The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 232 Stone Worship City (5)

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So, does this Ruyi Konglong Sword have a weapon spirit?

A sword from the fairy world... Although Xiao Shitou kept saying that it was a broken sword, in Li Yun's heart, there was no doubt that it was a sword. Such a sword would definitely not be justified without the weapon spirit. Moreover, Li Yun This can also be inferred from Xiao Shitou's words, because the sword will move between realms on its own, and Xiao Shitou can only follow it and help the evil Yuan Yi find someone to unlock it.

A sword that can move on its own must be controlled by a weapon spirit.

"It seems that the sword spirit must be in this Ruyi Konglong Sword!" Li Yun thought to himself.

He thought for a while and said: "Little Shitou, I have to be invisible while I am making calculations, so please ignore me!"

This is because he estimates that it will take an extremely long time to unlock all the space locks. Only by going to Tianyun can he save time in the outside world.

"I see! Then be careful, I don't want you to disappear like them!" Xiao Shitou said.

"No, this space can't trouble me yet, but it may take a longer time. Maybe when I finish, this space will respond, and you will know then." Li Yunxiao road.

"Okay! Then I will place my hope on you! If you can unlock the space here, you can use this Ruyi Konglong Sword. However, you can only wait until your space path reaches the perfection of the small path and breaks through to the middle path. Only then can the weapon spirit in it be completely awakened, and its power will be great! Moreover, Yuan Yi also said that if you want to go to the fairy world, you must pass this level! Therefore, you must take these spaces no matter what Unlock all the locks!" After Xiao Shitou finished speaking, he disappeared.

Li Yun was slightly startled when he heard this. It sounded like Yuan Yi was looking forward to this unknown person and predicted that he would definitely go to the fairy world in the future.

However, he can't control so much now. After Li Yun reacted, he immediately started to study the space carefully with Ruyi Konglong Sword as the center.

The situation at this time is completely different from when I came in just now.

You must know that Tianyun just broke in with its extraordinary ability, not from unlocking the space.

The more than 100,000 changes that Li Kuan calculated were just his own tacit interpretations in his mind, and he did not actually take action.

At this moment, Li Yun decided to follow Yuan Yi's request and personally solve this space problem to see what the final result would be.

It is impossible for Li Yun to open the space with his cultivation. Even if Xuan Dongmu takes action, it is impossible. Therefore, in order to solve this problem, we must break through the locks of each space and calculate Find the keys to these locks, and then use the keys to open each lock and open up the space.

After Li Yun understood this, he began to unlock it.

This is like a lock-picking game. You don’t know where the lock in each space is hidden. It may be blocked by multiple spaces. The lock you find may unlock another space, and each space does not necessarily have only one There may be many locks for one lock, and there may even be locks within locks. There is no end to them. Only by finding and unlocking them all can the lock be finally opened successfully...

If Li Yun were to rely on him alone, it would probably take an unimaginable amount of time. Fortunately, Xiaoxing was his biggest backing.

Xiaoxing's energy center has been opened to level 20, and the amount of calculations per second can reach a terrifying two billion times. This level is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

The two divided the work, Li Yun was responsible for surveying and finding the lock, and Xiaoxing was responsible for calculating the key to the lock, and they cooperated very well.



Rumble, rumble, rumble!

After Xiaoxing counted out the keys one by one, countless spaces were opened, and some changes began to occur in this world.

Xuan Dongmu looked at the exploding space in front of him, staring at Li Yun in shock, wondering how he did it, because he still didn't know the existence of Xiaoxing.

At this time, he could only sigh in his heart about Tianyun's power. In the vast sea of ​​people, it could find such a smart person at a glance.

What Li Yun and Xiaoxing didn't know was that they were playing a game of picking the lock here, and there was already an uproar in Baishi City outside!

A monk in black clothes and curly beard floated in the air, looking at the mutation of the Boulder Mountain in surprise, with a look of astonishment on his face!

This person was Xiong Chang, the leader of the Stone Worship Sect, who was at the eighth level of the Golden Core. However, his expression changed drastically at this moment, and he was trembling with fear, and his heart sank.

I saw that the huge rock mountain in front of me seemed to be rising and expanding step by step. The air defense array of Baishi City had already made an unbearable "pop...pop..." sound, and it seemed that it was about to be broken by it!

Moreover, all the surrounding buildings seem to be shifting inexplicably. Although we still don’t know what is going on, if it continues, I am afraid that the entire Baishi City will be destroyed!

"The Stone God seems to be angry! Hurry! Everyone follow me and activate the formation to suppress it!" Xiong Chang roared loudly.

"Respect the order of the leader!"

All the high-level cultivators from the Stone Worship Sect responded in unison.

Figures of people were flying and flashing. Everyone stood in the direction of the city defense formation, exerted their strength at the same time, and shouted "Qi!"

A formation within a formation instantly appeared in the city defense formation, shrouding the boulder mountain.

This city-protecting formation has reached the level of a sixth-level spiritual formation, which can withstand the attacks of the gods and is one of the capitals that Baishi City is proud of.

Once activated at this time, the level of the formation was fully improved, the light and shadow suddenly flashed, the spiritual pressure increased sharply, and it pressed towards the Boulder Mountain!

All the people who were walking around the mountain to worship the stone were shocked when they saw this scene. They didn't care to go around the mountain to worship again and quickly flew back.

The people in the city noticed that there was something strange in the aura, and began to inquire about the news, and then gradually gathered around the Big Stone Mountain.

Xiong Chang breathed a sigh of relief, and was surprised and happy about the changes in Jushi Mountain today.

You must know that the origin of the Stone Worship Cult is precisely because of the existence of this stone god three thousand years ago. The power of the stone god makes people both fear and worship.

Since ancient times, countless people have wanted to enter the Boulder Mountain to hunt for treasures, but very few people have been able to come out again. However, those who come out can get some strange treasures, rare ores, or extremely high-level spiritual stones. Even a stone that seems to be of the highest quality.

From then on, people gave him the title of "Stone God", and later the Stone Worship Sect gradually formed a line of immortal sects.

Countless generations have passed since it was passed down to Xiong Chang.

Judging from the historical records of the Stone Worship Sect, the Stone God rarely moved, and there had never been such a big change as today, which made Xiong Chang feel mixed with joy and sorrow.

The worry is that this change may be extremely destructive, but the joy is that the change may bring unexpected gains to the Stone Worship Cult!

Just as his heart was pounding, he heard a roar of "rumbling". The boulder mountain suddenly rose by less than half, directly bursting a big hole in the entire air defense formation, and spiritual energy escaped quickly!

Countless figures tumbled out, blood spurting out!

"Oh my God!"

Everyone looked at the huge hole in the sky and screamed, panic spreading.

"What a tragedy! The Stone God is really angry!"

"I'm afraid I can't save Baishi City!"

"Run away!"


Many people turned around and fled, especially those outside the city who quickly packed their luggage and prepared to flee.

The spiritual power in Xiong Chang's body surged wildly, and it was difficult to calm down. When he saw this scene, he became angry. These people come to this city when they see it is profitable, and they want to escape when trouble comes. How can there be such a cheap thing in the world? !

A golden elixir of pressure was immediately released, and he shouted loudly: "No one is allowed to leave the city, and we swear to live and die with this city!"

Under the powerful pressure of the eighth level of his golden elixir, those monks were like mice seeing a cat, trembling all over, and they dared not say a word, so they had to stay in the city and watch the people who worshiped the Stone Cult work hard to save the city.

I saw Xiong Chang flicking his fingers, and quickly flew out countless treasures of heaven and earth from the spiritual ring, flying towards the huge hole in the sky.

Once these materials were stimulated by spiritual power, they slowly repaired the huge hole in the sky, and the spiritual light flashed, restoring it to the original state!

The boulder mountain seemed to be covered by clouds, and the top was no longer visible at all.


The onlookers couldn't help but let out a burst of exclamation. The power of the golden elixir monks is really beyond the ability of small Qi refining, pulse shaping and foundation building monks. Such a hole in the sixth-level formation was actually broken in the blink of an eye. It's been patched to completion and is truly breathtaking!

"The leader is mighty!"

"The leader is powerful and powerful!"

"The leader is truly a god!"

"The leader..."

The people in the city shouted, their confidence greatly increased, and they no longer thought about escaping, but wanted to stay and help the Stone Worship Cult save the crisis.

They know that if they can help the Stone Worship Cult survive this crisis, they will also gain the trust and support of the Stone Worship Cult, and it will be much easier to get around in this city.

Xiong Chang listened to the cries of the crowd, with a look of physical pain on his face. Although he had just demonstrated the power of the golden elixir monk, the value of the heavenly materials and earthly treasures consumed was unimaginable, and it almost overwhelmed him. Half of the family fortune has been spent. If there are any changes in Jushi Mountain...

Just when he was thinking of this, he suddenly felt that his vision was a little wrong, and his heart skipped a beat, because he found that he seemed to be far away from the Big Stone Mountain!

"Oh my god! What is going on?! What kind of power can do this?!" Xiong Chang shouted in his heart.

Fortunately, the six-level Great Spiritual Array's ability to expand and contract is extremely huge. Although the area underneath suddenly expanded a lot, it is still firmly covered, and everything is still under the control of the Stone Worship Cult.

"Leader, why do I feel like the Big Rock Mountain is moving far away?" Wende happened to be not far from Xiong Chang and asked a little suspiciously.

"Humph, it's not that the boulder mountain moved away, but that we were pushed away by the boulder mountain!" Xiong Chang said coldly.

"What?! How could the Stone God do this?!" Wende said in surprise.

"This...seems a bit like a land expansion method..." A bright light flashed in Xiong Chang's mind and he suddenly blurted out.

"Land expansion method?!" Everyone who heard it was shocked.

"That's right! All the changes in Jushi Mountain today are land expansion methods!" Xiong Chang roared fiercely.

...To be continued.

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