The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2261 Confinement

While Mi Zhi and others were nervously searching for the whereabouts of Mai Ling and Wu Siqi, Wu Siqi had indeed begun to head towards Mai Ling!

The Heaven and Earth Pan is indeed very capable. After searching for a while, it has discovered the location of this immortal vein. If the external situation had not been too tense, Wu Siqi would have searched more carefully, and maybe he would have discovered the immortal vein here. It is possible to discover the real secret of the Young Immortal Emperor and Ah Bi Axe.

Of course, the Young Immortal Emperor and Abiaxe and the others had already received Xiaoxing's reminder and had already activated higher-level hiding methods to cover the underground world even more tightly.

Seeing that people from the outside world were about to find him, Wu Siqi quickly put away the world and quietly left the place, heading to the outskirts...

This is not to raise suspicion, but the vein spirit of this immortal vein is indeed quite cunning. When everyone thought that it must be deep in the center of the immortal vein, it was hiding somewhere on the periphery. No wonder those masters are now Haven't found it yet...

As Wu Siqi moved forward rapidly, he said to himself proudly: "No matter how cunning you are, you can't escape from my grasp! No matter how you hide on the outside, you can avoid those annoying guys and reap the benefits alone... "

His soul body was looming, and it didn't take long before he came to a rather shady valley. He disappeared into the depths of the valley and disappeared!

Although the location of the pulse spirit has been discovered, it is still quite difficult to find it, and it is also necessary to ensure that it cannot be disturbed during the process, otherwise all previous efforts may be wasted.

Since the pulse spirit moves in the immortal veins without much hindrance, once it discovers that someone threatens it, it can completely dodge to avoid this threat. The higher the level of the pulse spirit, the better it is. Being able to do this is one of the greatest characteristics of Immortal Veins.

In places such as the lower world and the spiritual world, the spirit veins of the spiritual veins are relatively weak. They can hardly move quickly, and can only move slowly, or even cannot move. Therefore, they rely more on their invisibility to protect themselves.

Wu Siqi relied on the Heaven and Earth Disk to find several underground roads leading to the location of the Mai Ling, but in the end he chose this deepest passage. Because of its quietness and darkness, the Mai Ling was not very vigilant about it. In addition, This passage is also the most comfortable for him as a soul race.

While observing the direction indicated on the heaven and earth disk with his mind, he moved forward cautiously, at an extremely slow speed, lest he make any sound that would startle his spirit.

About half a day later, Wu Siqi finally came to the end of the passage and observed quietly, feeling overjoyed!

That's right! This is where the Pulse Spirit is, and it is unaware of its arrival and is sleeping soundly...

I saw that the richness of the immortal energy here was almost solid, with only liquid droplets still dripping from the edges, and towards the center it had almost condensed into crystals!


Wu Siqi couldn't hide the joy in his heart. He let out a soft cry and immediately took action, using the formation as quickly as possible to trap the pulse spirit!

This formation was suppressed by the heaven and earth and was extremely strong. Pulse Spirit woke up quickly and struggled quickly, but it was useless.

Wu Siqi couldn't wait to control the heaven and earth disk, frantically absorbing the immortal energy of the pulse spirit, and saw streams of immortal energy flowing into the heaven and earth disk like the Yangtze River, endlessly...

The young Immortal Emperor who was monitoring and observing in the dark looked at this scene coldly, unmoved.

Abiaxe saw Wu Siqi's formation and asked quickly: "Immortal Emperor, can we take action?"

"Wait a minute! Let him suck enough before talking!" said the young Immortal Emperor.

"What? The more immortal energy he absorbs, the stronger he will be. It will be a bit troublesome to control him then!" Abiaxe said in surprise.

"Don't worry! You don't need to take action here, you just need to keep an eye on the hidden formation below." The young Immortal Emperor said.

"Are you really sure about this?"

"That's right! You have to know that I gave the Heaven and Earth Pan to Wu Siqi, and this Wu Siqi is not the real Wu Siqi, so I have been in contact with Pan Ling a long time ago. Now all it does is listen. I commanded it." The young Immortal Emperor said proudly.

"Wow..." Abiaxe suddenly realized!

He reacted and asked urgently: "Then why do you still let it absorb the immortal energy from the immortal veins?"

"This immortal vein has been exposed and attracted so many people. Only by destroying it can the matter be settled. Therefore, the pulse spirit must be transferred. Since the pulse spirit is struggling fiercely, we can only suck some of it out first. Only the immortal energy can move it into the heaven and earth as a whole!" the young immortal emperor explained.

"I see... What about this Soul Clan?"

"Can he still escape in the world?" the young Immortal Emperor teased.

"Ho ho, that's great! This kid just threw himself into a trap!" Ah Bi Ax laughed.

"However, after this immortal vein is destroyed, someone must pretend to be Wu Siqi and flee in order to lure away Mi Zhi and other people in the immortal world. I'm afraid we have to do this task together. Only I can control the heaven and earth disk now. ..." The young Immortal Emperor pondered.

"No problem!" Abiaxe agreed.

Wu Siqi looked at the flow of immortal energy rolling in and screamed with excitement. His whole person was in an extremely excited state. The souls of the tens of thousands of disciples behind him also agreed one after another, and their flattering words would Wu Siqi was so proud...

Just when he was forgetful, suddenly, a burst of fairy light flashed in the heaven and earth disk, and formations fell from the sky, rose from the ground, or rose out of thin air, imprisoning these people one by one!

Even Wu Siqi was stunned and was instantly covered by a formation. Immortal light flashed, and layers of formations were rapidly superimposed, locking him firmly!

The powerful immortal power of the Heaven and Earth Disk penetrated into his soul body, locking and sealing all his soul veins!

Wu Siqi simply could not imagine that Tiandipan would suddenly attack him. Such a thing was something he could never imagine in his dreams. Therefore, he did not have time to react when Tiandipan did it, and ended up behind bars in an instant. , Just shouting!

His face was full of astonishment, which strongly expressed the unwillingness in his heart!

Moreover, he still can't figure out what is going on. Later, his thinking was also imprisoned by the immortal power, and he couldn't even think about it!

Although his eyes were wide open, he actually fell into a coma and became a vegetative state.

After the Heaven and Earth Disk wiped out all the people inside, it moved all the pulse spirits of the Immortal Veins in!

As soon as the figure flashed, the young Immortal Emperor and Abiaxe appeared in the world of heaven and earth, looking at everything with smiles.

"Immortal Emperor, Li Yun said that these fallen immortals can still be saved. They can be stored first and treated after he arrives!" Abiaxe said.


The young Immortal Emperor waved his hand and imprisoned Wu Siqi alone, and all the souls of his disciples were sealed in a small space, out of sight but out of mind...

At this time, there was a strange movement on the ground, and the entire area seemed to feel a faint vibration. Then, these powerful people here keenly discovered that the immortal energy here was rapidly losing!

"not good!"

"The quality of immortal energy is declining!"

"Massive loss..."

"Did that Soul Clan thief succeed?!"

"It makes sense, it should be like this..."

"I have noticed where the vibration center comes from!" A powerful man shouted loudly.

"Where?!" everyone asked anxiously.

"In the north! Periphery!"

"What? On the outside?!"

"Oh my God, that's it..." Everyone was stunned!

It seems that the vein spirit of this high-grade immortal vein is extremely cunning, abandoning the depth of the center and guarding the periphery. No wonder so many powerful methods have been missing for a long time.

But judging from the current situation, the cunning pulse spirit has not been able to hide it from the soul thief. He must have succeeded. Otherwise, it cannot be explained why the fairy energy in the entire area has dropped significantly. This is obviously the fairy pulse. The operating system has been severely affected and is no longer functioning properly.

If things continue like this, I'm afraid it won't be long before this immortal vein will be useless...

"Hurry up! The pulse spirit must be in the hands of this thief!" Mi Zhi shouted!



Everyone shouted, locked the direction of the source of the vibration and chased after...

"Boom——" A loud noise in the distance shook the whole world!

Everyone looked in shock and saw that a ball of fairy light rushed up from the ground accompanied by countless gravel and dust, quickly rose into the air, and swept away into the distance, leaving a long trajectory...

"Oh my God!"

"Heaven and Earth Pan!!!" Mi Zhi shouted.

When everyone heard this, they immediately understood that it must be the Soul Clan who escaped with the Heaven and Earth Pan! Looking at this momentum, Tiandipan must have absorbed enough immortal energy and is full of motivation!

Is this a big deal? !

Everyone knows that if you can intercept the heaven and earth disk, you will definitely make a fortune, there is no doubt about this.

Everyone immediately showed off their magical powers, threw out their fastest-flying treasure, and launched a hunt...

A tense and exciting pursuit and escape game begins in the sky of the fairy world, it’s so lively!

People who heard the news along the way joined in one after another, and the size of the pursuit team continued to increase...

"It's so beautiful!" Xiaoxing said excitedly.

"It seems we can add another video to our list!" Li Yun teased.

"Not just one, but a series! I'm afraid this escape competition won't stop in a short time..." Xiaoxing shouted.

"That's true. However, the young Immortal Emperor's purpose is just to distract those powerful people. If his purpose is achieved, he may not be in the mood to play with them anymore. After all, he still has to practice and recover..." Li Yun thought.

"Sir, there may be a problem!" Xiaoxing said.

"what is the problem?"

"The young Immortal Emperor has imprisoned Wu Siqi. Maybe he will search his memory and the memories of the souls of his disciples. In this way, he may find out that the Holy Emperor has been poisoned, and that he has been poisoned by Wu Siqi's insect poison. Although the insect poison was unlocked by Master Shizhen, the insect poison cultivated by different people is always different. If it is not thoroughly studied, there must be residual poison, and these residual poisons will still cause some damage to the body. In this way, the young immortal The emperor will have a chance..."

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