The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2093 There is a big problem!

As expected, Mr. Nian and Jie Ya also came to Xingyun No. 1 and saw all the beauties here!

"Oh my god..."

Nian Hu and Jie Ya were almost dazzled. They discovered that there were more beauties here than they had ever seen before, and the quality of the beauties was unparalleled!

Both of them felt a little dizzy and ashamed, and their auras unknowingly weakened.

"You are... Master Huayu?!" Nian's father suddenly screamed again.

"I am Hua Yu, I don't dare to be a master..." Hua Yu Xiansheng said with a smile while stroking his delicate beard.


Nian's father never expected to meet the big star Hua Yu Xiansheng here, which made him feel that this trip was really worth it.

He quickly sat down next to him, and everyone voluntarily gave up their seats. The two of them started chatting endlessly, just like a pair of good brothers.

Speaking of which, Nian's father is naturally much older than Huayu Xiansheng, and his cultivation level is also higher. Huayu is an idol-level figure who has grown up under the attention of top figures like Nian's father. At this time, Nian's father saw When I see an idol, I feel an inexplicable excitement in my heart, but I feel that it is too honorable.

In front of the two of them, Jie Ya was just like the two elders of Yangtai in front of him. He was suddenly reduced to a small figure. He only made jokes and laughed at the side, and got some Taoist delicacies by the way...

But what they don't know is that the four True Yang tribe members, Xin Yang, Wan Zhu, Guo Huan and Zhao Jing, are the strongest here. However, out of the need of confidentiality, they did not reveal any information about themselves. , just enjoying this rare atmosphere.

After a while, Li Yun and Sheyang returned, immediately attracting the attention of Mr. Nian and Jie Ya.

Mr. Nian originally came to the spirit world to look for Nian Lun and Li Yun, but he recognized them as soon as he saw them!

But his eyes were involuntarily attracted to Sheyang next to Li Yun, because Sheyang carried scorching heat, and its charm was so strong that the old man felt a little unbearable, and he was about to be fascinated by him.

Because Li Yun hid his Daoguang very well, he looked very ordinary, which made Sheyang's charm even more prominent. It had already fascinated many people here, and Nian Hu and Jie Ya were no exception.

"Oh my god..." The two of them looked at Sheyang and couldn't move their eyes away.

Sheyang felt a little uncomfortable being stared at by them.

A few coughs finally brought them back to their senses.

Li Yun was so happy. With Sheyang here, all trouble would go to him. It was such a bargain!

"The two seniors came from afar, but I didn't come far to greet you. Please forgive me!" Li Yun saluted.

"Haha, good luck. I came here specifically to see my grandson and you. I heard that you are very good at music. I wonder if you can give a performance?" Nian asked bluntly.

"Senior, I came a little late. I have just finished my performance, and next is the special performance of Master Huayu and Miao Fairy!" Li Yun said with a smile.

"What? They want to perform?!" Mr. Nian said in surprise.

"Not bad! Everyone is looking forward to it!"

Hua Yu Xiansheng said from the side: "Xiao Yun, your previous song made us all fall asleep until now. I don't want to do anything anymore!"

"What?!" Nian's father was very surprised. What did Hua Yu say?

In terms of music, Hua Yu is a master. Now this master actually said that he doesn't want to do anything in front of Li Yun. Is this too modest?

Li Yun was also a little surprised. He didn't expect that Hua Yu Xiansheng had such thoughts, and said quickly: "Master, you praise me! That song is just an adapted ditty, nothing more. I still want to listen to Master's Spring Snow!"

"Sigh... look at everyone here. Almost none of them have come out of the Taoist realm of your little song. Even if I want to perform it, I have to wait for a while. Otherwise, it will sound like ordinary music to everyone's ears. Yea!" Hua Yu sighed.

Miaoyinqin interjected: "That's true! Now I'm still recalling the Taoist realm in the music. I feel like I'm floating, climbing, falling, flying... How can I perform when my heart has not settled down at all?"

Everyone nodded frequently in agreement.

"By the way, Xiao Yun said that this tune was adapted. I wonder what the original tune is? I seem to have heard one of the melody before!" Hua Yu suddenly said.

"I just heard that piece of music recently, so Ling Daozi made it into a musical score and adapted it! As for the performer of that piece of music, his name is... Sheng Zhongguo." Li Yun said.

"Sheng Zhongguo?! Could it be...that disciple of Yuan Yi?!" Hua Yu suddenly remembered.

The last time Sheng Zhongguo went to give himself a slip, he played a little tune. It was exactly the same melody, but the Taoist meaning was completely different from what Li Yun played.

"I'm not sure about this." Li Yun said vaguely.

"I see…"

Huayu Xiansheng's mind was spinning very fast. Li Yun's words reminded him that Sheng Zhongguo must be in the spirit world now, and why he was in the spirit world should largely have something to do with him.

I gave him a lot of advice at the time, but I didn't expect that Sheng Zhongguo would come to the spirit world, because if he hadn't come to the spirit world, Li Yun would not have heard his little song.

Unexpectedly, Yuan Yi sent Sheng Zhongguo to send him the Jane, and also asked him to follow her all the way, but she didn't know anything about it. If Li Yun hadn't "accidentally" revealed this information just now, she would still have been kept in the dark...

Huayu is really helpless towards Yuan Yi now, but this time he doesn't have much dislike for Yuan Yi. After all, he really met Li Yun, heard his amazing music, and met Miaoyinqin. , and also met people like Sheyang... The harvest was far beyond imagination!

Nian's father said in shock: "I wonder what music Xiaoyun played that could make you immersed in his Taoist realm for so long?"

"This piece was played by Yuan Yi's disciple Sheng Zhongguo. It's called "Butterfly Lovers", also called "Butterfly Butterfly". The story goes like this..."

Huayu Xiansheng narrated the story he heard from Sheng Zhongguo, which made everyone sigh and sigh with emotion...

"Sir, there may be something wrong with this Sheng Zhongguo..." Xiaoxing said suddenly.

"Oh? What's the problem?" Li Yunqi asked.

"The story Hua Yu Xiansheng told just now is almost exactly the same as a folklore story from the ancient era of the universe. And after Xiaonu checked the origin of that little song, it turned out that it was also a song from the ancient era of the universe..." Xiao Xing said in a surprising way. road.

"What?!" Li Yun was really frightened by Xiaoxing's words!

If it is true as Xiaoxing said, then this Sheng Zhongguo does not have a simple problem, but a big problem!

Because it is impossible for such a coincidence that there is exactly the same story and the same music in two different universes!

Therefore, Sheng Zhongguo is most likely a soul that has traveled through the past universe!

Li Yun and Xiaoxing both thought of this quickly.

"Xiao Xing, we must catch Sheng Zhongguo and find out his details!" Li Yun said firmly.

"Exactly! I wonder if this person really traveled through the past universe? If so, that would explain a lot of problems!" Xiaoxing responded.

"You might as well tell me..."

"First, if he can cross over, there may be other people who can do the same. We may be able to find this type of people again. Second, it is said that the previous universe and this universe are separated by several universes. It is difficult for a soul to cross over. Too big, we were brought here by the combined efforts of Chaos Palace and Tianyun, but what about Sheng Zhongguo? It’s a miracle that he can come here!” Xiaoxing analyzed.

"Indeed! Could it be that... there is an energy channel between the previous universe and this universe?" Li Yun asked in surprise.

"This is extremely possible! Because it is impossible for two universes that are so far apart to become very close in a short period of time, but it is possible to achieve intercommunication through some kind of energy exchange!" Xiaoxing said.

"So is this kind of energy exchange a loophole in the universe?" Li Yun asked.

"This still depends on the specific situation to determine! We have analyzed before that the universe is actually a body of matter and energy, in which the conversion process of matter and energy is constantly taking place. If a universe is completely closed, then with the As more and more causal relationships accumulate, its entropy value will become larger and larger, and eventually the entire universe may die of heat death!"

"That's right! If the causal relationship cannot be resolved well, after reaching a certain level, there will be a sudden process, and the growth rate of entropy value is incredible!" Li Yun agreed.

"Yes, let's not talk about this universe. Just in the mysterious world in front of us, the cause and effect relationships have been accumulated to a certain extent. Otherwise, the great turmoil hundreds of thousands of years ago would not have happened, and the great turmoil of the Western barbarians would not have happened. Riot! Since then, various causal relationships have flourished, as we can see now, even the Immortal Emperor has been reincarnated, and the True Yang Clan has also appeared..." Xiaoxing said.

"Including the appearance of the insect army this time, it should be said that it is also a negative consequence of this causal relationship. If we had not eliminated it, I am afraid that the subsequent causal accumulation would have been even more severe!" Li Yun nodded.

"So, it is normal and necessary for the universe to have energy channels that communicate with the outside world, because if there are no entrances and exits, the universe may really die of heat death, and even the Lord of the universe will be powerless by then. If there is such a natural The energy channel formed, or the channel opened by the Lord of the Universe, can be said to be a normal phenomenon, but if a channel is created artificially and secretly like Chaos Palace and Tianyun, then this channel should be a loophole in the universe... "

"So, we are indeed a loophole in this universe, but Sheng Zhongguo may have come through normal energy channels... because he cannot have figures like Chaos Palace and Tianyun to extradite him!" Li Yun analyzed.

"Judging from the current situation, it is indeed true. There must be many people in this universe who are more powerful than Chaos Palace and Tianyun, but if they were the ones who got it here, Sheng Zhongguo cannot be so bad now..."

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