The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2440 Portal

Naturally, those who feel lucky are the people who have now lived in the worlds of various Xuanling spaceships. After they came to the Immortal Refining Site, they finally understood what happened in the Immortal World. They were all frightened to death and were filled with fear. !

They didn't expect that the fairy world would come to an end inadvertently, which made them unbelievable. However, the facts were in front of them, and they couldn't help but believe it.

Thinking of all the strange signs that had happened in the fairy world before, they finally understood that everything happened for a reason.

Fortunately, the adults of these powerful forces are already thinking of ways to save it, and it seems to be very effective. They have even built such a high-end spaceship. Now that I live in this world on the ship, my sense of security is constantly increasing!

In the future, not only can I escape Xuanling, but I can also travel to the interstellar space. It can be said to be a blessing in disguise...

On the other hand, those who have been abandoned in the eighth and ninth levels of the immortal world, most of them feel confused and overwhelmed, because they do not even know the cause of the chaos in the immortal world, so it is difficult to make the most correct judgment and action.

Their days are still going on, but as there are fewer and fewer people from the major forces, the pressure from the upper levels that was originally on them has dropped sharply, giving them a feeling of almost liberation...

This situation happens to be the opposite of the middle and low-level fairy world, because in the middle- and low-level fairy world, the first to disappear are ordinary people and mortals, leaving behind people from major forces, but in the eighth and ninth levels of the fairy world, the first to disappear are They are people from major forces, but ordinary people and mortals are abandoned.

Xiaoxing's actions in these two levels of fairyland are relatively slow, because in his opinion, there is still some time left in the fairyland, and there is no need to be as aggressive as in the middle and lower fairyland. He can take his time.

Therefore, after he left the Holy Emperor's base last time, the one that moved earlier was the Mortal Empire. This was something that everyone ignored. By the time he finished collecting these mortals, people from all major forces had already been picked up by Xuanling spaceships. , the rest are ordinary immortals and cultivators.

In this way, he can carry out blanket recruitment...

Xiaoxing's actions undoubtedly brought hope to these ordinary immortals and cultivators. What these people dream of most is to find a big force as a refuge, otherwise their life will be difficult...

Especially in this chaotic stage of the end of the world, countless battles take place almost every day in various places, and the causes of these battles are mostly inexplicable. Sometimes trivial things will trigger large-scale battles, which is incredible.

This may be an intuition of the immortals and cultivators. Their emotions are affected by this apocalyptic state and are very easy to explode. The slightest spark will trigger a fight.

This kind of emotion can also easily cause a herd effect, that is to say, as long as someone takes the lead in making trouble, many other people will follow him. When people are in this kind of group, their IQ level is actually the lowest, because It is simply impossible to observe independently, think independently, and make reasonable judgments of one's own personality.

Xiaoxing made good use of this emotion. As long as Li Yun's clone took care of the leaders first, a large number of people would follow, including those decadent immortals...

For these people, recruiting the Great Immortal Lord is something they never dare to think about. Now this opportunity has appeared in front of them, and the threshold is still very low. It would be meaningless if they don't seize it.

Therefore, the remaining people from the eighth and ninth levels of the Immortal Realm flowed into Xingyun Castle like a flood, continuously and without stopping...

"grown ups,

Xiaonu's mission is almost completed! "Xiao Xing said proudly.

"Not bad! Now we finally have no worries, but we still have to arrange our actions in advance!" Li Yun said.

"Oh? Sir, you mean..."

"Judging from Gu Cheng's records before he fell asleep, it seems that he accidentally obtained some kind of treasure map, and then he was chased and killed, and then he killed him. Finally, he seemed to have used some kind of treasure from the portal to come to this star field. Yes, the whole process sounds extremely thrilling! Among them, the treasure map must be something that many people are jealous of, and his escape process will definitely leave some clues. It is very likely that interested people will follow the traces to find them. Therefore, even if Gu Cheng Leaving here, this star field is very likely to attract many people to come and search. With the ability of Xuanling people, they cannot resist these outsiders at all. They can only escape far away and take root in other star fields. opportunities for survival and development. Therefore, they must leave as soon as possible to avoid being discovered by those people. You must know that the other party can lock here fifty light years away, and the Xuanling spacecraft's ability cannot reach the speed of light. I wonder how long it will take to escape from their surveillance range!" Li Yun analyzed.

"My lord, what you said makes perfect sense! But..."

"But what?"

"If we want the Xuanling people to escape as soon as possible, we must disclose this information to the Holy Emperor and others, otherwise they will not make up their minds to leave. After all, everyone will have some luck. After staying in this nest for a long time, they want to leave. There will always be a reluctance and hesitation..."

"That's true! The key is that Gu Cheng must be stable now. It would be much better if he showed up to speak out." Li Yun said.

"Gu Cheng must not be alarmed, otherwise it will be troublesome if he awakens his true body in advance! If we want to convince the Holy Emperor and others, we must provide other more powerful evidence. It is best if the deep field observation that Xiaonu started before has results. Got it!" Xiaoxing said.

"The information obtained through deep field observations is mainly about things that happened dozens of light-years ago. Maybe things have changed by now. If we plan our actions based on that information, something may happen!" Li Yun said.

"The adults are mainly talking about light wave information, but there is also high-energy ray information. The speed of high-energy ray information is sometimes much faster than the speed of light, because they are high-energy matter or energy that explodes in an instant, forming a certain shock wave. The effect can swing through the universe like a wave in a very short time. If we can capture such information, we can get what happened in the near future!" Xiaoxing analyzed.

When Li Yun heard this, his brain was working at the same time, and he found that what Xiaoxing said was very reasonable. It seemed that he still had a lot of knowledge that he had not yet fully comprehended, and he still needed to work harder.

"Okay! If we get such information, let's go to Xianting to convince them!" Li Yun nodded.

"My lord, just rest assured and practice. Things in the immortal world have been well arranged. Everything will be fine."

"When it comes to cultivation, I am now confident that I can beat Gu Cheng. However, if an outsider is stronger than him, he still needs to work harder..." Li Yun sighed.

"This is very likely. Gu Cheng's cultivation is nothing in the universe. He himself said that he is being hunted by many people. Those who dare to chase him are at least sure to beat him. Therefore, your target must not be Gu Cheng, but the Lord of the Universe!" Xiaoxing said loudly.

"You...well, the Lord of the Universe is also a human being. If he can create a universe, so can we. However, at this stage, we still have to be more pragmatic and get over the current difficulties first." Li Yun said with a smile.

"Hey, the difficulty in front of us actually belongs to the people of the Xuanling World. For us, if we didn't want to save them, we could have left far away without any problems!" Xiaoxing snorted.

"No! After all, the Xuanling world is where we were born and raised. If the people of Xuanling cannot be rescued, it will definitely cast a huge shadow on us, thus affecting our future cultivation and growth! Besides, In fact, we have also gained great benefits from the action of rescuing the Xuanling people. Now, our army of souls and monks are rapidly expanding, becoming stronger and stronger, and their potential is also growing..." Li Yun analyzed.

"This... what the adults are saying is that Xiaonu was just complaining." Xiaoxing said shyly.

"Well, as you become stronger, your morale will inevitably become higher. In fact, these are also inner demons that need to be overcome! We might as well look further ahead and think more about those aliens and their ways. My darling, maybe I have a new goal..." Li Yun smiled.

Xiaoxing's eyes lit up and he said: "That's right! After reading Gu Cheng's information, Xiaonu was very interested in some of the things mentioned in it. For example, he mentioned a treasure called a portal!"

"Teleportation gate? Yes, it sounds a bit like the random teleportation talisman in the Xuanling world, which allows him to travel long distances in an instant and escape the enemy's pursuit." Li Yun nodded.

"Yes! To achieve random transmission in the universe, an extremely large amount of energy is required. Perhaps only the power of the universe can create it! This function is a bit like the wormhole in the previous universe, but the wormhole in the previous universe was just a slight It’s just a vague concept, but I didn’t expect it to become a reality in this universe!” Xiaoxing exclaimed.

"It is not easy to create a wormhole in the universe. In the previous universe, it was mainly because of the energy level. But in this universe, the energy level is very high, which can completely guarantee the generation and maintenance of wormholes. This makes wormholes Teleportation becomes possible! If we take this into consideration, I think we really need to act in advance, because those aliens are very likely to have treasures like teleportation gates. If they can lock the direction of the mysterious world, they may use it. The portal will come here in a short time!" Li Yun suddenly thought of this.

"This... from the previous information, we found that aliens have a fleet. If the fleet is to realize wormhole travel, the level of the portal must be very high. Unlike Gu Cheng, he is a person and only needs a lower level. The portal can realize space travel..." Xiaoxing said.

"Your analysis is also correct. If the portal in the opponent's hand is of a lower level, then the fleet may not be able to travel a long distance. At other times, it still needs to rely on its own high-speed flight..."

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