The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2258 A different Yuan 1

Fu Si’s words reveal a truth. It is indeed easy for people to get a lot of benefits quickly by following the wrong way. However, it is often difficult to start on the right path and can only get some scraps. However, although the wrong way starts quickly, the development will be hindered. There are all kinds of constraints, and after the right path starts, it may have a lot of setbacks at the beginning, but it will become more and more stable and broader...

Perhaps most people will sneer at this, but facts will prove that this view is still very reasonable.

The situation that is very similar to the right way and the evil way is slowness and speed. Countless people want to get rich quickly, be promoted quickly, realize the power of Taoism quickly, and succeed quickly...

However, because one is obsessed with being fast and everything is fast, the result is often the problem of three-quarter-hour heat. In other words, in order to pursue fast, a person will devote all his energy, financial resources, and time to do something. To the extent that you forget to eat and sleep, you are actually exerting too much force, and it is difficult to control it effectively if you exert too much force. Once you encounter a major setback, you may feel frustrated, disappointed, regretful, and even feel bad about yourself. Doubt arose, and self-confidence suffered a huge blow!

Under such circumstances, it is most likely that he will give up on doing this thing again, and will not even touch it again, so as not to remind him of his sadness and failure...

And if a person does something out of true love, it may be just a small attempt at the beginning. Even if there are setbacks and failures, it is not unacceptable to him. If he slowly studies and deepens, it may be possible. The better you do it and the longer you persist, the more likely you are to achieve greater success!

Here, slowness at the beginning does not mean real slowness, but it is cultivating an interest, a feeling, and a reason to persist. With these as the foundation, this road will gradually become more stable. , the better you go, the brighter you go...

As Mo Er said, many people who are doing evil things, if they knew that Li Yunguang was making a lot of money from selling videos, how could they work so hard to hunt down those terrible starry beasts?

This is simply a lose-lose behavior!

For the hunting team and the star beasts, both sides suffered heavy losses in the end. One lost his life in exchange for wealth, and the other was close to extinction...

Sheng Zhongguo asked curiously: "How did these hunting teams lose their prey? It seems that similar things have not happened before, right?"

"Well, there should have been some before, but less often. Most of them were just cheating on each other, but this time it was a large-scale loss, and according to what they said, it was lost in the giant algae forest. In addition, the loss was even They are live prey, which makes me suspect that they were robbed by Li Yun!" Yuan Yi said while stroking his beard.

"Why...why did Li Yun want to rob them?" Sheng Zhongguo asked suspiciously.

"The key lies in the living animals! What Li Yun wants is alive. If he doesn't rob, those living prey will definitely end up dead after being brought to the fairy world. Li Yun's move should be to save those living animals. This is the same motive as why he previously entrusted Taoist Priest Tianxuan and Kaiming Zen Immortal to bring the soul beast video." Yuan Yi explained.

Sheng Zhongguo suddenly understood and nodded: "Master's words make sense! It seems that Li Yun must have done this!"

Mor Er praised: "It is indeed reasonable for the Immortal Lord to make this judgment based on his motives!"

"Haha, actually this matter is not difficult to judge, because the entire giant algae forest was under the control of Li Yun at that time, so if something incomprehensible happens, you can look for the reason from Li Yun. It is not difficult to solve these problems if you think about it from another perspective." Yuan Yi said proudly.

"Giggles, Immortal Lord has really grasped the money tree of Li Yun now. This money is really coming down..." Fu Sijiao said with a smile.

"No, most of this money belongs to Li Yun. I'm just keeping it for him temporarily..." Yuan Yi said matter-of-factly.

"Really?!" Fusi said in surprise.

"Of course! The relationship between me and Li Yun is just like the relationship between me and you. They all come from cooperation!"


How can this relationship be the same? I'm afraid we are not as important as Li Yun in the eyes of the Immortal Lord..." Fu Si teased.

"Haha, fairy, please don't belittle yourself. In my mind, you and Li Yun are equally important!"

"It's weird to believe you!"

Sheng Zhongguo interrupted: "Master, the information about the immortal vein in the eighth-level immortal world has been in hot demand recently. I wonder if master has any intention towards that immortal vein?"

"Intention? Are you saying that our Xianji Department will also get a piece of the pie?"

"That's right! That's a rare high-grade immortal vein. Aren't there many powerful people from the nine-level immortal world going there? With the identity and status of the master, no one should have any objections to dividing it into our Immortal Machine Department. "Sheng Zhongguo said.

"Well, what you said makes sense, but..."

"But what?"

"I had this idea when I first heard about this, but I no longer think so!" Yuan Yi shook his head while stroking his beard.

"But why?" Molqi asked.

"Yes, whoever has greater ability will get it. If Immortal Lord goes to take advantage, no one will make irresponsible remarks, but will take it for granted! Besides..." Fu Si interjected.

"What else?"

"This Immortal Vein has nothing to do with Li Yun. After the Immortal Master gets it, he doesn't have to share it with Li Yun!" Fusi said with a smile.

"Haha! Having said that, I really decided not to take action this time and just watch the show! Just sell the news by the way..."

"Hey, this move is not like the usual style of the Immortal Lord. I wonder why the Immortal Lord thinks so?"

"There are so many people fighting for the ninth and eighth levels of the Immortal Realm. Even if I take action, I can only get a part of it, but I will lose my reputation as a treasure hunter. If I were poor in the past, it would be fine, but now Well, I make a lot of money every day, and the divided part is nothing to me, so my reputation is still important! In addition, this incident is getting more and more involved, and I'm afraid it will be difficult to end it in a short time, so I The Xianji Department can definitely keep an eye on this matter, and you can also make a lot of money by selling jade slips of information." Yuan Yi explained.

Fusi was slightly stunned when she heard the words, and suddenly realized that she didn't seem to know Yuan Yi well enough. She used to think that Yuan Yi was a profit-seeking person, but now he can actually let go of the piece of fat in front of him, but he still values ​​the immeasurable thing. Value reputation.

For cultivators, reputation is not too important. Unless they want to build their own world and gain more power of faith, they will use various means to improve their reputation, but that is also a lot of effort. , what you get is small, and the time span is also very large. It needs to be accumulated bit by bit over a long period of time.

However, treasures like high-grade immortal veins can greatly improve one's strength in a short period of time. The help to oneself is real and can be seen in a short period of time. This is why cultivators are so keen on it. The reason for hunting for treasures.

Maybe after getting a treasure, one's whole path of cultivation will completely change!

From then on, the carp jumped over the dragon gate and entered a higher platform to develop.

But now Yuan Yi takes the initiative to give up the fat in front of him, and it feels like everyone is drunk and I am alone, giving Fu Si a different Yuanyi!

"Giggle, Immortal Lord is so bold! But if you don't want it yourself, can you let us two intervene? As long as we get some Immortal Stones, we can greatly reduce our debt, and maybe we can pay it off in advance! " Fu Si smiled.

"This...I can give special permission for you to go, but you must pay attention to safety and come back to fulfill our agreement!" Yuan Yi said.

"Don't worry, Immortal Lord! We will definitely come back. We have benefited a lot from following Immortal Lord during this period. No matter what, we have to come back and plant all the herbs. Speaking of which, we are still in the medicine business!"

"Haha, it's good that you know! As long as the herbs are good, I won't treat you badly!"

"Thank you, Immortal Lord!"

In order to ensure the safety of Mo Er and Fu Si, Yuan Yi gave the two a lot of treasures, which can be said to be fully armed. In addition, he also sent Sheng Zhongguo to rush to the scene with a team of troops to support the two with information...

"I want to see how many immortal stones you can bring back..." Yuan Yi murmured as he watched their retreating figures.

Suddenly, he turned his head and looked at the jade platform in the cave where the Xuanling Immortal Treasure Record was placed. There was a flash of light there, and he couldn't help but wonder: "What emergency happened?!"

The news about the incident in the Immortal Palace has not yet reached Yuan Yi's ears. This is normal, because even Wu Siqi of the Soul Clan is still on his way to the eighth-level Immortal Vein.

However, the people who established the Xianji Department in Xiangong have received the confirmed news, so they immediately connected with Xianji Cave and found Yuan Yi!

"Xiao Yuan?" Yuan Yi called, this person was none other than Qing Yuan, one of his slaves.

"Sir, something big happened in the Immortal Palace!" Qingyuan shouted as soon as he saw the connection.

"What? Big deal?!" Yuan Yi was slightly stunned.

"Yes! A Soul Clan assassin was discovered here just now, but he escaped!" Qingyuan said anxiously.

"How is this possible? Now that we have discovered it, why can't we catch it?" Yuan Yiqi asked.

"Your Majesty, you don't know something! After confirmation, this person actually took away the body of the original Saint Master Wu Siqi. He has a very high level of cultivation. He also took away the heaven and earth, even the eight immortals, rice paste, etc. Even the masters from Immortal Court worked together to catch him, but they didn’t catch it!" Qingyuan said.

"Oh..." Yuan Yi was extremely shocked and shouted!

After reacting, he quickly asked: "What now?"

"I heard that the Eight Great Immortals and the Holy Emperor were both poisoned by the soul clan's insect poison and were almost controlled by him. Fortunately, Master Shizhen is a master of removing the poison and finally saved the day and came back safely!"

"How is the original Saint Master's body and that soul clan now?" Yuan Yi asked urgently.

"The original body of the Holy Master has been restored to its original form with the help of the Holy Emperor, but the soul clan is still on the run. Mi Zhi and others have been chasing him. It is said that he has escaped to the Nine-Level Immortal Realm..."

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