The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2376 Yuan 1 visits Xingyun Castle

He knew that such a major matter would have to be hidden sooner or later. As the boss of the Xianji Department, it seemed inappropriate for him to keep suppressing such a matter, but before that, he still asked Li Yun for his opinion.

Yuan Yi closed himself in a small space and began to call Li Yun directly, "Little luck! Little luck!!"

"Hello, Great Immortal!" Li Yun smiled.

"Okay? How can I get better? I'm almost exhausted!" Yuan Yi said bitterly.

"What are you anxious about?" Li Yunqi asked.

"Isn't this your act of recruiting people? Now that you have collected so many people, it's time to stop, right? As long as you stop now, I can still suppress you, but if you continue to suppress them like this, I won't be able to suppress you! "Yuan Yi said loudly.

"It turns out that this is the case... You know the situation in the Immortal Realm very well now. If I accept one more person, it means saving one more person in advance. This is a good thing for those who enter the palace. Of course, it is also good for our Universiade Palace, because they After entering, the strength of the Universiade Palace can be enhanced, and then there will be enough power to save more Xuanling people..." Li Yun explained.

Yuan Yi was slightly stunned when he heard the words, and thought for a moment and said: "I know you are here for Xuan Ling, so I have been suppressing this news so that you can act easily. However, there are too many people joining the Universiade Palace now. According to my observation, The number is at least over 10 million, right? With such a huge number, if I don’t tell you, it seems unjustifiable in front of the people in Xianting..."

"Ten million? It's already over 100 million, okay?" Li Yun said with a smile.

"What? One hundred million?!" Yuan Yi screamed, feeling that his whole body was not good.

"Well, one hundred million is just a small goal. According to my arrangement, there will be a steady stream of people joining in, and ten billion will be easily achieved..."

"It's over, it's over..." Yuan Yi looked pale and murmured.

"Don't worry! You don't need to bear the psychological burden at all, because this matter is purely to save the people of Xuanling. On the contrary, you suppressed the news some time ago and helped me act, but you indirectly benefited. Don't you? Have you noticed that your charm has increased recently?" Li Yun smiled.

"Really...really?!" Yuan Yi was stunned, a little unbelievable.

"Of course, look at how you look now, you really look like a great immortal!" Li Yun smiled and created a curtain of light, which is exactly what Yuan Yi looks like now, shining with immortal light.

Yuan Yiyi immediately became energetic after seeing it.

Unexpectedly, I have been so busy during this period that I have even neglected my own appearance. Now my charm has skyrocketed. Even compared with Tianxuan Taoist Priest and Kaiming Zen Immortal, I am not inferior. I will definitely be a great immortal.

It seems that following Li Yunqian is the right thing to do. No matter what it is, it will only benefit you in the end, and there will be no harm.

"Haha, great! So... I should help you suppress this news?" Yuan Yi asked.

"Well, time is tight, and we can't stick to any fairy rules. What we have to do is practical things, not unnecessary wrangling with other people... Or, after a while, when I include the people in the middle-level fairy world, It's almost done, you can bring this matter up with the Holy Emperor, Taoist Priest Tianxuan, and Enlightenment Zen Immortal, and let me explain to them. If they think what we are doing is wrong, then we can stop immediately!" Li Yun thought road.

"This...are you sure you want to explain everything to them?" Yuan Yiyi was stunned.

"Of course! This matter is indeed extremely important and has already caused some impact on the lower fairy world. It is not an option if we keep hiding it from them..."

"How long will it take? If the middle-level fairy world is closed again, won't the population exceed 10 billion?!" Yuan Yi said in horror.

"Well, as I said just now, more than 10 billion is not a problem! Do you know how much our total army is now?"

"How many?"

"The total number of soul power armies has exceeded 40 billion, while the cultivation army has only just exceeded 100 million. Therefore, the shortcomings of the cultivation army must be made up. The more the merrier..."

"Oh my God...there are so many people?! How can there be such a big space?!" Yuan Yi was completely stunned!

"Look what this is?"

The light curtain flashed, and a cloud of mist appeared above...

"This is..." Yuan Yi said suspiciously.

"Star Fortune Castle! This is its exterior..."

"Oh..." Yuan Yi exclaimed in surprise.

As his vision got closer, he saw the Xingyun Castle getting clearer and clearer. He passed through the clouds and mist, penetrated through a crack, and suddenly felt that he had arrived in another world!

"Did you see it? This is the inside of Xingyun Castle..." Li Yun's voice sounded.

"Oh my god..." Yuan Yi looked at this vast world and couldn't believe his eyes!

The starry sky is as deep as ink and dotted with stars. When walking here, you can see some huge interfaces from time to time, where countless lives live, and you can also see groups of starry beasts, living freely here...

After quickly browsing the starry sky, Yuan Yi's eyes were almost dizzy. When he calmed down, he found that he saw the world on the ground. This world is as beautiful as it is, even more beautiful than fairyland. Wonderland, isn't this the charming scenery that can often be seen in the "Dragon Emperor" video drama?

"What you have seen is only the superficial phenomenon. Now let me show you our army of soul power and army of monks..." Li Yun said with a smile.

The screen kept switching, and Yuan Yi finally saw countless Jushen Mountains, Juzhenyun, Soul Army, Soul Insect Army, and Monk Army...

He found many familiar faces, all of whom were performing their respective duties and were extremely busy...

"Eh? Huo Yan?!" Yuan Yi shouted.

"That's right! He is now a Golden Immortal and a commander-in-chief of the cultivation army..."

"Wow..." Yuan Yi exclaimed. He didn't expect Huo Yan to progress so quickly. The last time he left the immortal world for the spiritual world, he didn't even have an earth immortal, but was just a mysterious immortal. Now he has surpassed the earth immortals and heavenly immortals and came to the golden world. Immortal level!

Upgrade three levels in a row!

If we talk about gains, I'm afraid he is much bigger than me, because Huo Yan was already almost decadent at that time. If he hadn't gone to the spiritual world to look for Li Yun, he would have been lost to everyone by now.

I saw Huo Yan making a face towards Yuanyi, then ignored him and continued to go about his own business...

Yuan Yi was stunned and his heart was racing...

After looking around the battle base in Xingyun Castle, Yuan Yi felt that he seemed to be dreaming, because this kind of scene almost only existed in appearances and could not be reality!

An army of more than 40 billion souls and an army of more than 100 million cultivators smashed all of Yuan Yi's concepts of cultivation into pieces. His heart was beating so hard that it was about to burst out of his chest...

"The internal space of Xingyun Castle is huge. Even if the entire Xuanling people are packed in, it will be more than enough, so you don't have to worry about our lack of space..." Li Yun said with a smile.

"I...I...don't worry anymore! Where is Xingyun Castle now?" Yuan Yi asked anxiously.

"It's just above the fairy world, but no one will notice this cloud..." Li Yun said confidently.

"It seems that I can't underestimate even a cloud in the future..." Yuan Yi lamented.

"Well said! The gap between civilization levels may be just a matter of a cloud, but how many people can understand the truth?" Li Yun teased.

Yuan Yi was stunned when he heard this, because he didn't understand why it was a cloud? Why can there be such a huge internal space in the cloud? This is simply a vast world built in a cloud, which can house billions of lives. This is really unimaginable...

If you look at Xingyun Castle according to the rules of the Xuanling world, it is definitely an unreasonable existence, but it happened to appear in front of him.

Yuan Yi wished he could go to Xingyun Castle to experience it in person now, so he was very envious of Huo Yan being able to work there...

"Xiaoyun, I don't want to stay in Xianting anymore, how about I go find you now?" Yuan Yi made a decision immediately.

"This... don't do this for the time being! You should stabilize the group of people in Xianting. Later, Ling Daozi will go to the Taoist Competition with Mr. Nian, Hua Yu and others. You can communicate more with them..." Li Yun said.

"Ling Daozi?" Yuan Yi's eyes lit up.

Of course, Ling Daozi is also a figure that he can't match. He didn't expect that he would come to Xianting to compete. Wouldn't he sweep everyone away?

What does a game like this mean to him?

However, I can take this opportunity to communicate more with him and learn more from him...

Yuan Yi was thinking about it when he heard Li Yun say: "His main purpose in participating is to hand over some of the Taoist ideas for building high-end aircraft to the secret mission project and help them build the aircraft as soon as possible..."

"I see...that's great!" Yuan Yi said excitedly.

"So, you just need to cooperate well with him. I don't want to put everyone on my Star Fortune Castle. When the universe migrates, all eggs cannot be put in one basket. Several more must be placed. Therefore, we must help Xuanling World build a few more fleets so that we can colonize in different directions..."

"Colonization?" Yuan Yi was slightly startled.

"The meaning of colonization is to take people to conquer the unknown starry sky and create a new civilized world. In the universe, capable civilizations will always do this. Only in this way can life thrive in more places. To maintain the life seeds of the universe so that they can spread more widely and become more vigorous..." Li Yun explained.

"It makes sense! Such a vast starry sky seems too dangerous if it is only in one place..." Yuan Yi suddenly said.

"Yes! If a civilization wants to survive, it must go out and spread out more widely. If it stays in one place blindly, it is like putting all its eggs in one basket. Once any crisis occurs, the nest will be overturned. Risk!" Li Yun agreed.

"Hey, just like this time, the Xuanling world is about to face a disaster. If we can't get out by then, then everyone and all life will be smashed to pieces like that basket of eggs..." Yuan Yi sighed. .

"Of course...but before you go out, you must be able to protect yourself, otherwise the result will be the same..."

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