The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2028 The role of resonance

"As long as we act in accordance with the laws of heaven, the rules of the universe will not do anything to us, and the uniqueness we display is just a process of evolution in the eyes of the rules..." Xiaoxing analyzed.

"Despite this, before we have the power of the universe, we still have to be careful in everything. If it is discovered by the rules, its pursuit and killing will be very terrifying..." Li Yun thought.

"Sir, we now have the power of a universe! The civilization in the former universe can reach up to the ultimate civilization! As long as we have enough energy, we can activate it!" Xiaoxing said.

"Despite this, there should be an ultimate civilization like the Black Hole Clan in this universe. Moreover, our think tank is more about the power of wisdom. If we want to transform it into real combat power, we must wait until we build a star." Let's talk about Yun No. 3, or a more advanced flying boat..." Li Yun smiled.

"It's only a matter of time! When we have the power to challenge the Lord of the Universe, we'll pay him a visit then!" Xiaoxing said confidently.

Li Yun felt his heart surge after hearing this. He didn't expect that Xiaoxing's spirit was so high. It seemed that he, the master, could not be compared with him, so he said: "Okay! This is indeed a matter of time! The power of wisdom is infinite. , as long as our wisdom exceeds his, we can defeat him sooner or later. Moreover, since we can appear in this universe, it means that the rules of the universe here are not perfect, and we are the loopholes in the rules of this universe. As long as we have enough power, You can use your own power to cause a large-scale collapse of the rules of this universe. At that time, the Lord of the universe will only need to compromise with us, otherwise this universe will only end in total collapse!"

"Your Excellency is right! Even a tiny loophole may cause the collapse of the whole. This has been proven to be true both in the past and now! What's more, this loophole is now in our own hands, so, It will be a matter of time before we meet the Lord of the Universe, but the initiative is undoubtedly in our hands!" Xiaoxing agreed.

After some communication between the two, not only did they feel more settled, but their morale also became higher, because the initiative is indeed in their own hands. As long as they can continue to improve and have enough energy, then one day they can go After a while, the matter of the Lord of the Universe is also in my plan, it depends on my mood at the time...

Li Yun came back to his senses, thought of the previous question, and said quickly: "This matter should be included in our plan first. However, you just mentioned that the evolution of our think tank has revealed how the breath of vitality awakens life. If you are conscious, please tell me!"

"My lord, it's all about vibration!"

"Vibration?!" Li Yun was slightly startled.

"Yes, it's vibration! Or rather, it's resonance!" Xiaoxing said proudly.

"How can resonance... be related to life consciousness?" Li Yun couldn't figure it out for a while.

In fact, the two of them were discussing a huge topic. It is normal for them to be confused for a while or for a long time. Li Yun has just come into contact with this topic, so it is normal for him not to understand.

Xiaoxing said: "The vitality breath is indeed very important. It can nourish the carrier of life and produce vitality and primitive consciousness. But what really plays a key role is vibration!"

"Oh? Could it be that the vibration activated consciousness?" Li Yun asked suspiciously.

“Consciousness is divided into primitive consciousness and self-consciousness. Primitive consciousness shows that life has been born, but the life form at this time is still relatively low-level and mainly relies on instinct.

What vibration activates is the self-awareness of the life carrier. The life that has generated self-awareness is relatively advanced, has self-awareness, and can study, practice, etc. After the breath of vitality nourishes the life carrier, it makes the life carrier more sensitive to the surrounding vibrations and resonates with these vibrations. This is the key to life's self-awareness! "Xiao Xing continued.

"How did it evolve here?" Li Yun continued to ask.

"For example, by chance, a life carrier appears, like a huge rock, a mountain, an interface, a body of water, a planet... They can sense all the vibrations around them and create a certain resonance with them! This Everything around you includes sound, air, various materials and life activities. These activities are intertwined and produce various vibrations. The vibrations of each material and life will eventually tend to resonate at a certain frequency. Therefore, there will be countless kinds of resonances around the life carrier. After a certain period of time, the life carrier gradually has a clear identification of various resonances, and its self-awareness is also strongly activated, making him realize His own existence exists together with everything around him..." Xiaoxing analyzed.

"Oh? Has this been proven by experiments?" Li Yun asked urgently.

"Yes! The simplest way is to put several Yao Qins together. Even if one Yao Qin does not move and only plays the others, their vibrations will affect the motionless Yao Qin due to air conduction. , causing the same resonance! It can be seen that as long as there is a suitable medium, such as air, water, soil, etc., the same material will have the same resonance frequency, the same sound will have the same resonance frequency, the same Activities will also have similar resonance frequencies...and an important role of vitality breath is to nourish the life carrier, making the conduction effect of the medium better, so that it can activate self-awareness faster!" Xiaoxing explained.

"It makes sense! The breath of vitality allows the life carrier to better identify where various resonances come from, allowing it to better position itself, thus creating self-awareness!" Li Yun said with some surprise.

"My lord, I finally understand! Yes, it is precisely because of this resonance characteristic that the life carrier resonates with the surrounding vibrations. This resonance stimulates the birth of life's self-awareness!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.


Li Yun was extremely shocked when he heard this. He didn't expect that self-awareness was born in this way!

This conclusion is extremely important, because it can explain why in the mysterious world, many life forms have self-awareness, thus getting rid of the original form of low-level life. For example, a world tree, before it develops self-awareness, is just a silently growing tree. They are just ordinary trees, but after developing self-awareness, world tree powers like Xiaohou can appear.

Xiaoxing continued: "Resonance stimulation is an important factor in the birth of life consciousness, especially the self-awareness of life. Only when a life form truly possesses self-awareness can we identify it as a truly intelligent life. Otherwise, we can only It is a low-level life form, such as the pigs kept in captivity by humans in the former universe. They have no self-consciousness at all and are certainly low-level life forms. However, the armored and toothed pigs that appeared in the Cuixiang Divine Realm have been cultivated to an extremely abnormal level and cannot be regarded as ordinary pigs at all. It should be treated as an intelligent life."

Li Yun nodded and thought: "So, for us humans, newborns do not have much self-awareness when they are born, and their self-awareness is mainly stimulated by the resonance of various materials and activities around them. Was it born?"

"Yes! After a newborn is born, he has no self-awareness at first. At this time, he is still in a low-level form, and his activities purely rely on the instinct of life. But as he feels all kinds of things around him, After such a resonance, he began to position himself in his mind, and then his self-awareness slowly formed, and at this time he began to develop towards an advanced form." Xiaoxing explained.

"In this way, resonance has a great effect on the self-awareness of life. Does it have any effect on the improvement of life's intelligence?" Li Yun thought of this point again.

"Of course it works, and it works very well! For example..."

"Like what?"

"We know that if a newborn often listens to good music, he will appear smarter when he grows up. This is mainly affected by the resonance of good music. In addition, why does everyone grow into a different individual with different characteristics? Temperament, character, intelligence and way of doing things, environmental influence is an important factor. If a person grows up in a scholarly environment, he will tend to become more bookish. If a person grows up in a martial arts environment, he will become more bookish. Those who grow up in a cultivation environment tend to become more powerful, and even their personal image will change as a result. This has a great relationship with the various resonance information in environmental factors!" Xiaoxing analyzed. road.

"Well said! Every living being should indeed listen more to the sounds and vibrations around him, feel more about the pros and cons, and allow himself to be more proactive in contacting better and more advanced vibrational information. This should help improve his life. status." Li Yun said.

"Yes, this situation is a bit like the story of the hero and the dragon that we analyzed earlier. If a person is always exposed to evil things like dragons, over time, it is very likely that he will become evil. , because his heart has already resonated with those evil things. And if a person always actively gets rid of some bad things and comes into contact with some beautiful and high-level things, over time, he can also resonate with his soul, thus making himself My life status has also become better and more advanced..." Xiaoxing smiled.

"Now that I think about it, we arranged for Du Xin and Du Yun to recite sutras and chants to Shi Yue every day, which also gave him the opportunity to resonate with these two eminent monks, thus giving him the opportunity to cleanse his original evil heart and slowly become a better person... "

"This will definitely have a certain effect. As long as the time is long enough, the effect will be large enough..."

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