they have to guard important city passes, which also requires great sacrifices.

In addition, all the country's food and grass must be used to supply the troops who come to assist, and the pressure in this regard is even greater.

As time goes by, the national power is consumed so much that these countries can no longer bear it!

Even the upper echelons of the country's aristocracy had to cut back on food and clothing to support the front line, and their lives were extremely miserable.

Seeing this situation, the four kings felt heavy in their hearts. They felt that it was unwise to be caught between these two superpowers, but what good solution could they have?

They gathered together, together with the good ministers of their respective countries, to discuss how to solve such a situation.

Zheng Guojun said sadly: "Everyone, we have now reached a life-and-death situation for our four countries. If we cannot let Gu Cheng retreat and send away Ling Daozi's army, in the end we can only end up in the mutual crushing of these two superpowers. If you have any good ideas for Jifen, please offer them as soon as possible, and I will definitely reward you greatly!"

"That's right!"

The kings of Wei, Zhongshan and Chen also expressed their opinions, hoping that their ministers could provide good strategies to make both sides withdraw their troops!

All the ministers, you look at me, I look at you, there is a look of helplessness on their faces.

The current situation is almost at the end of the road. Is there any good solution that can be thought of?

However, one person stood out from the crowd. He was a counselor of the Zheng State, named Zheng Ping. This man was of medium height and looked unattractive. After saluting the kings of the four kingdoms, he said: "I have a plan to make Gu Cheng retreat! "

"Oh? Tell me quickly!" Zheng Guojun said quickly.

"Gu Cheng's army has been unable to attack for a long time, and has lost its vigor. Moreover, the consumption of attacking the city is far greater than that of defending the city. According to my observation over the past few days, I have found that the smoke from the rear of Gu Cheng's army has become less and less in recent days, and there is also smoke and dust caused by the frequent mobilization of soldiers and horses. , I think it must be that it is short of food, and the logistics officers and soldiers are busy transporting food and grass. If we can cut off the road for transporting food, we will surely allow Gu Cheng’s army to retreat without attacking!"

"This... cutting off the enemy's grain route requires elite soldiers and horses. We are short of men and horses, how can we possibly go deep behind the enemy's rear?" Wei Guojun asked suspiciously.

Zheng Ping said: "Don't worry about this! I think Ling Daozi is very good at using troops. He defends the city very properly and has very little losses. During this period of time, not only have no sergeants in his army died, but there have even been very few injuries. Killing and injuring Gu Cheng's army in large numbers, making the thirty miles outside the city the burial ground of Gu Cheng's army! Moreover, Ling Daozi's army was divided into three armies: front, middle and rear. The three armies took turns to defend the city and take turns to rest. The rear army was always the energy A sufficient force can be put into battle at any time! Therefore, as long as Ling Daozi sends out his rear army, he can undoubtedly cut off his food route!"

"Is this so?!" All the kings and ministers looked stunned.

"Zheng Ping, you mean... Ling Daozi's sergeants had almost no casualties?" Zheng Guojun asked suspiciously.


"But why do I often see people screaming in the city, and others being hurriedly carried down on stretchers?" Zheng Guojun asked curiously.

"Your Majesty, you don't know. This is Ling Daozi's plan to mislead the soldiers. It turned out that the ministers thought the same. Later, when I went to check on the wounded in person, I found out that it was Ling Daozi who asked them to confuse Gu Cheng. The purpose was to attract Gu Cheng. Additional sergeants were sent to attack, but the area outside the city has been turned into a meat grinding ground by Ling Daozi. Anyone who enters is rarely able to come out again..." Zheng Ping said

"Oh my god... So it's only a matter of time before Ling Daozi's army defeats Gu Cheng's army?!" Zheng Guojun said excitedly.

"That's for sure! Although Ling Daozi's army cannot hold out and seems extremely passive, their goal is to eliminate the opponent's effective forces. Since the beginning of the war, nearly one-third of Gu Cheng's four million army has been destroyed, and Ling Daozi's side has almost no physical losses. When Ling Daozi's army comes out at a certain time, Gu Cheng will definitely be defeated!" Zheng Ping affirmed.

"Wo..." There was an uproar in the palace, but this time it was excitement and excitement.

"If this is the case, then if we persist, won't we be able to wait until that moment arrives?" Wei Guojun said loudly.

The King of Zhongshan shook his head and sighed: "Our country's grain reserves are almost exhausted, we can't wait any longer!"

"We are the same, we really can't wait any longer!" Chen Guojun agreed.

"Then we might as well ask Ling Daozi to send troops quickly! Now his army is much larger than the opponent's, and he has a good chance of winning!" Wei Guojun said.

"That makes sense!" Zheng Guojun nodded in approval.

"No, Your Majesty!" Zheng Ping said quickly.

"No? But why?!" Zheng Guojun wondered.

"The war between two superpowers has its own rules of war. Although we are unfortunate to be the battlefield of their war, we should not interfere in their strategies at will, because we cannot bear the consequences! Although Gu Cheng's army Nearly one-third has been lost, but there are still two-thirds. It is still a huge army. If Ling Daozi sends troops rashly, we may not be guaranteed to win against him. If we fail, then we will also They will die together!" Zheng Pingkan analyzed.

"This...makes sense! What do you think we should do?" Zheng Guojun asked.

"We can disclose the information discovered by Wei Chen to the spies of Ling Daozi's army. As for whether Ling Daozi will send out rear troops to take action, it is beyond our control..."

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