The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2217 2 Wusiqi

They all quickly swallowed the detoxification pills. Although they didn't know whether these detoxification pills were effective against this kind of poison, they would be somewhat beneficial.

At the same time, in order to avoid being taken advantage of by Wu Siqi, they immediately left the Holy Master Palace and returned to the Holy Emperor's hall!

Fortunately for them, Wu Siqi did not appear along the way. From their point of view, it was obvious that Wu Siqi must be hiding in the dark, waiting to move, but since they did not see their poisonous state, they I was not sure that I could control so many powerful forces at the same time, so I had no choice but to watch them leave like this...

However, of course that was not the case, because at this time Wu Siqi was hiding in a nearby underground cave, writhing around in pain like a dog and roaring non-stop!

He no longer remembers how many pills he swallowed to detoxify, because his brain was also corroded by the poisonous gas and became a little blurry, and he couldn't remember too many things.

But he still retained a trace of clear consciousness, which he used to monitor the reactions of the Holy Emperor and others. When he saw that they were also poisoned, they became suspicious of himself and left in a hurry, which made Wu Siqi feel like It hurts like dripping blood, because the pot is too big to carry!

" wasn't me...poisoned..." Wu Siqi hissed as he rolled around.

He knew in his heart that if things didn't change dramatically after today, he would actually become the enemy of all the major forces in the immortal world, and everyone, including the Holy Emperor, would have to deal with him!

There is no way back to this Holy Master Palace!

" must be Zezhang! It's this bitch!!!" Wu Siqi suddenly realized as he remembered the judgments of the leaders of the major forces.

The information on the jade slips was given to him by Zezhang himself, and Zezhang was a master of poison. Of course Wu Siqi knew this. Moreover, with this level of poison, he could poison himself and the leaders of major forces. , except her, no one else can do this!

Wu Siqi did not expect that this time he had capsized in the gutter and was plotted against by a little maid, and his heart became even more painful...

The ambition and confidence that he had originally had almost collapsed at this moment, because he felt that his chance of making a comeback was extremely weak...

"It seems that if you want to make a comeback, you must find the real Holy Emperor and provoke a fight between them. Only then can you reap the benefits..." Wu Siqi secretly made up his mind.

He had prepared for this move before and had been secretly searching for the whereabouts of the real Holy Emperor. Now it seemed that he had to go all out to do this.

However, no matter how good the idea is, it must be passed safely. Otherwise, if this poison cannot be restrained and the life is lost, there is no need to say anything more.

"Eh? That's right! Fight fire with fire?!"

Wu Siqi's conscious consciousness suddenly came up with this idea.

Having swallowed so many detoxification drugs just now had little effect, which knocked the heroic spirit in Wu Siqi's heart to the bottom. But a hero is a hero after all, and he is ruthless towards others and himself. At this moment, As soon as he thought of this method, the fierceness came to his mind again, and he immediately took out all the poisons he had collected and began to swallow them one by one...

Bronchangcao, Bone-cutting Pills, Ruanjin Powder, Ecstasy Bone-corroding Pill...

These are famous poisons in the immortal world. Every time he swallowed a poison, Wu Siqi "enjoyed" a painful torture. Before long, he had tortured himself to the point where he was no longer human, and all his robes were torn. Rotten, there were countless blood marks on his body, his hair fell all over the floor, there was no intact skin on his body, and his cultivation level dropped sharply!

After experiencing infinite pain, he finally fell asleep like a dead dog with hair removed...

I don’t know how long it took, Wu Siqi woke up from his deep sleep, looked at the surrounding environment, was stunned for a long time before he came back to his senses, and quickly sensed his body, and was surprised to find that the poison that was torturing him was actually Gone! ! !

"Haha...hahahahaha...the poison is gone! The poison is gone! It seems that fighting poison with poison is indeed a good way to detoxify!!!" Wu Siqi was ecstatic!

I finally got my life back,

I don't know how the people of the Holy Emperor are doing now. If they don't dare to fight poison with poison like me, I'm afraid it will be difficult to cure the poison in their bodies.

However, Wu Siqi knew that the poison on the Holy Emperor's people had not exploded yet, which meant that the amount of poison was small. It would be no problem to suppress it, but this would definitely become a fatal weakness on their bodies. At the critical moment, this weakness would be It will be infinitely amplified, enough to kill them!

"As long as we find the original Holy Emperor and reveal this news to him, he will definitely be determined to restore his heart. Then it will be up to us how the two of them will fight..." Wu Siqi thought secretly.

Just when he was thinking happily, he suddenly felt a headache, and his brain became chaotic for some reason, as if something was gnawing at him crazily, and he couldn't help but scream again!

"Ah -" Wu Siqi shouted loudly, holding his head in his hands, rolling around desperately, his expression twisted, looking extremely painful!

After waking up just now, he found that the nameless poison had been eliminated, which made Wu Siqi extremely pleasantly surprised. But what he didn't realize was that he had also paid a heavy price, that is, his body had become extremely weak, and his cultivation level had also drastically improved. Decline, from a Great Immortal to a True Immortal. True Immortal belongs to the late stage of Immortal. Generally speaking, becoming a Da Luo Jin Immortal will enter the late stage of Immortal. A True Immortal is one level higher than Da Luo Jin Immortal, but is far from the Great Immortal. There are also two levels of Fuxian and Ruixian, which means that Wu Siqi has been downgraded three levels in a row this time!

Under this situation, his originally powerful soul also had huge problems and was full of loopholes!

While he was sleeping, the soul of Wu Siqi, who had been taken away by him, finally found an opportunity and began to attack, devouring the essence of his soul!

Wu Siqi in the Soul World was completely unaware of it. He didn't feel the pain of devouring it until he woke up. However, he quickly reacted and knew that the cause he had laid before caused the result today, so he hurriedly Activate your soul power and start a life-and-death struggle with Wu Siqi, whose body has been taken away from you!

Wu Siqi, who had his body taken away, was also very weak at first, especially since the poison administered by Ze Zhang also affected him. However, Wu Siqi from the world of spirits had a sudden idea and used poison to fight poison, and finally saved both of them. Wu Siqi woke up earlier. After devouring a large amount of soul essence, he recovered faster. Therefore, his abilities were also improving rapidly. At this time, he was almost the same as Wu Siqi in the soul world. The two sides were competing for each other. The desperate struggle for control of this body set off an endless storm in the brain...

If the relationship between Wu Siqi and the Holy Emperor is good at this time, of course he can be asked to help. Then the original Wu Siqi will have no chance, but now Wu Siqi in the world of souls has become a lonely man without any help. So I can only rely on myself to fight hard.

The battle between the two true immortals in the brain is extremely terrifying. If this body hadn't turned out to be at the level of the Great Immortal, then it would have exploded long ago!

But after being poisoned by Ze Zhang Xiaomei, the strength of the body also dropped drastically. At this time, it already made a sound of falling apart, which shocked the two people, and finally stopped gradually with tacit understanding...

The two of them knew very well that although this body was a little broken, it was very important and was a good body to nourish the soul.

If lost, both souls must fight to seize the body again, and the opportunity for each soul to seize the body is very precious. If you seize it once, you will lose it once. No one is likely to become a lonely ghost with nowhere to stay and can only Finding soul-based items like requiem wood to hide in would be a life worse than death.

In addition, retaking the body will still involve adapting to the new body and fighting with the original soul, which is far less comfortable than the current body.

In this case, neither party is willing to let this body be scrapped like this.

After the fight between the two subsided, since neither one was sure of subduing the other, they had to bargain for a while, and finally decided that this body was still under the control of Wu Siqi from the Soul World for the time being, but he had to find another body to take possession of it. , completely returning this body to the original Wu Siqi.

Why isn't the result the other way around?

Because this is something that Wu Siqi from the Soul World will never agree to. If the body is returned to the original Wu Siqi now, then the original Wu Siqi can immediately use the power of heaven to suppress him and gain an absolute advantage. !

It turns out that Wu Siqi was the owner of this body and was completely compatible with it. Once he regains control of this body, he can fully mobilize the power of this great immortal body and the power of all the slaves of the Holy Master Palace to deal with the world of souls. Wu Siqi, if this happens, Wu Siqi of the Soul World will definitely be defeated!

Therefore, Wu Siqi in the world of souls must seize this last opportunity to find a satisfactory body for himself so that he can leave safely.

Since the original Wu Siqi had just recovered a little, his strength at this time was actually not as good as the current Wu Siqi. It was just that he had a better fit with his body, so he could bring the situation to a balance. In addition, for him, , will cherish this body more than the current Wu Siqi. Once the negotiation fails, the current Wu Siqi may completely destroy it, and the gain will not be worth the loss.

Therefore, the original Wu Siqi had to agree to this agreement. At the same time, there was another clause in the agreement, that is, the current Wu Siqi must seize the body within one year. If not, he must leave voluntarily, and he carried out the seizing of the body. Finally, the grievances between the two parties also came to an end. From now on, they will treat each other as if they have never known each other, and there will be no grievances or grudges between them...

This is also more beneficial to the current Wu Siqi, because if he seizes the body again, he will immediately face the revenge of the original Wu Siqi. Only such an agreement can protect him from being hit during the seizure...


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