The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2042 The Waste of the Sun

? Li Yun suddenly realized that Sheyang’s amazing charm could cause huge problems!

This may seem like a detail issue, but many big things often fail in details.

Regarding this point, Li Yun himself has personal pain!

Because he had been troubled by this problem before, he did not dare to go out and could only hide in Tianyun to study Taoism. However, this had little impact on him, but it was a good thing. There was a think tank as big as the former universe. With the support and the environment of Tianyun World, there would be no problem even if he had been researching.

But the same problem affects the great masters of the True Yang Clan. The impact of environmental factors may be smaller, but when it comes to wisdom, there will be big problems!

As Xiaoxing said, wisdom cannot only be achieved behind closed doors. If a person only relies on collecting information and knowledge from the outside world, and he has been studying this information at home, then his wisdom growth will definitely be limited.

The most lacking thing among them is practice and innovation. Even the powerful experts of the True Yang Clan can do experiments and research at home, but a lot of knowledge must be obtained through their own personal experience, sparks of ideas, and inspiration.

It is said that reading thousands of books is not as good as traveling thousands of miles. Although this statement is not inevitable, it also reveals a certain truth, that is, practice is extremely important. Many of the sparks and inspirations of those thoughts are obtained in practical activities. This point There is no doubt about it.

In addition, stones from other mountains can be used to attack jade. If you can go out more, you can broaden your horizons, absorb the advantages of other races, and enrich the knowledge structure and content of your own race.

And the alternative confinement of the True Yang Clan's great powers limits this important channel for them to obtain knowledge!

"Your Excellency is right! The situation of the True Yang Clan's great masters has indeed caused them a lot of trouble. It is no different from those great masters in the spiritual world who have been infected by the plague!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"Indeed, they are also forced to be in solitary confinement! This will affect their acquisition of knowledge, improve their wisdom, and also affect their mood. After all, if a person is in solitary confinement for many years, it is impossible not to be depressed..." Li Yun agreed.

"It seems that only the slave's robes can help them solve the problem, because it is unlikely that they can refine the tattooed clothing. We have only recently obtained the idea of ​​tattooed clothing. Besides, it is unlikely that they will realize it like the adults. Various Taoist meanings, right?" Xiaoxing said.

"Well, although we cannot underestimate them, judging from the situation of Sheyang and the others, the Zhenyang people should not understand many types of Taoism, and the tattoos are based on the characteristics of different Taoisms.

It is refined by rearranging and combining them, but they are unlikely to have as many Taoist thoughts as I do, so refining the tattoos is not realistic for them. "

"Xiao Nu can design a covering robe according to their main Taoism, the Tao of Sun Essence Fire, and they will definitely make a lot of money!" Xiaoxing said.

"After you design this robe, it should be of great help to them! Because they will be able to walk around more in the future, and the amount of knowledge they acquire will greatly increase, which will have many benefits in promoting the improvement of their racial level..."

"Then should we sell this robe to them? What if they don't do good things as their level increases in the future?" Xiaoxing was startled and said.

"There will always be good and bad people in a race. Just like when we treat the plague, there are also good and bad patients. There is no doubt about this. So, for us, we just sell pills and robes. , it is impossible to care whether they do good things or bad things after they are sold out. This is indeed beyond the basic meaning of selling pills and robes. However, we can increase the selling price and obtain more Sun Essence Stones, which will be good for us The world of Tianyun is very useful." Li Yun analyzed.

"Hehe, what the adults said makes sense, so the little slave has started to develop it!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"Okay! In fact, the development of such robes is also a study of the way of the sun's essence and fire, which is beneficial to us."

"Perhaps we can research a way to restrain the Sun Essence Fire..." Xiaoxing added.

"That makes sense..."

If a Dao light that covers the sun's essence fire can be developed, its Dao power and Dao influence can be weakened to a certain extent, which will of course be beneficial to defensive counterattacks.

This is also an extremely important piece of protective equipment for Li Yun when he faces the possible existence of the Sun God in the future, so research on uniforms is necessary.

Li Yun continued to read the information in the memory of "Jihuo" Fire Spirit, and couldn't help but be shocked by everything about the Zhenyang Clan!

This fire spirit grew up along with Sheyang's cultivation. He knew and participated in many things Sheyang experienced. Therefore, information about Sheyang was slowly collected.

However, since this fire spirit is only one of the essence fires owned by Sheyang, the record is only part of it and is not comprehensive.

But this part alone is quite exciting. Some scenes even Li Yun found thrilling and eye-opening...

During this process, Li Yun's familiarity with the solar space also increased dramatically, and he finally had a general understanding of it. One thing that shocked him was that the solar space was not as hot and hot as he imagined. , On the contrary, it is extremely cold in most areas, but the temperature is relatively high where the Zhenyang tribe lives.

This situation made Li Yun a little stunned, because he never expected that there would be continuous snow-capped mountains and glaciers in the solar space, as well as large snowy areas that were too cold to look like. What was going on?

No wonder when he heard Xin Yang introduce himself to the young Immortal Emperor earlier, he said that they came from an extremely cold place. At that time, Li Yun felt that he must be lying, but unexpectedly, this turned out to be a fact!

"Xiao Xing, is this a way of self-balancing naturally formed by Heaven? The sun is extremely hot, while the interior is extremely cold. The two have reached a state of harmony to a certain extent?" Li Yun asked in surprise.

"Sir, although the information obtained from the Fire Spirit is not complete, we can vaguely infer that there seems to be another world inside the solar space. This world is almost a spherical star. This star is extremely vast and extremely cold, but there are also many Areas with extremely strong heat. Different True Yang tribes are distributed in these areas. It should be said that this cold star and the external sun are two extremes. However, it is still a bit exaggerated to say that it can form a cold and heat balance with the sun. With the sun With the energy, it is not a problem to destroy this cold star, and it does not require too much loss, so Xiao Nu thinks that this cold star is more like a by-product of the high temperature of the sun!" Xiao Xingyu said in surprise.

"By-product? As an explanation?" Li Yun asked quickly.

"We know that the sun forces gas molecules to generate nuclear fusion under extreme high temperature and pressure to generate heat. Those gas molecules are actually its fuel. The gas molecules on the sun here have greater energy, so it can produce such a level of energy. The heat benefits a huge area around it.”


"But gas molecules will lose some energy during the process of nuclear fusion. This energy is not converted into heat, but is lost or converted into other substances. From the current point of view, this part of the energy is very likely to be absorbed by the inner space of the sun. And it is also converted into ice energy, making the internal space become colder and colder..."

"Ice energy? The energy contained in ice and snow is not weak..." Li Yun said suddenly.

"This situation is most likely to occur after the nuclear fusion of gas molecules produces other molecular forms, and these new molecules combine with each other to form a new state of matter, solidifying the lost energy! And they eventually It turned into ice-cold energy! In the eyes of the sun, this energy is like waste after nuclear fusion. It was naturally rejected, so it entered the inner space through some energy channel..." Xiaoxing further analyzed.

"Scrap? That makes sense!" Li Yun's eyes lit up!

"Yes! Just like waste materials are always produced during the process of alchemy, weapon refining, and cultivation, the sun will also produce waste materials in the process of creating heat. These waste materials are energy that cannot produce heat and belong to the cold and cold category. , since it is waste material, there will be a channel for excretion. If the sun wants to discard these waste materials, the best way is to take some energy pathways. These pathways may be internal space or three-dimensional or three-dimensional or three-dimensional objects that appear around the sun. The four-dimensional channel..." Xiaoxing continued his analysis.

"This... In this way, not all the three-dimensional or four-dimensional channels that appear around the sun lead directly to its internal space. They may be the sun itself!" Li Yun suddenly thought of this problem.

"That should be the case! The sun forms these energy channels mainly for the purpose of venting, both heat and waste. Therefore, if outsiders do not know the details and want to enter its internal space through these energy channels, they will most likely jump directly into the sun. Hit!" Xiaoxing laughed.

Li Yun broke into a cold sweat after hearing this!

Discovering this issue is so important! Otherwise, I won’t even know how I died in the future…

"Then how to determine the correct energy channel?" Li Yun thought.

"Now that we know this situation, we can basically make judgments, such as..."

"Like what?"

"Because the sun's most important thing is its amazing heat, even if there are waste materials, the amount of waste materials is relatively small. They are mixed in the heat flow and can hardly be felt. Therefore, that extremely hot energy channel Generally speaking, it should be directly connected to the sun. And since the inner space of the sun is severely cold, the passage directly leading to its inner space must make people feel the cold, at least it will not be so high." Xiaoxing analyzed.

"Well said! It seems that there are still hot and cold channels around the sun, or hot and cold channels, which is really unexpected..."

"It's not surprising that strange situations occur around such a huge energy body, because energy matter itself is full of strange things..."

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