The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2063 Determined Plan

After Li Yun told the situation, everyone was greatly shocked!

They didn't expect that there were actually billions of insects, and they actually wanted to kill hundreds of thousands of soul clan members!

In their opinion, as long as these insects are gathered together, it is impossible for the hundreds of thousands of soul tribesmen to resist them!

They have seen how powerful Chong Chong is, so they can't figure out why such powerful Chong Chong would gather in large numbers to eliminate the Soul Clan.

"Xiaoyun, where did you get this news? Aren't you always with us? Why don't we know about it at all?" Fairy Wanzhu asked curiously.

"I captured some bugs and got information from their memories."

"So that's it..." Everyone suddenly realized.

"So, we don't have to worry about these bugs now. Instead, we can go to the Antarctic Circle to hide, and just sit on the mountain and watch the bugs fight..." Li Yun said with a smile.

"That's right! Along the way, we can just discuss how to wipe them out!" Sheyang agreed.


Xingyun No. 1 speeded up instantly and quickly left the war zone like a ray of light, disappearing into the distant sky...

People living in the front world of the spiritual world may not even realize that a huge disaster brewing in the back world is about to come. At this time, a small group of people are struggling for their survival and development.

There is a saying that is very good, life is not really quiet in the years, all the years are quiet, it is just someone carrying the burden for you!

Therefore, cherish every day, live every day well, cherish the people around you, and take good care of yourself. This is the best reward for the efforts of those who bear the burden and move forward!

Many people are always dissatisfied and complaining about their lives. However, if they can see the scene of the world behind them, they may find that they are actually living in heaven!

All those troubles and setbacks are nothing compared to the terrifying insect army...

The army of soul insects has indeed become a serious problem in the spirit world. If they are allowed to destroy the soul clan and then come to the front world, the entire spirit world will be destroyed. Therefore, Li Yun will not let this happen no matter what. Yes, everyone else on Xingyun No. 1 will not let this happen!

at this time,

Regarding how to exterminate the soul insect army, everyone gave their opinions without reservation, and slowly formed two opinions. One was to take advantage of the confrontation between the insect army and the soul clan to attack both sides. The other option is to wait until the Chong Chong army has destroyed the Soul Clan, and then start to destroy the Chong Chong army.

This seems to be just a matter of time, but in fact there is some mystery in it.

Starting when the two sides are fighting can ensure that the insects and soul clans are wiped out to the maximum extent, so that the number of people who slip through the net will not be too many, but this requires extremely high combat power. After all, one hundred thousand soul clans cannot be underestimated. Even Sheyang admitted this. In his opinion, the overall combat power of the Soul Clan will definitely not be worse than the immortal soldiers and generals in the immortal world, especially because their fighting methods are extremely weird, and he might be hit too. Their move.

And if the two sides attack when the battle is over, the battlefield will be extremely chaotic at this time, and the soul tribe and insects are likely to scatter. Then the number of soul tribes and insects sneaking into the front world will definitely increase greatly, and the uncertainty will be extremely high.

"Xiao Yun, what do you think?" Sheyang couldn't help but ask when Li Yun didn't say much.

"Well, how to determine the strategy mainly depends on what our goal is. In this battle, our goal is to prevent the insects and the soul clan from going to the frontal world of the spirit world to the greatest extent. Therefore, we must not only Let’s start, and it’s best to prepare for hunting in advance!” Li Yun said in a deep voice.

"Ahead of time?" Sheyang was startled.

"That's right! To realize the hunt, a giant net must be built, and this giant net must be prepared in advance!" Li Yun nodded.

"Build a giant network? What kind of giant network?!" Sheyang's eyes lit up.

Everyone was also refreshed. Indeed, it would be perfect if both sides could be trapped inside and then close the door to fight the insects!

In order to destroy the soul worms, Li Yun did not intend to hide them completely, so he said: "We have two great powers of chaos, Chiyan and Miaoyinqin. Together with me, we can create a chaotic formation." Net, I believe they cannot break out of this net. Of course, if the insect army uses insect whirlpools to attack, it is possible to break through this net. Therefore, the predecessors of the True Yang Clan must interfere with their method, so that we can Take your time and build this giant network!”

"Great!" everyone shouted excitedly.

"In addition, they may also escape underground. Therefore, in addition to protecting the ground, we must take advantage of the air confrontation between the two sides to make a successful encirclement!" Li Yun continued.

"That makes sense!" Everyone nodded frequently.

Sheyang thought: "From this point of view, we really have to attack when the two sides are fighting, otherwise there will be a large number of escapees. However, can the three of you really create such a huge formation network? ?”

This method now seems to be the most critical, so Sheyang must confirm this.

"If you have enough time, there should be no problem, so it's best to make some preparations in advance and suddenly start it when the time comes. Even if you can't catch all of them, you can catch most of them!" Li Yun said fiercely.

"Okay! Just..."

"Just what?"

"After trapping them, based on the strength of both of them, I'm afraid we just might not be able to match them..." Sheyang pondered.

Everyone was startled and looked at each other, feeling bad!

It would be tragic if, after trapping the opponent, one's side cannot match the combined strength of the opponent!

Don't talk about annihilating your opponents when the time comes, lest you just bring meat to your doorstep.

"Senior, don't worry! As long as there is enough energy, the Chaos Formation can be as solid as a rock. Moreover, my Chaos Formation can also absorb energy. Most of the energy generated by the opponent's impact will be absorbed by the formation, thereby strengthening itself. , as long as the formation is closed, their room for performance will become smaller and smaller, and then they can be suffocated to death!" Li Yun said.

"Suffocated to death?!" Everyone was shocked when they heard this!

This method of killing is really rarely heard of. Can they really be suffocated to death?

"That's right! As long as all the spiritual energy of the formation is drained, they can only rely on the spiritual power in their own bodies to maintain it, and of course this cannot last long." Li Yun said.

"Oh my god..." Everyone screamed. Thinking of that scene, they couldn't help but feel a little creepy and had goosebumps all over their bodies.

Because this method of death was too horrific, Li Yuan said: "Of course, the debt caused by this is too great. If you don't want them all to perish, you can seal them all while they are unconscious. In short, you can't Let them continue to do such evil!"

"Yes! Yes! Seal them all!!!" Sheyang quickly agreed.

This plan was unanimously agreed by everyone, so everyone started to discuss the implementation details around this idea...

There is a floating continent near the South Pole of the spiritual world, covered with ice and snow. Because the weather is too cold, no living species can thrive here, so it has become an ice and snow desert.

However, this is only a superficial phenomenon. No matter how cold the ice and snow are, it is nothing to the Soul Clan. Moreover, since there is no interference from other life races, this place has become their first choice after arriving in the spirit world.

The Soul Machine Palace set up by the Soul Clan in the spirit world is hidden under this ice and snow desert.

These people from the Soul Clan stationed outside have achieved the goal of seizing the body. For them, each person can only seize the body a few times in his life. The powerful can seize the body a few more times, but the number is also extremely limited, so every time Each time is extremely important and must be treated with caution.

Many people are waiting for a good opportunity in their own clan. When a new batch of bodies are plundered from the clan, a group of soul clans will be able to transform into warriors and go out to perform tasks.

Therefore, the soul clans gathered in the Antarctic Soul Machine Palace are all warriors with living bodies.

Since the Soul Clan's opportunity to seize a body is extremely rare, they usually only seize the body of a medium-to-high-level bloodline. When the soul and body are fully integrated, the cultivation realm can achieve the effect of one plus one greater than two, because the Soul Clan not only has its own The skills can also be integrated with the skills and cultivation of the stolen body. Although there will be a slight loss, overall it will be much stronger than before.

Therefore, the soul clan's combat power is extremely high, which Li Yun has already experienced in previous contacts. For soul clan warriors, fighting beyond two or three levels is not a problem at all.

Although there are only 100,000 soul warriors in the Antarctic Soul Machine Palace, it can be said that they are all the best, and their overall combat effectiveness cannot be underestimated. This is also what Sheyang is worried about.

With his knowledge, he naturally knew that the combat power of these 100,000 soul warriors was extremely high. If they and the insect army jointly fought against people like him, their strength would definitely be even stronger.

At this time, a large number of people were gathered in a main hall of the Soul Machine Hall. These people were all above the Soul Commander level in cultivation, and several of them had even reached the Soul Master level. They were obviously the core personnel of the Soul Machine Hall here.

Looking at their appearance and bodies, it's quite strange, because they don't look like beings of the same race at all. Some resemble birds, some resemble beasts, some resemble marine life, and some resemble spiritual beings. In short, there are all kinds of people, but they are all people with strong soul power and belong to the soul system.

Obviously, this situation occurred because they took away the life bodies of different races.

Since the bloodline of the human race is extremely low and the body is extremely weak, there are no people with human body here. However, some people think that the body is too bulky and cumbersome, so they transform into human bodies, which appear more agile.

Transforming into a primate shape, especially a human shape, is the first choice for many life races when transforming. This is because the human race walks upright, stands tall, can see far, and appears to be more upright, so it is very popular. …

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