The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2315 Destroy this person?

Except for fairy wine and Pegasus, in fact, every treasure in the fairy palace is priceless, and everyone knows this.

This time the Holy Emperor of the Soul Clan swept away all these treasures, definitely wiping out all the money in the Immortal Palace!

Now, in the eyes of Yuan Yi, Mo Er and Fu Si, the Holy Emperor of the Soul Clan is the biggest fat sheep in the world, but this fat sheep is escaping into the interstellar space. What should we do? !

Yuan Yi thought for a moment and immediately thought of Li Yun and Ling Daozi who were in the interstellar space at this time.

He called Ling Daozi without hesitation. After a while, Ling Daozi's lazy voice came: "What do you want from me?"

Yuan Yi immediately told Ling Daozi the analysis of the three people just now, but he heard him laugh and said: "We have known this news for a long time! The Holy Emperor of the Soul Clan is now our turtle in the urn and cannot escape!"

"What? You already knew this?!" Yuan Yi said in shock.

"Of course, in fact, according to Fusi's analysis just now, the reason why the two souls were unable to escape back to the apse, but were knocked back by the formation, was not because they were unable to control the formation, but because the formation at that time had all been destroyed. I took over, and of course I won't let those two souls escape back." Ling Daozi said proudly.

"Is that so?!" The three of them were stunned again.

"Then...since you have taken over the formation, why didn't you intercept the Holy Emperor of the Soul Clan at that time and let him escape from the Immortal Palace on the lightning shuttle and enter the interstellar space?" Yuan Yi asked suspiciously.

"Hey, why should I intercept him? Am I going to let that large amount of treasure fall into the hands of the new Holy Emperor again? Since this batch of treasure has been taken away by the Holy Emperor of the Soul Clan, he will become a boy giving away money. As long as If I take it from him, there won't be any problems!" Ling Daozi said proudly.


Yuan Yi and the other three were in an uproar, feeling that a large piece of meat in their hearts had been taken away by Ling Daozi!

Only now did they understand that it turned out that the Holy Emperor of the Soul Clan was deliberately let go by Ling Daozi!

"But, the Holy Emperor of the Soul Tribe has run so far now. With the speed of the lightning shuttle, are you sure you can catch him?" Yuan Yi came to his senses and asked urgently.

"Of course, no problem! Haven't you noticed the changes in the stars?" Ling Daozi asked.

"Astrological changes? Yes,

Master Jueyuan and Taoist Priest Tianxuan have discovered this, and I have also discovered it through the Immortal Treasure Record. Could it be that this is also related to you? "Yuan Yi suddenly said.

"You guessed it right, the entire inner interstellar space has been controlled by us. The so-called external enemy is actually us, and we folded this space-time. After folding, the stars changed accordingly, coupled with the lens effect of the peripheral light curtain, This allows people in the Xuanling World to expand their field of vision when observing the starry sky, and can see more stars." Ling Daozi said in one breath.

Yuan Yi, Mo Er and Fu Si were confused when they heard this. They felt that their thoughts could no longer keep up with the speed of Ling Daozi's words, and their minds were racing desperately...

"The lightning shuttle seems to be flying in the starry sky, but in fact it is trapped in the inner interstellar space. If it cannot unfold the folded space and time, it will never be able to fly to the outer interstellar space. Therefore, it is now a piece of the chopping block. Meat, it depends on when we go to get it..." Ling Daozi continued.

Yuan Yi and the others are still thinking hard...

"In addition, let me tell you that those nine vortices are actually energy vortices, which are energy jumping points that appear in the process of space folding. Each one has a different energy level, and the intensity of the light beam is also different. The higher you go, the higher the level. The fairy world will become stronger, but now they have been eliminated by me, and they will not happen again for the time being..."

After Xiaoxing finished speaking, he went to do other things, while Yuan Yi, Mo Er and Fu Si were in a daze in the Xianji Cave for a long time, barely falling asleep...

Yuan Yi's situation was better. He was in a daze and finally woke up. He remembered that Ling Daozi seemed to have said something, that is, the entire inner interstellar space was now controlled by him and Li Yun. This matter sounded It’s no small matter. From now on, no matter who comes in or out of the stars, they have to leave money to buy their way there?

This is a big deal!

"Xiao Ling, do you really control the starry sky? Why do you do this?!" Yuan Yi asked quickly.

"Of course there is a reason for doing this..." Ling Daozi said.

"What's the reason? Is it because you want to collect money from those who go to the stars to hunt beasts?" Yuan Yi asked suspiciously.

"Collect money? You have become addicted to making money recently. You think about making money in everything! This time of course it is not to make money, but to save the Xuanling world..."

Ling Daozi simply told Yuan Yi and the others the secrets of the fairy world that he had discovered earlier, and at the same time, he produced countless light curtains to prove his findings. All of this shocked them completely and made them tremble all over...

"It's over, it's over. I didn't expect that the entire fairy world was formed by one person using the giant transformation technique. Once this person wakes up, the entire fairy world will be over..." The three of them had such a thought in their minds. How could they calm down?

Unexpectedly, after so many years of development in the fairy world, everything turned out to be like a mirage, an illusion...

It's like building a home on the beach. When the waves come, the home will collapse, and even the fragments will be swept away by the waves...

"Xiao Ling, what should we do?! The fairy world is in danger!" Yuan Yi said in horror.

"This is why we want to control the starry sky..." Ling Daozi said proudly.

"Oh? Does controlling the starry sky have something to do with this person?" Yuan Yi was slightly stunned.

"It should be said that controlling the starry sky has something to do with when this person wakes up. Since this person has been sleeping for nearly a million years, such a long time is really rare, so he may wake up at any time. In order to prolong his sleep as much as possible Time, the most important thing is not to let him absorb enough energy to heal and recover. The purpose of controlling the starry sky is to reduce the energy projected into the fairy world. It only needs to meet the needs of the surface creatures for survival and development, without too much energy seeping into it. It is absorbed underground." Ling Daozi explained.

"That's it!" Yuan Yi suddenly said.

"Of course, this is only a temporary emergency measure. Next, we need to study how to completely solve this problem." Ling Daozi said.

"Yes, this problem is too serious and must be completely solved! If the fairy world collapses, how many lives will be lost..." Yuan Yi sighed.

"How can I put it, the collapse of the fairy world will happen sooner or later. Even if we can extend this person's sleep time to the maximum extent, he will still wake up at a certain moment in the future. By then, if the fairy world and all the creatures in the lower world do not have any If you are prepared, you can imagine the consequences... Of course, you can also see it now..."

After Ling Daozi finished speaking, he played the video of the collapse of the fairy world he constructed into the fairy cave...

Yuan Yi, Mo Er and Fu Si looked at the earth-shattering and terrifying scenes on the light screen. They couldn't help but be speechless, burst into tears, and almost collapsed on the ground...

They have been making a lot of money recently and are extremely optimistic about their future. However, they did not expect that all of this may come to naught in the near future, because if the fairy world collapses, what is the use of the money they have earned?

If the skin is gone, how can the hair be attached?

Even if you become the richest man, your money will be useless if you have no place to spend it.

Furthermore, as a member of the Xuanling World, no one wants their home to be destroyed, their lives to be in ruins, and to wander in the starry sky...

"Xiao Ling, you and Yun Zun must find a way to protect the fairy world!" Yuan Yi said loudly.

"Yes, yes, Xiaoling, we know you are the most powerful, there must be a way to protect the fairy world, right?!" Fu Si quickly agreed.

"Xiao Ling, you can even control the starry sky. It won't be a big problem to control this person, right?" Mo Er shouted from the side.

"Yes!" Yuan Yi suddenly realized.

As long as this superpower can be controlled and prevented from moving, the fairy world can be saved!

Moreover, the reason why this person is sleeping so far must be because he was too seriously injured. It is not impossible to control him.

He quickly expressed his thoughts, hoping that Li Yun and Ling Daozi could control this person in advance, and it would be best to kill him, and it would be over!

"Kill?!" Ling Daozi was stunned.

Li Yun and he had really never thought about this idea. They didn't expect Yuan Yi and the three of them, or the people in the Xuanling world, in order to protect their homeland and their vested interests, the first thing they would think of would be such a life-saving method!

"That's right! As long as he is killed, it will be impossible for him to wake up, and the immortal world will be preserved forever!" Yuan Yi said excitedly.

"This man must have been seriously injured, or even irreversibly injured, and his condition is definitely not comparable to his normal condition. As long as you take the lead, and with the help of many immortals in the immortal world, you can definitely kill him!" Moore analyzed.

"We can also use the method of cannibalization to gradually extract the energy from the underground of the fairy world, so that he will continue to lose energy and become weaker and weaker. In the end, we can kill this person together!" Fu Si said fiercely.

In order to protect the fairy world, these three people had surprisingly unanimous ideas, which shocked Li Yun and Xiaoxing!

They suddenly thought, why didn't Mr. Nian, Hua Yu and others in the core cabin have this idea?

It stands to reason that they are also people from the Xuanling world. After seeing such a result, it seems that they should have the same idea.

"Sir, maybe Nian and others will have more or less changes in their ideas as they follow us for a long time. Moreover, Nian and others know more comprehensive information, such as..."

"Like what?"

"They heard our analysis and knew that this person was most likely someone from the outside world. Perhaps he was tracked here by his enemies. Sooner or later, his companions or enemies would find him here. Therefore, even if he is killed, the Immortal World It may also be exposed." Xiaoxing said.

"Yes! In addition, they also know that killing this person is definitely a big risk. If they can't kill him, then the fairy world will end early!" Li Yun said.

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