The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2066 Tu Ke’s Bloodline

To be honest, with the momentum of the insect army, it can completely crush the Soul Clan with the power of Mount Tai. In the face of absolute strength, any tricks of the Soul Clan are useless!

Li Yun and Xiaoxing understood that if they didn't do something, they would definitely not see this good show of confrontation and entanglement between the two sides.

"What is the current preparation status of the Soul Clan?" Li Yun asked.

"Their formation is still being set up, but the strength of the formation cannot resist the powerful insect army. If they can find the vanguard of the insect army, they will understand this, let alone the main force behind them! "

"Where are their soul worms?"

"Most of them are hidden in the formation. If the formation collapses, those soul insects will just blend into the opponent's formation."

"In this case, it seems that we have no choice but to let their formation collapse in advance..." Li Yun said with a smile.

"At the same time, we must also cause chaos in the vanguard of the insect army..."

"Yes! If the space here is stable, you can use laser cannons, but if the space is unstable..." Li Yun thought.

"Sir, speaking of this, there is news that the Tiantiandou team we sent out has returned. Those boundary trees have indeed been severely poisoned, and most of them are dying. I'm afraid the space cannot be stable!" Xiaoxing said.

"Oh my god..." Li Yun screamed in his heart. Although he had expected this situation, he was still shocked after hearing it.

No wonder the previous use of laser cannons did not provoke the intervention of the Jieshu. It was not that they did not want to intervene, but that they were too willing to intervene and lacked the strength. They had been defeated by the insect army long ago!

After the insect army captured most of the essence of the world trees in the back world, it was of great benefit to the development of their own cultivation realm and power. Therefore, it can be said that there is a reason for their development to the current scale.

"Can you save me?!" Li Yun asked urgently.

"A small number of boundary trees have been almost completely eaten away by soul worms. Those have lost the value of treatment, but most of them can still be saved. The boundary trees around the Antarctic Circle can be saved because the soul worms have just invaded."

"Okay, we must try our best to save them! As for those hollowed-out boundary trees... How about transplanting new ones from Tianyun World?"

"Yes! Although the growth period of the boundary trees in Tianyun World is still relatively short,

But there is no problem in supporting an interface, just move a few more trees. "

"When things get better here, we'll go check it out somewhere."

"Yes. But now the Antarctic Circle Boundary Tree is powerless. We can't use laser cannons, otherwise this space will definitely not be able to withstand it." Xiaoxing said.

"Then which weapon is better?"

"Ai Xing Cannon."

"Ai Xing Cannon? Yes..." Li Yun's eyes lit up.

For Chongchong, the effect of the mugwort gun is too great!

It is simply the natural nemesis of insects, bar none!

"Hehe, of course our people and Tuntian Dou must be protected first, so that they can show off their power!" Xiaoxing said proudly.

"I can't help but want to see what the scene will be like..."

Li Yun burst out laughing in his heart. The current Ai Xing Cannon was countless times more powerful than before. Last time he tried just a little bit for Xin Yang, but it was completely unbearable for such a powerful person like him, let alone He said he was giving his best.

The two of them were constantly adjusting their plans in response to the new information they were constantly getting. Such a level of calculation was something that the Soul Clan and the Soul Insect Army could not even imagine. If they could also obtain the most comprehensive information like Li Yun and Xiaoxing, , they will not become a pair of enemies directly fighting on the battlefield...

Although the Soul Clan also has spies who are constantly inquiring about information and sending back information, it takes a lot of time to go back and forth, and the losses of those spies are also huge. Many people have been killed by the soul insect army before they have time to send back information. Discover and destroy.

The Soul Insect relies on its own powerful strength to completely ignore the Soul Clan and does not pay attention to temple calculations.

For them, they are fully confident that they can crush everything. According to their plan, they first seek revenge on their old master, and then go to the frontal world of the spirit world to dominate the entire spirit world!

In addition, such a large army of insects would be difficult to survive if they did not hunt for prey. Fighting to support war is an inevitable choice, so they have no way out.

At this moment, the Soul Insects, who took the initiative to initiate the big battle, were like a flying boat that was running at full power and could no longer turn back!

go ahead! go ahead! ! go ahead! Enter! Enter!

Like the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves, like the nine-day sky under the waterfall, like the tsunami sweeping the rapid waves...

Dark clouds cover the sky and the sun, whizzing by. The racial beings along the way either hide to avoid disaster, or they are like a mantis blocking the car and being eaten up!

The army was advancing faster and faster, and the soul clan's forward spies were swallowed up just as they discovered them. They didn't even have time to send out a message. Therefore, the headquarters of the Soul Machine Palace received almost no warning message.

Hall Master Zalmu has always felt his eyelids twitching in the past few days. He doesn't know whether it's because he's too tired or because he's worried about disaster, so he's restless.

Military advisor Chakar saw that he was always restless and couldn't help but said, "Does the master of the palace have something on his mind?"

"I always feel like something is wrong lately, but I don't know why?" Zalmu sighed.

"Haha, if the palace master is concerned, it will lead to chaos! Our manpower has been assembled and the formation is almost completed. We are just waiting to open our pockets and let those damn bugs fall into the trap. What else do we have to worry about? "Chakar laughed.

"Well, everyone has been working really hard recently! But..."

"But what?"

"Why don't the spies from the front come back with any information? We don't really know much about Chongchong's situation right now..."

"This...Hall Master, don't worry, many of us have seen the situation of insects. They just want to use their numerical advantage to counterattack us, but they don't know that we still have tens of millions of soul insects in our hands. Even if they have There are hundreds of millions of them, which is not much more than us. Coupled with the various methods we have prepared, the master of the palace can just wait and enjoy the slaughter!" Chakar said confidently.

Zharmu couldn't help but feel relieved when he heard this. Indeed, even if there were hundreds of millions of soul worms, they would only be several times more than his own side. However, the soul warriors had always been extremely powerful in battle, and fighting at higher levels was out of the question. They are elite soldiers and strong generals, and with various restrictions, I should have the confidence to defeat them!

As a coach, if you can't show confidence in front of your subordinates, how can you lead them to win one victory after another?

Thinking of this, Zharmu finally smiled and said: "Haha! Okay! Great! This time we must let those damn soul worms understand what the price of betrayal is!!!"

"The Palace Master is right! No matter what, for our Soul Clan, betrayal means destruction. There is no doubt about this!" Chakar quickly agreed.

"Let's go! Take a look!"

Zharmu brought Chakar outside and began to inspect and supervise the battle. This boosted the spirits of all the soul warriors and made them all work harder...

"Palace Master, this is the altar we are working hard to build!" Chakar said, pointing to a high platform.

"Where's the blood pool?"

"Right in front of the altar!"

"Have a look!"

The two of them quickly climbed up to the high platform, and felt that the scenery suddenly opened up, and they could see the far horizon.

In front of the high platform is a large concave pool, and people from the Soul Clan are pouring blood into it...

"Palace Master, this is the center point of the South Pole of the spirit world, right in the direction of our soul world, so this blood pool must be able to be sensed by our great soul master, and its power will be doubled!" Chakar said proudly.

"Wow, really?!" Zalmu didn't expect to be so particular and couldn't help asking anxiously.

"It's absolutely true! When the blood pool is completed, let me do it. I will definitely be able to map the soul of the Great Soul Lord here, making the power of the blood in the blood pool stronger, and it will be easy to control those insects!"

"Okay! Okay! With the souls of the Great Soul Master helping us, we will be embarrassed if we don't control them!" Zalmu said with great excitement.

"That's right! The Palace Master may still not know that the plasma in this blood pool also contains the original blood of the Great Soul Lord. Those soul insects will be scared to death when they smell the blood. They must be let go when the time comes. They have a taste of the power of the Great Soul Master's restriction!" Chakar said harshly.

"That's how it is?! Why didn't I know?!" Zalmu said in surprise.

"Haha, this was given to me by the master of the palace when he sent reinforcements this time. He also asked not to use it unless absolutely necessary!" Chakar said, shaking his head.

"Great! I didn't expect that the master of the main hall was so far-sighted and thought of all the solutions for us!" Zalmu said with great joy, and his self-confidence could not help but expand rapidly.

"That's right! So the Palace Master can rest assured. With this pool of Great Soul Master's bloodline, no matter how powerful his insect army is, we will still defeat him!"


The laughter of the two men was so loud that it made all the soul clan members’ blood boil and their fighting spirit high...

"Palace Master! Palace Master!! Palace Master!!!"

The people of the Soul Clan shouted and echoed, each one seemed to be full of blood and devoted themselves to the creation of the formation...

This scene naturally attracted the attention of Li Yun and Xiao Xing, and they couldn't help but be startled again!

"Tuke's bloodline?!" Li Yun's eyes lit up.

"Sir, it's impossible not to get some back!" Xiaoxing said loudly.


Li Yun immediately went out in person, and not long after, he successfully returned with a small pool of blood.

Xiaoxing immediately purified and researched the blood water, and not long after, he got a small bowl of purified blood!

"Sir! The blood in this blood is extremely powerful, and it should be the blood of the Great Soul Master Tuke!" Xiaoxing said excitedly.

Li Yun looked at the small bowl of blood with a serious expression on his face and said, "That's right! There is a strong soul power in this blood, and I can sense his soul in it!"

"Oh? Sir, what did you notice?"

"Cold, cunning, cruel, bloodthirsty, murderous, dominating, those who obey me will prosper and those who go against me will perish..."

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