The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2026 The result of evolution

Li Yun nodded and said: "Of course, life was gradually conceived after the birth of the world. Therefore, almost no life can see the entire process of the birth and evolution of the world from beginning to end, unless he has enough longevity. Yuan, you can come to the side of a newly emerged chaotic air mass and see it from beginning to end, but such a person is probably only possible with cosmic-level beings!"

"You need at least a level five civilization to have life of this level!" Xiaoxing agreed.

"That's right! So, for now, if you want to understand the birth of a large world, you can only rely on speculation, and the speculation must be based on evidence. These grounds cannot be based on imagination. Uncle Sheyang can think of starting from chaotic matter. But this is far from enough, only we can do it through observation." Li Yun said with a smile.

"But only we can make observations. The life in this world has not yet left this solar circle, and it is even less possible to see how the world in the farther starry sky is born and evolves, so they can only rely on imagination... "Xiao Xing said happily.

"Yes, after our observation arrays are built, we will be able to see the world farther away. By then, we will definitely have a more thorough and perfect understanding of the birth of the new world!" Li Yun said with enthusiasm. .

"It must be possible!" Xiaoxing said decisively.

The two people talked about using observation methods to understand the birth of new worlds because in the universe, as the universe itself evolves, the birth of each world in it is also sequential.

The evolution process of the world born first is much earlier than that of the world born later. Moreover, some new worlds are actually reborn on the ruins of the old world!

Just like this, if you can rely on observation methods to observe the evolution of these existing worlds, then you can deduce how the world you live in was born and evolved, because in the same universe, similar levels, similar In the world of types, the processes of birth and evolution should be basically the same!

But in this world of cultivation and civilization, people rely more on their eyes and spiritual consciousness to observe the starry sky. The range that can be seen with this method is really limited. Therefore, in people's minds, they have more understanding of the starry sky. awe, and more conjectures and imaginations.

This is a bit like before when the technological civilization of the universe was not yet developed. People even thought that where they were was the center of the universe, and the surrounding starry sky was rotating around them!

Such conjectures and imaginations are of course unreliable and cannot be used as basis to support conclusions.

Wise men like Uncle Sheyang will inevitably fall into such conjectures and imaginations. As a result, many of the conclusions they draw are fallacious, and these wrong conclusions will affect the younger generations of their clan. Mistakes are added to mistakes. This situation is actually a chasm in the development process, or a trap!

The more such traps there are, the more difficult it will be for a race or a civilization to continue to develop and jump into a more advanced civilization, because they will be trapped by the traps they continue to develop!

Most of the time, most low-level civilizations disappear in such traps, and only a handful of civilizations can escape from such traps and enter a higher-level civilized world.

And the reason why they can do this is that there must be the emergence of geniuses. These geniuses dare to question the wrong conclusions of their predecessors and create new viewpoints, thereby pulling the development of their own race or civilization back on the right track. Only by constantly accumulating energy can you jump over the traps and enter a higher civilization!

A jump of this level,

Relying on one or two geniuses alone is not enough, because only by achieving correct development in all fields can it be possible to comprehensively improve the level of the entire civilization.

There are actually real examples to prove this situation, such as the Soul Army created by Li Yun and Xiaoxing.

The emergence of the Soul Army is only a part of the mortals. Although they themselves have been transformed and evolved, they cannot bring the entire second-level civilization world of mortals to the level of the third-level civilization where the world of cultivation is located.

Therefore, to realize the leap of civilization, what is needed is overall improvement, not partial improvement. Of course, partial improvement is also a necessary process. Only when the part is improved first can the whole be driven. The problem is only that the part that is improved first is , how much influence do they have on the whole? Or do they have the awareness and intention to drive other parts to improve together?

Often, some parts that improve first use methods of plundering or exterminating other parts, reducing other parts to become their energy providers and serving their enjoyment. Then this problem is a bit big. Maybe, it will Even they themselves are affected and may fall off again...

In Li Yun and Xiaoxing's model, the evolutionary process guided by observation methods accounts for a large proportion, but observations cannot completely replace experiments and analysis. Many detailed changes in the process still need to be verified through calculations and experiments. , and these involve extremely powerful computing power and analytical capabilities.

Such a problem is not too big for Li Yun and Xiaoxing now, because Xiaoxing's calculation speed has reached 40% of the speed of light, and Li Yun has reached 30%. In this universe, the speed of light is faster than the speed of light in the previous universe. It is much faster, so it is not an exaggeration to say that Li Yun and Xiaoxing are now calculating at the speed of light!

Such an ability is extremely terrifying, and is unimaginable by people like Uncle Sheyang, Xinyang and Wanzhu. Some problems that they think are extremely difficult are just a piece of cake for Li Yun and Xiaoxing!

Therefore, Li Yun and Xiaoxing can make this model evolve smoothly, but the people watching are different. They only see the grandeur on the surface, but in fact they cannot imagine how the evolution proceeds inside. clear.

Even if the facts are right in front of them, they don't know what causes such facts!

For example, they saw the birth of the sun, but they could not figure out why a sun could be born through the accumulation of gaseous materials. Why is this?

In addition, why is the material around the sun basically on the same plane as the sun, orbiting in an elliptical shape? This is why?

Why are the large celestial bodies that exist close to the sun more likely to be solid, such as the mysterious world, the demon world, the devil world, and the soul world, while the places far away from the sun are mostly gaseous celestial bodies?

In short, all these facts are here. People who see it may be curious, and some people may not have thought of these issues...

But Uncle Sheyang must have thought of it, because he is in a state of confusion now. Obviously, this model is very different from what he originally thought, so he kept asking and answering himself , in the end I couldn’t answer it, so I could only ask questions, and kept asking...

It can be seen that he really wants to show up to talk to Li Yun, but now Li Yun is also thinking, controlling, and trying to make this world more real and perfect, so he doesn't want to disturb Li Yun. Thoughts, at the same time, he should still have some concerns.

But what he didn't know was that he could no longer hide himself in Li Yun's eyes, and his every move was being monitored.

Li Yun himself also cherished this opportunity, because either he didn't do something, but once he did it, he had to make it as perfect as possible. He regarded it as a training project for himself. Therefore, with the help of Xiaoxing, he worked hard Constantly calculating and controlling.

To be honest, there are not many things that can make Li Yun go all out now, and this world evolution model is definitely one of them!

Under his comprehensive mobilization, the entire model bloomed with astonishing Taoism. The Dao light illuminated the place, making it sparkling and full of vitality. The aura of chaos, the aura of fairy spirits, and the essence of the sun filled it. It was incomparably wonderful!

The entire bridge suddenly fell silent, but Li Yun seemed not to notice it at all, because all his concentration was concentrated on this Taoist work!

I don’t know how long it took, but Li Yun’s eyes lit up and he shouted: “It’s finally done!”

"Hey, sir, you did a good job!" Xiaoxing praised.

"How many percent can it be?"

"About 60%!" Xiaoxing said.

"Sixty's not bad..." Li Yun was startled and said with a slightly red face.

Unexpectedly, after working so hard to build this model, he could only achieve about 60% of the effect, which really made him feel ashamed...

However, this is not difficult to understand, because the information available at hand is still very limited, and the observation array has not been fully activated. Many experiments are still in progress. Many calculations may not be in place yet, or due to incomplete data and information. , making the calculation results deviate...

In short, under the current conditions, it can achieve 60% effect, which is an incredible and huge achievement!

You must know that what Li Yun is controlling now is the birth and evolution of a new world. This is an unprecedented task. To build such a new world with 60% effect on a blank basis, the meaning is extremely amazing. , even Li Yun himself felt comfortable all over, and there was an urge in his heart that he couldn't do without exploding!

"Sir, if you want to shout, come back to Tianyun World later. Isolate all these transformed people first!" Xiaoxing reminded.

"What? Transformed person?!"

Li Yun was startled and suddenly realized when he looked around. He saw that everyone here was in a confused state of transformation, including Uncle Sheyang who had been wandering around asking questions, not to mention Xinyang and Wan. Zhu and Chiyan are gone!

"Oh my god! This time I got into big trouble!!!" Li Yun said in shock, his heart beating wildly.

"Hey, sir, you have given them a precious opportunity to transform! Especially Uncle Sheyang, with his level of cultivation, it is estimated that only the ten prophets in his clan can transform him..."

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