The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2428 How to fly?

"What else can you say?" the Holy Emperor asked.

"So many forces want spaceships. Once these spaceships are in their hands, they will definitely do their own thing. It will be difficult to form a fleet. Don't you have an agreement on how to use these spaceships? In my opinion, now is the end of the world, so The life-saving treasures must be organized and acted in a unified way to achieve maximum effectiveness. Once they leave, each force can use them however they want, and that doesn't matter..." Ling Daozi reminded.

"Yes..." The Holy Emperor and others suddenly realized!

Ling Daozi's opinion is too important. If each force is allowed to save people and extract resources on its own, then they must give priority to their own people. Maybe after extracting their own people and things, they won't care about the life or death of other people at all, or even just this. It's possible to secretly leave the fairy world! ! !

It cannot be said that such a thing does not happen. On the contrary, the possibility is quite high...

This will definitely cause a huge waste of resources, because logically speaking, the purpose of building such a super spacecraft is to rescue more people.

But if each force only sweeps the snow in front of its own door, many people who could have been rescued will be blocked from the spacecraft.

This is definitely not what the Holy Emperor, Tianxuan Taoist, Enlightened Zen Immortal, Wu Yongzi and others want to see.

They looked at each other and immediately discussed this issue with many immortal-level figures present...

It can be said that these people worked together as one and went all out at the beginning of the spacecraft refining, because at that time, no one knew whether a high-end aircraft could be built. If not, then it would be redundant to say anything.

Therefore, they absolutely support the various agreements made by the weapon refining field, and many people also take the initiative to donate their Taoist skills that they have treasured for many years to help Xianting build higher-end aircraft faster.

However, now, the situation has changed a lot. The most important thing is that the Xuanling spaceship has been built!

Xuanling No. 1 had already taken them to travel among the stars and came back, and they also saw the scene where the entire fairy world was transformed into a giant by a single person.

In addition, the Xuanling 2 to Xuanling 100 spacecraft are in the final smelting stage and are expected to be released soon.

The value of these spaceships is so huge that it is immeasurable. Therefore, even figures like Wu Yongzi, Taoist Priest Tianxuan and Kaiming Zen Immortal have begun to have selfish motives!

Yes, everyone will inevitably have selfish motives, it just depends on how they do things, and for Xianting, formulating a good agreement to manage these spacecraft is undoubtedly a good way to curb the spread of such selfishness.

There are large and small forces present. The number of Immortal Lords reaches nearly ten thousand, but there are only a hundred spaceships. It can be said that there are too many monks and too few. Therefore, many people agree with Ling Daozi's opinion that in this end of the world, the Xuanling spaceship must Use them uniformly to avoid being seized by some forces and making it difficult to complete the rescue mission.

Although the great immortals from Tianxuan Taoist Master to Dongxia Zhenjun all have selfish motives, they cannot suppress this public opinion under such circumstances. After all, we still need to rely on these people to refine more spaceships. Therefore, This opinion was quickly adopted, and many detailed rules for its use were formulated.

For example, in a Xuanling spaceship, there must be at least three Immortals controlling it at the same time, as well as several other forces. This combination can better prevent one Immortal from completely controlling the entire spacecraft.

A fleet consists of ten spaceships, responsible for the rescue mission of the first level of the Immortal Realm. Of course, priority is given to the people and objects of the forces to which these Immortal Lords belong.

After these people and objects are rescued, we can then rescue others...

After a long period of discussion, the agreement was finally finalized. Everyone signed the agreement together, making the first super fleet owned by all races in the history of Xuanling World finally took shape!

However, the agreement was in place and the spacecraft was still being refined, so everyone decided to send Xuanling No. 1 to check it out first, while the others continued to go back to refine the components.

Wu Yongzi, Taoist Tianxuan and Kaiming Zenxian became the first batch of great immortals to settle in Xuanling No. 1, and they also brought some of the immortals and their entourage with them, ready to set off!

They had not ridden on it since the last time. They were still very excited when they came in, but when they came to the bridge, they were a little confused...

How to fly?

The entire control process last time was carried out by Ling Daozi, and they didn't know exactly how it was controlled.

It stands to reason that a high-end spaceship like Xuanling No. 1 would naturally have a ship spirit to look after them and be in charge of some basic operations. However, this ship spirit didn't seem to care about them, making these people look at me one after another after they came in. I'm looking at you, wondering how to start the ship.

Just when they were at a loss, a voice sounded: "Welcome to Xuanling No. 1! I am Xiaoxuan, the ship spirit of this ship, and my master is Ling Daozi. Before the new master was determined, Ling Daozi belonged to this ship. Top manager, you must obey his instructions during the flight!"

Everyone couldn't help but be stunned when they heard this. They didn't expect that although Ling Daozi was not here, he was still the owner of this ship!

However, this is understandable. After all, there is no new master to take over. Of course, Ling Daozi is still the master.

Moreover, according to the agreement just signed, the forces of the various forces in the spacecraft restrict each other, and it is very likely that no one will obey the other. At this time, it is very necessary to have a common manager to make decisions.

"But Xiaoling is not here now. We have to go to various levels of immortal world. Can his order reach here and be effective?" Wuyongzi asked suspiciously.

"Yes! Of course, you can tell me if you have any needs. If I think it's okay, I will fly according to your needs." Xiao Xuan said.

"So that's it!" Everyone was stunned.

"Now we are going to check the situation in each level of the Immortal Realm, save some people, and bring some goods to the Immortal Court to refine weapons. Is it okay?" Wuyongzi asked tentatively.

"No problem! We can go to the first level of the fairy world first! Please note that the spaceship is about to take off. Please stay in your seats to avoid accidents..."

Amid the exclamations of people outside, Xuanling No. 1 began to rise slowly, flew out of the gap opened in the weapon refining field, and disappeared in the blink of an eye!

"Wo..." Everyone exclaimed with great envy...

With a spaceship like this, it’s really worth all the hard work!

This is what everyone really thinks...

Wuyongzi and the others were filled with emotion. They didn't expect that the ship spirit of this ship was smarter than themselves. Now that they were allowed to control this ship, they still knew nothing about it. If there was no ship spirit, wouldn't they be blinded?

They started to feel something was wrong!

If you don't understand everything about the ship, it's impossible to control it by yourself. You can only rely on the ship spirit, but who knows if there will be problems with the ship spirit?

If something goes wrong with it and you don't know how to control it, you'll be in trouble!

Everyone stayed in their seats with their thoughts spinning. They felt like passengers on a spaceship, with no sense of control at all.

What worries me the most is that I know too little about everything about the spacecraft. Some people only know about the part they are responsible for, but they know very little about other things.

Almost everyone only understands the local part and does not understand the overall situation. This is a completely different feeling from controlling their own flying boat.

So, what if the spacecraft is damaged during the escape? Even repairs can be a big problem!

Because those parts cannot be refined by oneself, so I can only pray that everything goes well for the spacecraft on the way!

To solve this problem, everyone must have a comprehensive understanding of the spacecraft, and study every component and every Taoism about the spacecraft. Such requirements are really too high for them!

You know, this spaceship was built by concentrating the wisdom of the entire immortal world. No one dares to say that he can master all Taoism, except Ling Daozi!

Only Ling Daozi can solve all problems, there is no doubt about this!

Thinking of this, Wuyongzi and the others suddenly realized that Ling Daozi was really powerful! How could one person be so powerful?

His own wisdom simply overwhelms all the wisdom of the immortal world. No one can surpass him in a Taoist skill...

And such a person turned out to be just a slave of Li Yun, which made Wu Yongzi feel incredible!

Here, he is the only one who knows this secret. Therefore, while others admire Ling Daozi, he admires Li Yun. Although he has not seen Li Yun in person yet, Li Yun already occupies an extremely important position in his mind. status…

Everyone, including Taoist Priest Tianxuan and Kaiming Zen Immortal, feels that studying everything about Xuanling No. 1 is the only way to go. Perhaps after studying Xuanling No. 1, their Taoist will will have a great development. improvement!

So, this is both a challenge and an opportunity.

There is a desire and impulse in everyone's heart to understand all the Taoism gathered on this spaceship, and now is an excellent opportunity.

As a result, some people began to ask Xiao Xuan some questions, taking the opportunity to clarify some confusions. Others suddenly realized that asking questions to Xiao Xuan was indeed a good way, because as a ship spirit, Xiao Xuan itself There should be a complete understanding of the entire ship.

Xiaoxuan did not refuse anyone who came, and answered everyone he could, without worrying whether the other party could understand. As a result, many people here heard many words and concepts that they had never been exposed to before, such as leap, Acceleration, gravity, weightlessness, gravity, electricity, magnetic field, conductor, space capsule, orbital module, life support system, aurora, rays...

Even Wu Yongzi, who is known as the most wise man in the immortal world, was in chaos after hearing this. He felt that he had no understanding of what Xiao Xuan said. In front of Xiao Xuan, he was afraid that he would not even be qualified to be a disciple...

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