The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2381 Useless

"Brother Yuan has made great contributions to my Xuanling!" Taoist Priest Tianxuan said sincerely.

"No, I'm just giving my opinion from the perspective of a bystander. I hope it can be helpful! I'm going to go to the Taoist Competition next..." Yuan Yi shook his duster proudly.

"Brother Yuan, please come over, I hope you can find some more useful Taoist meanings for us!" Taoist Priest Tianxuan said.

"no problem!"

Yuan Yi shook his fly whisk and was about to leave when he suddenly saw Bodhi Zen Immortal coming over and yelling: "Look, everyone! What is this?!"

When everyone heard the words and looked around, they found that he was holding a palm-sized substance in his hand that looked like iron but not iron, and looked like stone but not stone. However, it was round, as thin as paper, and shimmering with a metallic light...

"This is..." Taoist Priest Tianxuan was startled.

"I was searching the Zen room just now and found this object on the Zen platform. Because the light was blocked by the incense ashes, I never found it..." Bodhi Zen Immortal said.

"Amitabha...could this thing really be sent by a friend from Xingkong?" Enlightenment Zen Immortal became a little uneasy.

"I can't tell whether it was something they sent, but it definitely doesn't belong to me, and I don't know when it appeared..." Bodhi Zen Immortal sighed.

The Enlightened Zen Immortal took the round piece of material and examined it carefully. His Immortal Knowledge quickly swept over him, and his face looked confused...

"Master, can you tell what this is?" Taoist Priest Tianxuan asked urgently.

"I can't tell! But..."

"But what?"

"This is the first time I have seen this kind of material. I can't tell whether it is a stone or a metal. Maybe it was really sent by a friend from the stars!" Enlightened Zen Immortal guessed.

"If it is really sent by them, what can such a piece of material do? Do they want us to use it to build an aircraft?" Taoist Priest Tianxuan asked suspiciously.

"This..." Everyone looked at each other.

The round object was passed around in the hands of everyone, and when it came into Shen Qianshan's hands, his eyes flickered, turning out to be a pair of wise eyes!

This situation is the same as Qin Duobao, Tuo Xidu and others in the Universiade Palace. Due to their keen eyes, they can often find treasures from a pile of waste, make a lot of money, and eventually become rich. figure!

Shen Qianshan carefully observed this piece of material.

Suddenly he shouted: "There seems to be... information inside!!!"

"Information?!!!" Everyone suddenly realized!

It turns out that this is another message sent by friends from the starry sky, but it is completely different from the previous light ball talisman.

It seems like this friend in the stars wants to hide and seek with people like you, always changing his ways to keep you elusive...

"What information? What did they say?" Taoist Priest Tianxuan asked quickly.

"Talking... My God, there's so much information in it! I can't even finish it!" Shen Qianshan shouted.

"Then watch slowly and speak slowly..." Taoist Priest Tianxuan consoled him.


"But why?"

"Taoist Master... the amount of information here is like a vast ocean. Even if I read it non-stop, I would probably have to read it for ten or eight years!" Shen Qianshan said in astonishment.

"What? How is this possible?!" Taoist Priest Tianxuan was stunned.

Others were also extremely shocked. How could the information in such a small round object reach such a large level?

"Not good!" Shen Qianshan suddenly shouted, his face turned pale, he closed his eyes, he was panting and a little shaky.

Mu Nantian on the side quickly supported him and took the round object in his hand. A bright light flashed in his eyes, and he used his discerning eyes to look at it. This surprised the others again. They did not expect that these two gods of wealth had A person with a wise eye is truly blessed!

In fact, there are many people with discerning eyes in the palace, and such a high probability is normal, because these people are basically a small group of people at the top of the immortal world, and a considerable part of the entire Xuanling's fortune is concentrated in on them.

Mu Nantian looked at it for a while, then closed his eyes like Shen Qianshan, and his face turned blue...

"How is Brother Mu?"


"Is there really information inside?" Taoist Priest Tianxuan asked.

"It should be! I saw a paragraph that seems to be about building a certain formation..." Mu Nantian said.

"Some kind of formation? Is it related to building an aircraft?" Taoist Priest Tianxuan said suddenly.

"It's very possible!" Mu Nantian nodded.

"Brother Mu, can you write them out?"

"I can't write it! There are many graphics in that piece of information. I think they are like parts or formations on some kind of aircraft, but I can't understand the text on it at all!" Mu Nantian said loudly.

"What?!" Everyone was stunned!

Obviously, the Starry Sky Friends come from outside the Xuanling. They have their own writing and language, and have their own unique Taoism. If you want to understand their Taoism, you must first understand their writing and language, otherwise you can only sigh in despair. Entering Baoshan and returning empty-handed...

In order to confirm the information provided by Shen Qianshan and Mu Nantian, Taoist Priest Tianxuan asked all the people with discerning eyes in the temple to look at the round material. Many of them were masters of weapon refining, including Zong Lin, Ya Xi, Zhui Meng Zi, Shi Zhong, Feitian and others, as well as Tian Jizi, came to the unanimous conclusion that this piece of material is indeed a treasure containing a large amount of weapon refining information, and judging from the preliminary situation, the formations and components on it The designs are much higher than what everyone is currently studying!

If all the information in this treasure can be transformed, then the level of weapon refining in the fairy world will be greatly improved, and the dream of high-end aircraft will most likely be realized!

Taoist Master Tianxuan and others were excited and anxious at the same time. They immediately discussed it and finally decided to organize people with discerning eyes to record all the information in the disc one by one, and then carefully study the words and language of Starry Sky Friends to record it. Translate and then develop high-end aircraft based on their information...

First of all, according to Yuan Yi's opinion, a major renovation was carried out on the refining field, which greatly extended the time in all spaces, and finally reached an average of four times the extension!

Of course, this consumes a lot of immortal stones and spiritual crystals. The quantity is huge and a large amount is consumed every day. However, for the sake of Xuan Ling, we can no longer take care of so much.

The task of burning the information on the disk is extremely heavy, because each person's discernment can only be used for a short period of time. After a short time of burning, someone must be replaced, and whether the person can be connected after the replacement is still a question.

There were many mistakes at the beginning, but after summing up experience and lessons, I was finally able to burn more smoothly...

Immortal Court recruited some wise men from the Immortal World and asked them to decipher these words and graphics...

However, it was quite difficult to decipher, and after a long time, nothing was found. This made Taoist Tianxuan and Kaiming Zen Immortal very worried!

Because if it cannot be deciphered, all the previous efforts will be in vain, and everything will have to be started all over again!

The key now seems to be held by Wu Yongzi, the most famous wise man in the fairy world. If even he can't decipher it, I'm afraid no one in the fairy world can understand the message of Starry Sky Friends.

Wuyongzi took several of his disciples, faced with a lot of symbols and graphics, and discussed from time to time...

After coming to Xianting and learning about the Xuanling crisis, Wuyongzi was greatly surprised, so he decided to help Taoist Tianxuan and the others decipher text messages from friends in the stars no matter what, and make his own contribution to building high-end aircraft.

However, he has used countless methods commonly used in the fairy world to analyze these symbols and graphics, but none of them can work. Now, he feels that he has almost exhausted his skills!

This situation made him feel a little frustrated, and at the same time, he also felt that there was too much pressure on him, because there were countless pairs of eyes staring at him every day, and the look of expectation in their eyes made him feel like he was about to collapse...

Seeing some of his smartest disciples having a heated discussion, Wu Yongzi sighed in his heart. He was known as the wisest person in Xuanling, and these disciples were also extremely smart. He didn't expect that he had been studying for so long. It’s so embarrassing that I didn’t even touch the door with these symbols!

"What should I do? If I don't decipher it, not only will my reputation be completely ruined, but the construction of high-end aircraft will also be delayed... It seems that the only way to do it is to risk my life..." Wu Yongzi murmured in his heart.

He suddenly shouted: "Set up an altar!"

"Sir? You want to sacrifice longevity?!" Mo Zhen, the disciple, asked in surprise.

"That's right! If we don't decipher it, everyone's efforts will be in vain, and Xuanling will be in ruins. What use do I have for this longevity?!" Wuyongzi said seriously.

"This... Sir, there is so much information in the disc. Even if you can decipher some of it, it will be of no use. You should think about it more carefully, right?" Mo Zhen begged.

"No! If I can decipher part of it, we can analyze the text structure and language characteristics of these outsiders, and it will be much easier to decipher the other parts!" Wuyongzi insisted.

The eldest disciple Wu Duan stood up and said: "Master is right! Only by deciphering part of it first can we understand the changing rules of their characters and languages. Otherwise, it will just be a waste of time! However, this sacrifice should be carried out by the disciples. Come and preside over it, my disciple is young and has a lot of longevity!"

"No! Let me preside over it!"

"Let me come, and all of you will fight with me!"

"I'll do it! I've been feeling some of the symbols recently. I just need to give some longevity yuan to make it happen!"

"You're still a young person, so I'll do it!"


Wuyongzi's disciples and disciples actually started to quarrel over the offer of longevity, and even Wuyongzi himself couldn't suppress it. This made the people waiting for the news outside the space almost dumbfounded!

When the news came out, it naturally moved countless people. The Holy Emperor immediately came here with a batch of Xingyun Wine and said to Wuyongzi: "Master, don't be anxious! If you have to sacrifice longevity to decipher these symbols, then Go ahead! These are my treasured fairy wines, which are better than Panlong Fairy Peach Wine and can greatly extend your life!"

"Xingyun Wine?" Everyone was stunned.

"Haha, that's right! If you need longevity, I will give you longevity! As long as these symbols are deciphered, the entire Xuanling will appreciate your contribution..."

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