The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 245 Flying Fish War Boat (2)

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Some of the internal space stones in the war boat also have specific functional designs, such as fairy fields, fairy forests, animal farms, practice rooms, classics rooms, training rooms, lounges, entertainment rooms, conference rooms, etc. It can be said that this flying boat is A small sect with all the internal organs.

However, what attracted Li Yun the most was the perfect offensive and defensive system of this war ship. In addition to the strength of the material of the war ship's outer shell, after its protective formation was turned on, the strength of the aura shield could reach the defense level of a seventh-level spiritual formation. It can withstand attacks equivalent to those of a great monk in the Yin and Yang Realm!

You must know that the cultivation level of a great monk in the Yin and Yang Realm is still above that of the Divine Transformation Realm. Even in the upper realm, his status is extremely respected and he can be the master of a small realm.

Such protective ability, if placed in this lower realm, would be the most powerful turtle shell.

In terms of offense, this warship also has an excellent design. It actually has a crystal cannon for long-range attacks. This kind of thing is simply unheard of in this lower world. It is not even recorded in Xiaoxing's think tank information.

This warship is not at the main ship level, so it is only equipped with four lower-level crystal cannons. According to its classic records, if it is a main ship-level warship, it will also be equipped with a total of eight cannons at the head, tail and sides. Heavy crystal cannon, its lethality is hard to estimate.

What excites Li Yun the most is that on the bridge of this warship, there is a special crystal stone called the "God Gathering Stone", which can concentrate the spiritual consciousness of countless monks and attack any target from any angle. Kill invisible!

Seeing such a war boat, Li Yun was completely shocked.

He never expected that a flying boat he bought with more than 200 high-grade spiritual stones would have such an amazing design!

"Oh my God! That ruin... the Yunmeng ruins of Dashang... where exactly is it?! How could a treasure of this level appear?!" Li Yun said in horror.

"Master, we must go there and take a look. The origin of those ruins is absolutely extraordinary!" Xiaoxing shouted.

"That's right! We must go! Once we have digested all these things, we will set off immediately!" Li Yun said loudly, with a gleam in his eyes.

Xuan Dongmu said aside: "Master, this war boat is indeed the classic war boat of Dademen in the upper world. Even if it is a second ship, it can also be used as a main ship in the lower world."

"Of course! A war boat like this is simply invincible in this lower world...even though the shell of this boat is rotten..." Li Yun said with a smile.

"That's true. Even the Boqiu Hexing Operator will be blasted to pieces by the crystal cannon!" Xuan Dongmu laughed.

"This... I don't think so. The crystal cannon is more suitable for dealing with those fixed targets. Unless the crystal cannon can lock them, it should be easy for them to dodge them with their skills. On the contrary, using the God Converging Stone, you can easily hit those flexible targets. The goal..." Li Yun analyzed.

Xuan Dongmu suddenly realized it and praised: "Master's words make sense! Using the God-Gathering Stone, the consciousness is extremely flexible, and once the target is locked, the target is almost impossible to move!"

"That's right! We must reveal the secret of the God-Gathering Stone as soon as possible and use the God-Gathering Stone to arm our war boat. I think the God-Gathering Stone can just give full play to the collective combat advantage of the Immortal Warriors. Their soul power is the biggest advantage. Their number There are so many of them, if they can be gathered together using the God Gathering Stone, they can exert their power!" Li Yun thought deeply.

"That's...right, right!" Xuan Dongmu was stunned and immediately nodded.

"It seems that our immortal servant transformation plan has finally found a breakthrough!" Li Yun said excitedly.

The classics and materials in the Flying Fish War Boat have greatly enriched Xiaoxing's think tank, greatly increasing Li Yun's understanding of the situation in the upper realm and greatly expanding his knowledge. In Li Yun's view, this is a truly priceless treasure.

Among these findings,

There are two most practical treasures for Li Yun to build the Immortal Warrior Team.

The first is crystal cannons, which can enhance the team's long-range combat capabilities and deterrence.

In addition, it is the God-Gathering Stone. It can be said that Li Yun's biggest discovery in the Feiyu Battle Boat was it.

Li Yun and Xiaoxing immediately started researching this.

By consulting the classics in the boat and studying the God-Gathering Stone itself, Li Yun finally understood its origins.

It turns out that the God-Gathering Stone is not a real stone, but comes from a kind of starry sky beast. This kind of starry sky beast is called a "soul beast". It is extremely large in size, lives in the vast interstellar space, and has soul power that is unimaginable to ordinary people.

For soul beasts, their soul power can easily exceed that of humans or demons by a large level. In other words, maybe its own cultivation level is only equivalent to that of a human golden elixir monk, but its soul power is equivalent to that of a human being. Yuanying monk.

In the brains of soul beasts, there are such God-Gathering Stone crystals. Soul beasts of different levels have different sizes of God-Gathering Stones, and their power is naturally different.

The God-concentrating stone in this flying fish battle boat is a fifth-level God-concentrating stone, which means that it comes from a fifth-level soul beast.

The cultivation level of the fifth-level soul beast is equivalent to that of a human Nascent Soul monk, but the power of spiritual consciousness it can exert can reach up to the spiritual strength of a monk in the human deity realm. You must know that monks in this realm have already reached this level. The highest limit for world cultivation.

However, because soul beasts possess treasures such as the God-Gathering Stone, they have been chased and intercepted by various forces for a long time, killing the beasts to obtain the stones. Now, the number of this race has been greatly reduced, and it has become very rare.

At the same time, things become more valuable when they are rare, so the value of the God-Gathering Stone has also increased, making it extremely expensive.

After understanding this, Xiaoxing immediately started researching the immortal patterns on the soul beast's brain crystals, because as long as he understood its immortal patterns, it would be possible to use its immortal patterns to refine more and more powerful God-gathering Stones, and this This is the key to building the Immortal Warrior Team.

Moreover, if Li Yun could create a treasure like the God-Gathering Stone, it would be difficult for him not to make a fortune.

Naturally, the research work was left to Xiaoxing. Li Yun continued to get familiar with the warship and soon became familiar with its control. So he sat on the bridge and started flying.

The control of the Feiyu Battle Boat was actually achieved through this God-Gathering Stone. Li Yun discovered that after his consciousness passed through the God-Gathering Stone, there was a natural expansion effect, and the level was greatly improved. He is now equivalent to the early stage of Jindan. The power of divine consciousness, after passing through the God-Gathering Stone, can actually reach the mid-to-late stage Golden Elixir!

This kind of spiritual power is second only to Ming Kongzi in the Qingyuan Sect.

Only then did Li Yun truly realize the wonders of the God-Gathering Stone, and he couldn't help but feel overjoyed. Moreover, the war boat is controlled through the power of divine consciousness, and the reaction speed is extremely fast, making the war boat extremely flexible.

call out!



The war boat roared and flew in the Tianyun space, with lightning speed and maneuverability, just like a strange fish swimming freely in the sea, it was extremely smooth.

"Haha! With this war boat, I'm afraid I can go anywhere in this lower world!" Li Yun shouted excitedly.

"Master, you can put everyone in Wuyou Peak into this war boat now, and then go swimming in the entire lower realm..." Xiao Xing said happily.

"If the soul power of all the Immortal Attendants is concentrated, plus the power of spiritual consciousness of myself, Xuan Dongmu and Master Wuyouzi, I am afraid that extremely powerful power of spiritual consciousness can be emitted from this God Gathering Stone! But! , Recently, many powerful figures seem to have appeared in this lower realm, such as Xing Suanzi, Bo Qiu, Sima Kong and others. The cultivation of these people is unfathomable, and we still cannot take it lightly..." Li Yun said thoughtfully.

"Then let's wait until your Kamigawa Kung Fu improves..."

"That's how it should be."

Li Yun flew for a while, and finally stopped and parked the war boat on the high platform. He and Xuan Dongmu came to the black soil and began to sort out the seeds obtained from the folded space this time.

These seeds come from Yuanyi, so they are naturally of great importance, which can also be explained through their own introduction.

Li Yun got to know them one by one and planted them. After working for nearly a month, the task was finally completed. However, almost all the soil and five elements soil were planted!

"Master, it seems that we must go back to Sky Pirates immediately! The scraps we obtained last time are not enough for Tianyun to upgrade again. We must make another ruthless raid," Xuan Dongmu said.

"Yes, the upgrading of Tianyun is the top priority now. If the area of ​​​​the soil does not increase, these spiritual grasses and fairy grasses will not be able to grow in scale. Moreover, we also need to refine crystal cannons, God-gathering stones, war boats... these treasures The mineral materials required are really countless, and it is impossible for the Qingyuan Sect alone to provide them." Li Yun nodded.

"Haha, Master, based on your plan, you may not be able to find enough materials to refine it even if you dig three feet into the Daxia Cultivation World. After all, this third-level cultivation area is too barren."

"You're right. However, you have to eat one bite at a time. First, loot Daxia, then loot other third-level and second-level cultivation areas, and finally go to Dazhou and dig hard at it. I guess it will be something We have it all!" Li Yun said with great ambition.

"Haha! Master, let's start quickly!" Xuan Dongmu laughed.

"Of course. However, I still need to meet my master, brothers and sisters."

After Li Yun finished speaking, he stepped out of Tianyun and came to the worry-free peak cave.

A few days have passed in the outside world, but Li Yun often disappears for several days or more than ten days without any reason. This is extremely normal in the eyes of others in Wuyou Peak.

At the test site, the plan to transform the Immortal Warrior is in full swing. Ren Yu, together with his junior brothers Yu Ping, Qiu Ren and other juniors, are in charge of this shocking project, and they spend every day in a state of enthusiasm and uneasiness.

I'm crazy because this plan is like fighting against the sky. It's unprecedented. If I can succeed, then my life will really be worth it.

The uneasiness is because it is too difficult for the Immortal Attendant to fuse the demon crystal. Every day, people suffer from the failure of fusion. But now, almost all the Immortal Attendants of Wuyou Peak who have not yet fused the demon crystal are under the leadership of Qiu Ren. Swinging in the "Five Elements Formation".

Even if you can get out of this big formation, you may not be able to pass the level of fusing the demon crystal.

...To be continued.

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