The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2279 Galaxy Cauldron

Hearing this, Can Meng said: "The loss of natural energy for more than two hours every day should have a considerable impact in the long run. The climate and vitality of many places will change, which will affect the natural environment. This will be a big problem for the entire fairyland. A cannibalization!”

"That makes sense!"

"Senior Brother Meng is right!"

"Is it true, as Master said, that there is a powerful enemy against our immortal world?"

"We must find them!"

"Seal these energy-stealing villains away!"

"That's right..."

All the disciples said one after another.

Taoist Master Tianxuan waved his hand and said: "If there are really villains who steal energy, if I were you, I would not be so impulsive to find them and start a war with them!"

"But why?" All the disciples were startled.

"What level do you think these energy-stealing villains can reach?" Taoist Priest Tianxuan asked.

"This..." The disciples were stunned for a moment, somewhat astonished.

"For someone who can do such a feat, I'm afraid we really can't afford to cause... big trouble!" Taoist Priest Tianxuan sighed.

Once the disciples calmed down, they all understood the meaning of Taoist Master Tianxuan's words.

Yes, if this is really done by a powerful enemy, then trouble is really coming!

Because it is really an impossible task to absorb the power of the stars in this interstellar space for more than two hours!

If you put this matter on yourself, you will never be able to do it.

Such a huge energy, let alone how to absorb it, just the question of how to deal with it after absorbing it is very scary to think about.

I'm afraid that if one thing is bad, it will cause extremely terrible consequences. You know, as Taoist Master Tianxuan said before, this energy is much more than the energy absorbed by the constellation instrument for countless years. Therefore, it is simply like the Yangtze River. It surges like a big river, so where will they flow?

"No!" Can Meng suddenly shouted.

"What's wrong?!" Danmo asked quickly.

"With so much energy, where will they go? If the enemy uses it to attack the fairy world, wouldn't it be very dangerous?!" Can Meng analyzed.

Taoist Priest Tianxuan's face was a little solemn, and he felt that Can Meng's worry was not impossible, because since the enemy could absorb this huge energy, he should also be able to guide it to attack. I am afraid no one can withstand such an energy attack...

However, judging from the current situation, the enemy's so-called attack should not have started yet. At least within the sensing range of himself and the constellation instrument, there is nothing abnormal in the fairy world.

Taoist Priest Tianxuan thought for a moment and said: "Send a message to Yuan Yi first to see if he has discovered anything! If there is a big change in the fairy world, it may be an enemy attack."

"Yes!" Can Meng responded.

He immediately recorded the situation briefly, and his magical power was stimulated...

"Send letters to inform all the powerful Immortal Lords, as well as the Holy Emperor!" Taoist Priest Tianxuan continued.

"Yes!" Can Meng quickly complied.

"Now, the Xingxiyi must be inspected invisibly. Everyone must be careful before the enemy is found!" Taoist Priest Tianxuan warned.

"Yes!" All the disciples responded solemnly.

The group of immortals in Hedao Temple have felt an unprecedented crisis coming to them. Everyone has raised their status to the highest level, just in case...

In fact, in addition to them, there are many great powers in the immortal world who have more or less induction, but they were not able to detect what kind of abnormality it was like Taoist Tianxuan, until they received a message from Taoist Tianxuan. They suddenly realized the immortal talisman!

Everyone was shocked! Feeling bad!

For them, the last thing they want to see is the emergence of such a powerful enemy, because they are originally the top part of this world. It can be said that they control the resources of this world, control the fate of all living beings, and have supreme power. authority.

Any change would mean a loss of authority for them, let alone such a terrifying foreign enemy?

Of course, there are also Zen ancestors like Enlightenment Zen Immortal and Bodhi Zen Immortal who care about hundreds of millions of living beings. Although they don’t care about the issue of authority, they know very well that all kinds of struggles that occur at the top will end up being painful. They are ordinary creatures. The so-called prosperity means people suffer, and death means people suffer. This is the truth.

After hearing the news, these powerful men did not dare to neglect, and they all used their magical powers to search for possible powerful enemies...

Moreover, they have basically concluded that this change must be man-made and not an abnormality of heaven.

This is because the phenomenon of energy loss occurs every day, but not always at a fixed time of the day, and the absorption time is also fast or slow. It is difficult to say that such a situation is caused by the movement of heaven.

If the movement of heaven changes, it will also change regularly, rather than changing randomly like this.

At this time, in the Mingkong Temple in the Tianxin Immortal Realm, the Enlightened Zen Immortal and a group of powerful men in the temple were observing the celestial phenomena. Everyone's face was not very good.

On this high platform, there is a high altar. A Zen Immortal is sitting cross-legged on a futon, his eyes fixed on a tripod enshrined on the altar.

This Zen Immortal is called Jue Yuan, and he is the most skilled in stargazing in Mingkong Temple. This tripod is his precious Galaxy Tripod, and its functions are similar to those of the Xingxiu Yi.

The Galaxy Cauldron is actually a precious cauldron inherited from Mingkong Temple. It is of a very high level. However, good treasures will eventually fall into the hands of those who are best at using it. Therefore, Jue Yuan had this opportunity to use it. Gradually, Many people think that the Xinghe Cauldron belongs to Jue Yuan, but this is not the case.

Under the high platform, there stood the Enlightened Zen Immortal and a group of powerful Zen Immortals. Everyone's immortal consciousness fell on the Galaxy Cauldron. Looking at the complicated stars and the ever-changing star map above, some people were a little confused. .

Enlightened Zen Immortal looked at it for a while and asked loudly: "Jueyuan, has there been no change yet?"

"Abbot Qi, it hasn't started yet!" Jue Yuan's voice came.

"Time is different from yesterday!" Enlightenment Zen Immortal sighed.


The short conversation between the two made those who heard it feel like another heavy stone was weighing on their hearts!

Yes, this must be man-made. Who is so capable and why do they do this?

At the thought of this, these great masters felt their hearts beating wildly, almost to the point of jumping out of their chests!

In their view, the fairy world, or the mysterious world, seems to be facing the most dangerous moment. The imaginary powerful enemy may come at any time, or use huge energy balls to open the way. It is foreseeable that those who stand in its way will be invincible. scene…

Suddenly, Jue Yuan said loudly: "Abbott, it's starting again!!!"

Everyone was refreshed and quickly looked at the Galaxy Cauldron, and found that the star power being absorbed by it was declining sharply, and disappeared completely after a while!

The Galaxy Cauldron suddenly became a little dim, and everyone's eyes also lost their luster!


This is a truly powerful enemy, because it is absolutely impossible to let the powerful people like Mingkong Temple do this. They have known this for a long time.

Even if you add the power of Hedao Temple, Zixia Temple, Bodhi Temple and other forces, you can't do it.

What powerful enemies absorb is the starlight energy projected by all the sun, moon and stars in the starry sky. Even if these people in the fairy world join forces, they can at most block the light of one or two of the stars. But the sun and moon are impossible, because sunlight and moonlight are almost incomparable. It's everywhere, how can it be stopped?

But it shows from the Galaxy Cauldron that the powerful enemy has absorbed all the energy of the light of the sun and the moon!

Enlightenment Zen Immortal and others looked at the changes in star power on the Galaxy Cauldron with incomparable awe. They all held their breaths and watched the changes in star power gradually move from one side to the other, and finally slowly recovered. …

Time seemed to pass quickly, but in fact more than two hours passed.

"Abbott, this disciple has discovered a problem!" Jue Yuan suddenly said.


"In the process of absorbing star power, a strong enemy seems to expand its range slowly and recover it slowly in the first few days, but recently, its expansion speed and recovery speed seem to be getting faster and faster. In other words, the strong enemy's range expansion and recovery speed seem to be slower in the first few days. Although the enemy absorbs the same length of time every day, the amount of star power it absorbs has increased! Because it wastes less and less time." Jue Yuan analyzed.

"Amitabha..." Enlightened Zen Immortal called out the Buddha's name and kept rubbing the beads with his fingers, showing great uneasiness in his heart.

"Have you noticed where the enemy is?" Enlightenment Zen Immortal asked.

"Not yet! With such a large range, if a powerful enemy hides outside the star field that the Galaxy Cauldron can map, it will be impossible to detect it!" Jue Yuan said.

"What if a powerful enemy hides in this star field?"

"If this is the case, there should be some signs. For example, it may have a relatively fixed starting place and a place where it is recovered. However, the disciple comprehensively studied the star power loss during this period and found that the starting place of each day is different. The same, and the places where they are recovered are also different. This shows that if a powerful enemy is collecting star power in this star field, then it should be in a mobile state. Maybe after we rush over, it will be there early. It’s gone!” Jue Yuan analyzed.

"Every day is different? Is it moving every day?" Enlightenment Zen Immortal said in astonishment.

"Yes! Judging from the star chart of the Galaxy Cauldron, this is the case!" Jue Yuan affirmed.

"So, it doesn't look like the other party has built a nest in the interstellar space, but it looks like he's flying around in a spaceship?"

"This...should be so!" Jue Yuan was slightly startled, but still nodded.

"Impossible!" Enlightenment Zen Immortal thought for a moment and affirmed.

"What the abbot means is..."

"No matter how powerful a flying boat is, it cannot accommodate such a huge amount of star power, let alone if it is like this every day. If it were the best flying boat in the fairy world, it would completely explode in a short while!" Kaiming Zen Xian said decisively.

"The abbot is right!"

"There can be no such flying boat!"

"It must be something else, but it can't be Feizhou!"

"That's right..."

The great masters of Mingkong Temple unanimously denied Jue Yuan's judgment, which made him feel a little confused...

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