The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2426 Still fell into his trap

Seeing that the major business alliances wanted to make a fortune, Ling Daozi originally wanted to interfere with it. However, after thinking about it, this kind of thing seemed to be a trend. There was no need for him to go against the trend. It would definitely not be good for him.

Besides, the Universiade Palace has already had a great harvest, and all the people and resources that can be harvested have been acquired. There must be some meat left for others to grab.

Looking at the current situation in the Immortal Realm, in fact, the eighth and ninth levels of the Immortal Realm are more in the hands of those great immortals. Others who can accept it can just recruit them secretly. There is no need to completely block it off, otherwise things will be easy. It's too big!

Therefore, Ling Daozi communicated with Xiaoxing and decided not to block the eighth and ninth levels of immortality, and then gradually open up the seventh and lower levels of immortality.

At the same time, take the Holy Emperor, Wu Yongzi, Taoist Tianxuan and Kaiming Zen Immortal out of the national war chess game and let them deal with this matter!

The news of the blockade will be made public sooner or later, so we might as well let all the great immortals know about it and let them make fortune together and compete with the major business alliances. The more fierce the robbery, the better. Anyway, this place is really... It's the end of the world, there's no need to leave any room...

After discussing it, Ling Daozi looked at the four big guys who were still obsessed with the national war chess, and gave each of them a cup of Tao tea to sober up...

"Hey, good tea! Good tea!!" the Holy Emperor shouted.

"Thank you for your praise!" Ling Daozi said with a smile.

Wu Yongzi woke up after a cup of tea, but still felt that he still had something to say. He said: "Xiao Ling, your situation seems to be a bit difficult in this game of chess. How are you going to play against that weirdo next?"

"Difficult? No, if you want to win, he would have won long ago. The main purpose now is to hold him back to prevent him from making trouble, so we fight with him slowly..." Ling Daozi said leisurely.

"Oh? But I see that you have lost several countries in the past few years and suffered several major defeats. If this continues, you won't have the capital to turn around..." Wuyongzi said worriedly.

"Hey, even so, do you think I have lost any vitality?" Ling Daozi reminded.

"Energy? You mean army soldiers?" Wuyouzi suddenly realized.

"In addition to the army soldiers, there are basically no losses to the war horses and the animal power used for logistics. Therefore, rather than losing several countries in a row and suffering consecutive defeats, it is better to say that it lures the enemy deeper and makes the opponent's front line extremely long. ..." Ling Daozi explained.

"It makes sense! It makes sense!!" Wuyongzi came back to his senses and praised.

The Holy Emperor, Taoist Priest Tianxuan and Kaiming Zen Immortal heard the conversation between the two, and they all came to their senses. Only then did they realize that Ling Daozi had laid foreshadowings in this chess game and secretly created a big picture!

The wars between mortal empires are different from those in the world of cultivation. Therefore, as the bosses of the immortal world, although they have been immersed in this national war chess for many years, they still have not mastered the essence.

Unlike the emergence of a superpower in the world of cultivation and the possibility of massacre, wars between mortal empires are more about wisdom and collective strength, and in national war chess, strategy is obviously the most important!

Whoever is good at temple calculations, strategizing, and decisive battles thousands of miles away will have a higher winning rate.

Moreover, such a strategy must be suitable for the environment of fighting for hegemony in the mortal world.

For example, in the mortal empire, the horse army plays an extremely important role. A team equipped with war horses still has a huge advantage over an infantry team that is ten times more numerous.

This status is like a superpower in the world of cultivation versus a large number of middle- and low-level monks.

No matter how many middle- and low-level monks there are, if they are not well organized, it will be impossible to deal with a super powerful person, and they may be wiped out by him!

In addition, vitality is also very important in mortal wars. If you can keep your vitality, you will have a chance to make a comeback. And if a battle is won, although you win in the end, you kill a thousand enemies and injure 800, then It can't be considered a victory, it can only be said to be a tragic victory.

If we are in a dangerous and complex international environment, then such a tragic victory is tantamount to self-destruction and is not much different from defeat.

In the eyes of cultivators, those mortals are as insignificant as ants. It doesn't matter to them if a group of them die. As long as they exert their power, they can still turn defeat into victory.

When a cultivator comes to play this national war chess game, if he cannot switch his thinking mode in time, he will undoubtedly lose miserably!

In the past few years, the Holy Emperor and others could not switch their thinking, so it was difficult to adapt to the rules of these mortal wars, and it was difficult to direct the chess game well.

But for Xiaoxing, these problems are not a problem. On the contrary, he is the most proficient in mortal wars. There are a large number of battle examples in the think tank that can be imitated and recreated!

I don’t know why the national war chess is so widely spread on the Ika planet, and so many powerful people like to play this national war chess. In Xiaoxing’s opinion, this may be a special reason.

I haven’t been to Ika Planet yet, and I haven’t had in-depth discussions with Gu Cheng, so I don’t know the specific reasons.

However, from what Gu Cheng said, we can know that the National War Chess originated from a very special Warring States period on the planet Ika. That period should have had a great impact on all races on the planet Ika, and people based it on this. This chess game was created to commemorate…

Taoist Master Tianxuan stroked his beard and said with a smile: "This chess method seems to have extremely high requirements on the formation of troops and the use of strategies. If you play this chess often, I am afraid you will become a master in governing the country!"

"Of course! If the monarchs of these mortal empires in the fairy world can play this game more, I'm afraid they will play their empires to an extremely terrifying level!" Wuyongzi agreed.

"Amitabha! That's good, that's good! In my opinion, let's forget it. In addition to conspiracy, this chess game is also very murderous. If the monarchs of the mortal empire play this game, I'm afraid there will be a lot of trouble in the world! " Enlightened Zen Immortal said.

When Ling Daozi heard this, he felt secretly happy. Where is the human world in the immortal world now? Most of the mortal empire has been moved into Star Fortune Castle.

While the four Holy Emperors were chatting, they suddenly remembered that the purpose of their visit was to solve the problem of that weirdo. At the same time, they did not want Ling Daozi to face this person alone and wanted to share the pressure with him. He was attracted by the chess, but he didn't know how much time had passed. He quickly sensed the passage of time and couldn't help being surprised!

"What?! We have been studying here for more than a hundred years?!" Taoist Priest Tianxuan said in shock.

"It's been more than a hundred years here, but it's only been more than a year outside..." Ling Daozi said lightly.

"Oh my God!!!" The four people screamed, feeling bad!

Time is so precious now. The four of them are the leaders of the entire secret plan. More than a hundred years have been wasted in a short time. I don’t know how the situation of the secret plan will become...

The four of them were all extremely smart people, and they soon realized that they had been set up by Ling Daozi!

Unexpectedly, despite all the precautions, I still fell into his trap!

"Brother Ling, what's going on with the Xuanling spaceship now?" The Holy Emperor asked helplessly.


"Very good? How good is it?"

"Hey, you can go to the square to see by yourself...but..."

"But what?!" The four people's hearts trembled and they asked quickly.

"Oh, why are you panicking?! I have been in charge of this plan all the way. Can I make it go bad? Now a lot of spaceships have been built, but the resources are about to be exhausted. Therefore, some time ago, I asked several leaders of the business alliance to go out and think about it. There is a way to raise resources. In addition, various forces have sent a lot of information. Immortal Court is too busy during this period and has not dealt with it. They are all concentrated in a corner of Immortal Palace. You will know when you go to see it. I am too lazy to look at it anyway. That information...yes, and..."

"what else?!"

"There was a group of people outside the Immortal Palace who were always sitting in meditation, and some of them always wanted to break into the Immortal Palace to steal things. I simply arrested them and locked them up in a small space. That small space was the flying platform you created last time. Xue Hongmei Space, they are really comfortable there..." Ling Daozi said with a smile.

"You..." The Holy Emperor and Wuyongzi looked at each other, speechless.

It seems that Ling Daozi has known many things about him for a long time, but his understanding of him is very limited...

"Xiao Ling, can you really deal with that weirdo by yourself?" Taoist Priest Tianxuan still asked.

"Well, it depends on the situation. At present, there is no problem. Gu Cheng attaches great importance to this game of chess, because if he loses, he will lose two games in a row. According to our agreement in advance, two out of three games, then He was defeated, so he will not admit defeat no matter what, and maybe he will fight until the end..." Ling Daozi said.

"So that weirdo is called Gu Cheng?" Wu Yongzi asked.

"Yes! This person has unknown origins and is extremely powerful. It is indeed difficult to deal with..." Ling Daozi nodded.

"What should we do? If he comes out to cause damage, it will be troublesome!" the Holy Emperor said anxiously.

"Sabotaging... is not impossible! However, as long as he is still playing chess, he will not cause sabotage. Therefore, you'd better act quickly, move the people and items that need to be moved onto the spaceship, and leave Xuan Xuan as soon as possible. In the spiritual world, you don't have to be afraid of Gu Cheng even if he wants to cause damage!" Ling Daozi said in a deep voice.

"How many spaceships are there now?" the Holy Emperor asked.

"One hundred ships! One ship with 10 million people can carry a billion people and a large amount of supplies!" Ling Daozi responded.

"Wow...a hundred ships?!!!" The four people screamed!

This was definitely a big surprise. The four of them did not expect to build a hundred Xuanling spaceships during this period of time. It can be seen that Ling Daozi did not mess up. On the contrary, his efficiency was astonishingly high!

"What? A hundred ships are a lot? They can only hold one billion people. The population of the fairy world is calculated in hundreds of millions!" Ling Daozi teased.

"This..." The four of them were stunned and suddenly speechless.

In their opinion, having a hundred spaceships is actually enough!

Because this is enough to ensure that the forces of the great immortals and great masters in the weapon refining field can be loaded in, so that the small group of people at the upper level will not have problems...

:. :

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