The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2030 She actually went in? !

Li Yun does not find it difficult to understand the falling out between Miao Yinqin and Hua Yu Xiansheng because of their seriousness, because he knows that all those who follow the Tao are extremely persistent in their own way!

Without this persistence, it would actually be difficult for them to enter the Tao.

Due to their persistence and persistence in their own way, it is difficult for them to accept other people's way, especially for those who have a profound sense of the way.

They may study other people's Tao, but the purpose of their research is to improve their own Tao, not to change their own Tao.

If there is a big difference in music between Miaoyinqin and Huayu Xiansheng, and they are incompatible, with their incomparable profound music and perseverance, then what will happen between the two Major conflicts are inevitable.

At this time, of course, both parties need to adjust some of their own practices to ease the conflict, so that they can continue to stay together and discuss it, otherwise they can only break up!

However, Li Yun thought of another thing and said, "Even if Miaoyinqin has a falling out with Huayu Xiansheng, she can live in seclusion wherever she wants. Why did she choose this place?"

"Good question, sir! Based on the information obtained so far, there is a special chaotic material storage underground in the area where Zexin's department is located. This special material may be what Miaoyinqin needs, so she dominates this territory! "Xiaoxing analyzed.

"That's it!" Li Yun finally realized.

"These chaotic substances contain relatively special metal components, which are also a new species for us. In addition, Xiaonu has another conclusion..."

"What conclusion?"

"There should be a lot of chaotic matter in the core of the spiritual world, and it also contains a lot of metal components." Xiaoxing said.

"You mean... the core of the spiritual world might be a metal core?!" Li Yun was a little uneasy.

"Yes! Because the formation of the spiritual world is a normal formation process of a planet. Under normal circumstances, in the early stages of planet formation, heavier materials will gradually sink and lighter materials will be pushed out, thus forming a heavy metal core. . And chaotic matter is generally heavier, so they slowly sink into the core, making it increasingly difficult to find chaotic matter!" Xiaoxing analyzed.

"If this is true, then the True Yang Clan only needs to find a relatively normal star like the spirit world and dig into it to obtain chaotic matter!" Li Yun said with a smile.

"That's true! It's just that they don't know the entire process of star formation, so they send people all over the world to search for chaotic matter." Xiaoxing said happily.

"With so much chaotic matter gathered together, will chaotic life be born?" Li Yun thought.

"It's possible! Because underground, the entire crust is a medium for vibration transmission. Chaotic matter can receive a lot of resonance information underground. Over time, it can give birth to self-awareness of life. However, we are not yet in this underground world. It is too clear that if the vitality is not strong and the environment is too harsh, it will be much more difficult to give birth to life..."

"Well, this issue is not something we need to pay urgent attention to right now. Moreover, we can't take out the underground material, because it will definitely affect the operation of the spiritual world. But we can take some of the chaotic material under Zexin's department to study ...However, it is indeed a bit troublesome to avoid the divine consciousness of Melodic Qin..."

"Young slave has a great idea!"

"Say it quickly!"

"Why have you forgotten our precious Tuntian Dou?"

"Yes!" Li Yun's eyes lit up.

With the current ability of the Tiantian Dou, no one can detect them. In addition, their appetite is astonishingly large. Only a small team of Tiantian Dou can swallow a lot of chaotic matter and come back.

He immediately sent out a team of Tiantian Dou, quietly blended into the underground of Ze Xin's tribe, and began to devour...

Suyi Miaoyinqin certainly didn't expect that she was just out of curiosity, and Li Yun and Xiaoxing found out what she was doing, and most of the underground chaos minerals she occupied were also taken away. Therefore, she is now I am still studying Xingyun No. 1 with curiosity. I don’t know where it comes from, why it suddenly appears here, and how to get in? …

In her opinion, even her own consciousness cannot penetrate this flying boat, which shows that its level has reached a very high level. Maybe it is... from the fairy world!

Thinking of this, Miaoyinqin suddenly became a little uneasy!

Because she thought that if Feizhou came from the fairy world, then its arrival was most likely related to herself, and maybe it was also related to Huayu Xiansheng!

Could it be that he found out where he was hiding and came to find him?

But his coming here is extremely secretive. How could he get the information and find his way here?

Moreover, I haven't even played the piano for so many years. It can be said that no information has been leaked. The possibility of Hua Yu Xiansheng finding this place is almost zero.

Therefore, Miaoyinqin quickly denied this speculation. Of course, the appearance of Feizhou made her think of Huayu Xiansheng again, which made her understand in her heart that she still could not forget him, which made her heart Another circle of streaks appears...

Just when she was feeling a little sentimental, she suddenly saw some movement in the flying boat. There was a flash of light near the front side, and a hatch suddenly appeared in the seemingly integrated shell. Many people walked out of it. Upon closer inspection, it turned out that They are all members of the Baize tribe!

"So it's them?! Aren't these people all plague patients? It seems that Tong Juyan sent him to some Rongbao City for treatment last time. I didn't expect to come back so soon..." Miaoyinqin suddenly felt enlightened.

She originally thought that the sudden appearance of such a high-end spaceship must have something to do with her, and she felt uneasy if she didn't find out. But now she feels relieved. It seems that someone has sent these patients back.

But a lot of doubts arose in her heart, because she was very clear about the plague. Although she occupied the holy land of Zexin tribe, she did not live her little life completely with peace of mind. She had taken action against the plague that spread among the Ze tribe, but no matter how hard she tried, she could not get rid of the plague. Seeing these patients getting sicker and sicker in front of her eyes, Miaoyinqin's heart was filled with sadness...

But now, seeing them appear vividly in front of her one by one, Miaoyinqin was astonished and her mood became relaxed and cheerful, and she soon discovered another thing that shocked her!

"What's going on with these people? Are all of them showing signs of transformation?! It seems like they're still...perfectly transformed?! Oh my god!!!" Miaoyinqin screamed in her heart.

This incident aroused her boundless curiosity, so she impulsively did something that even she had not thought of. She took advantage of the opportunity of the hatch to open and slipped in through the hatch!

Then, she froze!

Everything in Xingyun No. 1 made her feel as if she was on an alien spacecraft. This was the feeling that a person from a low-level civilization would have when they came to a high-level civilization spacecraft. This feeling was like a heavy hammer that hit her. The tapping made her a little dizzy, and she was quickly attracted by the extremely conspicuous world model above the bridge space!

I saw this shining ball, extremely beautiful, rotating slowly, filled with fairy mist. The small world inside is constantly evolving, and every movement seems to contain the great road of heaven and earth. The meaning of Tao rhyme is It was so strong that it captured the heart of the Miracle at once, and she seemed to hear the sound of the universe in it. Each musical sound hit her heart of music hard, making her feel trembling!

"Oh my god! What is this? How can there be such a happy sound? I seem to hear, hear, hear... That is what I have always dreamed of..."

She murmured in her mouth, her eyes became a little blurry, and she also felt an amazing breath of chaos from the ball, which had a fatal temptation on her. She couldn't help but slowly walked over, and walked Go over, float up, float up, float in...

"Sir! She actually went in?!" Xiaoxing exclaimed in shock.

"How could she go in by herself?!" Li Yun also shouted in disbelief.

The two of them stared blankly at the Miracle Musical Instrument wandering, jumping, and singing joyfully in this world model, with faces and hearts filled with joy, as if every cell molecule in the body was blooming with music...

Then, she inevitably, like Uncle Sheyang, Xin Yang, Wan Zhu and others, slowly underwent a perfect transformation, immersed in her own beautiful feelings...

"It's over, it's over..." Li Yun murmured.

"Sir, isolate her quickly so we can go to her lair and have a look!" Xiaoxing reminded.


Li Yun suddenly realized that he quickly isolated the transformed Miaoyinqin in a formation space, and he arrived at the outskirts of the Zexinbu Holy Land in a flash.

Standing here, you can see the slightly wild beauty of the Arctic in the Holy Land. The mountains here are covered with thick ice caps. The ice above the ice line is as steep and rugged as an ax made by heaven according to the mountain topography. Angry enough to swallow a tiger!

But below the ice line, there are changes in the four seasons, including the severe cold of winter, the bleakness of autumn, the warmth of summer, and the softness of spring... Considering that it is the daytime season in the Arctic, it is not difficult to understand this scene.

However, although the people of the Zexin tribe were able to see this holy land that they yearned for so much, they were in trouble because when they reached a certain distance from the outside, they were blocked by an invisible wall!

No matter what method they use, they can't take a step beyond the thunder pool. If they want to force their way in, the final outcome will only become worse for themselves...

Fortunately, although they were unable to enter, it seemed that this closed holy land did not bring any disastrous consequences to the tribe. Therefore, the Zexin tribe had to patiently deal with the Holy Land. They were required to perform the worship rituals. There will be no shortage of them. If something happens in the clan, they will hold a clan meeting nearby or something like that. This is also the reason why Miaoyinqin learned about the plague...

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