The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2433 2 Fleets

At this time, in the vast space of the universe, there is a flying object swimming. From the appearance, it looks like a long fairy centipede shuttling in the starry sky...

Upon closer inspection, you can see that this flying object is actually composed of ten long spaceships. These spaceships are connected front to back and have many nodular flying wings protruding from both sides. They look like the long legs of a fairy centipede. , they are mainly pulled by the lead spacecraft, which is very energy-saving...

The speed of this immortal centipede fleet is not very fast, but compared to the flying boats in the Xuanling World, it is much faster.

Inside the leading spacecraft, there are dozens of people on the bridge currently staring at the information on the various screens, while still talking...

If you look closely at their appearance, they are very close to the most common primate life forms in the universe. However, their bodies are generally extremely majestic, their appearance also appears more three-dimensional and rougher, and their hair and body hair are extremely developed, giving them a There is a feeling that evolution is not perfect, but the female lives among them are slightly better, and some of them look like beauties.

If Li Yun and Xiao Xing were here, they would find that the male appearance here is quite similar to that of Gu Cheng who appeared in the fairy world. They even speak the same language. Obviously, they are people of the same race as Gu Cheng. , that is, the Evian tribe. It can be seen that this fleet does come from the planet where Gu Cheng is located, the Yika planet!

"Captain, we may have missed the target again!" a voice sounded. It was a beautiful woman in the front row who was staring at the screen.

"Failed again? Isn't it?" shouted a strong man sitting in the captain's seat.

"Yes! Judging from various signs, the direction we are heading now is the main star of the Seven Andromedes, but the star field that the blood beads locked before was not the Seven Andromedas, but a position far away from it!" said the beauty.

"Turn around quickly! Oh no, no no, let's slow down. Let's observe for a while and see if the blood beads can lock into their original position!" the strong man said, changing his mind.

"Yes! Captain!"

The speed of the fleet suddenly slowed down, and these people began to argue around the direction of the target...

In another star field, there is also a fleet patrolling at this time. Due to the unknown direction, their route seems a bit winding...

There are six spaceships in this fleet, which is almost half less than the previous fleet on Ika Star. However, their spaceships look larger, somewhat like a mantis in appearance, with a pointed and long bow, dragging a slender The body has segmented flying wings on both sides, and there are two thick giant claws on both sides of the bow, which looks very fierce!

Their arrangement when flying is also different from the previous centipede fleet. They fly in a finished glyph. The leading spacecraft in front is like their arrow, leading the fleet forward.

Within the leading spacecraft, there are also some relatively unfamiliar beings. However, these beings seem to come from different races. Judging from the appearance, there are at least five different races of beings, and they are both men and women, old and young. They look like each one. They all look quite fierce, and the female figure among them is also extremely strong, but her face is full of charm...

"Boss, there is no way for us to fly like this. I didn't expect that the Evian fleet is quite cunning..." A middle-aged male with a thin face sighed.

"Hmph, no matter how cunning you are, you can't escape the hands of our Hongtong hunters! They used the portal to escape last time. If we find them this time and want to use the portal, we must blow up the portal to nothing! "A charming woman said coldly.


Speaking of this, it was also a mistake on our part. We didn't expect that they had a portal! "The thin middle-aged man sighed.

The handsome man sitting in the captain's seat finally said: "We do despise them a little. The Evian tribe is a higher race on the planet Yika. Of course, they have portal skills, but such skills generally do not It is used by ordinary fleets, and that fleet is obviously their bottom fleet, which is at most bronze level. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to have the portal technique, so we did not expect that it is actually normal for them to have this technique!"

"Then how does the captain think they can use the portal technique?" the charming woman asked.

"The portal magic can be performed by a person with higher Taoist intentions, or he can condense it into a treasure first and give it to the captain of the fleet for use in an emergency. A treasure like that can generally only be used three times. , and, depending on its level, the distance the fleet can travel instantly is also different. According to my estimation, the level of the treasure they used that time cannot be too high, so the distance it can travel instantly cannot be too long. We Don't be discouraged, continue to strengthen your observation, and you will definitely find their traces!" the handsome man said slowly.

"Yes! Boss!"

"Hmph, if we find them again this time, we must catch them all and make a fortune!" the thin man shouted sternly.

"Come on, how can this small bronze-level fleet be considered a big fortune?" the handsome man teased.

"That's what the boss said! Then let's make a small fortune..." the thin man said with a sneer.

"I want to find this fleet now not because I care about their ten spaceships, but because I want to find out the purpose of their trip!" said the handsome man.

"Oh? Why did the boss say that?" the charming woman asked quickly.

"It is very rare for a bronze-level fleet to leave the Yika planet so far. If there is no special reason, such a low-level fleet would not be able to risk traveling so far. Moreover, they also have a portal on hand. It can be seen that they have made sufficient preparations for this adventure, so they must have a purpose, but what the purpose is is very puzzling!" the handsome man analyzed.

"What does the boss think their purpose will be?" the woman continued to ask.

"Treasure hunt!!!" the handsome man said fiercely.

"Treasure hunt?!!!" Everyone screamed and became energetic!

"Yes! If they hadn't discovered the treasure, how could they have taken such a risk? And they were well prepared, so we don't have to worry now. Once we find them, we can follow them quietly and let them take us to the treasure... "The handsome man said leisurely.

"Wow... tall! The boss is tall!!!"

"You're right to listen to the boss!"

"I'm telling you, we can make a fortune!"

"If we can really find the treasure, then our Hongtong hunters will become famous..."

"Haha, it's better not to be famous, right? In the final analysis, we are just a team of space pirates. When we say hunters, we are a bit flattering..."

"When we are rich, we can quietly make a fortune ourselves, but don't become a big fat sheep in the eyes of others!"

"Hmph, why are you so cowardly?! With money, we can buy more advanced spaceships, better arm them, and steal more fleets..."

"That's right..."

Suddenly, I heard someone yelling: "We found them!!!"


Everyone exclaimed, quickly stopped arguing, and stared closely at the big screen in front of the bridge. Sure enough, a row of small red dots appeared on the screen, a total of ten dots, which happened to be the formation of the fairy centipede fleet!

The handsome man's eyes lit up and he shouted loudly: "Invisible! Follow them!!!"

"Yes! Boss!!!" Everyone responded in unison.

The mantis fleet quickly activated its stealth formation, changed its direction, and flew quietly towards the direction of the fairy centipede fleet...

What happens here is of course unknown to Li Yun and Xiaoxing, because it is too far away from the Xuanling world!

A distance of more than twenty years to thirty light years may not sound like much, but it is measured on the scale of the entire universe. If we only look at the actual length from the place of occurrence to the Xuanling World, this period It takes more than twenty years to travel by light to reach the distance. According to the current capabilities of Xingyun Castle, it will take several years to several months to fly to complete it.

Taking the observation network arranged by Li Yun and Xiaoxing as an example, the information they collect mainly includes information elements contained in light and energy waves. Through the analysis of these information elements, the scene at that time can be restored, so there is a certain lag. .

Although the observation network has carried out deep-field observation of the star field where the two fleets are located, if you want to understand what just happened, you have to wait until the relevant information elements are captured!

There is also a possibility here, that is, it is entirely possible that the two fleets came to the Xuanling World before these information elements, because if they both have the ability to fly faster than the speed of light, then their speed can be faster than the speed of light propagation, thus Come early!

In addition, what Li Yun and Xiaoxing still don't know is that the reason why the Immortal Centipede Fleet can lock the direction of the Xuanling World is not because they have such remote observation capabilities, but because they use the sensing ability of the blood beads, which is the ancient Cheng’s bloodline induction!

This kind of induction is a kind of natural force in the universe. It can ignore the obstruction of a certain distance, so that it can cross a long distance and find the target in an instant!

Note that this refers to a certain distance. If it is exceeded, of course it cannot be sensed.

It can be seen from the information collected by Xiaoxing earlier that the bloodline bead of the Celestial Fleet probably works within a distance of fifty light years, and it is basically ineffective beyond this range.

Originally, the Immortal Fleet had locked onto the Xuanling World and was flying close to it at high speed, but what they didn't expect was that the Bloodline Bead suddenly lost the coordinates of the target and began to point randomly. As a result, it took a lot of wrong paths and always had to go through the process. Stop, adjust your bearings, and then go...

The reason is of course that Li Yun's move worked this time!

He repaired the starry sky formation over and over again, making the formation almost perfect. Not even a trace of heat and vitality was revealed. Of course, it also included the bloodline breath of the great power sleeping underground. This was before Li Yun repaired the formation. I didn't expect it, it can be said that it was hit by mistake...

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