The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 219 Wuyou Chess Academy (5)

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"These four words?" Tuzhenzi was stunned.

"Yes, those are the four words." Chi Yan nodded heavily.

"Senior, although these four words were written by Li Yun, they seem to have nothing to do with chess skills. I wonder how senior deduced them?" Tuzhenzi asked curiously.

"Although these four words have little to do with the way of chess, they have the same meaning as the words left by a thief who intended to humiliate my daughter." Chi Yan said in a surprising way.


Everyone was stunned. Not only the monks from the Qingyuan Sect, but also people from the foreign caravan such as Feng Qingyuan and Cai'er were aroused.

Unexpectedly, Li Yun actually intended to humiliate Chi Yan's daughter. Now that her powerful father has come to settle the score, I'm afraid Li Yun is doomed.

"Senior... please don't misunderstand. Li Yun has always been of good conduct and would never do such a thing..." Tuzhenzi said anxiously.

He was thinking in his mind that now Li Yun is the God of Wealth behind the Qingyuan Sect, and he must try his best to save it no matter what. Even if the opponent is a fifth-level monster, he must save it at all costs. There is really no other way, even if he can't Use Ming Kongzi's trump card.

"Of course I didn't misunderstand. Please look at this painting."

Chi Yan called his daughter Chu Chu to his side, took a scroll from her hand, and with a swipe of the scroll, a picture of a girl flapping butterflies was displayed in front of everyone.

When everyone saw this picture, they were immediately attracted. The girl in the picture had bright eyes and white teeth, lively and cute, and was chasing a few butterflies. It was Chu Chu, the girl next to Chi Yan.

And those butterflies are even more vivid and ready to come out, making this picture full of movement.

Everyone was so engrossed in watching it that they temporarily forgot what Chi Yan's intention was in taking out this painting.

"Senior, please forgive me. I don't have a deep understanding of calligraphy and painting. I don't know how I can see the same meaning of brushstrokes mentioned by senior?" Tuzhenzi came to his senses and said quickly.

"Hmph, you don't understand, why don't you find someone who understands?" Chi Yan said angrily.


Tuzhenzi swept his consciousness and found that Wu Shuzi and Wu Huazi were in the crowd. They were staring at the painting with great excitement.

"No books, no paintings, you two come over and talk!" Tuzhenzi said immediately.

The two men were awakened by Tuzhenzi's consciousness and hurriedly came to the field.

"Say!" Chi Yan roared.

"Senior, it seems that the brushwork in this painting was not written by one person. I think it cannot be concluded that it was done by the same person." Wuhuazi saluted.

"Exactly! When I looked at this painting, only the strokes of these butterflies were similar to the strokes of Wuyou Qiyuan, but the other parts were unsatisfactory and not the work of a master." Wu Shuzi nodded.

Chi Yan's face was slightly red, because this painting was originally made by him, but after Li Yun added a few butterflies, the composition and creativity had a breakthrough improvement, which made him even more fond of it.

"very good!"

Chi Yan gritted his teeth and continued: "You are right, this painting was originally made by me, but someone added these butterflies on it, and the meaning of his writing is the same as that of the person who wrote this inscription. So, from this, From this point of view, it can be concluded that the person who intended to humiliate my daughter is the person who wrote this inscription."

"I see..." Wu Huazi was startled.

Wu Shuzi said anxiously: "Senior, even if these butterflies were painted by Li Yun, it doesn't prove that he intended to humiliate your daughter?!"

"Yes! Senior, after adding these butterflies to this painting, the whole painting has aura, which greatly increases its value. I wonder if senior is willing to sell this painting to me? I am willing to pay fifty yuan of medium-grade spiritual stones. !" Wu Huazi said loudly.

"I'll give you one hundred middle-grade spiritual stones!" A voice suddenly came from outside the venue.

Everyone looked back,

It was actually the Feng Qingyuan of Yuanfangzhai.

"I'll give you two hundred pieces of middle-grade spiritual stones!" Wu Shuzi shouted.

Chi Yan was startled. He didn't expect that asking these two people to appraise the paintings would actually lead to an auction.

Just as he was about to speak, he saw a figure flash, and Feng Qingyuan had already entered the arena. He snatched the painting from his hand and said loudly: "Brother Chi, please give this painting to me. Just ask for how much money you want."

"You?!" Chi Yan was stunned and speechless.

"I can't give it to you! This is my painting!"

A petite figure rushed over, grabbed the scroll and shouted loudly, it was Chu Chu.

Feng Qingyuan was startled when he saw this, but he was too embarrassed to snatch a girl's painting, so he had to let go and said: "Brother Chi, how about I take charge of solving this matter?"

"Brother Feng is in charge, so I can rest assured." Chi Yan nodded.

Feng Qingyuan turned to Tu Zhenzi and said, "Master Tu, I wonder where Li Yun is?"


Tuzhenzi was stunned, and he was also a little puzzled. There was almost a commotion here, and the real master, Li Yun, hadn't appeared yet.

"Disciple is here."

A figure pushed through the crowd and walked in. It was Li Yun.

"So he is Li Yun! Why is he so young?!" Those who didn't know him thought secretly.

Chi Yan looked at Li Yun, slightly shocked. He didn't expect that the person who imprisoned him and snatched the divine blood was really a young man, so he couldn't help but hesitate.

Feng Qingyuan looked at Li Yun carefully and asked, "Li Yun, Brother Chi said these butterflies were painted by you, can you admit it?"

"It's exactly what my disciple painted." Li Yun smiled lightly and saluted.

"So, you admit that you intend to humiliate Brother Chi's daughter?" Feng Qingyuan asked with a strange expression.

"I wonder how Senior Chi could tell from these butterflies that I intended to humiliate your beloved?" Li Yun asked with a smile.

Chi Yan changed his expression and said, "How unreasonable?! You added butterflies to my daughter's portrait. It means that my daughter is the one who attracts bees and butterflies. Isn't it your intention to humiliate her?!"

"Haha, haha, haha!"

The monks who were watching finally couldn't help it anymore, and burst into laughter. They all laughed so hard that they couldn't help laughing.

Even Chi Yan's daughter Chu Chu was clutching the scroll tightly, her face flushed, looking extremely innocent and cute.

"Ahem...Um...Brother Chi, your statement seems a bit far-fetched. In my opinion, Li Yun just wanted to add a little spiritual meaning to this painting, not to humiliate your wife!" Feng Qingyuan! Holding back his laughter, he coughed a few times and said.

"I...I don't care! Anyway, in my opinion, it's wrong for him to draw these butterflies! However, as long as he accepts my challenge, this matter will be over!" Chi Yan said forcefully.

"In that case...Li Yun, are you willing to accept Brother Chi's challenge?" Feng Qingyuan turned around and asked.

"Senior Chi is willing to give me advice, and the disciple is naturally willing to ask for advice! But..."

"But what?" Feng Qingyuan asked.

"However, with Senior Chi's superb chess skills, it is best to play on the big chessboard on top of our Wuyou Chess Academy." Li Yun responded.

"Oh? The big chessboard on the top?"

Feng Qingyuan's spiritual consciousness was extremely powerful. After a brief scan, he immediately saw the huge ninety-nine-way chessboard on the top of the chess courtyard, and his expression couldn't help but change.

Chi Yan's consciousness was naturally not weak. When he saw this big chessboard, his eyes froze and he was speechless.

Even Feng Qingyuan himself does not play such a large chessboard often. Although he has already mastered chess and can play large chess boards ranging from 99 to 149, this only shows that his chess ability can basically control such a huge chess game. He really needs to play at a high level. The chess game will probably still be on a chessboard with 99 or less ways.

And Chi Yan's chess ability is even more impossible to play on such a large chess board. With his chess ability, he often plays chess boards with routes 49 to 69.

Now Li Yun proposed to play on a ninety-nine-way chessboard as soon as he opened his mouth, which shocked the two of them!

The onlookers of the Qingyuan Sect monks had known about this chessboard for a long time. They originally thought it was just an eye-catching arrangement, but they did not expect that Li Yun would actually propose to use this chessboard at this time.

The three Jindan, Wuqizi and others were stunned when they heard this, wondering what kind of medicine Li Yun was selling in the gourd.

"Li Yun...are you sure you want to use the ninety-nine-way chessboard to play against Brother Chi?" Feng Qingyuan asked in horror.

"Not bad. Please give me some advice, Senior Chi!" Li Yun smiled and saluted.

"Brother are you?" Feng Qingyuan asked softly.

"Ninety-nine roads are ninety-nine roads! He dares to bring it up, am I still afraid?! Boy, get up now and start immediately!" Chi Yan shouted hysterically.

"Father...should we go back?" Although Chu Chu is young, she also knows what this means.

"Hmph... Why are you going back? I want you to know that being a father is not something you should be scared of!"

After Chi Yan finished speaking, he pulled Chu Chu and jumped up to the top of the chess courtyard.

Li Yun threw the flying sword and flew up slowly.

Feng Qingyuan, Shi Rong, Cai'er, the three Jindan, Wuqizi, Wushuzi, Wuhuazi, Wuyouzi, Wudanzi and others acted as witnesses and naturally flew up.

The light curtain in the square suddenly formed a large chessboard with ninety-nine ways, which shocked the entire Qingyuan Sect!

Various talismans flew out instantly, and almost all the monks who received them became uneasy and rushed from all over the sect to avoid missing this grand event in the chess world!

"Haha! Good boy, you don't have to be so cruel if you want to kill people!" Ming Kongzi saw all this and laughed like a child with excitement.

Now Li Yun has been labeled as a powerful reincarnation by him, so when he saw this scene, what he thought of was not that Li Yun was scaring people with his empty city plan, but that Li Yun must have the ability to defeat Chi Yan.

Li Yun naturally had a purpose in using the ninety-nine-way chessboard as a challenge condition. In his opinion, this was an advertising opportunity delivered to his door. It would be a pity if he did not make good use of it.

I'm afraid that after today's battle with Chi Yan, it will be difficult for the Wuyou Chess Academy to become famous.

"Yun'er, are you sure?" Tuzhenzi asked secretly.

"Don't worry, Master, we can burn this chess record later and sell this chess record as a product!" Li Yun said with a smile.

"This is...good!"

Tuzhenzi calmed down and had infinite confidence in Li Yun's magic.

As for what Li Yun said about the chess record, it is very reasonable. Once such a ninety-nine-way chess record comes out in the Daxia cultivation world, it will definitely arouse the pursuit of many people, and it is inevitable to sell well.

...To be continued.

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